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Fan Fiction

Coffin Company Prt.2
Posted By: Darknight101<megaevildictatr@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 July 2006, 7:20 pm

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      Alex Melnichov jumped from the pelican with a dull thud. Captain Foster was right in front of him. He pointed towards a huge rock about five meters away. The squad started to double-time it when all of a sudden they were under fire from shades in every direction but their own.
      They reached the rock and looked back to see a seraph crash into the pelican they just came from. Both were destroyed but at least the seraph was in only a thousand pieces.
      The Captain did a head count and said "We're missing one".
      Everyone looked back to see the sear gent ducking behind a smaller rock.
      "Shit! Help me sir!" yelled the sergeant, his voice filled with terror.
      "Come on soldier get on your feet and run! You can make it!" yelled the Captain back.
      "Okay sir" The marine started to run and he was one fourth the way there when the incoming fire started.
      "Covering fire "Captain Foster yelled "Everyone cover your fellow soldier dammit!"
      Immediately everyone behind the rock started to pour out bullets into the mass of Covenant. The soldier was now half way there when Alex threw a grenade next to a shade turret. When it exploded the turret tipped over, crushing the grunt driver.
      The soldier was more than three fourths the way to the rock when a shade hit him with a plasma bolt. He paused right there in the middle of the kill zone and turned to see who had hit him.
      "Keep moving!" Captain Foster yelled but the soldier seemed to be frozen. Then a beam particle hit him in the left leg and he fell to the ground. He reached out to the men behind the rock who were caught up in first combat. Desperately trying to remember what they had learned during those two years of training. Alex was only able to stare for moments until being brought back into reality. He was a medic and that soldier was injured.
      "Jesus Christ we've been on this planet for less then five minutes and already someone's wounded" said Alex wondering what to do. He made up his mind and began to run to the injured man.
      When he reached him, the soldier was still reaching out, but now it was to Alex only. While hell broke lose in the background and fire was everywhere. Alex was focused only on healing the injured man. He couldn't do it out in the open, anyone could tell him that. So Alex grabbed the sergeant's collar and started to drag him behind the cover.
      "Good work soldier, now start working on him" said Captain Foster.
      "Sir I can only patch him up a little bit, he need to get to a hospital and quick" said Alex ripping the guys shirt open to put sulfa powder on his burn. "The sulfa powder should help stop his bleeding, as for the leg it didn't hurt him that bad. The sniper must have been far away.
      "Fix him up the best you can. There's a medical hospital around that blockade we set up" said Captain Foster.
      "D-d-don't l-let me die" said the wounded soldier while he reached his hand out.
      Alex grabbed the wounded soldiers hand and squeezed. "Don't worry man; I'm going to patch you up okay you look fine you're going to be okay. Got that?" the soldier nodded his head "Good okay don't fall asleep, your going to be alright" said Alex.
       When the man was finally healed to the best of Alex's abilities the battle was finally over and the Covenant had retreated apparently to fight a bigger threat. Alex had three clips left after the Covenant had tried to sneak around the rock.
      "Okay people" said Captain Foster "We need to get to get to that command post and hook up with command. The blockade is that way" the Captain pointed into a wooded area "We need to get there and reinforce that position, but now another mission had been given to us" he pointed to the wounded man "our revised objective is now to get that man to the blockade hospital. Let's go Private Rudan" the Captain said startling Rudan
      "Yes sir?"
      "Take head position. Alex you and Private Truman carry that man until we get to the blockade. If one of you is about to give up past the halfway mark, then and only then will I take you off that duty. Got it?"
      Yes' sir he and the soldier with the rocket launcher said.
      "Good then lets get moving. Were wasting time."
      Truman slung the rocket launcher on his back and picked up the wounded mans legs. James got in front as the men reloaded and prepared.
      "Th-tha-ank you." said the wounded solidier.
      "Dont worry man, we're gonna get you to the hospital in time" said Alex. He really hoped that he would
