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Fan Fiction

Heretic Exodus-The Liberation
Posted By: Hydra<swiftstick31@yahoo.com>
Date: 28 December 2005, 5:55 pm

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Heretic Exodus
Sky L

The Heretic relieved his Covenant Carbine of his last projectile and hurled it aside. He striped his overlays for a side-weapon and felt a Needler around his strap, hugging the hot spikes through his fingers.
Gala 'Gammamee focused his aim onto the switch of the terminal, deposing a tear of sweat over his forehead.

'Gammamee took a moment to reconcile his reflections.

'The Covenant invading the station…'
'The ignorance, the arrogance…'
'The truth…'

The Heretic Field Master was in the very bottom of the facility, precisely where the storm sank its tempest winds. The chamber around him was fiery and devoid and in front of him was a massive barrier.
The barrier was lit in hot air from gravity lifts in front of it, as it was split in trenches after it.
Colossus as the chamber was designated was a spanning assembly filled with conveyor belts and gas containers to fuel the station's gravity.

'Gammamee scanned his fingers over the terminal, pressing the opaque emblems. An echoing creak issued from the belt and it stopped, the gas containers clinging to the ramps below.

'This was it…'
'The releasing of a monster…a juggernaut of a beast…'
'The orders were simply intolerable but he…'
'Must continue the truth…'

The Floodgate as the Heretics dubbed it clamored a racket as it slowly released a clamp. 'Gammamee rubbed his fingers against his face, twitching a mandible nervously while he brought his Needler to his front.
With a hesitant gasp he cautiously neared the looming black switch, plucking his pace from the switch with teary jolts.

"By the Forerunners, why can't they see the truth!?" 'Gammamee gulped.
The stale air whizzed through his snout and he coughed a sniffle as he hammered down a hail of crystallites into the switch.
The switch flattened under the violet rain, and it gave up. The switch faltered into its clamp but struggled to a snap.

The switch triggered and the loud clamor of the Floodgate noiselessly churned. The wet march of a nightmare sounded and the Heretic turned to them.
The Parasites from the gate scurried out and flitted their spores around, creating a cluttered atmosphere inside.

'Gammamee drifted from them and drove his feet to the gravity lift. He jumped to it and felt the hot air propel him upward. The purple gloss of the base he bounced on drifted a flock of Infection Forms toward him.
He urged his Needler into their fleshy skins and the crystals impacted the metal and pelted their hides, exploding their diminutive innards.

The Heretic inclined his soles and forced forward, ignoring the Infection Forms that skimmed their tentacles into the metal. He leapt toward the elevator and bided his stance, waving his Needler toward the parasites.
Inside the elevator his squad of Grunts and Elites waited where they spurted skyward into the transit.

"I did it" 'Gammamee panted to his squad, squatting his knees and gasping for air, which in this ambience there wasn't a lot.
"We must assist the Heretic Leader, restrain the Covenant, and help the Oracle suppress the Flood before an infestation transpires" 'Gammamee yanked a Covenant Carbine from his ally handing him a Needler.
"Yes, Leader" They chanted, waiting for the elevator to halt.

The Heretics then appeared through the horizon of the station…Waiting for the Heretic Leader to give them more life-threatening yet righteous orders…


Covenant Bastion, Halo
Ninth Age of Reclamation
I lead, I do not follow…

Hydra, the commended and disciplined Heretic Veteran examined his unique plating of his armor, removing his reflections from the Heretic Raid on Threshold. He tried to dismiss, but endured the Prophet's mistakes.

'Hadn't the Covenant intervened with their Arbiter, Heresy surely would have prevailed. The Oracle would've assisted them with the truth and the Heretic Leader would still live'

Hydra shuddered at the release of the Flood imbedded on his conscience and focused on the 'here and now.'
'Gammamee extended his palm and placed a spare clip inside his Covenant Carbine. He waited for the novel sputter empty the purple nose as it silted the spit into his arms. Hydra heard the reliable click of the clip snap into place and he kneeled to the body of a dead Heretic, resting his hands onto his chestplate.
The Elite's body had gashes all over it, with a slit of a Brute Shot blade lying next to him. The murderer set next to him, with Hydra's fire all over his impure hide.

The Heretic hailed this Elite to his squad, throwing his arms toward the cupola, blessing the body to the Forerunner's will, and their will alone…
Hydra then walked over to a dead Grunt and Marine and hailed their souls. He looked to the cupola and grazed the shadows of a whistle that brushed past the shafts.

The Covenant Phantom whizzed past the shafts and created diverse craters into the energy splints with the plasma turrets.
"Company, Marines! Let's clear a path for our new friends!" The Marine Sergeant yelled.
"Brothers! Let's move!" The Heretic Field Master ordered, stretching his mandibles to full extent.
They all bestridden to an enormous portal, where the molding sealed with radiant purple beams of light going outside the door. Next to it was a foliage-covered terminal that stuck from the crease with the blipping lights.

"Get on that door, warrior!" Hydra commanded, stepping from the ancient ramp and onto the platform where the portal was.
The Elite typed on the terminal, rapping his fingers onto the antique monitor.
"Form up!" He barked, readjusting his hold on the Carbine.
The Grunts and Elites formed ranks after the Marines as the portal opened in a flash of light.
A vacuous corridor was dark and wet with water dripping from patches of light. Inside was a primary moat that trailed through the passage all the way to the other source of light, a bright door on the other side revealed that the next area was outside. Other streaks of purple light trailed into the moat and under the door.

Hydra led his squad inside, foremost within the moat where the Sergeant was mustering his grasp on the Rocket Launcher he nurtured on his shoulder.
"Hold" The Heretic whispered to the Sergeant beckoning closer to the portal that lead outside.
He perked his head to the wall and heard the distinct hum of fire.
"What is it, Hydra?" The Elite behind him inquired.
"Listen!" He hissed pointing to the wall.
He then realized in horror at what the sound was…
Hydra urged himself forward, diving for the portal. "Mortar Emplacement! RUN!"
The whirring of the hum quickened ghastly as they all ran toward the portal.
Hydra saw the white blast of pure lighting and he couldn't feel anything…


Ninth Age of Reclamation
Retrieving the Bounty

Hydra woke in a rivery confine, the shimmering haze of unconsciousness cleared his mind and he rubbed his forehead persistently. The past explosion clashed with his temper and he clambered upward, looking around his prison.
The Heretic was in one of many underwater brigs. The prisons were forged under a creek and etched underground, to where the splinters around him embodied the steady current of the creek above him. Over his prison was a sheet of purple energy that held his prison and prevented him from drowning.

Atop of the prison two Jackals hissed hungrily at the Elite, waving Neeedlers at the Heretic, menacingly. Hydra ignored them and checked his holsters, his weapons were relieved of him.
Though his chances were slight to get out he locked his gaze around the cell, excluding the hisses from the Jackals above.

Through his left and right there were dozens of watery prisons, all of his or the Sergeant's squads. To his left, he saw a pair of Hunters, neither a part of their squad. They both growled angrily, flexing their worm-like interiors at the sheet aloft.
To his right, there was a Human female who, to his judgement, looked unconsciousness. On her side there was a gash that bled uncritically, but still looked shockingly dangerous.

To Hydra's conclusion, the Covenant did not take prisoners often, and if so they were torturing them or planned a greater death intended for them. He looked up and saw the Jackal's being pushed away by a Brute Captain that shouldered a Brute Shot.
The Jackals hissed repulsively at their captain, flashing their jagged teeth at him as they walked away.

"Your're miserable horde of Heretics are no match for the Covenant!" The Brute spat, fencing his dark eyes into the Heretic's. "And your fate is rapidly approching, Heretic!"
The Last Heretic sniggered as he defended the truth. "As is your's, fool!" He curved his arms and snarled at him. "You will pay for your lack of vision soon enough"
At the very disclosure of words from his mandibles a echoing boom reverberated through the creek prisons, rippling the intricate texture of energy, slicing through the currents.

The Brute Captain snorted while a bolt of plasma caught him in the midriff. He roared in agony, arcing his Brute Shot into the air and dismissing it's grenade shots at a shrouded ally.
The female Marine to his right woke in a twitch and looked alarmed, she looked around at Hydra and to the explosions above.
"Be calm. Help has came." He pointed skyward, a Phantom twirled past a cloudless sky.
She continued to stare above as Hydra reached into his senses, conforming his ears and surpassing the noises and booms, reaching even farthur.

Hydra leaned to his cell block and pounded the sheets anxiously. From aloft a shower of bullets slammed into something hard and mettallic and from the sounds a shrieking plop responded.
He heard the low hum of a Phantom and the sound of plasma rain on the grass and into the stream catching some of the other prison's generators releasing their captives through the heat of battle.
'Gammamee listened to the Jackal's hisses while their shields thinned in thin wisps of energy. The bullets that flayed the Jackal's skin were that from a SMG and more salvos fired upon the area.

He focused on a particular humming from above and looked to sky, tracing a glob of plasma from a Wraith into a patch of grass ahead of him. It was now a full-battle against the Covenant.

'The rescue…'

The Hunters on his left bobbed their heads to the noises, waiting for action as Hydra was too. A Jackal stepped through the creek onto his watery prison and hid behind it's orange shield, balancing it's Plasma Pistol toward someone or something that threatened it.
A slab of plasma slashed the Jackal and it's shields thawed in the glowing crossfire.

From the expanse of space a pod smashed into the top sheet. The energy crackled under the sudden impact of weight and the orbital insertion pod flung it's door apart, dismissing fresh smoke facing the river.
A shielded Human covered in a black cuirass held a SMG to his chest, crossing a spray of bullets to a Brute's head as he fell under it.
The Human 'Helljumper' looked below seeing the prisons and he held the trigger down onto the generator.
It sparked and blew embers everywhere, but the sheet melted over him. He watched the swarmed sky fill with blobs of plasma and bullets.

The Helljumper extended his arm reaching to grab the Heretics arm. Hydra took it and he was heaved up into the spry gunfire and the steaming battle rise through his senses.
"Thank you" Hydra sputtered in english, ducking while a stray bolt pecked the air.
The Human nodded and returned to the prisons, releasing the Hunters and the female from their confines below the creek.

Hydra drew his surroundings, collecting his bearings with sharp gasps. There was a towering edifice above him where there were dozens of levels and tiers containing Seraph fighters and Covenant Phantoms. At the base where a series of Plasma Mortars were emplaced a flock of Wraiths and Ghosts were being controlled by Brutes, firing upon the Humans and the Heretics driving them from the fiery fields.
Before the edifice was a rainforest clearing, littered with monumental walls spinning up the trenches of prisons. The gatherings of Heretic and Human dropships separated fresh troops with a litter of vehicles, Scorpions and Warthogs dropped creating even more a dense battle.

Fireworks shot from the mortars and entered the skies slamming into a Pelican. The Pelican bobbed and hissed singing metal, giving it's hover away and dropping a few Human Marines onto the field. The dropship gave under another glob of plasma fired from a Wraith and it twirled towards the ground, creating a dense quake from the field.

'It was a mess, a mess that could be won…'

He looked around for a weapon and chose his specific Covenant Carbine that he favored so much. He cuffed a clip inside the hilt and fired a quick projectile on a Brute, falling to his grasp.

A impending army of the Covenant marched toward a wave of battle-ready Heretics. A Gold Ship Master flung his Energy Sword in a impatient wave and sprinted toward the Brutes, dodging a triad of plasma bolts steadied for him.
Just overhead a vast clump of plasma battered the side of a Heretic Phantom, sending it clear to the rainforest floor in a heap of flames.
He thrusts his projectile into a Jackal's head and watched it's beady eye liquidate into death.

Suddenly something light and fiery grasped his shoulder. He looked in dread to see a plasma grenade clutched to his back. He realized that panic wasn't an option and he tore it from his armor along with the crimson plate it clung to.
In a flash he dove and his shields depleted in half. Hot plasma grazed his head and his shields unceasingly dropped.

The shields sparked life and he journeyed onward, grabbing a Brute by the head and throwing it down into the prison he was captivated in.
He ignited a plasma grenade the Brute threw at him and stuck it to the Brute's head. In a gaudy and fleshy gasp the grenade detonated sending black pelts of blood through the hot air.
He studied the battle, bringing his Carbine to a zoom and sniping a nearby Drone from a prodigious bulwark jutting from the field. Around the bulwark, Hydra nearly dropped at what he saw. A trio of Engineers were disecting the wall apart, tapping their tentacles into the electric work of the Forerunners.
A Human Marine discreetly neared the Engineers, Magnum in hand. Hydra leapt to the Human's front and held his palm up. "The Engineers are not Covenant, they are devoted to the Forerunner and the Forerunner only"
The Human didn't shoot them, he merely looked at them with a gaping wonder, watching their graceful feelers stroke the battlement wall.
This disturbed him slightly and he knew what and who waited in that edifice.

'The Prophet of Pride was in there, working his corruption to the malice of the Hiearchs before and after him…I have to stop him…'

Hydra concentrated on a Ghost hovering by and the Brute roaring victory in it. The Ghost forced the boost and the Brute turned to run over a Grunt, slashing cyan blood through the air.
The Heretic centered his precision on the engine and shot, letting his fingers blow the Ghost in a violet streak. The Brute toppled out onto an inflamed patch of turf, he looked around groggily shooting his Brute Plasma Rifle at a nearby Elite.
The Elite unaware of his position was unprepared, Hydra then zoomed into the scope and nipped the Brute in the helmet with a perfect head-shot.

Hydra walked past the Engineers, leaving them to their work as he scrutinized on the battle in front of him. Above him a Longsword and a Seraph twirled in a flame of silver stripes, and he confided his eyes forward to the skies.
The Seraph flipped, letting the Longsword pass under it. It then terminated it's cannons, and the plasma rocket homed on the Longsword fighter.
The Human Pilot riffled it's wings and harnessed an air pocket. The plasma rocket impacted in air and sliced through a tornado of green. The Longsword then rippled the fin and dropped a gauss shell onto the Seraph.
In a shimmer of purple steel the Seraph swirled down to the ground in a heap of defeat, detonating it's engines and sending plasma all over.

Hydra stormed confident toward a Honor Guard. The Honor Guard was by a towering purple creel, the Brute flicked it's teeth at a Grunt and urged it's Honor Stave onto the creature.
'Gammamee lurched in front of him, he took the arm of the Guard and cocked it in a braking joint.
The Brute bellowed in agony and it did something he hadn't anticipated. It grabbed the Heretic's head and bent him in the air, throwing him in the air.
"ARGH!!" He fell on the ground, the impact stripping his shield completely.
The Brute rampaged toward him on all fours, roaring viciously in the air.
Hydra looked around, his Carbine lying uselessly by the battlement. He flexed his might into his legs and sprung forward, tackling the Brute by the torso.
The Honor Guard flung Hydra around his head, and the Elite staggered upright, his shields splinting. He dove behind a plasma-scorched Warthog, awaiting his shields to load.

'Gammamee then looked to the side of the Warthog and saw a Elite corpse with a Energy Sword to his holster. He seized it and lighted it in a dazzle of blanched-azure, he shoveled his arms, gripping the hilt as he slapped the Brute across the neck to it's inevitable plunder.
He panted raspily holding his side with his palms.

'The Covenant are ruthless to push us away from their Prophet, surely they are doing a sufficient job of doing it'

The mortars fitted at the base were firing in every direction, shattering Heretic Wraiths at the bed of the rainforest behind him. His brothers on the Ghosts, Wraiths, and Spectres were catapulting their weapons into the ledges of the edifice hoping to disable their armaments.
It was a plight of battle flashed everywhere as a Covenant Wraith neared a swarm of Marines.

Hydra gulped a fresh opening of air watching in dread as the Marines vaporized into a crater where they once stood.

'I have to end this…'

He crouched, rolling to the soft grove underneath his knees. He gripped the grass and slid on pond of Hunter blood, propelling him forward.
'Gammamee cinched his knees, vaulting them to a spring and he pounced on the back of the Wraith. The Elite blared his mandibles for a war cry, cuffing his claws together and nailing the unknowing Brute in the cockpit.

The Brute gasped in one last agonizing scream, falling under the Heretic's strength down into the metal beneath the sapphire-cells, still sustaining an unadorned hover.
Hydra scraped the Covenant metal under his fingertips, dropping into the cockpit. He touched the terminal and waited patientely for a traditional click to rink his ears.
The click was entered followed by and alarming red buzzer that interloped his transmission.
'Gammamee looked to his display and counted two enormous chunks of red, circling his position with silent and graceful beckons.

He switched tact and looked through the viewscreen, holding his scales in one entity.
His Wraith glistened evenly by a Covenant Ghost while another one fired the twin cannons through the purple plating.
Hydra's shields pinched and the terminal in front of him glazed. The plasma soaked round the Wraith causing his threat display to flash angrily at him.
He pressed down on the pellucid arrow winking at him letting the corse plasma burn through the mortar.

The glob he fired spiraled high, cratering through the Ghost provoking him.
He steered his tank to the right, motioning a ghastly threat to the oncoming Ghost.
The Brute excelled it's boost and faltered toward him, though it was too close to fire upon without threatening his life also.
Hydra pierced a gauge firing gaudy through the viewscreen and a pair of faint turrets appeared from the sleek ridges of his Wraith.

The turrets held a low beam but were efficient to kill. They shafted their plasma and bolted the Ghost in the wing. The wing clasped to smoke and gave through the haze, the Brute then flew skyward and the Ghost clung to it's own explosion.
He deactivated the terminal and clambered out, refitting his Carbine to his head in a sniping position.

'Let's go…'

The distinct sound of buzzing echoed his shields and behind him flew a swarm of Drones, each hooking their guns to their bodies and firing. He curled his arm and dismissed back, all of their insectoid remains falling to his fingers.

'Let's go…'

'Gammamee withdrew his position, gazing at the tiring battle discharging everywhere.
To the sky there were Pelicans and Phantoms driving their weapons into the many tiers where the Sniper Jackals, to no avail, were shooting the exterior of the Heretic and Human Forces.
The Covenant air patrols were giving up air space as they controlled the cyan skies.
He looked to the ground, seeing purple and grey metal burning, creating spits and bowls of fire and plasma.
The casualties were endless, Heretics, Covenant, Humans…Whomever…All were pledging death to their faiths now, all forgived, all redeemed, all punished, all condemnedm, all were hurting…

The Heretic Field Master curted his Carbine back to his spine and he pinned a Jackal to the ground, it spitting angrily at him.
The traitor then died in a charge of purple…The eye of it died slowly, claiming it's into Hydra's…
He looked up and saw a gold Ship Master supporting a Particle Beam Rifle. The Elite Sniper trailed a Drone circling a remnant of a Human Scorpion and it fell, quaking down to it's spurting maw.

'Let's go…'

Hydra tore for a local battlement found near the base of the mortars.
For a split moment he begged the Forerunner to be with him on this battle, blessing his allies and the truth he glanced behind the battlement to see the mortar.
Manning the turret was a Brute that could be seen scanning the terminal in the cannon drive. It turned, noticing Hydra's position, letting the triggers blast the battlement to a shroud of hissing foils.

'Gammamee's shields were gone, he layed on the ground aching with scars and hot metal melting his structure. He dove for the next battlement and waited…

'I will rid my fear…'


His shields heaved the hot chars and continued to fire sizzles at him…


His scars burnt hazard purple, coloring his armor with his blood…


He grabbed his side and panted for air…


He held his breath at the forfeit of air…


The sky above turned a glossy blue and the sound of combustion pitched his ears.
He fathomed his valiancy and marched for the base ignoring the mortar above him.
Hydra raised his Carbine, squandering the Brute from the mortar with a single, solitary shot.
He then grinned daftly, failing to see the Honor Guards that lined in organized panels.

They laughed in hoarse and guffawing throats looking at Hydra. One flipped it's stave toward his paw and threw it at the Heretic.
"Aah..!" He wheezed, the stave hanging from his chestplate with a singular daze.

'Yes…Let's go…'

Hydra gulped air, grabbing the stave from his chest and hissing at the Brutes.
He heaved his weight into the throw and pelted a Honor Guard in the head. Before it hit the ground it was surely dead…
The Last Heretic miffed his rage tackling a Brute by arms. He threw his Carbine aside, and focused his strength on the scuffle.

The Honor Guards around him shifted angrily…All waiting to see what the Heretic would do to their brother…Another prime example of treachery in the Covenant…They were looking out for no one…
'Gammamee puffed his arms, clubbing the guard over the head, cracking it's brain in a blow…

He hastened, rolling backwards as a Honor Guard attempted a smack in the neck.
Hydra ducked one stream of energy that seperated death from life. He puckered his fingers and pushed, letting the Brute tumble.
The Heretic grabbed his Carbine from the ramp behind the mortar, aiming at the remaining two Honor Guards.

The last two fell to their plunder and he yelled in victory…
"WORT WORT WORT!" His native tongue escaping his mandibles in a flurry of passion and pride.
He looked around at the smoking battle won…
The Heretics and the Humans were rallied in victory, marching toward the base as Longswords and Heretic Seraphs crackled in air from above, grazing the zenith of the edifice overhead.

Spectres, Scorpions, Wraiths, Warthogs, Ghosts and remaining Banshees were being patrolled by Humans or Heretics, riding or striding towards him.
The Engineers in the corner of the field were glazed with sparks, still brisking their work as if nothing was going on.

The Zealot Sniper that helped him earlier lead the squads, perching on the side of a Warthog and looking to Hydra.
"Leader?" Hydra kneeled to the Zealot, approaching him, Beam Rifle holstered.
"No…" He bowed to the Heretic. "What are your orders, Leader?"


Ninth Age of Reclamation
Live and Learn

Hydra beckoned his Covenant Carbine to his chest, leading an entire army of vanquishing Heretics and Humans to a Prophet's downfall. The army closed on the base and emptied from their vehicles, looking to the front portal in front of Hydra.

'No doubt Pride is aware of our victory on the edifice's rainforest plains, in this place of dread we shall end his reign…'

The Elite bared his failure for the truth, he failed the Forerunners, he failed the Heretic Leader, he failed the Oracle, but he hadn't yet failed fimself…
They marched on the ramp, where a large crater washed from the mortar. They delved into the crater; his warriors flashed the Jackal and Brute's bodies with plasma, feeling their desire to beat the traitors even in death.

They reached the main gateway, which was sealed with shackles of flashing images glowing in patterns.
"Marines! Get a satchel on the door, get along, this Prophet dies today!" A Human Sergeant ordered to his fellows.
They chanted a brisk "Sir!" and worked behind Hydra and the crater, stamping some sort of glue on a silver piece of metal.
As they quickly finished they flashed a detonator trigger to the Sergeant. The Human nodded a back away indication to everyone.
"Back!" He snarled into the air.
The Grunts cowardly backed away, shivering in their armors to the Heretic's voice. He noticed that the Covenant did not focus on encouragement but authority that is why the Grunts he worked with on Threshold performed so well…

Hydra indicated one finger to the Sergeant, transferring a cross of body language to tell him that this wouldn't take long. The Sergeant took a step back and readied his Rocket Launcher.
They snapped into position in front of their Elite Leaders. He was tired of their unfair treatment; this will end under his canon…
"You will not falter but stand strong" He clenched his fist to the ring. "Our Covenant, broken as it is will be united and stronger as Heretics and the venerated allies, the human alliance will stand and stop the truth!"
The Grunts breathed slow methane pockets, looking at their leader with sentimental eyes.
"We are the stronger Covenant, we are the devoted, and we are the loyal races to our forefathers!"

Human and Heretic forces alike clapped their hail to them, filling their weapons to the sky and screaming in victory.
He waved his hand at the Sergeant as he clasped the trigger to his holster. The explosion ricocheted through the base with red-hot plasma from Brute Plasma Rifles greeting them.

"For Halo!" He bellowed, crossing his Carbine with his face and walking into the hot smoke.
"HALO!" The Zealot next to him cried.
In front of him were Brute Honor Guards, up was a massive bridge, which had more excessive rays of light, under the bridge were tiers of Forerunner-etched creeks going up, row by row. On the rows were spouts of fountains with Brute-controlled turrets.
All of the army filed into the chamber, within the edifice was an enormous corridor, and on the walls were remarkable signets next to banks. Hydra did not know what these signets were; though he found the Forerunner's to be a technological advancing and conflicting culture and he did not know all their technology. After a moment of walking these signets steamed and hissed, the Heretic realized what was coming out of these could not be good.
"Fire at the walls!" Hydra yelled, leaning his position to concealment.

Hydra shot a Drone flying by in air, gathering his projectiles. His shields were deposited of sparks and he looked up to see a Brute behind a Plasma Turret. He meant to light a plasma grenade but in a shower of flying fire a Marine beat him to it.
'Gammamee channeled his rage, the Prophet of Pride floating in it's imperial dais above the temple.

"The Prophet is mine!" Hydra claimed, boxing a clip inside the store of his Carbine.
The Battle of the Truthes engaged between Heretic and Human forces against the Covenant. It was truly becoming fiery, the Humans were pushing the Jackals to their cupola barriers on the bridge and the Heretics, the Grunts also, were driving a flock of Brutes into conduits.
The Drones brooded behind the Prophet, each shooting a diverse target.

The Prophet charged his throne and fired a dismissive beam at a Human. The Human then dropped in air, bleeding from the profuse shock.
Hydra seized his window, grabbing the Hierarch from the hem of his azure-colored robes and lifting himself up to the arm.
"Heretic vermin! The Divine Beyond is nigh and you fools are converting to Heresy!" The Prophet elbowed the Elite, gripping his arm and locking a shield-tight grasp on him.
He retched for air as his suit was suddenly drained of all energy. "Weak! Always!" Pride teased shooting an Elite by the throat.

Hydra struggled to gain life…

'I can't hold on any longer…'

With an unanticipated beam from a Particle Beam Rifle, Pride managed to disable his shields long enough.

'For the truth…'

He side-swept to the left arm, embracing the Prophet by the crinkled neck and punching him in the snout. With a final tactic, Hydra pointed his Carbine directly into the Prophet's face and pulled the trigger…
In a swift edge he raised his weapon at the fallen Prophet…

