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Fan Fiction

Never forget, never forgive
Posted By: Geroge<caiyu1990@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: 28 August 2005, 11:17 pm

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"The blade is an elegant weapon, it carves through fresh as easily as it cut through metal, the handle itself is not what you younglings might call exciting these days but in the hands of a skilled warrior it will reach out and crush your foes. Remember this boy, the blade's wielder must never forget his foe and must never forgive them. Remember this, never forget, never forgive."
Never forget, never forgive…..
Those words still echoed in his mind as he ran through the muck of a city which the human claimed for their own. His squad, some six battle hardened veterans ran alongside him. They all had their share of killing in the past two weeks; Olasmee alone sliced his way into an entire squad of humans just the other day. All the others have all killed at least a dozen humans just an hour ago, their blades do not carry the stains of battle upon them but if they did it would have been pure red by now.
They stopped just short of the human military centre, this was their target. "The big one" as the captain had called it we he showed the squad the recon pictures. Every single elite laughed then, how ludicrous and absurd can the captain be, the human defence was weak and ill prepared, there were half a dozen chain gun guarding the front door and little over seven humans to man them. After the bombardment from the wraiths the human defence will be little more than ashes.
At least that's what they thought when they were ordered to go on this "Clean up" mission. The laughter was still ringing in his head as the squad spread out around the human complex. They worked like no other team, some lowly peons even thought of them to be telepathic. He smiled as the thought of how proud the captain would have been except he was dead along with over two hundred elites, floating lifeless in orbit around the human planet, slowly burning up in the atmosphere.
His father would have told him not to worry, that the mission comes before all except he was dead too.
"Leader," came the voice of Olasmee "we sighted two human scum on the south side of the complex, enemy appear alert"
"Acknowledged Olasmee, engage on my mark" He paused and added "May the gods watch over you"
"Aye leader, may the gods watch over us all," came the reply.
He activated his energy blade, the same blade that his father used to kill over a hundred enemies on a hundred worlds, the same blade that ended the grunt rebellion and the same blade that will slay these humans.
"Mark!" He barked and half a dozen other energy swords flashed on and charged towards the enemy line.
It took only seconds; the pair of humans manages to get one shot out of their flimsy chain gun before three elites fell on them and hacked them to pieces. But someone inside heard the shot. The front door clang open and a dozen more humans came rushing out; some manages to manoeuvre the two chain guns near the front door to face the elites others took up firing position.
The humans fired and the elites dived. A round from a sniper took out Olasmee's shield but before the shooter got a chance to squeeze the trigger again Olasmee fell on him. The blade danced across the human's chest and a second later the human fell to the ground….in 5 pieces.
Kalaeme tore his blade from a human's chest and saw a human he fail to kill, the man was unarmed and wounded badly, he was cowering in a corner. Kalaeme stepped up to the human and pushed his blade through the human's gut. "Never forget," he muttered and pulled his sword form the corpse "never forgives."
As the squad chopped their way into the human defence a phantom glided silently into the street behind the complex. The elites took no notice of this and finished destroying the human defence.

10 minutes later
"Kalaeme" said Olasmee as he handed him a bandage "your arm".
"Thank you" Kalaeme replied, he was not entirely prepared for someone to call him by his name. No one called him by his name for over three years, most elites only known him as "leader" or "youngling".
"Humans," Olasmee nodded to the corpses "If only there weren't so many of them".
"Agreed" Kalaeme replied "It's a pity we only had a few to deal with, the recon could have been more wrong".
They both laughed as did the rest of their squad.
"By the prophets you haven't laughed like that Kalaeme since the captain…" Olasmee trailed off, apparently unable to bring himself to talk about the captain.
"He was a good officer and a loyal servant of the great journey". Olasmee finally said.
Kalaeme nodded.
"What's taking those two so long?" Wondered Olasmee out loud as he eyed the Phantom that still hovered behind the complex. "Surely it would not take two elites 5 minutes just to send the reinforcement here?"
His question was answered with the sound of a human pistol's crack and a howl from one of the elites; it told them that the phantom's occupants aren't friendly.
They instantly grabbed their blades and headed out to see what happened. Kalaeme paused when he saw two blades were still not taken; he took them as well knowing that the previous owner would not need it.
Once outside he saw what had killed his elites, three squads of humans were there, practically on their door step of their recently taken complex. As soon as they saw the elites they open fired, over twenty human projectile weapons were aimed at them as well as a couple of deadly high velocity round fired from the sniper rifles of the humans. Three elites fell before they could react and Olasmee himself was wounded, Kalaeme dived and managed to avoid the shots, he looked Olasmee.
Olasmee smiled as he picked up the energy blade of the fallen and paused as Olasmee handed him his own.
"Go" he whispered as he pulled out his plasma rifle, Kalaeme saw that he was bleeding in half a dozen places. "I will hold them off".
Kalaeme nodded, he grasped Olasmee's hand and whispered: "Farewell brother in arms, may the gods see you worthy to be accepted into the great journey".
Then he ran, as human projectiles zip past him he heard the sound of Olasmee roar as he fired off his weapon then the sound of at least half a dozen plasma grenades then the roar was no more.
Kalaeme ran until he could run no more. He stopped at the edge of the city, the beach. The golden sand was stained with red and deep purple. The momentum of those who had fought and died here.
He knew he had done the wrong thing, he should have stayed and fought and died with his squad, not run like a human. The grunts would even be laughing at him. He cursed and yelled into him communication head phones for pick up but all he got in reply was static.
As he wadded into the water in search of some calm a distant shout told him that he had not escaped the humans. He turned and saw six of them pointing their primitive guns at him. They were a good ten feet away from him. By the time he activated his sword and charged at them he would already be dead. Instead he waited and silently dropped his collection of energy swords into the water. He knew he would not need it.
The lead human lowered his weapon, he start to yell at the rest of the humans.
The translation software in Kalaeme's helmet whispered a second later: "I want Mecanzie and Floster to keep their eyes on that bastard; you never know what it might do once we try to take it in."
"You fools," Kalaeme muttered "I will kill you all" the human leader must have translation software too because he turned to his squad and said: "Watch out guys he might slap us if we get too close!"
The humans roared with laughter and the leader turned to Kalaeme.
"I know you can understand me, give us you flashy sword thing and we will let you live."
The energy swords, that's what their after, all these slaughter, all these deaths were for one thing to the humans. Technology. Kalaeme's mind revolted as he pictured the elites' holy weapons in the hands of the human.
"They are gone," smiled Kalaeme.
"What do you mean gone?" the human leader replied.
"They are out there" Kalaeme gestured to the water, "Out to sea!" He laughed. "Start swimming!"
The human spat and levelled his gun at Kalaeme's face.
"Don't lie alien!" He growled.
"Start swimming!" Kalaeme repeated and continued to laugh.
The human cursed and as he turned to order his men to kill the alien Kalaeme activated his plasma grenade behind his back. He tossed it at the human feet. "Never forget," Thought Kalaeme, "Never forgive"
The brilliant blue light was the last thing Kalaeme saw.

By Anubis (A.K.A George)
