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Fan Fiction

Hunter vengence: part 1
Posted By: FloodBane<floodbane@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 September 2007, 6:52 am

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The thump of large blue boots echoed through the corridor as Jasa Huri Kane the Hunter lurched down toward Alpha Bases entry gate. He had been ordered to help pickup the Scarab pieces in the valley that had now been named Grunt valley, due to the fact that two grunts had destroyed a mighty Scarab in the valley.
"You, Hunter!" growled a gravelly voice from behind him.
The already aggravated Hunter turned around to face his follower. It was an Elite Zealot.
"Where do you think you are going Hunter?" asked the Zealot.
Hoping to scare the Elite, Jasa stood up to his full height and flexed his back spines. It worked; the brave soldier took an almost unnoticeable step backward, but still didn't leave.
"Answer me." ordered the Elite with a slight shake in his voice.
"Going to clean up the Scarab wreckage." Jasa replied with his voice enhancer, which allowed him to speak normally.
"I don't think so," smirked the Elite warrior "follow me."
With a huff of irritation Jasa followed.

Bright light shone in Htas Nathm's eyes as he entered Alpha bases control room, General M. Dawkins was waiting for him and his large and powerful accompaniment.
"Sir." said Htas with a bow. Jasa merely stood right where he was.
"You seem in a particularly fine mood Hunter," said the General with a chuckle "now you boys are here because I want you to do something for me."
"Get to the point." growled Jasa. Htas shot him a glance of shock.
The General looked equally surprised.
"Ok, I want you two boys to investigate a large area of uncharted land." Dawkins explained "it is suspected that a large group of Covenant loyalists have set up camp in the area."
Htas was excited at the news of enemy troops; it had been a long time since he had shown his abilities.
"We shall complete our mission sir." answered Htas with another bow.
"Oh yes, you must also take along with you another Elite, she has a slightly higher rank than you Zealot," added General Dawkins. "You should know her very well."

Jasa was sick and tired of going on scouting missions, although the General hadn't said that he couldn't kill any enemies. He allowed himself a small chuckle.
"What was that Hunter?" asked Lana Karal, the female mate of Htas, who was an Elite Zealot with slightly more power than Htas.
"Nothing ma'am." Jasa lied.
The Phantom slowed down as the troops arrived at a location close to their mission area. The Covenant troops jumped out of the drop ship and the drop ship flew off.
No sooner had the troops landed, a blast from a Wraith tank landed twenty meters away. Jasa couldn't wait to blow those Brute bastards all the way back to High Charity.
"Take cover!" yelled Htas.
Take cover? Thought Jasa, I'll kill these Brutes weather you want me to or not.
Another blob of plasma from the unseen Wraith tank came soaring towards Jasa with great speed. Out from the trees Nathan leaped as fast as the plasma blob soared, Htas tackled Jasa to the ground, moving him away from the plasma blob. The blob struck the ground where Jasa had been a moment ago, Htas and Jasa ran towards the trees where Lana was hiding.
"What were you trying to prove Hunter?" bellowed Htas over the din of more plasma blobs hitting the ground "that you're body made good target practice?"
No one had ever spoken to Jasa like that, even his superiors thought twice before yelling at him.
Stopping the fight, Lana interjected.
"Listen, there's a Wraith out there and all you two can do is try to kill each other!" she said with a glare "now we're going to work like a team and take that Wraith down."
Htas and Jasa nodded.
"Nathan," Laura began "you and I shall distract the Wraith while Hunter you blow it to hell."
They nodded again. Htas and Lana ran beyond the trees where the tank was while Jasa snuck around to the back of the tank. Htas and Lana attracted the tanks attention by firing short precise shots from their plasma rifles.
"Die!" roared Jasa as he charged and fired his fuel rod cannon.
The bright green beam hit the Wraith in the back, its armor held for a second but then crumpled in destroying the Wraith. Shrapnel flew everywhere; one razor edged piece flew straight towards Jasa. This time there was no Htas to push him out of the way so the piece of shrapnel plunged into his unguarded stomach area.
His vision went black.

Jasa awoke. Jungle trees loomed overhead, he tried to sit up but pain shot through him.
"You shouldn't move too much Jasa," spoke a familiar gravelly voice "that wound is pretty big."
It was Htas, Htas was sitting on top of a rock off to Jasa' left next to Lana.
"I'll be fine…….wait, how did you know my name?" asked Jasa puzzled.
"I've just been looking through your military record, that stunt you pulled off on Harvest was pretty risky." Htas replied.
"I was angry," Jasa growled "my bond brother was killed by a Brute Chieftain called Gazton, he got away."
"You may be tough, but that wound will keep you down for awhile." said Lana changing the subject.
Jasa stood up, ignoring the pain. He began too walk off into the jungle to think when suddenly five Brutes, four minors and one captain, leaped out from the foliage.
"Take out the Elites," the captain ordered "I'll eliminate the Hunter."
The captain bounded for Jasa. In no mood for trouble Jasa swung his heavy shield straight at the captain. The metal shield made contact with the Brutes' midsection, with great force the Brute went sprawling. Jasa turned and bought his fuel rod cannon to bear. He charged it and fired, sending the plasma straight through minors' legs; letting black blood spill over the jungle floor.
The remaining three Brutes, seeing their captain down, began to run. Jasa picked up the fallen captain and threw it at the runaways. They toppled down, and then were finished off by a plasma grenade from Lana.
"Well done Jasa," congratulated Laura "now lets finish this mission."

Lana was sneaking from tree to avoid any more Brute ambushes, Htas was keeping up but Jasa was having a little trouble with his wound.
"Try to keep up." she said.
Jasa growled in irritation.
The group reached the edge of the jungle, and spread out over the clearing a head of them were thousands of brutes surrounding a large temple. For some reason they were unarmed.
"Ok team," Lana began "we'll have to take all of them out if we want to find out what that temple is."
Jasa chuckled out the idea of mass killing Brutes.
"Are we going to go in guns blazing?" asked Htas "or take them out one by one?"
"In a way both." Lana answered. Jasa looked at her in confusion.
"Htas and I will concentrate on one Brute at a time, whereas Jasa you'll blow your way through anything that gets in your way."
Jasa chuckled again.

The group lunged out of the jungle, plasma rifles blazing. Plus one very trigger happy Hunter.
Three ghosts came screaming around the temple towards the group. Htas and Lana dodged the speeding vehicles, but Jasa put his shield down and braced himself. The Ghost smashed into the shield and its driver flew out of its seat; head over heels. Jasa picked up the ghost and threw it at two advancing Brutes, a sharp edge of one of their armor pads scraped against the fuel tank and the Ghost exploded in a fiery blast.
Htas and Lana had boarded a Ghost each and began to mow down more Brutes with their new, stronger weapons.
A Brute chieftain emerged from the temple and surveyed the destruction which was being brought upon his troops; it gave a great roar of rage which made Jasa stop in his tracks.
"What are you stopping for?" asked Htas over the comm. channel as the Brute ran back into the temple.
"That was……." Jasa paused then continued "was Gazton!"

To be continued.
