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Fan Fiction

The Ancile- chapter four
Posted By: Jammerfer<Jammerfer@hotmail.com>
Date: 28 October 2005, 12:57 am

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CHAPTER 4=========================================

0557 hours, April 20th, 2525 (Military Calendar)
UNSC Scout Ship Argo, Harvest System.

      Luna OCS had been the best academy that he could have chosen, even if it had lead to his death. They had taught him well, and he was proud that his memory would be honored, even if he was not able to attend his own funeral. Would his wife mourn him? Of course, what a strange question. How long did he have? Their past shots did not take this long to charge. The visits to Earth between semesters, it had been during one of these that he had met her, where was it? Oh yes, the terminal, she had been a young co-pilot between flights. He was proud of his crew, they faced death with honor. How he wanted to tell them. Curse these merciless monsters. Why was there no warning? How long until a search team comes for us? How long has it been since we called in our arrival? Hours? Minutes? No help will be coming. Hmm. Wait, what is that?
      Garret's thoughts abruptly halted as he focused on the distant phenomenon rapidly approaching. It was an extremely large light, much larger than the enemy ships, and eerily silent. There seemed to be a distortion in the area around it, debris vanishing as if magnetically drawn to it. And as it raced closer, the electronic systems onboard the Argo began to dim and falter. It closed the distance very rapidly, and it's electromagnetic properties seemed to cause a severe malfunction in the aliens' weaponry, the large blue energy blobs dispersing into nothingness. Was this an opportunity to attack? To escape? No, at this speed this object would pass through extremely quickly, they were all simply being interrupted momentarily at best. And at worst? He had no time to consider what exactly was occuring, as the large force shifted direction and headed directly straight towards the skirmish and was almost upon them all, dwarfing them in it's glorious light. He was, however, able to witness dozens of small, metallic, teardrop shaped objects pour from the sides of the ships. An evacuation? He hadn't even considered it, of his ship's thirteen lifeboats, he had no idea how many remained intact. But then again, how many of his ship's one-hundred-seventeen soldiers and crewmen still remained alive? It didn't matter, most were in cryo, and would die oblivious to the attack. His ship had also sustained heavy damage, and it's slipspace drive was the only way off of this outer colony. No, escape was no longer even feasable.
      The teardrop shaped ships, each roughly half the size of a longsword, seemed to float uselessly in the same trajectory that they had headed upon exiting the behemoth ships, and in less than the blink of an eye, the large force was upon them, engulfing, then powerfully and electromagnetically, drawing in the Argo and the teardrop ships, but only one of the whale motherships.
      In their coma-like state, none could evade a head on collision with the object, and all but the damaged one leading the attack, because of the fact that its shields were not yet recharged had a large quantity of exposed metal, were violently repelled away from the light, the force fatally damaged the ships' integrity as the shields were instantaneously blown away, the hulls sharply bent, then shattered, explosive decompressions tearing the many segments of the ships apart. The only one spared was drawn into the light the same as the Argo, but not before sustaining heavy blows from the remains of its fellow ships which, now unshielded, were also drawn into the brilliant fray.
      Garret had only had time to witness the inside of the large energy laced phenomenon, an enourmous silver object with dozens of rough edges, before a complete darkness enfolded the bridge and a spine shattering crash caused his head to get smashed against the side of his command chair, causing him to black out.
      The powerful light flashed brilliantly, enourmous, powerful flares of electrical energy exploding in various directions as the monster sped up, and then suddenly dissappeared. The only thing left to show that there had been anything here at all was a glowing residue which designated the mysterious object's seven second appearance, which extended the one hundred and eighty-six miles of its path. That too, however, dimmed and vanished into nothingness, just as everything else had. The only witness to these events was a lonely, burning planet.
