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Fan Fiction

Alliance: Chapter 4
Posted By: Jack Roads
Date: 7 November 2005, 12:56 am

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"Major Blaine White. It's a pleasure." Said Lieutenant Barker. "Hello lieutenant. I'm sorry but I need to speak with Admiral Hood immediately." Said Blaine. "Very well." He replied. "Follow me." They went into a room that had a screen in the back. They contacted Admiral Hood. "What can I do for you Major?" he asked. Blaine explained. "Sir. The covenant was just turned upside down. I need to be brief. There is currently a civil war going on in the Covenant, and the elites, grunts, and hunters have all broken off of the Covenant. They are no longer enemies." "I was wondering why some of the ships that came to earth were firing on each other. I'll send aid to those ships." Hood replied. "Alright, I'm coming to-" Blaine was interrupted by a member of the staff. "Brutes! In quad two! They just got in!" he shrieked. Blaine grabbed his shotgun and rifle and went into the area. When he reached the area, it was littered with eviscerated corpses of brutes. Blood was every where. Floors. Walls. Even splotches were on the ceiling. And in the center of it all… stood an elite. Wearing orange and red armor, and holding an energy sword. "Burn! I thought you were dead. Apparently not." "Did you kill that sniper that almost killed us?" Burn asked. "Yes, I tagged him with a grenade." "Good." Burn replied. Then Blaine received a radio transmission alerting him of nearby ground forces. "I'll be right back." Said Blaine. When he returned he had his new rifle, a battle rifle and his personal modified shotgun. He gave the rifle to Burn and they headed to the phantom. They, two more elites and the three good marines under Blaine went to the area. It was a mountain range. They arrived at the area and decided to split into two teams. Burn, an elite, and the ODST, Carlos Janson made up one team, and Blaine, an elite, and Corporals Jacobs and Watson made up the other team. They split up and began to search the mountainside. As they were traversing the rocky cliffs, a beam rifle shot streaked through the air. "Jacobs. Take him out." Said Blaine. Not seconds after the order he heard a loud crack and he watched as a jackal toppled off of a cliff, a bullet hole through its head. As they continued there was a small caldera, and in the center there was a hovering phantom, and two brutes, five jackals, and five buggers came out of it. "Easy as pie." Muttered Blaine. He had both teams surround the group in pairs, and signaled for everyone to get a grenade ready. He dropped his hand and seven grenades arced through the air, killing every enemy in a fiery explosion of smoking limbs and charred appendages. They then took the phantom and headed into space…
They arrived in Blaine's personal ship after rounding up troops. It was a small ship, but it could accommodate 150 persons, plus the captain. They aided the allied UNSC ships and ex-covenant ships with the defense of earth. They eventually drove the covenant fleet off. Afterward, since there was little to do, they all went to the rec. wing of the ship to occupy themselves. One elite went over to the ODST, Carlos and asked, "Why is your armor different than everyone else's?" "I am an ODST. We get different armor." He said. "STD did you say?" the elite asked. The whole human group burst out laughing. "No, its ODST. Say, do you have a wife?" he asked the elite. "Wife?" the elite said apparently not recognizing the term. "Soulmate." He said. "Ah, yes in fact I do. He is-" "He?" Carlos asked. "Yes. We are the females of our race. The males are the engineers that run our ships." "Wow." Carlos said. "We know surprisingly little about your race." Blaine and Burn were having a conversation as well. "I noticed that way back when we were rescuing my comrades you demonstrated some amazing skills. You also have white hair. Why?" Burn asked. Blaine replied, "Do you know about that super soldier they call a Spartan? You called him a demon." "Yes." Replied Burn. "Well he is biologically engineered to be so effective. I am also biologically engineered. But I altered my DNA using ultra-controlled gamma radiation. I have a very limited regenerative ability, as well as enhanced vision. I also received extra muscle tissue implanted in my legs and arms, enhancing my strength. The white hair is a side effect of the altered DNA. I am a scientist. I did all this on my own, after my wife died at Sigma Octanus. That's when I dedicated myself to the destruction of the Covenant." Then Blaine received a radio transmission from Admiral Hood asking him to check out a UNSC ship that wasn't responding their calls. They went to investigate. When they got on board something was wrong. There was utter silence. No one was there to greet them. As they entered the first hall it too was empty, save a single green splotch on the floor. The air smelled as well. They heard an unearthly screech and suddenly hundreds of infection forms and dozens of combat forms poured into the hallway. Blaine and his squad opened fire, mowing them down like grass. But there were too many. The flood was just flooding the hallway. "Pull back!" Blaine yelled. As they retreated and sealed the door, Blaine said, "I'll be back." He felt a sense of de ja vu, but didn't know why. They got in their ship, and Blaine went to the radio and said, " Major Blaine White to cryo bay, thaw out 089."
