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Fan Fiction

Dangerous Voyages [End]
Posted By: Elizar<kopaka2219@hotmail.com>
Date: 26 May 2006, 4:12 am

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      Darius was already in trouble. The moment he had gotten the message from Central about them coming back, a whole team of spec-op elites had come through the doors. The turrets were quickly destroyed, and soon as the firing stopped, only Darius and five of his ODST troops were left alive.
       "Central, you better hurry, they are out for blood now." He said to the com to Central.
       "No need to tell me." Central grimaced as she put on a coating of bio-foam as running towards the control room.
      Darius took up his battle rifle and checked it over. There was no telling when the next wave of Covenants would come. He reloaded it, reassured himself that the safety was off and then went off the platform. It was simply too much in the open and would give the enemy clear shot at him.
      The moment Central entered the doors to the control room, the doors next to her opened, revealing two hunters similarly armed as the hunters previously guarding the control room were.
       "Retreat!" Central yelled in reflex, knowing that they wouldn't stand a chance so close to them.
       "Assist them!" Darius called to the remainder of his team, then held up his battle rifle, shooting short bursts to whatever exposed orange flesh he saw. He had his back turned to the other doors, which would lead them to the hangar bay.
      As the first hunter fell, the other one disappeared by a bend in the hallway, and the doors closed.
      At the same moment, Darius realized he was completely alone in the control room. He looked around quickly, to see if there was anyone in the room with him, a friend or foe. He was about to open the com to the rest of the team, when he heard the doors open. He turned around, seeing a sole, white-armored elite holding a plasma rifle aimed at him.
       "Just one?" He asked, grinning through his fear.
       "Captain… Striker." The elite said in heavy unknown accent. But there was no question about it, it had pronounced the words in English, there was no translation going on. For a second, Darius' eyes widened but he pulled himself together. "So it is capable of speaking." He could have sworn that the elite was smiling, or grinning at him.
      Darius ran. He knew that a single battle rifle wouldn't be enough to kill it, he had to find something good. He knew that one of those that fell earlier defending the control room had a shotgun, the weapon he needed to bring that white elite down.
      The elite followed, chasing Darius. Darius dropped a grenade down close to him, and ran away, hoping that the elite wouldn't pay attention. But the elite stopped, and the grenade detonated without injuring anyone. But it was enough time. Darius had spotted the shotgun. He took it up and noticed at first glance there was enough ammo for it. He turned around with his weapon ready, only to see no one.
      Darius' heart started beating faster, he looked around quickly, hoping to see the shimmer before the elite could deliver a deathblow to him. He swung his weapon around, completely alone, and fought against the fright as it built in him.
      He saw it moment too late. The elite had jumped right in front of him and pinned him down on the ground. The shotgun dropped just besides Darius.
       "Now you die for your uncountable infidelity." The elite said in its language, but the translator picked it up and gave Darius its intended message.
      Darius smiled, but the elite didn't pick it up that something was wrong. It was considered useless to learn how humans conveyed emotions.
       "No, I wont, I got too much to do before I die." Darius said, picked up his shotgun, and let one shot fly straight against the shields. Some of the spread rounds ricocheted, one of them hitting Darius' arm. He grimaced, but shot again.
      The elite staggered as the shields had died, and some of the rounds had hit him, but it was far away from instant lethal shot. But Darius had received the time he needed. He formed his left hand in a fist, as the right one was hurting as hell, and punched through the elite's open mouth.
      Darius had known for a long time that such punch under the jaw was hurting, as the elites didn't have any real jaw to begin with, just a hole under there, and four things that could be called a jaw to the sides.
      Darius felt the teeth penetrating his glove and into his skin as the elite tried to shake him off, but confused from the force of the blow.
       "You are no match for humans, not you, not any of your race. All you are squid with your fancy shielding system." Darius kicked the elite off himself, released his left hand from the mouth and then swung it again to the elite's eyes. He picked up his shotgun, and hit the elite numerous times until it finally gave its final gurgle of death.
       "Where are you?!" Darius said through the com.
       "We are on our way, we ran into few other Covenants." York said through the com.
       "Go, double time. I will join you when you get through the control room."
       "Acknowledged." Central said, noticing that Darius sounded off. "Are you okay?" She asked.
       "I am fine." Darius answered.
       "Good enough." She said as she came through the doors to the control room.
       "I want the pelicans, now!" Darius said to the com to the teams outside of the Covenant ship.
       "I am on the way, the bay is open." A male voice said, and in the background one could hear pelican engines firing up.
       "Be quick." Darius left it at that.
      At the hangar bay, there was just one team of Covenants to deal with, none of them colored in black or white armor. They were dealt with quickly, as everyone were confident enough to take care of a single team of rookies after facing off the number of special ops Covenants when they were teamed up.
      As they entered the pelicans, Central noticed Darius' odd injuries. "Where did you get that?" She asked him, pointing at his left hand.
       "Where did you get that gash on your chest?" Darius answered her with a question, indicating that he was not ready to talk about it. "I will tell you in debriefing." He added smiling.
       "Captain Striker, we are in a safe distance from the ship now." The pelican's pilot called.
      Striker nodded slowly and took out the detonator. "Tell everyone to brace themselves for the shockwave." He waited few seconds, hearing the pilot's warning echo through the pelican, then he pressed the button.
      It was almost impossible for normal things to explode in any kind of fashion, but the amount of explosives used in the engine room managed to spread the flammable fuel around and let it catch on fire. The explosion itself was contained in the engine room and everything in twenty meter radius from it. It rendered the ship completely immobilized, and environmental systems failed. Darius reminded himself that he had to confirm the order to blast the immobilized ship to kingdom high when he arrived back at the base.
      Darius looked at his mission clock, which showed that the mission had been going on for three hours. He felt it had been three days. He gave a silent sigh, and closed his eyes as the pelican delivered him and the rest of the ODST and marines who survived back to the base.
