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Fan Fiction

Spartan Holy Writings part 5
Posted By: FloodBane<floodbane@hotmail.com>
Date: 28 October 2007, 4:14 am

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"Hard to port!" ordered Lana to a blue armored Elite.
The frigate, Black Diamond, veered left away from a salvo of plasma which had been fired from the Covenant armada. Every shot missed; thankfully Brutes weren't great marksmen.
"This is to much," exclaimed Htas over the comm. "even for us, we need to pull back to our base."
Lana nodded "Agreed, we'll see you there." she turned to a maroon armored Elite "engage Slipspace drive and take to our base."
"Yes ma'am." the younger Elite replied and clicked buttons on his station.
A blue line appeared in front of the Frigate and began to open to the empty blackness of Slipspace. Black Diamond flew straight into the gaping hole.
A plasma torpedo streaked towards the Eagles Talon, and before Htas could steer his ship away the super heated ball of plasma struck the Frigates starboard side.
"Lana," came Htas' voice over the comm. "get to the base don't wait for me I'll…." he was cut off because another plasma torpedo struck the ship; in cut through deck after deck then found the core, Eagles Talon exploded in a fiery spectacle sending debris in every direction.
"Htas!" screamed Lana.
"Ma'am," said the maroon Elite "if we don't leave now we'll end up like that."
With a tear in her eye Lana spoke "take us through."
The Black Diamond soared through into Slipspace.

Jabez wasn't sure how to comfort a sad alien but the maroon Elite walked up to Lana and put his four fingered hand on her shoulder.
"He died honorably, no Sanghelli could ask for anything more." he said then went back to his station.
The words had a good effect on Lana; she lifted her head high and strode to her Captains chair with proud strides.
Jabez looked at his team; each had scratches on their armor, whereas Jasa bore no scratches but instead had blood on his enormous boot from when he killed his arch enemy Gazton.
He inspected his own armor by looking at his reflection in the highly polished floor; and it had more scratches and dents than all of the others even though he didn't have the top half of his armor, he saw two bandages. One on his arm from a stray spike round and another on his back from a sharp piece of wood that had come from an explosion.
He remembered who had tended to both of the wounds, he looked over to Ellie whose elegant gown now had a few stains of dirt on it but the jewels still glowed brilliantly. He smiled at her then realized that he was very cold, he turned to Lana.
"Anywhere I can get a shirt?" he asked.
"Not that I know of," Lana answered not looking in his direction "you'll just have to wait till we get to the base."
Jabez involuntarily shivered, he walked off the bridge; he'd go find a shirt even if it was Elite armor because he was freezing. He went to though storage bay to look for any crates that might contain some sort of shirt.
He walked over to a random crate and lifted the lid off; inside was form fitting black body suits that the Elites wear under their armor. He pulled one out and tore it neatly in half to make a shirt for him. He pulled it on and it automatically fitted itself to his torso.
"Not bad." he mused.
His comm. crackled to life. "Jabez get up to the bridge ASAP," ordered Lana "we have a situation."

Jabez ran to the bridge and burst through the doors.
"SPARTAN-025 as ordered." he exclaimed.
He looked out the viewport and saw twenty Covenant cruisers orbiting the planet. They immediately turned in the Black Diamonds direction.
"Spartan, I need you to lead a squadron of fighters to distract them while I give them MAC rounds in their faces."
Jabez nodded then sprinted to the landing bay.

Pilot Josh Hill smoked his contraband cigar and lent on his Shortsword fighter but quickly put it out when a Spartan came running into the landing bay. The Spartan called a few other pilots over to his spot then told them his plan.

Jabez surveyed the group of rugged pilots, one of them had just recently put out his cigar; but all of them had tattoos on their left arm of their squadron insignia.
"Alright boys, you and me are going out there to distract them while the Ship Master fires MAC rounds at them, got that?" explained Jabez.
"With all due respect sir," spoke the one who had until recently been smoking "isn't that suicide?"
"That maybe," answered Jabez "but if we don't go out there those Brutes will fire at us and we'll die anyway."
The pilots looked at one another then shrugged. They all ran off to their respective fighters. A pilot with a broad scar on his right cheek led him to a spare fighter.

Josh buckled himself into his fighters' cockpit and prepared for lift off. He saw his fellow pilots jump into their ships and prep for battle.
"Bravo-94 ready for lift off, lets go boys, if the Ship master wants a decoy then we'll give to 'em!" said the squad leader.
Twenty six Shortsword fighters lifted out of the bay and soared toward the enemy. Plasma torpedoes flew towards their ships. Josh banked his ship into a barrel roll to dodge a ball of plasma.
He was now close enough to give a Covenant cruiser a piece of his mind. He pressed the trigger on the back of his throttle, 50mm rounds bounced off the shields of the immense craft. The cruisers plasma turrets swiveled towards his position and fired.
"Oh shit!' Josh pulled the throttle hard to the right; super heated plasma zoomed past his small craft.
A different fighter caught a plasma blast straight in the cockpit and the small ship boiled away into nothing.
"Concentrate on the cruiser engines at the back, you never know, one good shot may be the ticket." ordered the Spartan over the comm..
Josh flew his ship towards the back of the cruiser and fired his missiles.
The shields abruptly flicked off so that the ship wouldn't fire its turrets into its own shields. Josh's was pure luck; as the shields flicked off his missiles smashed into the engines and caused them to sputter then die. The cruiser stopped then three MAC rounds burst from the Black Diamond and smashed into the stationary cruiser. The alloy bent then buckled and then suddenly the ship exploded sending josh sprawling into space.
He struggled but regained control. Another cruiser loomed before him.
"Well, that worked let's keep up the tactic." Ship Master Lana said over the comm..
Josh armed his missiles and flew for the next cruiser.

Cruiser after cruiser fell; debris littered the area and fourteen Shortsword fighters returned to the Black Diamond.
Jabez pulled himself out of the cockpit of his ship then made his way to the bridge. When he got there Lana turned towards him.
"We just received a message from General Dawkins," she informed "I'll put it on screen."
Lana turned to a panel and activated the message. General Dawkins appeared on the viewport; his face was soaked with sweat.
"Troops," he began; he swallowed "please report down here on your mission immediately." the message abruptly ended.
Jabez knew that something wasn't right about this; the general was obviously acting different.
"Take us down," Lana ordered she paused then continued "but be ready for anything."
