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Fan Fiction

High Charity Blockade Prt.2
Posted By: Darknight101<megaevildictatr@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 August 2006, 8:41 pm

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      Jehaii'shamamee looked at where the engineer leader had placed his men. Three Unggoy were manning the turrets, and the seven Shangheili were manning the Spectre turrets. Jehaii' looked towards the Grunt district and wondered where his future wife was. He saw many flashes of light going into the air, there seemed to be more death that he could smell then he could feel. He knew there was more than a chance that she might make it. He both looked forward to it and dreaded it.
      "Sir, we have contact with the Unggoy District defenders. They aren't going to be able to hold the Flood back for much longer. They want instructions on whether to retreat or make a last stand" said one of his Spec-Ops troops.
      "Tell them that they are to hold there positions unless they are ordered to move" said Jehaii.
      "Yes, sir I shall tell them" and with that the Shangheili soldier left to the communications post that they had set up.
      Jehaii once again looked to the Unggoy District. It used to be the most peaceful place in High Charity; it had the lowest amount of disturbance issues and had a District Patrol. Now it was a desecrating war zone of Heresy and Infestations. All of the District Patrol members had been given fully effective Needlers instead of their usual Plasma pistol. They had been put into tough strong suits of armor and sent to their death knowing that their brothers had died for a false belief.
      It was enough to almost make Jehaii weep, but he could not focus on the matters and had to turn to look at the grav-lift. It had just appeared on the bridge and with Kig-Yar and Jiralhanae swarming all over the place no Shangheili commander could be too sure.
      The grav-lift door opened to reveal an entire squad of Jiralhanae and two Kig-Yar with Beam Rifles. The commander leaped into action while the rest of the squad had just turned. He drew out his sword with a loud yell and charged the squad of Heretics. They were heretics, not to their faith, but to their worlds and the worlds of every other race alive. The squad started to fire immediately once he had reached the grav-lift. They took out one of the Snipers while Jehaii slashed the neck of a Jiralhanae. Jehaii turned around and lashed at another one, but this one was far more powerful. The slash barely scratched his tough hide.
       A charged plasma pistol shot his the Jiralhanae straight in the forehead, shattering his face-plate. Jehaii took advantage of that by lunging at it and cutting its face in half. The barrage of fire from the squad killed most of the rest but their was still one left, the captain. The Captain was furious and snarled; throwing his weapon to the side he made a daring charge at the Shangheili. The Commander jumped out of the way of the charge and once again the Jiralhanae was hit with a fully charged plasma bolt, this time to the rib. The Captain cried out in anger and agony. Jehaii looked to see who had shot the bolt and it turned out to be the Engineering team leader.
      At the same time the Captain saw him as well. The Jiralhanae foolishly tried to charge at the entire blockade, but was soon cut down by overwhelming fire. The Shangheili laughed at the stupidity of the Jiralhanae. Once the cleanup was over and the bodies had been burned Jehaii walked over to the Unggoy engineer leader.
      "Thank you umm what is your name?" asked the Commander.
      "Ohh no sir. I am not worthy of the honor of truly being thanked by a blessed one" said the Unggoy stuttering at almost every word.
      "Nonsense, officially once you save my life twice you are my friend so please tell me your name"
      'Oh I'm not sure that you really want to know. I'm just an Unggoy"
      "Soldier do you want me to make that an order?" said the Commander starting to lose patience.
      "No sir my name is Kalapa" said the Unggoy finally saying it.
      "Well Kalapa thank you for saving my life twice" said Jehaii.
      "It is no tr-" Kalapa was cut off by the Shangeili's hand in the stop signal. Jehaii looked towards the Unggoy District. Coming out of the smoke was a female commander in goldish red armor. Guarding her were two Ultras and an honor guard.
