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Fan Fiction

The Great Destroyer
Posted By: FloodBane<floodbane@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 November 2007, 3:15 am

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Jabez carefully aimed through his sniper scope; looking for the leader of the Brute pack. He finally found his target, the Brute pack chieftain stood proudly on top of a hill of grass.
Jabez fired at the hairy aliens' forehead; the Brutes helmet dented and then fell of. The Brute reeled back from the surprise of the attack. Jabez fired another shot and it struck home; purple black blood sprayed onto a Brute minor behind him.
Jabez stood up and moved to a different position so that he wouldn't be spotted. He found a good spot then lay down flat on his stomach; he once again looked into his scope and saw the rest of the Brutes wandering around in a daze; stunned that their leader was just killed.
Two grenade explosions went off on either side of the pack. Nathan and Marina were working on the second stage of the attack.
Three Brutes were instantly downed due to being too close to the explosions; their heavy bodies fell to the ground missing a limb or two. The remaining two fired in random directions hoping to his their assailants. Their desperate attacks never found their targets for two bursts of MA5C fire cut them down.
Jabez made the all clear signal and three other Spartans walked out onto the hill and policed weapons and grenades. Laura reloaded her weapon then walked over to Jabez.
"Sir, we'd better get to Alpha base soon so that we can find what has happened." she suggested.
Jabez nodded "Sounds good to me, although I think that Brutes have occupied the planet." he replied "let's hope some of our troops are still alive down here."
He kicked the dead chieftains' head in disgust.

Jozz peeked around the corner and saw General Dawkins being threatened by a Brute in golden armor. Jozz ducked around the corner. Kimla and another two Grunts were also there.
Jozz didn't know what he and his brethren would do; he and three other Grunts against Brutes would not be easy. They'd need some sort of leader to guide them, well to hide behind.
Jozz hoped the 'leader' would come soon.

Jabez lead his team to Alpha base through the jungle. Finally the metal gates of Alpha base appeared. Tire tracks lead through the gates into Alpha base.
"The gates can only be opened from the inside; we'll have to climb over." Jabez ordered.
The team activated the magnetic bottoms on their boots and began to scale the wall. Their boots clung to the metal with ease allowing them to climb to high wall.
They reached the top then leapt down to the bottom making large boot prints in the dirt. They were immediately greeted with a hail of plasma fire. Jabez and his team sent return fire in the general direction of the attack; a pained roar came from the attackers' position.
The battle was shortly over and two Brute corpses lay on the ground, the Spartans proceeded towards the base.

Jozz carefully walked through a bloodstained hall with his three brothers.
Jozz," asked Kimla "where are we going?"
"Hopefully to find a way out of here." answered Jozz.
They rounded a corner and found two Jackals; asleep at their posts as usual. Jozz gave the order for Kimla to break their thin necks. Kimla waddled over to the Jackals and used his surprisingly strong arms to snap the Jackals flimsy necks. Jozz ordered the other two Grunts to take the dead creatures weapons.
The group slowly walked down the hallway. They finally came upon the entranceway to the base. Without thinking of what may be beyond the group ram through the door and nearly bumped into four armored Spartans

Jabez stared in amazement at the four short aliens in front of him. He was amazed because he didn't expect to see Grunts as survivors; instead he expected to at least see an Elite or two. These Grunts must've hid when the trouble came.
The Grunts stared back at him in equal amazement, obviously not expecting to see three heavily armored Spartans and one Spartan missing his top half of armor.
"What happened hear?" asked Jabez breaking the silence.
"Those smelly Brutes stomped down here and took the General captive and killed most of the personnel." explained a white armored Grunt.
"Hmm," mused Jabez, he then activated has comm. "Lana we need reinforcements, the base has been taken, I repeat we need reinforcements."
"I'll be there myself with a few more Elites, we shall crush these Brutes with ease." the communication ended.

Lana ran down the hallway towards the HEV pods followed by half the bridge crew. Halfway there she ran past Ellie who looked shocked. Lana stopped.
"What's wrong?" asked Lana.
Ellie held up her hand to show that the symbols that were on her hand were glowing red then blue. Lana knew that this had to mean something.
"Come with us." Lana ordered.
They continued down the hallway but this time to the landing bay to use a Pelican instead of the HEV's. The team got there and quickly boarded a Pelican and one of the Elites hopped into the pilots' seat. The drop ship lifted off and flew out of the bay into the blackness of space.

Ellie looked around the area in which she was, almost completely surrounded by the tough Elites and a few Marines.
She looked down at her palm and stared in wonder and the glowing symbols that now glowed a brilliant red which pulsed continuously. She guessed that something big was going to happen soon

Fleet Admiral Alicia opened her eyes and was pleasantly surprised to see that she wasn't dead. Her surprise turned to confusion when she realized that she was completely surrounded by a bright blue sphere, she also seemed to be floating in the centre of the sphere.
On the edges of the sphere were pieces of machinery; circuits sparking behind them. But most interestingly was that Admiral Jesse was floating at the far left of the sphere his left leg was missing, but the stub that was left wasn't bleeding; instead was perfectly sealed off allowing no blood to flow.
"Admiral?" she asked "Admiral can you here me?"
The Admiral twitched once then opened his eyes, looked around then opened his mouth to speak but Alicia interrupted him.
"Admiral, do you know where we are?"
Jesse looked around then replied in a shaky voice "No ma'am I'm afraid not."
A hole began to open in the sphere and an image appeared of four Spartans attacking three Wraith tanks near a large wall. The image quickly disappeared but was soon replaced by another.
This time the image was of the four Spartans running through a forest although this time the lead Spartan was missing the top half of his armor and was carrying a young woman. Once again the image disappeared and was replaced by another. This time the image showed the inside of a Pelican and sitting in one of the crash chairs was the young woman, the woman was staring at her hand which had glowing symbols on it.
The image grew larger and larger.

Ellie continued to stare at her hand which still glowing. Without warning the symbols began to glow gold; illuminating the entire Pelican bay.
Two humanoid figures began to materialize in the centre of the bay.

Alicia was opened her eyes and saw eleven amazed faces staring at her. Straight ahead of her was the young woman who had the glowing hand.
"Where am I and where are we going?" Alicia asked.
An Elite off to her left spoke into his comm. and then a gold armored Elite walked out of the cockpit.
"Who are you?" ordered the alien.
"I am Fleet Admiral Alicia and I assume you are Shipmaster Lana, now where is this ship going?" answered Alicia.
Shipmaster Lana's mandibles gaped.
"I asked you a question and I expect you to answer." said Alicia a little bit irritated.
"We're on our way to Alpha base which has been overrun with Brutes," said a maroon armored Elite "we will be meeting up with four Spartans when we arrive."
Alicia nodded then sat down to the young woman in front of her while Admiral Jesse limped off to talk to the Marines.
"So, what's your name and what are you doing here?" asked Alicia "I have a feeling it's to do with me coming back to life."
"My name is Ellie I have these glowing symbols which were meant to lead to 'The Great Destroyer' and ..." she stopped mid-sentence.
Alicia looked at Ellies' hand but the symbols were no longer glowing and weren't in alien script. Alicia's jaw dropped as she read the now easily readable human writings.
