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Fan Fiction

Grunt power
Posted By: FloodBane<floodbane@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 September 2007, 4:53 am

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Dirt flew out from behind the Warthog as it raced across the battlefield. The Light Reconnaissance Vehicle swerved left and right taking out as many enemy troops as possible.
"Brute Captain at three o'clock!" yelled the jeeps' driver to the gunner who was using the Heavy machine gun mounted on the back of the vehicle.
Bullets poured out of the machine gun, puncturing the hairy alien's ornate helmet causing black blood to spray out of its large head.
"Yeehaw!" crowed the gunner.
The Warthog finally pulled up to the large metal gates of Alpha Base. The meter thick Titanium-A armor creaked open allowing the jeep full of Marines to drive through.

General M. Dawkins surveyed the surviving Marines of Blue team.
"Now, what on Earth are you doing back?" asked the tired General.
The head scout Marine, Lieutenant Pete Riley, stepped forward and gave a quick salute.
"We were doing our routine patrol when a large beam of plasma from a Scarab directly hit the Captains' Hog," replied the Marine "so we hightailed our way back here."
A Scarab, here? Thought the general.
"Sir, should we call for reinforcements? That Scarab can and most likely will cause lots of damage if we don't take it down soon." suggested the Marine Lieutenant.
"True, Comms officer, get me reinforcements on the double," ordered the General "and make sure the reinforcements have a Spartan with them."

Jozz the Grunt waddled through the halls of Alpha base on his way to the mess hall for some food. Two tall Elites lumbered past chatting to each other.
"I heard a Scarab has been spotted." said one.
"Yes, the General has sent for reinforcements, including a Spartan" replied the other.
Nathan thought that a Spartan would have to do all the hard work in the battles, which was perfectly fine with Jozz. Jozz hated fighting, not that he hated killing those that he despised, but he was more concerned about his own survival.
"All Grunts report to the Landing Bay immediately, the Master Chief Petty Officer will be arriving momentarily." said a voice over the loudspeaker.
That didn't sound good to Jozz at all.

The Pelicans' ramp slowly descended allowing Master Chief Petty Officer Adam-042 to step down onto the metal floor of Alpha Base; twenty or so Grunts were standing in the landing bay before him. Little did they know was that two of them were going to aid him in the destruction of the Covenant Loyalists' Scarab.
I'll get straight to the point he thought.
"You two," he said, pointing to two random Grunts "stay here the rest of you, back to your posts."
Eighteen Grunts filed out of the landing bay with sighs of relief, leaving two very nervous comrades trembling in the bay with the powerful Spartan.
"You there, come over here." beckoned Adam.
Both Grunts took careful steps forward.
"You boys are going to aid me in destroying a Scarab," informed Adam "you two will carry a detonation device into the Scarab's cockpit while I cover you, once it's placed we'll get the hell out of there, any questions?"
The shorter of the two slowly raised his hand.
"How do we get in the Scarab Sir?" the diminutive alien asked.
"You'll see." answered Adam with a non visible grin.

On a high cliff overlooking a large valley sat three camouflaged figures, a bulky Spartan and two Grunts named Jozz and Kimla. They were waiting for a giant killing machine. A Scarab.
They had just finished running through the plan when Kimla realized something.
"WHAT!" he squeaked "you're going to make us jump? That's suicide!"
"Do you have any suggestions?" queried Adam.
The small alien went silent.
"I'll jump first and take out most of the guards as quickly as I can," Adam explained "then when I give the all clear signal you guys jump on and get inside that cockpit, Got that?"
Before the Grunts could reply the ground began to rumble. A huge pale purple behemoth lurched into the valley. Jozz suppressed a yelp of fear; Kimla almost fainted, whereas Adam didn't even flinch.
The giant Scarab slowly walked past right under the small attack groups' position. Adam leaped onto the top of the huge machine, landing without a sound; Adam crept around the side of the veranda like structure on the top of the Scarab. He snuck up behind a Brute Minor and broke its neck. The remaining guards under the veranda came over to investigate; they were quickly disposed of by a fragmentation grenade.
Wow, thought Jozz, I'm glad he's on our side.
Adam gave a thumbs up to the two Grunts, the all clear signal, and the short aliens leaped onto the Scarab, taking their detonation device with them.

While Adam readied the detonation device, Kimla drew Jozz aside to talk to him.
"This guy is crazy!" Kimla exclaimed "we are gonna die!"
"I know," Jozz replied "but if we don't help him he'll probably kill us anyway."
The two Grunts waddled back to Adam to check if he'd finished with the bomb.
"You boys ready?" asked Adam.
"Yeah." answered Jozz with a gulp.
Adam directed for the Grunts to walk down into the cockpit and check for enemies. The Grunts obeyed.

Kimla peeked around the corner, having a look for enemies. He gave Jozz the all clear. Jozz motioned for Adam to take the lead and double check the area, Adam carefully stepped around the corner.
Out from a hidden alcove Brute chieftain wielding a gravity hammer bounded for Adam, swing its hammer.
The hammer struck Adam full in the chest, disabling his shield and crushing his ribs as well as his organs. The Spartan went straight into a wall, dead, the bomb rolled away from him. Jozz quickly ducked around the corner, he turned to Jabez.
"Kiml…" he couldn't finish his sentence because Kimla was nowhere to be seen.
That coward, thought Jozz.
A bellow came from around the corner. Jozz quickly peered around the corner and what he couldn't believe what he saw.

The mighty Brute chieftain swung around in circles trying to reach a lone Grunt that had latched onto its back. The Grunt screeched at the hairy beast, taunting it. The large creature picked its gravity hammer up from the ground and swung it attempting to strike the Grunt on its back, the Grunt leaped of just in time as the gravity hammer struck the Brute in the back crushing its own spine and organs. It fell to the floor with a loud thump.
"Kimla?" asked Nathan in disbelief.
"Don't ever let me do that again." said Kimla panting.
"Well seeing as leader is dead, lets blow this thing up ourselves." suggested Jozz.
The Grunts picked up the fallen bomb and attached it to the main controls. They primed it and ran for their lives.

Jozz and Kimla reached the top of the Scarab; they looked for a way off. They saw a few jungle vines hanging from a cliff face a little to their left. They leaped with all their strength, only just making it. They grabbed the vines and climbed up the cliff face.
Just as they reached the top, the bomb inside the Scarab exploded destroying the mighty behemoth and sending shrapnel everywhere.
"Well that's that," said Kimla proudly, but then slumped "oh great now we have to walk all the way back to base."
"Oh well," replied Jozz, Kimla glanced at him with surprise "at least there will be food when we get there."

Every troop in the base had turned up to the ceremony to see two Grunts who had actually been brave.
Jozz and Kimla, two little Grunts had just destroyed a mighty Scarab.
General M. Dawkins gave them each a medal and promoted them to Grunt Ultra for their extreme bravery.
Kimla leaned closer to Jozz.
"You said there would be food as soon as we got back," he whispered "but instead they have promoted us, which means more battles and less likelihood of a long and painless life."
All Jozz could think of was the ceremonial feast after the ceremony.
