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The Red VS Blue Wars
Posted By: DX Doug<redvsbluewars@yahoo.com>
Date: 17 July 2006, 9:18 pm

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The Red VS Blue Wars

June 30th 2574, 0400 Hours (Red StrongHold WaterWorks)

Deep beneath the walls and cave formations Red Army proceeds with there defense test. "Clear, Begin the D45 process" , "Copy that Red out post". Spartans lined the base, one could only wonder what might be in there heads. Fresh recruits came in every week the back bone of the Red Army was half way across the galaxy at the Reds newest out post but a important one Ascension.

=General Red Journal Entry=
How could we of been so care less why am I here, when I could be in Coagulation training men properly instead of in this dark hell hole. The Dirt is even colder then the walls here, but that's the least of one's problem here. I walk around waterworks and wonder what to do. Enemies Surround us and the only evacuation is to burial mounds. Containment , Beaver Creek, Headlong, where will we be able to destroy the blue defenses again. That's not even our #1 priority right now but I know we cant sit here forever. The Spartans know the 3-22-2 D Mission has suffered losses but they seem to be stern in holding onto what they have in these times..

=Transmition Received 0420 Hours=
Ascension perimeter secured, Red BR is going to continue mission until complete.
=End Transmition=

General DX walks out to the Spartans to tell them of the news, "Attention Red Army Spartans, as you know ascension is ours, we have received a Transmition from Red BR they have secured a perimeter and are going to continue there mission.. You know what that means ". " We don't have to do any thing and wait for them to save us" PVT Switch. "That's About the Best God Damn answer ive ever heard, but its wrong Switch.. We begin our mission now... If either Red BR or Us Fail.... So Shall our Walls that defend us...Move Out Spartans"
The 8-26-3 Mission Begins.

July 1st 2574 2100 Hours (Red Army Intelligence 2-13)

"General, can you hear me? General this is R.A.I over? ... The Signal must not be able to reach beneath waterworks..."

July 2nd 2574 0130 Hours (Red StrongHold WaterWorks)

==General Red Journal Entry==

The day has gone by well, and Spartans are feeling confident in where we stand, and perhaps its only me looking over this rock, and dirt cave and seeing what I have seen before... If They only could see the fate that is to be there own. I cannot say these things to the men. My Past experience is one that I alone am forced to remember... In My Dreams I can still see me, and im looking at the eyes of my enemy. Its some thing very hard to forget... To realize they were right there, able to be stopped, but weren't.. My mind has no doubt that we can hold our ground, and with our soldiers trained they will now be ready for any thing..

==End of Journal Entry==

0150 Hours (Red Camp WaterWorks)

Major Jarret asked," So what's with them blues any ways?". "I Heard some soldiers rebelled and were shot on the spot" replied PVT Dave. "Nah that's not how I heard it, I heard they were all at containment freezing out on that cold halo, and A Sergeant went crazy, and killed all the new recruits, that's why they had a short number of Spartans at the battle." as Sergeant Zack went on... The guys laugh as they share a moment on top of the base. "Where's Switch?" PVT Dave shouted. "Sleeping he always goes to bed earlier then us, it must be a uk thing.. " Sergeant Zack replied. The group of soldiers observed there general walking around the waterworks perimeter late at night. "Does he ever sleep?". "Not As Long as were down in this rock" Major Jarret implied. The soldiers watched as he walked from his quarters at the red base to a hill in which you can see out the top of waterworks that reveals the stars. The entire cave was as silent as a mouse that night. For what reason no one really knew exactly, but they knew not to ruin such peace that night..

July 3rd 2574 1600 Hours (Red Army StrongHold WaterWorks)

From the Red Armies line you could see the blue army move onto waterworks. Sergeant Unholy wasn't short on words at the moment. All the soldiers knew what was about to happen, as Unholy kept shouting to his company to move into positions. All men were accounted for at the reds front line. The first blast came from a sniper firing onto the blues at there front squad of soldiers approaching the center bridge to Reds Base. Shots began to rain down on the blue army. The General came to the front lines to see how sergeant and his men were holding. "Looks like target practice Sergeant what's the problem". "General we can hold this line all day if we have too". "Good news Sergeant". PVT Switch followed the General to the front line. "General do you need me up here". =BAM!= as private switch approached the general a sniper rifles shot hit him directly in the head knocking him right off his feet. "General !" " Hang on Sergeant, tell your men to hold the lines". Blue Army drop off's continued to drop Warthog After Warthog. Blue army began a barrage of machine gun fire at the lines of the red army behind the waterworks walls. Red army began to fall back to the base. Leaving behind them only trails of gun shells on the ground. "We Hold them from here Sergeant". Red Army started holding positions around there base. Blue army continued to bring there lines forward. "General, our soldiers are still alive lets get out of here.". "Is our convoy ready Sergeant", "Yes Sir!.." . "Ok, give the signal to evacuate..."

July 5th 2574 1400 Hours (Burial Mounds)

The Red Army that was left from the waterworks battle now flew across space to possibly the last place they may ever See Burial Mounds. A waste of dirt and air if you asked some of the men. Red Army Missions have been on a halt, the entire red army faced new problems after the Battle of WaterWorks. The General approached a large hill where the men were now looking up to him. " Survival comes first for now on, Victory is just steps away from what we have already done, Our times wont come to a end here or at Ascension, we will not be forgotten in the eyes of the blue, we will show them a force they have never seen, for once we will not be having to flee with the blues behind us but it shall be the blues fleeing from us." Red Army's spirit always tend to be easily boosted and the General just did a good job of boosting it more. If the Men only knew what they would be doing...

==Transmition Sent 1500 Hours==
Ascension outpost this is the General, I heard of the failed attack. I ready the men for quick action against the blues. Mission 3-26 ...
==Transmition Ended===

July 9th 2574 1800 Hours(Red Army Burial Mounds)

In the largest assembly of men seen since the beginning of the war. The General had a plan, and who was to say he shouldn't. With only 2 places left for survival, the red army's General knew what to do. The soldiers were glad it was up to the General and not them on what to do. Wars have been fought for money, power, life, freedom, religion.... Our war wasn't about any of this, The General knew all the soldiers wanted to do was survive this war and they would be happy. All the soldiers of Red wanted to just be heard, and show the blues once they would not be silenced... Just once and all the soldiers would fight till the death.. Prepared and ready... The General and all of Red Army waits for what would be there first powerful attacks against blue, and there Final Defense against a Non Stopped Blue army.....

July 10th 2574 0800 Hours (Ascension )

The Red BR watches as Red Army ships approached Ascension outpost. A silence fell onto the men, the only words that came out of ones mouth were Sergeant Arc " Holy -Shit!-...". PVT Hill was first to ask " Sir, what's going on?". The men listened as the general radioed a message." Looks like you guys need a vacation, were headed all the way to Coagulation if you want a lift." The General said to Red BR as there ships approached the halo closer. "I think some time at coagulation would do the men some good General." Sergeant Arc replied. "But what of Burial Mounds?" Arc Asked. " Arc we already planed on leaving R.A.I is the most powerful part of the army. We knew they were coming a week before they were there, our men will be done with evacuate at 1300 Hours. We expect little resistance from the blues we will be out right before they arrive." The General explained. The Red Army ships spread from one end of the halo to the other where the Ascension out post was at. The entire Red Army for the first time stood not on a camp, but ships taking them to Coagulation. The General had no intentions of returning to Ascension, and the Sergeants all knew that. It wasn't something to fear, because R.A.I is the best, so if they weren't the best the Red Army is sure to know shortly after they arrive at Coagulation. How the General had such a good mood on this trip wasn't surprising. To past time on the trip the general is known to smoke with the soldiers, and speak to them before the battles. "General can you pass that?" PVT Ball asked. "yeah Ball smoke up *cough* im good for the moment". The General coughed out. "So this is how the General spends his time before the battle, getting high...." PVT Hill said to Sergeant Arc. The ships flew across space, the Reds were only hours away from coagulation now...

1500 Hours (Coagulation after the battle)

"General we still have a few things to unload but will be set up before the days out" R.A.I's management said. The General looked over Coagulation from Red Base as everyone was busy setting up camp. "Blue Skies, Broken Armor, what next.. " The General said as if not speaking to any one. "Yes sir umm, blue skies." PVT Ball said as he looked closely around Coagulation with a sniper. "PVT, good work out there today with that sniper", "Thank you sir" PVT Ball replied. The Red Army now sat where it all started at there base at coagulation.

July 14 2574 1800 Hours (Coagulation) Red Army Base

The night glowed as the Red Army General approached PVT Hill saying "PVT you have been promoted to Sergeant for your extreme dedication to this war, and the Red Army." PVT Hill was very excited for his work at coagulation along side with the general paid off greatly. Young PVT's usually don't get promotions so easily, but the General had his way with things." Hill meet in my office at 2100 Hours." The General said before Sergeant Hill went and joined his fellow Spartans for a drink. "Yes Sir." The Sergeant responded.. The General returned to his office after the ceremony. Spartans could still be heard being reckless through out the night.

2100 Hours

"Sergeant Hill glad you have shown up, I have selected you for a mission. Its not going to be easy your men will be training tomorrow from sun up to sun down. Zanzibar is with in our reaches, and I want you there to take it for us, you and your company. Zanzibar is a very fortified place owned by Blue Army, this wont be a drop in and blast them all away mission. Your Men will have to secure perimeters as you go you wont be able to take them all in one push. I have worked out segments you can look through and see what you want to take first, but your Spartans need to be trained by the end of the week. That's your go time." The General finished explaining." Yes Sir General, my men will be ready" Sergeant Hill pondered on what the General was thinking sending him only. He knew the best thing to do was to make sure his men were ready, if not then he may not be returning to tell the general he has completed the mission.

July 17, 2574 1300 Hours (Blue Base Zanzibar)

The Red Army Spartans moved onto the beach's of Zanzibar, quietly they moved onto the sea wall where a few blue Spartans were on guard. "Lets do this as quick as possible, we will need to ensure we have control of the wall before going any father on our attack" Sergeant Hill said to his company. They moved behind broken wall, large rocks, crouched and slowly approached there next victims. "2 Blues knocked out sergeant, The Great Wall is ours" a PVT Ball said. "Good work move up." Sergeant Hill reply's. Red Army slowly walked along the wall hoping to not be noticed by Blue Army closer at the base. Sergeant and his company held positions on and outside the sea wall. "Target Acquired." PVT Ball reported. "Roger that PVT,". " PVT's Acquire target and wait to fire on my order." Sergeant Hill said. The Red Spartans locked on to any thing that was blue. Unaware of the Red Army penetration at Zanzibar this final moment would ensure a quick victory at Zanzibar. "Fire!" The Sergeant barked out the order. Blue Army Spartans hit the ground with in 5 seconds of the ambush quickly the only ones left were Blue Army Personnel inside the Zanzibar Fan Generator Building. Red Army quickly moved up shooting any thing left alive outside of this building. "Grenades!" PVT Ball shouted. The Building became a death trap for the blue's in hallways. Blast came from every where and smoke filled the halls and rooms. "That's it Spartans Move In." Sergeant Hill said as him and his company started to move forward into the cloudy halls and rooms. Bullets rang as they hit metal, and old pipes, and bars. "Sergeant we had a casualty PVT Red fell," PVT Ball said. "Where was he shot?" The Sergeant Asked. " He wasn't sir he fell off the second floor of the building, the smoke blurred his vision and while entering the base he slipped and fell sir." PVT Ball slowly finished. The injured Spartan was sent to a medical ship outside of the planet where he was to be treated and shipped back to coagulation.

==Transmition Received 1400 Hours==
"Zanzibar has been taken and secured General." Sergeant Hills Message was clear to the General.
==Transmition End==

1600 Hours Coagulation ( Red Base )

The general sat in his office and wrote of the success of Zanzibar in his journal and there defense against the blues attack at Ascension.

July 24th 2574 1400 Hours (Zanzibar)

The Blue Army arrived at Zanzibar, but this wasn't going to be a 1 hour mission. Both sides were dug deep into there side. Blue Army took a part of the sea wall making sure no one got close to them. Red Army looked at there options Sergeant Hill decided not to attack the blue army at the sea wall, it would lose to many Spartans . Instead grenades and rockets exploded every minute, and turrets were on a constant rate of fire. While blue army had enough supplies to last them a week neither side wanted to confront each other just yet. The siege at Zanzibar started, the Spartans weren't use to these kinds of situations, it was always shoot first ask questions later. Now they fired round after round, unknown if there targets were alive or dead. The gun fire and explosions was a definite sign there was still a opposing army out there. Sergeant Hill only wondered how the General and his men were doing at the assault on Waterworks, and hoped they would give his men some relieve in time...

1800 Hours (WaterWorks)

"We don't have all day get these Hogs moving" General DX Shouted to his PVT's. "There chips are malfunctioning sir, the hogs wont go faster then a turtle in the desert" PVT Spyd Reply's. "Damn it, get them where u can then, and get on the turrets, if were going to be stuck in this hole were going to give them hell why we do it" The General Shouted. The Spartans began moving the warthogs in front of a base the old walls that use to be there home at waterworks were empty. Blue army saw the Reds and quickly set up along the center machine. Red Army set up 2 hogs, the Spartans pushed one to the top of the base and began firing on the center machine. It was like trying to shoot a fly with a sniper. The Other hog was positioned along the left side closer to the back of the Red Base set up at waterworks now.

(Blue Army) Waterworks

"Sir why aren't they attacking do they think if they just come here we will leave" PVT Brick said. "I don't know what they plan on doing, continue to hold the line, and report any movement PVT" Sergeant Karnes said and went back to Blue base at waterworks.

(Red Army) WaterWorks

Most of the Red Army was inside there newly made base at WaterWorks, PVT's switched out using the Turret's to make sure all could rest when needed. Rate of fire from both sides began to slow, but continued for hours. "General maybe Zanzibar can re-supply us with new Hogs" PVT Panda said. " I cant get a signal out with out the Blue army decoding it, then they will know our hogs are disabled" General reply's. The General was right they couldn't do much in the situation they were in. "We will work on the hogs perhaps we can get them working again, it will buy us some time and perhaps the blues wont expect our attack at a later time." The General said to his Spartans. "Yes Sir" The PVT's said. The General and his Spartans sat at waterworks unknown of where they would be tomorrow.

0700 Hours, July 26th 2574 (Waterworks Red Base)

As morning begins at waterworks its still dark, and will be that way for a few more hours. Some of the PVT's have actually been able to sleep even though loud explosions and fire is still heard through out the night. The walls make a loud echo of destruction as if you were in the line of fire. Its the promise that Red Army Spartans are still returning fire onto the Blue Army that puts Red Army to sleep. Spartans become tired though and they must continue to take shifts on turrets and positions around the base. The PVT's who choose to do these task all night are every thing to the Red Army. The Hogs computer chips were still not at complete working condition. Red Army worked on this problem for days now. What is a 1 day job turned into a nightmare for Red Army. With out the hogs there attack would prove to be point less, but the more time passed the more of a chance for reinforcements, unless Red Army assumes the General and his men dead.

1400 Hours, August 1st 2574 (Coagulation Red Base)

Privates ran practice trainings with each others companies. The Red Army had left waterworks Sunday, and on there way to coagulation received word that Zanzibar had been finally set free of Blue Army Siege. A Long week had just gone by for both armies. The companies fighting at Zanzibar, and the attack at Water Works were so tired they slept on the flight back to Coagulation. With Red Army Recruits coming in quicker then before Zanzibar was re-fitted with a new company as well as ascension. The General was back in coagulation training his Red Army. It had seem as if the war was at a stand still. With weeks that have gone by and no advance on either side. The General had a feeling his new recruits will be enough to go through the blue army lines like slicing through butter. "PVT Mark run the D1L Training Program with some of the new recruits". The General said. "Yes sir". PVT Mark reply's. Soldiers began training all through out coagulation. Spartans could be seen running one drill and practicing another close by. Every one wanted to be better at every thing. No Spartan wanted to be as if the new recruit around Coagulation. "Sergeant get some men ready for another CVC tonight" The General asked Officer Spyde. "What about the company's getting back from Zanzibar and Waterworks?" Officer Spyde asked. "No, we will wait until later before seeing how they are, I don't even think Sergeant Hill has enough Spartans still alive in his company. That attack at Zanzibar really took a toll on his company even though they made it." The General Said. "Yes Sir, ill excuse them from the exercise. "Officer Spyd walked off to the warthog and drove to remind the company's of the CVC training tonight. A Few Spartans where found to be off and doing there own thing. With so many things going on, there's always those doing some thing besides training.

1100 Hours, August 14th 2574 (Red Army Space Fleet)

Exploration for the rest of the Halo's in space have been halted for years. With Covenanent forces not trying to take them by force, they weren't a threat as they use to be. They have stood as strong defensive and supply locations for both army's in the war. Red Army and there Fleet had just discovered another Halo Ring, The Fleet Admiral thought of it more as a Relic then a Defensive location. With this discovery along with the 2 others it seemed the expansion of the war was at a increase. Spreading even deeper into space and beyond. Though Red Army made great discovery's in adding onto there War efforts, Blue Army already sat at fortified locations known and unknown to Red Army. A larger scale of war seemed to be growing eminent.

0900 Hours, August 24th 2574 (Red Army HQ Waterworks)

Fleet Admiral Dice and the General were going over the attack fleets missions. In 4 days the Fleet Admiral would be heading off deep into Enemy territory. In hope to get behind the Blue Armies main Defenses to secure a new Red outpost which the general could attack from. The Red Army has been able to secure 2 new Outpost with the help of its Fleet. Now Relic and Backwash were the Red Armies newest official outpost for the war. While the red army's fleet has been out and discovering these new places they were also able to get Beaver Creek, and Waterworks. Though they lost Zanzibar it was a great achievement for them to gain all that they did. Blue Army though has as well found 2 new locations as well which they have claimed for there own in the war. "September 4th we will begin attacking the Blue Army defensive's again Dice, after your launch off August 28th we hope if not by then but at a later time you will be able to give us news of your advancement through the Blue Army lines." General DX said. "Perhaps we will be racing to Blue Armies HQ at Containment then if you are able to be successful." Fleet Admiral Dice replied. With plans that seemed perfect the General, and Fleet Admiral left the mission room and began training for there companies.

1400 Hours, September 4th, 2574 (Red Army Base Relic)

Blue Army seemed to know little of the Red Out post Relic. Once the Pelican's landed, troops would pour out, but with less Hogs to move them up the beach they faced problems. Sergeant Hill, and, Sergeant Larg were first on Red Army to start positioning there company along the Relic base. Once these positions were fortified the only thing passing through there lines was the occasional Hog and machine gun fire flying past. "Keep your eye on that beach front if any thing is going to kill you it's going to be in front of you." SGT Larg shouted to his company. With all the companies Spartans equipped with battle rifles it was no surprise to see Blue Army soldiers fall. With some of the Privates in Red Army not grouped, or with there company they soon fall to the Blue Army Hogs when found. The locating of the teleportal device to the inside of the Red Base also proved to not be acquired by Blue Army. Failing in there mission to gain quick access of the Red Base proved to Blue Army's Sergeant's a failure in capturing Relic. With out more support Blue Army Spartans failed to get further then they landed.

1500 Hours (Blue Army Base Terminal)

"General we are covering ground and have secured perimeters in both south side buildings" Private Kamaka radioed to the general. "Alright Spartans let show them what a Red Company can do after a vacation." The General said to his company. 2nd Squad held the south parking lot, and began hall to hall fighting near the station. 1st squad of Atari company moved quickly along the south ally to the train station and began moving underneath Blue Army. The General sent one last message to 2nd Squad leader Corporal Ball "We are going into radio silence now ill see you in the station at 1520 Hours". Grenades were being thrown as hard and far as a Spartan could down the Halls and corners of the station. Any one caught in between this fire was killed. Just below Blue though was half of Atari Company. Still un located they now were behind the Blue Army at the station. The General signaled for grenades, 2 high, and 3 low then battle rifle shots to follow. Blue Army Spartans caught in the blast flew in all directions. 2nd Squad moved in as well throwing gun fire on any thing left. Red had beat Blue at Terminal, rather quickly because of the train being out and not being able to supply them with more troops. Blue Army realizing this pulled all the private's out of Terminal to fight another day. Red Army was also able to capture a Defense Ship located in the Terminal City Ports.

1500 Hours, September 13th, 2574 (Blue Army Stronghold Containment)

"They don't know what has happened and if they did find out from Terminal, or Elongation then they would have attacked and destroyed us by now" General Ultimate argued with his Sergeants. "But will we be able to hold out any longer without our Ships blocking Red Armies attacks?" Private H2 Sask . As Blue Army went over these problems the Privates had a feeling for the worst. General ultimate and Blue Armies last few good men are all that are standing at Headlong, Zanzibar, and Containment. Preparing for the worst, 2 companies were dispatched for each of there maps. Training was to continue for the next 2 weeks, Blue Army would see little rest with Red Army at there Door steps. "When will our Ranger Spartans be ready?" Private H2 Sask asked the General. "Not soon enough but, if we can hold off long enough we may have more of a chance once we get them." General Ultimate Replied. Blue Army behind there cold walls at containment sat in a unknown path. With little to work on Spartans from Blue Army trained day, and night to prepare for the Reds.

2000 Hours, September 19th, 2574 (Blue Army Containment)

"General final ship inspections complete we are ready for take off" P-Pilot Riley reported. The Blue army has most its equip, and soldiers scattered through out the galaxy's. The companies were disbanded from all locations to round up at one location. The Blue Army General knows the forces were spread to thin and only knew one thing left to do. "Take us out" Blue Army General Said. Within seconds Blue Army was all headed for the depths of a old ruin planet Backwash... With this planned out Blue Army had time now to stand against the Reds all together.

0400 Hours, November 6th, 2574 (Blue Army Base Backwash)

The Pelicans flew in the cover of night, the swamps were darker then the sky. "Reds this is your General speaking listen up guys ill only say this once." The General paused then continued. "This isn't going to be like our other fights, this isn't going to be a fast ending battle the Blue Army is waiting for us and have been for some time. Our Drop in points will give us a chance to hold ground but after 0420 Hours the pelicans wont be back till the jobs done.". The Spartans felt a since of virtue that they were still here fighting. The pelicans began the decent towards a clear part in the swamp. Jumping out the Spartans began securing a perimeter. Before all companies could get out of the pelicans the Blue's have spotted them and using rapid machine gun fire at the pelicans. "Fuck where's that machine gun coming from damn it" Sergeant Slayer Shouted. The Reds were out and the Pelicans were taking the damage. Gun fire from spots in the dark fog rang loud around the Reds. Answering back Red Spartans began firing as well through the thick fog. Red General Covered on the swampy hills the companies created a U like formation in the ditch. "Snipers! Snipers! front and center damn it!" Red General shouted. "We are going no where till we get these nest down." General Shouted to Panda. "I got just what your looking for sir." Panda said. 1 Blue Army Company was aware of what was taking place. Quickly the message was being sent to the Blue Army General the Reds were coming. One Blue Army machine fun squad held fire then moved down and around the trees. Waiting for a clear Red shot. 5 more Spartans sat behind fallen trees and brush covered them. The Red General waited for the sniper shot then took off over the ditch for trees. "This what you had in mind General" Skier asked. "Not really but I have a pretty good feeling this couldn't end any better." The Red General replied. Moving quick and covering fire the Red army moved through the first Blue Army Company only losing a Spartan. Blue Army General moved the rest of Blue Army Companies around the headquarters base. Red Army moved to secure a new line through the woody swamps. "General what the hell was that back there, Don't put my men on the line for your glory." Sergeant Zack said. The General looked at him knowing the Sergeant was right. "Take your men left Sergeant im moving right." Red General said. "Sir I thought we were going right?" Sergeant Zack replied confused. "Don't worry this time your men will have a better view, cover us and the 3rd company will have your back." The General moved back to his company waiting along a hill. "Its creepy here" Montrangle said. "This is the worst part the calm before the battle" Corporal Friaz said "And then the battles not so bad? "Montrangle asked. "Oh Yes I forgot about the battle.. eh..." Corporal Friaz said. General stood in front of the company wiping the green moss off the armor. "Spartans... This has been one struggle for the Red Army I have been proud to be apart of. While we have come so far we all cant go on forever... Were moving in first, covers on our left everything else shoot till its dead. " The General looked at his men and turned his head to the field where Blue Army sat across. The Blue Company stared deep into the fog for any movement to be seen. Red General signaled then Atari Company threw grenades and cleared a new hole to jump into after they exploded the company jumped over to the other hole. The General began to continue past this hole through the fog. The Blue General Ordered Fire at will for all Blue Spartans. A Quick burst a fire and Red General had began making through Blue Army. "Now what's happening." Sergeant Zack said. Atari Company began running through swamps as Red General lead the attack. Moving quickly to back up Sergeant Zacks Company moved behind Atari Company after the section was clear. Blue Army's Spartans sat shooting and reloading constantly. As one Spartan was killed another filled his position firing over and over. The Red General looked at this line of gunfire unlike any thing he's seen from the Blue's. Snipers from Red Army tried quickly to remove turrets but couldn't keep up with the Blue's pinpointing locations with the day light coming up. "This is it.." General from Red And Blue Army said... The Reds time was running out and the Blue's Gunfire wasn't slowing down. The Main turret of blue army had two dead Spartans laying next to it, the third just got shot in the head. Blue army General moved the last Spartan off the turret and began firing in their place keeping the gunfire going. Red General stood before this line of fire and dropped the empty Battle Rifle. Pulled out 2 pistols and began walking to the line and firing. The thousands of bullets being fired ran through the misty air in all ways. "Ceasefire, Ceasefire" Sergeant Slayer shouted. As the bullets from both sides died off, the remaining Spartans looked over there sides. Both Armies saw as the General of Both Army lay dead before them... The Highest rank from both sides moved to the center of this bloody swamp. "This war has been all we know " Red Army Sergeant Slayer said. "And we are still here today" Sergeant Hill Said. The Atari(Red) and Alpha(Blue) Army companies carried there General off the field. Both Armies agreed to peace for time to recover from the loss of the Generals and went separate ways from backwash. The Generals deaths was heard far and wide through the army's. A feeling of defiance sat into the Spartans after the battle at Backwash. The Time of Peace Began for now...

Chapter 2

Coming with Start of 4th War.
