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Halo 2 Carnage Games (Round 3: Lockout)
Posted By: Halo Fanatic 2005<christene46@ntlworld.com>
Date: 8 December 2005, 10:15 pm

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Round 3: Lockout
Key for area names on this map:
Green Section: Lowest floor lit by iluminous green light
G-L: Gravity Lift
The Sniping Tower: Ledge with sniper on
"Choose an arena to battle on!"

UNKNOWN KILL3R thought back and remembered FOLEY 2005 shouting "Headlong," before, so he replied: "Lockout!"


FOLEY 2005 dropped next to the valuble Energy Sword so he quickly grabbed it and ran up the ramp on the right, through the room and and up the twisting ramp. He was about to run through the doorway on his right when Deathinator 007 appeared at the top of the ramp. FOLEY 2005 charged at Deathinator 007 when all of a sudden a high-velocity bullet ran through his head shattering his skull.

"FOLEY 2005 sniped by Skat Master 23!"

The sword dropped to Deathinator 007's feet so he grabbed it and ran for cover at the top of the bulding. Skat Master 23 who was camping out on The Sniper Tower managed to shoot Deathinator 007's leg as it disappeared. He panted for breath round the corner making much noise for nearby players to hear. So Solid Master landed in the Green Section and had grabbed the shotgun and was now running up the G-L under fire from UNKNOWN KILL3R who was dual-weilding double SMGs. So Solid Master waited at the top and as UNKNOWN KILL3R came up he blasted his body into bloody bits.

"UNKNOWN KILL3R killed by So Solid Master!"

"That was easy," So Solid Master said as he stood over the dead body of UNKNOWN KILL3R. The Dragon King was creeping up the ramp on the other side to the one Deathinator 007 had ran up to avoid being sniped. He was dual-weilding an SMG and a plasma rifle. As he crept up towards his prey he heard a sniper bullet fire. He watched as a nano-second later the bullet flew over the top of the building. Skat Master 23 was after the same person as him. The Dragon King ran round the corner not aware of Deathinator 007's sword waiting for him.

"The Dragon King killed by Deathinator 007!"

Deathinator 007's shield had just recharged and he was about to make a run for the cover of the nearby building when a second bullet hit his energy sowrd, it richeoted off the strong energy and flew back towards Skat Master 23. Just that second ASSASSIN95 assassinated Skat Master 23 from behind but then got caught between the eyes with the sniper round.

"Skat Master 23 assassinated by ASSASSIN95!
ASSASSIN95 killed by Skat Master 23!"

So Solid Master had seen the entire scene and was now creeping up the ramp were FOLEY 2005's dead body was. He didn't know which way Deathinator 007 was facing or whether his shields were up or down, but if he kept low and quiet he might be able to formulate a plan to kill him. However he forgot about about the other remaining player, Delta Impact, who had been waiting for a long time. Deathinator 007 had nothing to worry about now that the sniper was dead so he ran to the edge of the building and jumped. He landed in the centre arena where he waited. He had a plan. He would be more veneralble here so players would try to kill him first. Then he could kill people when they came to him. Suddenly, he heard plasma shots and frag grenades over at the building he had just departed from. Delta Impact fired his plasma rifle and needler at So Solid Master who returned fire with his shotgun and some grenades. Bang! Boom! Hide. Reload. Bang! Cheo! Cheo! Choe! Ta! Ta! Ta! Hide. Slash! Deathinator 007 joined in. So Solid Master back-pedaled up the ramp firing upon Deathinator 007 who had slashed him with the sword forcing his shield down. He had to find cover, fast. "Ahhhh, the baby wanna present!" Delta Impact's voice was saying from behind him. Before he knew it he had been stuck with a plasma grenade. He dived towards Deathinator 007 and immediately blew into a thousand shards of armour, skin and bone. Deathinator 007 was forced of the edge by the explosion.

"So Solid Master stuck by Delta Impact!"

"I did it! I won!" Delta Impact shouted at the top of his lungs. "Oh yeah, oh yeah! You suck everybody! I win!"
"Not yet you haven't!" Deathinator 007 growled as he pulled himself up and threw his energy sword at Delta impact. "Oh ye-" Delta Impact stopped, baffled. The sword knocked him down to the floor, defencless. Deathinator 007 took out the plasma rifle he had been saving and grabbed a second nearby one. He then fired upon the still suprised spartan. The elimination was swift and merciless. "No-one challenges the Deathinator and survives," he said in a meanacing tone, "Not even you."

"Delta Impact killed by Deathinator 007!
Next Round!"

Positions after round 2:
1st: UNKNOWN KILL3R: 3 points
2nd: Deathinator 007 and FOLEY 2005: 2 points
3rd: Delta Impact and So Solid Master: 1 point
4th: ASSASSIN95, Skat Master 23 and The Dragon King: 0 points

Key: If you win you get 2 points, if you come 2nd you get 1 point.
