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Fan Fiction

Skirmish at UNSC Base # 4791
Posted By: Eisen<mortarman@frontiernet.net>
Date: 2 December 2005, 1:59 am

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UNSC Base # 4791 Codenamed: Orion's Bow

Located roughly 1567 lightyears from the UNSC naval yards at Reach, UNCS Base # 4791 acted as a supply shipping depot for the 407th Tactical Marine Regiment stationed at Reach. Base # 4791 was erected on a remote planet in the constellation Orion when it was realized that the UNSC's Combat Fleets could not deploy quick enough to the growing Covenant threat since supplies had been distributed from Earth.After Reach's destruction and the Halo incident,"Orion's Bow" had since been reassigned to supply and reinforce the UNCSDF at Earth.

"Well, Major, the Pomme De Terre has been loaded with the last shipment of BR55s, M7s, and S2s. We also loaded a few Scorpions," said Master Sergeant Jacobs. Jacobs was a man of average stature and had been in the UNSC since he was 19; he was now 34. "Thank you, Sergeant. Earth has been put on alert due to the fact that a Covenant Fleet escaped the Covenant shipyard that was destroyed yesterday," said Maj. Nelson. Nelson had been in command of Base # 4791 ever since Colonel Nanchez was killed on his way back from a meeting on Reach when the Covenant attacked the planet. Suddenly over the PA:"Major Nelson, report to Ops immediately." "Now what?!," Nelson said in slight disgust. Usually when Nelson arrived at Ops every morning, he got his morning paper from Chicago that he had always requested.(Nelson was a Chicago native and to stay posted on what was going on at home)This morning, there was no paper and everyone was at their post, which was rare."What's up?" said Nelson. "Sir, slip-space rupture in Quadrant 3," said Petty Officer Hubbard. "Show it on screen," demanded Nelson. "One Covenant Carrier and five cruisers, sir," said Hubbard. "Damn it, how did they find us? This base has been hidden since it was built." "Maybe they tracked the Pomme de Terre," replied Hubbard,"we also have additional contacts entering the atmosphere. Most likely Phantoms, sir." Major Nelson replied,"That settles it then, bring base up to Combat Alert Alpha and prepare for ground assault; alert the MAC-station to open fire on the nearest Covenant capital ship and tell the depot to fire up those tanks of theirs. I want G Company airlifted to Fire Station 03. Have B Company secure the base perimeter and have the 317th to man their tanks and prepare to repel attack. Tell the Longsword squadron to clear the mountain pass," orderes Maj. Nelson. "I've sent an encoded message to Earth telling them that we have been discovered by a Covnenant fleet," said the Petty Officer.

In the armory, G Company was preparing for battle. "Marines, the Covenant bastards have decided to come knock on our door. Now you all know the drill, get out there, and frag 'em. We're going to show the Covenant what humanity is," yelled MSgt Jacobs," am I right?" "HOORAH!" replied the marines of G Company. " We're being arilifted to Fire Station 03, so get to the depot. DOUBLETIME!" shouted Jacobs. When G company arrived at the depot, four Pelicans were waiting for them. All kinds of activity was going on. The 317th was about to depart with their tanks and Warthogs and the Longsword squadron was lifting off from the airstrip. B Compant had begun digging slit trenches around the main entrance.

At Fire Station 03, Sgt Jacobs and G Company had dug their foxholes and postiones their .50 calibers, when five Phantoms passes overhead spraying plasma on top of G Company's position. "Take cover!" shouted Jacobs. Cpl Davis had been cleaning his BR55 when a plasma blast from the Phantoms hit him in the leg. " MEDIC," he yelled in agonizing pain. The Corpsman came to him and was blasted into Davis's hole by the igniting of a nearby rocket cache. "What's wrong?!" yelled Corpsman White. "They got me in my leg," answered Davis. "It doesn't look that bad, maybe a second degree burn at the most," said White,"here. let get a bandage on that." Corpsman White helped Davis to a foxhole further behind the line. "We have incoming!" yelled Pvt Clark. At that moment twelve Elites,(one Zealot, seven minor. and four major)Jackal snipers, and an uncertain amount of Grunts dropped out of the Phantoms. "Open fire!" shouted Jacobs. The oncoming Covenant forces were met with an endless volley of BR55 fire. Several of the Grunts were cut down,and one significant one was shot shot in the head, sending blueish gore everywhere. The remaining Covenant overran the first few foxholes where MSgt Jacobs was. The Zealot Elite charged Jacobs's position with an Energy Sword and Jacobs returned fire with his SMGs. The gold-clad Zealot Elite was almost on top of Jacobs when a sniper shot rang out and a SABOT round pegged the Elite in the head, spraying purple blood on Jacobs. "Thanks Clark, I owe you one," said Jacobs. Jacobs was looking at Clark when several Beam Rifle shots hit many of the Marines, one of them hit Pvt Clark in the chest. "White, get Clark's S2 and kill those Jackals," said Jacobs as he was taking cover. "What? I'm a Corpsman. I can't use a wepon; it's against the Geneva Convention," replied White. "The Covenant wern't at the convention," yelled back Jacobs. White got Clark's S2 and sighted three Jackals and opened fire. From Jacobs's point of view, he saw three white phosphorus trails seek and hit their targets. " Hey, Jacobs, the rest of the Covenant are pulling back," said White. "Casulty report," said Jacobs. "Uhh...Davis was hit in the leg, all of 3rd Squad have plasma burns, Clark, Freeman, and Adams are dead, and I have a slight burn from that exploding rocket cache," replied White.

B Company was enjoying a peaceful moment when twenty SpecOp Elites uncloaked and cut down 2nd Platoon with their Energy Swords. "Oh, hell," said SSg Moore,"2nd Platoon are all dead!" 2nd Platoon has most of B Company's best men. One of the Elites passed by Moore and Moore, being himself for impossible kills, meleed the Elite in the back of the neck, fracturing its spine. Moore took the dropped Energy Sword, switched it off, and clipped it to his belt. B Company's 4th Platoon was closest to the action. They had lost nearly 3/4 of their men, but had killed eight of the Elites. "C'mon, kill the rest of them, before they kill us," shouted Cpl Grant," there's only six left!" Cpl Grant was new and only 20 years of age. He joined the UNSC when his brother was killed; his brother was among the crew of The Pillar of Autumn. A SpecOp Elite came running at him, and Grant threw a plasma grenade on its face. The Elite stopped dead in its tracks and started clawing at its own face, trying to get the grenade off, but it was too late. The Elite exploded leaving only some of the torso and legs. Another Elite, seeing that his comrade had been blown to pieces, attacked Grant and sliced his arm off. " Aaaahhh!" yelled Grant. Grant was wore out, but still had their strength to reach for his magnum and shoot the Elite several times in the head; dealing total and complete incapacitation. The remaining Elites were retreating when SSg Moore manned a .50 cal and riveted the last four Elites.

At Ops Major Nelson was surveying the After Action Report when Petty Officer Hubbard said,"Sir, we have a new contact with an IFF transponder; it's the Pride of Harvest. We're recieving a message that requests that we load up everybody and abandon the base. Maj.Nelson replied,"Well, we sent the shipment of weapons and I doubt any new shipments will arrive here, so yes, we're leaving. Whatever we can't take with us, destroy it. That includes the base as well."
