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Fan Fiction

Last Defence Of Firebase Marian
Posted By: HyperMegaVince<vince_luvs_life_and_beer@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 November 2005, 1:13 am

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Year: 2551 Planet: Firebase Marian Omicron Draconis IV Unit: 2nd platoon, Charlie Company, 56th Battalion, 202nd Airborne Regiment, 6th MarDiv, UNSCMC

Staff Sergeant Kenneth Reynolds intensified the magnification on his binoculars. Those Covenent ess oh bees were up to something. It was too damn quiet. Thats when the first Marine sentry collapsed as a purple beam speared him in the chest. "Sniper!" he yelled, and dropped flat into the trench.
The positron rifle beams began picking off the Marines who were to slow, but the M41A2 Heavy Anti-Personnel Gun were quick to lock onto the sources of fire. There was a roar as the three barreled guns spat high explosive death at the trees.
The remaining Marines of 2nd platoon cheered, but Reynolds knew it was pointless. Their platoon had been left behind as a rear guard while the rest of the company pulled back to the city, and thus evac. At least the bloody covenant hadn't brought up any armor yet. The supply of Jackhammer rocket ammo was limited.
A trio of ghosts piloted by some Elites zoomed out of the forest underbrush, plasma cannons sending blue globs of energy into the trench walls. A few lucky shots hit one of the HAPG turrets causing it to catastrophically explode taking its crew with it. A rocket jockey fired of a pair of rockets at them, managing to take out all three, but the Covenant weren't done yet.
Twoscore or so assorted aliens charged the firebase defence lines, escorted by a pair of Banshees. The defenders managed to kill all the aliens, but as the last banshee was downed, a group of Phantoms streaked down from orbit to hover above the fire base, pounding it with hellish plasma.
As Reynolds and the Marines struggled to fight of the mass of angry buggers, they were pushed back into the center of the base, around the command bunker. At this point, it was only Reynolds and five other troopers. The ground was flourescant blue and purple with Covenant blood and gore. The chain gun which Reynolds was manning overheated, and there was a blue flash behind him as a plasma grenade exploded against the door. He could hear the inhuman grunting of those alien scum. There was another loud explosion and part of the roof caved in, crushing two privates. Reynolds picked up his shotgun, and disentegrated the first two grunts. The other remaining Marine, a Corporal Mendelez, lobbed a two frags out the roof, and the concussive blasts shook the bunker.
Reynolds realized that someone was insistently speaking in his radio link.
"This is Navy Captain Ingabaire, does anybody read me?" came the voice again, slightly scratchy from static.
"Staff Sergeant Reynolds reporting, sir!" he yelled. "Firebase Marian is being overrun! Repeat, Firebase Marian is being overrun! This is a large site of alien forces! Recommend a FAE strike, sir!"
"Thats a negative, Sergeant. If theres anyone left down there, we're comin' to pick you up."
"I'd advise against that, Captain! The Covies are swarming here!"
At this point, Mendelez's left side evaporated as a fuel rod bolt caught him leaving him howling in pain. Reynolds drew his sidearm and put two rounds through the remains of the poor Corporal's head.
"Sir, theres only me left! Just dust the place, now!" the Sergeant said.
"Very well, Staff Sergeant. Its been a pleasure." said the voice, and the link went dead.
Two Elites jumped into the bunker, but Reynolds took out the pair of vicious enemies with the shotgun in his right hand and the next enemy, this time a Jackal, was easily vanquished by the rest of the bullets in the magazine of Reynolds' handgun.
There was a deafening bang and the bunker door flew of it's hinges, catching the Marine in his back. He realised that he was trapped, and as a grinning alien face loomed in his vision, Staff Sergeant Reynolds noticed a pair of Longsword bombers streak across the sky. Then the white hot fire enveloped him.

Lieutenant Commander Weiss looked at his rear display screen, as the firestorm from the Fuel Air Explosive bomb blossomed to cover the entire horde of Covenant ground forces. "Echo Four-Three to Echo Four-Four, I'm going to take a closer look" The pilot flipped the delta shaped fighter-bomber into a wingover, and looked through his cockpit window. Nothing was moving, but everything was burning. He got the feeling like he was doing the Covenant's job for them. "I've had enough to see for today. Lets go home, Echo Four-Four."
