
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Jake Meents<superman13032001@yahoo.com>
Date: 28 September 2005, 2:01 am

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Wong ran to the com moniter when the combat alarm blared. Captain rogans face fill the screen and his voice echoed throughout the bay. Private wong this is a vry bad situation we need to get every thing to geather and abandon ship. The hell if im going to let the covenant get a hold of are new ship planet side. If they catch us now while were dead in space were screwed. Get your teams togeather get every body to there ships run through finall launch preps and be ready to launch on my order. Sir yes sir wong replide as he snapped off a crisp salute. You heard the man wong barked get your asses in gear.

The shadow star had been stripped the only things left on baord that hadnt been packed up and loaded on the various ships on boaed to be deliverd to the new ship were the bare necesities to hold it togeather. The hole outer ship had been stripped fo its armer and the only places there was any left was in medium sized hunks barley holding the super strucyure together. Tje shadow star had been stripped of everything down to its externall enganes the bridge crew were even unhooking and packing up every thing in the brigde. Even life suport had benn unhooked and packed up ther wasonly enough oxygen left for a few short hours and the internall temp had dropped drasticly.

Back on the bridge there was a deafning blare as the ship was struck by a plasma torpedo and swung to port. Status report screamed rogan. Sir covenant ships 50,000 clicks to starbored mimimall damage to the bottom superstructure it was a pulse laser ther just fucking whith us.

The only internall rooms left on the shadow star were converted to launc bays and the whole ship was filled with these all around its ruined frame.

Evavsive manouvers barked rogan to a menacing nav ensign, Coarse correction change heading 330 by 310, buuut..buu..but sir thats will put us on a reentry caorse are you mad weel burn up and the super structure is allready week... Now damnet screamed rogan going red in the face we take take another direct hit like that fucking with us or not.

Yes sir the ensign spit nastily through gritted teath,what was that rogan inquierd nothing sir corecting course now. Back in the fighterbay wong felt the ship lurch while its remaining manouvering thrusters fierd somthing was wrong they were headed on a reentrie corse.

Wong raced to his newly issued hawk fighter and strapped into the pilot seat. He knew what was coming.
Severall more pilots followed his example and ran to ther hawks and falcons and severall new issued shutles and miniture freighters, Along with some of these new ships were hybrid vessells that were live boats combined with longsward fighters that could fight up to 5 seraphs and most likly come out unscathed.

Rogan gave the order to abandon ship and all through the ship there was the dull thumps of decompresion while the doors opend and the ships launched. This hapend while some merines were still clambering onto wongs fighter. The marines panicked and bolted aboard they maded it just as the boarding ramp sealed and the clamps suspending the ship disconected the ship spun on its axis and used its antie gravity drive to hover in place while the bay doors opend and the decompresion and they jettisend them out.

The captain and the bridge crew ran to a life boat fighter hybrid and dashed up the ramp. But the captain was halled up, the young ensign leveld what looked liked a m6d at his head impossible rogan thoght those were discontinued.

Rogan faster than lightning lashed out his right hand and plucked the pistoll from the ensigns hand levelled it squeezed the triger and to his suprise was rewarded with two rapid three shot burts that blew the ensigs head 5 fett before it exploded.

My my sutch a messy weapon relide joanna wrangler a corperall odst one of the captains best freinds as he pocketed his new treasur and sealed the boarding ramp. The pilot an elite in shimering green armer swore softly at the size of the human cokpit and kicked in the after burners to get away frome the disgraced one majestic shadow star.

Stop complaining and fly this tin can aburma zoranered before we get blown to bits by those shivas back aboard the ship. What shivas replyed the crew nervously in unison. Oh! i forgot to tell u rogan stated curtly and pulle dout a data pad. Before calling baroot the captains personall smart ai and told him to run a search on the newly issued pistoll and to brife the cerw on the shivas.

While baroot brifed the crew the captain smiled at the specs of the pistoll it was less of a side arm and more of a primary weapon he stopped in mid sentence and somthing made him frown it read perferd waepon of the spartan threes and black nova class hell jumpers he could see why. The pistoll had a clip of 88 rounds and firerd 15.5 mm semi armer pircing fin stabalized anti matter balistic rounds. He frowned how could that be possible the clip was tiny then he saw how the shells were really small and used concentrated explosives to give them the srtength and he smiled when he saw the tiny fins on the magifide image. Apart from the balistic ammo the pistoll allso fetured a 2 and 5 times zoom scope and fierd in rapid and slow burts and had single shot and semi auto fire.

The crew found out that two shivas had been left aboard the shadow star so that when the covenant moved in for the kill they could remote detonat and blast those bug eyed bastards out of the sky.

Tere was a sudden blast of lite then a nuclear repor. somthing was wrong the coveys had moved in early there torpedos had set of the nukes. The resulting shock wave nocked out ther shields and the emp shut down the engines then a surge of sparks from a concill and the after burners kicked in and dide out again when the shipped enterd the atmosphere, but it was to late to slow down rogan only hope to get the shileds and manouvering thrusters back up he could slow them down only if aburma and baroot could get those sytems back online.
