
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Part One: Recovery
Posted By: EisenHelm<eisenhelm57@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 September 2007, 7:08 pm

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Vice Admiral Nelson picked himself up off the floor of the bridge. "Status!" he inquired. Dalton appeared on the holotank next to the main-view screen.
"That torpedo damaged fire control pretty bad," replied Dalton.
"How badly damaged is the system?" asked the admiral.
"Archer pods seven through twenty-one are offline and the buffer for the MAC gun can only hold half the charge necessary to fire from this distance." Nelson smiled and looked at the AI, "Then we'll just have to get closer. Distance to target?"
The crewman at the tactical station replied, "Twenty-thousand kilometers, sir."
The admiral sat back down in his chair. "Helm, emergency thrust," he ordered, keeping his cool. "Emergency thrust, aye sir," replied the voice of Ensign Bolin. The cruiser's engines thrived and propelled it ahead towards the Covenant armada.
Three separate squadrons of Longsword fighters and a destroyer rushed past the Mobile and could be seen charging straight towards a cluster of CCS-class battle cruisers. The destroyer fired both of its MAC-guns and then followed suite with its Archer missiles.
"I want the right echelon to stay 5000 kilometers off of our starboard-quarter and focus their fire on those cruisers," said Nelson.
The previously fired MAC-rounds impacted their target. The first round disabled the cruiser's shields and the second punched a hole in its aft section. The archer missiles impacted and the enemy cruiser went dark and began to drift aimlessly, but not before it fired and obliterated the destroyer. The bridge of the Mobile was lit up from the explosion of the UNSC Tharsis and several Longsword fighters, which caused most of the command crew to cover their eyes.
The hum of the Mobile's 50mm point-defense guns could be heard and the tracers could be seen tearing through a flight of Seraph fighters causing several of them to explode and others to slam into each other.
Dalton spoke, "If the right echelon is going to blanket those cruisers, may I ask what we're targeting?" Nelson looked at Dalton and grinned. "We're going after that Assault Carrier," replied the Admiral, pointing at the largest Covenant ship that was in front of them. Nelson continued, "Have Captain Pierce take two destroyers and assault the enemies right flank. I'll have one of our fighter squadrons cover for him, also have the Twin Cities and a destroyer hold firing positions off the port bow."
"Admiral, incoming torpedoes," said Crewman Brown.
"How many?" asked the admiral.
"There are a total of three torpedoes, two of which are tracking us, sir." Admiral Nelson rubbed his chin thinking of what to do next. "Dalton, prepare to fire the starboard emergency thrusters on my mark," said Nelson. Dalton looked at Nelson and asked, "But wouldn't that put us in the path of the other torpedo?"
"Yes, but into the path of a torpedo that isn't tracking us and besides, it's better to be hit by one instead of two of those things."
Dalton said, inclining that the admiral change his mind, "You know as well as I do that as soon as those torpedoes miss, they'll turn around and continue to follow us." Nelson ignored Dalton's comment. "Which ship is the other torpedo tracking?"
Brown responded, "It's tracking the Euphrates, sir."
Nelson said to Dalton, "You and I know very well that a frigate can't take a direct plasma torpedo; however, we can."
The bridge shuddered as the MAC gun fired, crippling an enemy frigate directly ahead. It then erupted into a shower of burning hull fragments and plasma as several volleys of Archer missiles from the Mobile and the ships surrounding it hit the enemy cruiser.
"Fifteen seconds to impact," said Brown.
"Sound the collision alarm," replied the admiral, "prepare to fire thrusters." 10…9…8… Several enemy fighters flew right in front of the bridge, closely pursued by two Longswords. 5...4…3… "Fire!" ordered Nelson. The Mobile lurched violently to port avoiding the two torpedoes destined for it and into the path of the torpedo heading for the Euphrates.
"Brace for impact!" yelled Nelson.

One month earlier
Date: 0345 September 046, 2550 (Military Calendar)
Station GAMMA, orbiting Reach

The UNSC Mobile, along with the rest the battle group from hence it was named lay dormant at Station GAMMA high above the planet Reach. The Mobile was a UNSC carrier-- one of many at the time. The Mobile was one of three capital ships in the group. Two Marathon-class cruisers, the UNSC Nashville and the UNSC Twin Cities, accompanied the Mobile.
Vice Admiral Nelson sat behind a desk that he had in his quarters reading status reports of the battle group's current combat capability on his data pad. Nelson had an office in Olympic Tower on the surface, but he couldn't stand being around the personnel from ONI so he made a makeshift office in his quarters aboard the Mobile. Dalton appeared on the holotank next to the desk.
Dalton was the Mobile's shipboard AI. Like every AI in UNSC service, he had a very distinct avatar. Dalton had scoured the history database looking for someone important in Earth's history for his avatar. Whether it was on purpose, accident, or perhaps mere chance that he found what he was looking for: General Hap Arnold.
"Admiral, Captains Craig and Pierce are here," said the AI.
"Oh, send them in."
The door to the admiral's quarters slid open and Captains Craig and Pierce walked in. Nelson told them to stand at-ease and to have a seat before they even had the chance to salute. "You still don't like being saluted do you Kirk?" asked Captain Craig.
Darrin Craig was the captain of the UNSC Twin Cities and in command of the right echelon of Battle Group Mobile. Like Nelson, he was born in 2496: that year most notably known for the Eridanus insurrection. He, Pierce, and Nelson went to the Luna OCS Academy together and graduated near the top of their class.
Captain Justin Pierce was the commanding officer of the UNSC Nashville. He was a year younger than Craig and Nelson. Pierce was in command of the left echelon and was extremely good at echelon level tactics.
Vice Admiral Nelson was another story. He was born on Earth like Craig and Pierce, but during his childhood was able to see a vast majority of the North American continent and parts of Europe. He graduated from the Luna OCS Academy only second in his class. He believed he should have been first, but that honor instead went to a cadet by the name of Jacob Keyes. His streaks of grey hair told the number of years he had been in the navy.
"So, Darrin, how are things on the Twin Cities? I noticed in your report that you're having trouble rekeying some of the Archer pods," said Admiral Nelson. "Yeah, we believe that there may be a glitch in the system, but Stewart, our shipboard AI, hasn't had any luck finding the problem," Captain Craig responded.
"If Stewart can't have it fixed in the next twenty-four hours, I'll call someone up from UNSCOTEC to take a look at it and if they can't fix 'em then we'll just have the replace the pods," said Nelson as he fiddled with his data-pad, "Justin how is the rearming coming along on the Nashville?"
"It's about seventy-five percent complete. It should have been done by now," he shrugged, "but with other battle groups being refitted as well, it's taking longer than usual." Nelson leaned back in his chair and asked, "What other groups are being refitted?"
Captain Pierce replied, "Admiral Stanforth's defense group and Battle Group Stalingrad. Battle Group Stalingrad came in a few hours ago demanding immediate rearmament."
Nelson snickered.
"We can assume this is the work of 'Buster' Patterson then?" he asked. Pierce replied, "Yeah."
Nelson continued, "When Patterson comes into port, he sucks every supply store dry." The captain interjected, "If it wasn't for his 'rush into battle' strategy, than he wouldn't be using half the supplies that he takes."
"I couldn't agree more. One of these days his strategy is going to backfire and its' going to cost him," said Craig.
"Give the man some credit, "said Admiral Nelson, "granted his strategies aren't the best, but it's caught the Covenant off guard and won us a few victories."
Nelson was putting his data pad away when he felt a slight tremor in the floor. "Did y'all fell that?" he asked. Both Captains Craig and Pierce gave him puzzled looks. Dalton appeared on the holotank and said, "There has been an explosion at Tram Station 17." Craig looked shocked.
"That's the station next to the Twin Cities," he said. Admiral Nelson looked at Dalton. "Could it be sabotage?" he asked.
"No, the source came from the Twin Cities and the blast signature matches that of an Archer missile."
Captain Craig rubbed his forehead, "It seems that Stewart found the problem. Dalton, call him here."
"Very well," said Dalton.
The avatar on the holotank changed from General Arnold to that of an armor-clad samurai warrior. "Stewart, what happened?" asked Captain Craig. "I had succeeded in re-keying the malfunctioning pods and was rebooting them when one of them fired accidentally, replied Stewart.
"To avoid any more accidents, you have my authorization to take fire control offline so that you can rewrite the system entirely," said Craig. Stewart nodded his head in agreement and disappeared.
"Well, I better make sure that nothing else happens regarding my ship," said Craig. He turned around and left.

Admiral Nelson stood up and grabbed his flight cap.
"So Justin, want to head down to the surface and grab something to eat?" asked Nelson.
"I was thinking about staying on station," he replied.
"Ah, c'mon, we both need to get some sun and besides I know the place of a very good restaurant. They serve some of the best ancient Greek food in the system."
The captain grinned.
"You know, that sounds quite good. It will probably beat anything they serve on the station," he said.

Date: 0500 September 046, 2550 (Military Calendar)
Public Shuttle Station 12, two miles from Olympic Tower, Reach

Captain Pierce and Vice Admiral Nelson stepped off the shuttle that had brought them to the surface of Reach. It was slightly windy and it was snowing. "So, Kirk, what exactly is this place that were going?" Pierce asked.
"It's called Nikko's. They serve the best ancient Greek food in the sector."
The two continued walking to the nearby tram station. As any other day, the tram station was bustling with people. Captain Pierce fiercely rubbed his hands together due to the cold. The Admiral and Pierce made their way towards one of the many trams and stepped on board and were whisked away towards their destination. Both Pierce and Nelson had taken seats next to door. Nelson stared out the window that he was seated next too.
"So are we being deployed sometime soon?" asked Pierce. Nelson turned his gaze towards Captain Pierce and replied, "There's a briefing at 0900 today on our next assignment. You'll need to be there."
The scenery outside the tram began to come back into focus as it slowed and eventually stopped at another station. Admiral Nelson stood up and Captain Pierce quickly followed suite. The two of them stepped of the tram and into bitter cold of winter.
Admiral Nelson and Captain Pierce sat at one of the many tables at Nikko's restaurant. From their table, Nelson could see corner shops, high-rise apartments, people walking the streets, and the light dusting of snow that had fallen overnight- the perfect example of city life. "You know Justin, life here hasn't changed much from when we weren't at war," said the Admiral. Pierce nodded as he took a swallow of his coffee. Nelson continued, "The only differences are that more people take the tram, there are more uniforms in the crowd, and the occasional marine patrol."

Pierce set his coffee cup down and asked, "So how's your wife?"
Nelson replied, "She's doing fine, says that not many things have changed on Earth. Ever since the Cole Protocol was issued, it's been harder to be able to see her. I'm only able to see her on our anniversary, our birthdays, and during the holidays. How are you holding up about your wife? I've noticed that you still wear your wedding band." Pierce took off the wedding band on his left hand and admired it for a few seconds.
"Ever since the Covenant glassed Argulous Prime, I've tried not to think about it too much because it can affect my ability to command, but this simple gold ring reminds me to kick their asses straight back to hell," he replied, "I yearn for the day when this war ends."
Admiral Nelson looked at the commander and said, "Yeah, but the way the war's going we're not going to be the ones celebrating."

Commander Pierce was about to make a comment, but the waiter put that thought aside. "So gentlemen, have we decided what we're going to have?" he asked. Admiral Nelson spoke up, "I'll have the Juwetsi with lamb instead of pork."
"And you, sir?" asked the waiter.
"I'll have the same," replied Pierce.

He continued talking to Nelson, "It would be a shame to lose Reach to the Covenant."
"I agree. The planet's beautiful, but if Reach fell, it would cripple us. In my opinion sixteen super MAC-platforms aren't going to be enough when the Covenant come knocking," said the admiral.

They continued talking until their food arrived. Pierce picked up his fork and dug straight into his food but nearly spit it out.
"Damn, that's hot," he said as he took a drink from his water glass.
Nelson spooned the mix of lamb and Greek noodles out of the ceramic container from which it was set before him and onto his plate to let it cool off. In the mean time he took a bread stick from the center of the table, ran it through a saucer of olive oil, and ate it.
"You have to let the noodles cool down before touching them," the admiral remarked.
Commander Pierce grabbed a bread stick and quickly ate half of it.
Substantial time had passed for the Juwetsi to cool, so Nelson and Pierce began to eat. While they were eating, a group of ODSTs made their way into the restaurant. Their arrival reminded Nelson of the time that he had taken orbital skydiving lessons. Though he had developed a fetish for the sport, he wasn't crazy enough to become and ODST. Among the three ODSTs was a middle-aged female officer, Major Elizabeth Wilson.

Major Wilson was approximately 5'3 with blue eyes, shoulder length-red hair, and freckles; these traits complimented her Irish heritage. She was the executive officer of the marine forces throughout the battle group. Being an ODST, she would have made an excellent commander of a battle group's worth of marines, but since she didn't have the rank requirements for that job, she was assigned as second-in-command under Colonel Harper. Wilson seeing the admiral and Captain Pierce, walked over to their table.
"It's good to see you off station sir," Wilson said with great enthusiasm. Nelson put his fork down and quickly chewed what food he had in mouth.
"It's good to see you too Major," responded Nelson, "enjoying your shore leave?" Wilson blushed and looked down at her boots.
"Did I embarrass you?"
"No sir…" she hesitated, 'it's just that that's not the kind of question I'd expect coming from you sir."
Nelson laughed slightly.
"Don't worry Major, I'm married. Have been for the past thirty-four years," Admiral Nelson commented. He continued, "Now back to the more professional field of conversation Major. There is a briefing on station about our next assignment."
He then asked, "Can you tell Colonel Harper about the meeting?"
"Yes sir. I'll talk to him when I deliver my report. Is that all sir?"
Nelson nodded.
"That's all major," said Nelson.
"Aye, Aye sir," Wilson responded, snapping to attention. She then turned around and returned to her group.
Nelson looked back at Pierce. He was grinning and shaking his head.
"What?" asked Nelson.
Pierce replied, "She's a nice women. Seems to me that her being an ODST is completely opposite her gentle demeanor."
Nelson picked his fork up and resumed eating.
"She may be nice off the battlefield, but when she's in combat, her Irish temper kicks in," said Nelson.

Substantial time had passed allowing Admiral Nelson and Captain Pierce to finish their meal.
Nelson wiped his lips with his napkin and then set it on the table.
"Well, I better get back. I have to finish reading those reports before the briefing," said Nelson.
"I'll come along as well. I need to catch up on some sleep," Pierce said.
Nelson laughed as he stood up and left. Pierce followed close behind.

Date: 0853 September 046, 2550 (Military Calendar)
Onboard Station GAMMA, Reach

Colonel Timothy Harper paced about the main-briefing room aboard Station GAMMA. At the moment he was the only one in room. He gazed around the room examining it. There was a large steel-oval table that seated ten people in the center of the room. The chairs weren't necessarily top of the line, but they served their purpose. He looked at his watch; it read 0855.
"Well they have five minutes to get here," Harper said to himself, regarding the current absence of Admirals Whitcomb and Nelson and Captains Craig and Pierce. It was somewhat excusable that Nelson, Craig, and Pierce not being there at the moment, but Admiral Whitcomb was the one giving the briefing. Again Harper checked his watch: 0858. The door to the briefing room slid open and Nelson and Craig walked in. This caused Harper to naturally snap to attention in the presence of a superior officer.
"At ease Harper," said Admiral Nelson, as he and Craig walked over to their seats. The door opened again and Pierce walked in.
"Oh good I'm not late," he proclaimed. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he walked over to a chair.
Craig asked Pierce, "Have a nice nap?"
Pierce replied, "The only problem was having to wake up."
The time was now 0900. The door once again opened and those that were already in the room came to attention as Admiral Whitcomb walked in.
"As you were,' he said in a compelling voice.
Whitcomb continued, "These orders come straight from FLEETCOM. The higher-ups want to send your battle group," he said referring to Nelson, " to the Dylorian system to see of the Covenant have glassed the colony there. It's unlikely that they have since the colony was evacuated when the Covenant poured into the Inner Colonies. Due to the remoteness of this system, it is unlikely that the Covenant have been there."
Nelson asked, "Isn't the colony there the only Outer Colony left?"
"Yes it is, admiral. Intelligence believes that an attack on the colony is imminent and FLEETCOM decided to send an entire battle group there to stop or only delay the pending attack."
Craig looked confused.
"What's the importance of the colony to send such a large force?" he asked.
Admiral Whitcomb set his data-pad down and answered the captain's question.
"The colony held reserve supplies for the Outer Colonies and as far as we know theses supplies are still there. There are a total of ten storage bunkers. Bunkers one through three contain stores of Titanium-A battle plate, bunkers four through six contain MAC-rounds and Archer missiles, and the remaining bunkers contain ground-based weapons."
Admiral Nelson leaned back in his chair.
"Is there anyone of those bunkers that you want us to secure first?" Nelson asked.
"If you can, try to secure all of them, but should run into trouble, then retrieve the battle plate. With it, we'll be able to replace the ships we've lost," replied Whitcomb, "your second priority is to secure the MAC and Archer stores. The colony is sixty-three light-years away so it will take you a month to get there. Any questions?" Nobody said anything. "Dismissed!"
Admiral Whitcomb left the same way he had arrived.
"Well that was short," said Harper laughing.
Nelson stood up.
"Admiral Whitcomb likes to get straight to the point," he said
Admiral Nelson walked up to where Whitcomb just was.
"As you know this is going to be a recovery mission. Recovering these supplies could very well help stop the Covenant's advance into the Inner Colonies and overall keep them from finding Earth," said Nelson.
"How are we going to bring the supplies back?" asked Craig.
"We'll be outfitted with fifty percent more Albatross drop ships but at the expense of the number of Pelicans we will be carrying. What Pelicans we will have will be outfitted with the cargo pods."
Nelson looked at Harper.
"Colonel, when we arrive on site, the first wave of marines sent down to secure the bunkers will be ODSTs shortly followed by the drop ships"
"Understood sir," responded Colonel Harper, "I'll inform Major Wilson."
"Any further questions?" asked the admiral. "We embark first thing tomorrow."
Captains Craig and Pierce left the briefing room. Colonel Harper was about to leave but Nelson called him aside.
"I understand that you're heading out to replenish our marine compliment," he asked.
"Yes sir. The 573rd Marine Battalion is due for deployment and since we may cross paths with a Covenant armada, I figured we could use reinforcements," replied Harper, "I've looked over the performance records for the entire battalion and decided that their Bravo Company is best for the job."
"I'll come with you so that way I don't have to wait to authorize their deployment," said Nelson.

Date: 1300 September 046, 2550 (Military Calendar)
Camp Vigilance, Reach

His eyes were centered down range, looking at the red painted targets that were fifty yards away.
"C'mon Connor, you're taking too long," shouted 1Sgt Kerrigan.
Connor filtered out the voice of his platoon sergeant. His eyes narrowed, forcing the targets into perception.
Once again the first sergeant's voice rang throughout the firing range, "Private Connor, you have five seconds to fire that rifle before I come over there and beat you with it."
Connor focused on the targets, allowing the sight-rail of his MA5K to center on one of them and in the blink of an eye the crack of the rifle echoed throughout the range and splinters of wood shot out from the center of the target--- a direct hit in the center.
"Well done Connor. Now if only you can pull the trigger faster, you might just not get your brains blown out," taunted Kerrigan.
"That's enough Sergeant," said Major Wilson as she walked over. Both the bodies of First Sergeant Kerrigan and Private Connor went rigid as they snapped to the position of attention and saluted.
"As you were," ordered Wilson.
Kerrigan and Connor both relaxed.
Wilson continued, "I still think that you're being slightly too tough on our new recruits."
Kerrigan responded in disagreement, "Tougher discipline creates better soldiers, by filtering out the weak and ill-determined and then making those that are left stronger."
Lieutenant Wilson raised an eyebrow before saying, "If I'm not mistaken, I ordered you to ease up on the discipline of your company."
Kerrigan solemnly nodded his head. "Yes ma'am, you did."
Major Wilson turned around now only inches from Kerrigan's face.
"When I give you an order I expect you to obey it. Do I make myself clear sergeant?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am."
Wilson continued, " And the next time I hear about you making defamations about my leadership or the next time you disobey a direct order, I'll personally throw you in the brig for dereliction of duty."
She turned around and left.
"Stupid know-it-all officer. She thinks that she knows what discipline is. She can't even tell the difference between incoming and outgoing artillery," Kerrigan said, disgusted.
Connor looked at Kerrigan and said, "Well, the difference is very distinguishable; loud thumps and whistles is outgoing and big blue arcs of plasma is incoming."
Kerrigan turned about and yelled, "Bravo Company, on me." The scattered parts of Bravo Company emerged from their previously assigned areas and quickly arrived at Kerrigan and Connor's position. 1Sgt Kerrigan continued, "Listen up ladies. We're going to head down to the agility course to test how fast you move around in combat armor."
Bravo Company fell into formation and at Kerrigan's orders, marched towards the agility-training course. When they arrived at the course, the tech specialist didn't meet them, but instead the figures of Colonel Harper and Admiral Nelson did. The formation of marines came to a halt and Kerrigan saluted. Both Nelson and Harper returned that salute.
"Where's your CO?" asked Harper.
Kerrigan looked at Harper.
"You mean Lieutenant Rudnicki?" asked Kerrigan.
Harper replied, "Yeah, where is he?"
"Try the mess hall sir. He likes to take a late lunch."
"Thank you Sergeant, that will be all."
1Sgt Kerrigan saluted as Harper and Nelson walked off.

Colonel Harper and Admiral Nelson walked into the mess hall. They both looked around the mess hall for Lieutenant Rudnicki. He wasn't hard to find, as he was the only one in the mess hall. Lieutenant Rudnicki sat alone at one of the many long tables that stretched from one side of the mess hall to the other, eating lunch while working on something on his data-pad. The colonel walked over to where the Lieutenant was, followed closely by the admiral.
"Can we talk?" asked Harper.
Rudnicki immediately stood in the presence of two superiors.
"You can stand at-ease lieutenant," said Admiral Nelson.
The lieutenant complied and relaxed.
"So you wanted to talk to me sir?" asked Rudnicki.
"Yes Lieutenant. I'll let the admiral explain," replied Harper.
Admiral Nelson stepped forward.
"Lieutenant, I'm here to inform you that your company is being transferred to my battle group. We're being deployed to the remnants of the Outer Colonies to retrieve supplies vital to halting the Covenant advance. Your company will be assigned to the Nashville under the command of Major Wilson," said Nelson.
"Aye, sir," responded Rudnicki, "when do we disembark?"
Nelson replied, " Bravo Company will be airlifted by Pelican to the Nashville tonight and the battle group leaves in the morning."
"Understood sir. I'll inform my men."
Lieutenant Rudnicki saluted and then left the mess hall.

Lieutenant Rudnicki walked over to the agility-training course where Bravo Company was. He could see his men practicing their fire-team tactics and 1Sgt Kerrigan was once again giving them a hard time
"Private Sharn, what in the hell was that?" asked Kerrigan, as he yelled at him.
"I-I was going to flank to the right," replied Sharn.
"That's the lousiest excuse I have ever heard."
Sharn's body stiffened.
Kerrigan continued ranting, "Next time you do something that pathetic, I'll strip you of that armor and shove up your ass. Do you understand me?"
Pvt. Sharn could only nod his head.
"Now kiss the dirt and give thirty proper push-ups," ordered Kerrigan in a heightened tone of voice.
Sharn had no choice but to comply. Either that or be thrown in the brig for disobeying a direct order. He efficiently executed his punishment.
All around them the other marines of B-company were sprinting and weaving in between obstacles. Covering each other from hostile fire that didn't exist from an enemy that wasn't there. Either way it helped them prepare for what they might run into during the war.
Lieutenant Rudnicki walked through the gate that separated the agility course from the rest of the camp.
"Bravo Company, fall in. I have an important announcement," yelled Rudnicki.
The company came to the lieutenant's position.
"Alright listen up. We're finally being deployed," he said.
The marines cheered and celebrated the news that they would finally have their chance to combat a genocidal enemy.
Lieutenant Rudnicki said in an attempt to get his men under control again, "Ok. I know that your excited, but try to keep your heads on. This is going to be a recovery mission to retrieve supplies crucial to stopping the Covenant advance into the Inner Colonies from the Outer Colony supply stores. The only reason we're being assigned to this mission is because it is highly likely that we will cross paths with a Covenant armada. We're being airlifted up to the Nashville tonight. We are to then disembark with Battle Group Mobile in the morning. That's all I have, your all dismissed."

It was 1900 hours. Darkness flowed throughout Camp Vigilance only to be sliced through by the lights that were set throughout the camp. The silhouettes of the formation of Bravo Company cast eerie shadows on the parade grounds as they stood there, full gear with weapons at their sides, waiting for the Pelican drop ships to come and swiftly take them to the UNSC Nashville. It was cold and raining. The softness of the rain was amplified to a dull drone as it splattered against the marine's armor. Lieutenant Rudnicki stood in front of the formation, looking at the faces of 120 marines. He heard the roar of the incoming Pelicans steadily becoming louder. In a matter of seconds, ten-drop ships emerged over the trees and landed ten meters from Bravo Company. Lieutenant Rudnicki cast a look over his left shoulder, looking at the Pelicans as they sat there waiting for B-Company to get onboard.
"Everyone hustle up. Twelve to a Pelican," shouted the Lieutenant.
The 120 marines grabbed hold of their weapons and ran towards the drop ships. Rudnicki grinned as they all ran past him. He wasn't in a hurry to get aboard. He walked up to one of the Pelicans and stepped onboard. The pilot in the cockpit turned around in his seat to look into the cargo-hold. He saw twelve wet armor-clad marines embracing their various weapons.
"Is that everyone?" he asked.
Rudnicki replied, "That's everyone."
The pilot gave him thumbs up in acknowledgement. The floor of the drop ship shook as it lifted off the ground. Rudnicki peered out of the back of the Pelican. The lights of Camp Vigilance became smaller with each passing second until it faded in with other lights on the surface.
"Hang on back there. We're going to life support," said the pilot.
The back hatch closed and Lieutenant Rudnicki could feel the effects of the inertial dampeners kick in. He stood up and cautiously walked forward to the cockpit. He now stood in between the men that were piloting the drop ship. Looking out of the front of the Pelican, Lieutenant Rudnicki could see the other drop ships and Station GAMMA. He was amazed at how many ships there were. He saw shuttlecraft, fighters, and other drop ships cruising in and out of the atmosphere. That was only half of what Rudnicki could see. The Lieutenant also could see two separate Super MAC defense-platforms. Presently the ships of Battle Group Mobile came into sight: seven frigates, five destroyers, two cruisers, and a single carrier.
The pilot at his left spoke over the radio, " UNSC Nashville, this is Pelican flight echo-zero-niner-four, requesting permission to dock, over."
There was split second of static before there was a response.
"Pelican Flight echo-zero-niner-four, request granted. You have permission to land in Hangar bay zero-three."
The Pelican neared the cruiser.
"You might want to take a seat Lieutenant, We'll be landing soon," said the pilot.
Rudnicki stumbled back to his seat with his marines. The hangar bay doors on Hangar Bay 3 opened and the flight of Pelicans flew inside. Rudnicki felt life support disengage. The back hatch then opened letting the marines in the back of the drop ship to catch their first glimpse of the inside of the Nashville. All ten Pelicans docked on the same level. Lieutenant Rudnicki and the marines in his drop ship leaped out onto the deck that was a third of a meter below them. He and the marines with him met up with the rest of Bravo Company.
"All right everyone, stay here until I find out where were going," said Lieutenant Rudnicki.
He walked over to a command console and was about to access it when the door next to him opened and revealed Captain Pierce.
"Welcome aboard," he said.
Lieutenant Rudnicki saluted and the rest of B-company gave a present arms. Captain Pierce returned the salute.
"You all can stand at-ease," said Pierce.
A few of the marines removed their helmets.
"If you don't mind, I'll personally show you to your armory, quarters, and your cryo-chambers," said Pierce.
"Absolutely sir," responded Rudnicki.
The marines and Captain Pierce left the hangar bay.

Private Connor sat on his bunk reading a book about the Cold War during the 20th century of earth's history. He was intrigued by the era that brought around nuclear energy and the weapons that were the predecessors of the HORNET mine and the SHIVA nuclear warhead.
Private James Connor was seventeen years of age and had just enlisted in the UNSC Marine Corps. He had lied about his age and joined up when the Covenant destroyed his home world. He was training to become a weapons specialist. He was scheduled to began classes to learn the mechanics of how shipboard weaponry coincide with each other and with the CNI transponders of a ship's captain and its AI.
Connor continued to read his book. The door to B-Company's quarters opened and one of Connor's friends, PFC Lewis, walked over to Connor's bunk.
"When are you going to stop reading that book?" asked Lewis.
Connor replied, "I have at least twenty or so more pages to finish until I'm done with this chapter."
Lewis rolled his eyes.
"C'mon Jimmy. You've been reading ever since we arrived. If it wasn't for your rifle being in the way, you would have probably have been reading on the drop ship."
Pvt. Connor closed the book and placed it on the wooden shelf above his bed.
"Okay. I've stopped reading my book. Now what?"
"Sergeant Kerrigan wants us to clean and prep our gear," said Lewis.
Connor stood up and stretched his legs from having been lounging on his bunk for the past thirty minutes.
"Well, let's get to the armory before Kerrigan gets mad," said Connor as he and Lewis walked out the door and into the adjacent corridor.
In the armory several marines sat around a round table telling jokes and discussing the latest scuttlebutt, but ultimately they were cleaning their armor plating. Private Connor sat around the small table with his boots propped up on the table. He had been there for ten minutes. He was applying a heat resistant polymer to his lower leg pieces. These pieces encased the entire lower leg and covered the top of the foot. The polymer the marines were applying to it would assist the titanium alloy disperse the heat from Covenant plasma weapons. Connor set the lower leg piece aside. He ran his brush through the container of polymer and applied it to his thigh plates.
"I don't understand what the hell this stuff is supposed to do other than make a huge mess," complained Lewis.
Connor looked up, still rubbing the substance onto his thigh plates.
"It's supposed to prevent plasma fire form burning through your armor any more than it has to," he replied, "At least that's what the technicians said. I've heard that it works and I've heard it doesn't work."
It was about five minutes later when Connor finished prepping his armor.
"I'm going to head back to quarters and get some sleep," said Connor, as he yawned, stood up, and left the other marines to their business.
The door to Bravo Company's quarters opened and James Connor, half-minded, walked over to his bunk. He wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that 1Sgt Kerrigan was present.
"What are you doing Connor?" he asked.
Connor's half-mined state quickly shifted to a state of full alert.
"Is that you Sarge?"
"Better believe it Private. Are you done prepping your armor?"
"Yes sergeant," said Connor, "that's why I came back to hit the sack."
Kerrigan was lying on his bunk which several feet from Connor's. He opened one eye and looked at the private.
"You don't snore do you?" he asked.
Kerrigan responded, "Good."
Connor hung his trousers on the rack next his bunk and lay down.
"You don't think-," Connor started to say.
"Shut up Connor."
Connor did as he was told, closed his eyes, and let a sub-conscious state take over his body.

The next morning
Date: 0500 September 050, 2550 (Military Calendar)
Bridge of the UNSC Mobile

Admiral Nelson watched the main-view screen. The names of the ships part of Battle Group Mobile were appearing on it showing their combat readiness; one by one and sometimes a few at a time. The list of ships could be seen on every ship of the battle group. The only ship not on the list was the Mobile.
"Dalton what's our status?" asked Nelson.
The holotank next to him started to glow as Dalton appeared.
"All sections report full combat capability," relied Dalton.
Nelson said to Dalton, "Send a message to the rest of the Battle Group to rendezvous at the following coordinates once they've left station."
The admiral pressed a series of illuminated command keys. Dalton closed his eyes as he transmitted the admiral's orders to the CNI transponders of all the other ship commanders in the battle group.
"The orders have been transmitted," said Dalton.
"Prepare to leave station," the admiral said.
He then sat down in his chair.
Nelson said as he looked around the bridge, "All stations, confirm systems check."
"Helm controls check," replied Ensign Bolin
"We have a go for tactical," responded Chief Hall.
Crewman Brown said loudly, "Go flight for navigation."
"Remove the docking clamps. Fire bow thrusters, ten percent burn," Nelson ordered.
The thrusters fired and the Mobile slowly started to drift away from the station.

Captain Craig stood on the bridge of the Twin Cities directly behind the two ensigns that were manning the helm controls.
"Captain, the Mobile's leaving station," said Stewart.
"What? They didn't register as combat ready," responded Craig as he walked over to one the bridge's view ports.
Stewart looked at the captain, "You know the admiral. If he's ready, he doesn't waste anytime."
"That's for sure."
Captain Craig looked at the helmsmen.
"You know what to do ensign. Take us out nice and easy," he said.
"Aye, Aye sir."
The Twin Cities slowly started to move as the docking clamps were released. All around the station, the ships of Battle Group Mobile were leaving Station GAMMA. The UNSC Twin Cities was now clear of the docking area that it had shared with a frigate assigned to its echelon.
"Lock in the following coordinates: One-zero-niner point seven by eight-five-two by seven-one-four."
The crewman at he NAVCOM station typed the coordinates into the navigation computer.
"All ahead standard," said Craig; he now stood at the main-view screen.
"All ahead standard, aye sir," complied one of the ensigns at the helm controls.
The UNSC Twin Cities accelerated and slowly rolled to starboard as it headed for the coordinates. The Mobile could be seen roaring ahead, followed closely by a frigate and a destroyer. The Nashville and its echelon were the last ships to reach the assembly area.
On the bridge of the Mobile, Vice Admiral Nelson was looking at the battle group's current formation on the view screen; the left echelon had just arrived and was getting into standard combat formation.
"Looks like we're set," said Nelson.
Dalton stood on the holotank.
"All ships are ready to jump," he said.
"Very well. Set jump timer to thirty seconds."
The display of a timer appeared on the view screen.
"Okay Dalton, bring the FTL drive online," said Nelson.
The nacelles on the carrier began to brighten as it prepared to enter slip space and due to primitiveness of the Shaw-Fujiksawa drive, a massive slip space rupture formed off the Mobile's bow. The timer now read fifteen seconds.
"Helm, set course for the Dylorian system," ordered the admiral.
The bridge started to shudder, as the battle group was about to jump.
Nelson sat back down. 5…4…3…2...1. The FTL engaged and the entire battle group disappeared into slip space.
"Attention all personnel, this is Admiral Nelson. Report to duty stations. Initiate cryo cycle theta-three," said Nelson over the Ship-wide intercom.
"What now?" Dalton asked.
"Now we begin a journey we may not come home from," the admiral replied.
