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Fan Fiction

The End. Part 3
Posted By: Crazy<crazy_pothead20@yahoo.com>
Date: 22 August 2005, 5:33 am

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" The End " Part 3

The Pelican turned a hard right throwing Henson out of his seat and to the floor. He was awake now and not knowing what was happening, crawled back in his seat and nervously looked to his right toward Jody. She looked back and pointed out the back when the ship made another hard right and launched Henson forward, stretching his harness. The Pelican made a hard left and slammed his back against the Titanium Alloy siding. Ricky laughed and jumped out of his seat with his buckle in his left hand and a Rocket Launcher in his right. He yelled and shot the round in the launcher out the back and struck a Banshee that exploded. The Elite jumped out and on the top of the Pelican when it veared to the right and shook. The Elite swung into the troop bay and wielded its Energy Sword and reared back to slice into Ricky for destroying its Banshee. Henson primed a grenade and kicked the Elite in the knee while Ricky ran forward. Henson tossed the grenade and Ricky cought it and stuck it in the Elite's mouth. Henson put his foot behind the Elite and Ricky pushed it backward. It fell out the back and its head exploded and blew purple blood onto the ramp. The Pelican made one last hard left and scratched the hull of the Pelican ripping a hole under the marines feet. The pilots yelled in the comm to hold on as they made an emergency landing on a small building. They smashed into the side of the building and slid across the top. The Pelican kept sliding and flew off the building onto another smaller building slamming the Pelican, nose first through three levels of the ten story building. The pilots stepped out of the cockpit and stood against the door looking grateful at the marines.

The sound of jet engines closed in and landed on top of the building as the marines cocked their weapons and climbed up the hole the Pelican made. At the top they were met by four marines who had Rocket Launcher's their hands. They took Dark Wolf to a waiting Pelican and flew them off to a small base, called Omega Faith. The Pelican landed in the Docking and Loading Bay on the East side of the base. They were escorted to the weapons lockers and then back to the Docking Bay to continue their mission. They loaded on a Cargo Ship with five Pelican's, three Scorpion Tank's, and ten Worthog's in the storage area. The marines were loaded onto the Worthog's and given their orders of what to do. Three more squads borded the ship and joined Dark Wolf. The Cargo Ship pulled out of the Bay and slowly flew off the base and into the forest that lead to a bigger base, the Chippen Daler, that the Covenant were trying to overtake. The Cargo Ship was two miles out as Henson peaked out a window ans saw three Longsword Fighter's equiped with a bomb of some sort. The Longsword Fighter's zoomed forward and out of sight with a sonicboom. Henson walked up to the third level, around to the cockpit and opened the door. He asked the pilots what the Longsword's were carrying and was happy to hear the bombs were Electromagnetic Impulse Disrupters that knock out the Covenant's plasma shielding technology. The pilots told Henson they were nearing the base and he needed to return to his place for ground launch. The Cargo Ship slowed and hovered twelve feet above the ground. It detatched the ramp and gave the green light to go.

The Worthog's pulled out first followed by the Scorpion's and Pelican's. The Pelican's flew off toward the base for air support leaving the marines behind to take the ten minute drive to the base. The marines came to a security gate and had the Scorpion's destroy them and moved through. They came within half a mile of the base when a Mortar burst from a Wraith exploded behind the lead Worthog and threw it in the air. It did one flip and climbed on its feet throwing the turret man into a ditch. The Worthog rolled to a stop and the axle dropped on the ground. Ricky jumped out off his Worthog and ran to the downed turret man, Cory Lawson, who had a broken back from the impact. Henson yelled for him to grab his tags and get back in his Worthog. Ricky grabbed his tags and checked on the driver and passenger of the mangled Worthog. They were both dead from head fractures that ran from the front of their head to the back. Ricky grabbed their tags and ran back to his Worthog. He pulled the driver and turret man off and hopped into the driver's seat. He flipped Henson off and sped down the road while the Wraith came into view of the Scorpion's cannon and waited orders. Henson gave the order and the Scorpion's took the Wraith that was hidden between two rocks. Ricky came into sight of the base and was jared by a plasma grenade that detonated on his tire. The back tire popped and the rim tore into the dirt. He held it until three Ghost's zoomed by him and popped all the tires on the Hog. The Hog began to roll and Ricky jumped out into a bush, a thorn bush that cushioned his landing. The Ghost's turned around and began to fire on him when they exploded into shrapnal that scattered through the area. Henson pulled up and asked what the hell he was thinking. Ricky just nodded and grabbed a Rocket Launcher off the back of the Hog and began walking down towards the base.

Henson grumbled and pulled the ground team out. Ricky jumped on a tank and aimed his Rocket Launcher towards the base. The leading Hog with Henson in the passenger seat was struck by two plasma bolts and one purple sniper beam that melted the windshield. Four snipers on the tanks took out the Jackal snipers and unloaded on the ground Elite's they could see. The Hog's pulled ahead and took out the remaining troops with Gauss Cannon and M41 Lagg fire. Two Shadow's Floated out of thin air and dropped four Ghost's and twenty ground troops off that occupied the marines. Ricky was the only one that took a hit because he stood in the open with a plasma grenade and Rocket Launcher taking all four Ghost's out by himself. The marines asked if he was taking something because they shure as hell could use it.
The marines moved in and ran in the main door the Covenant had blasted and held position. The bodies that lay on the floor were of mostly marines, they hadn't seen it coming.

Henson talked to the other three squad leader's and they all agreed on taking back the facility at all costs. The squads split up and were going to take each room slowly and secure them. The squad leader's were Henson, Smitty, Fred, Tom, and Ronald. They looked at the map in the main lobby and made their own route through the base. They made sure their comm. system was working and they set off. Henson lead his ten man squad through the South Wing of the base. It included the bunkers and the lounge area, along with a straight walk to the Docking Bay. The squad moved through the lounge without any Covenant resistence, and stopped for a bite to eat. They hadn't taken a break all day and set up a perimeter in the lounge, around the restroom and kitchen. Henson and Ricky took guard with a couple of hot dogs and cigar's while everyone else took a shit and ate their hearts out.

They began to leave when a Phantom party dropped of troops that busted through the East wall of the lounge. Ricky and Henson kept quite and put the silencers on their BR55's and aimed on the Grunts first. Henson took out ten and Ricky dusted six while the rest of the squad primed grenades and Rocket Launchers. One Jackal noticed a Grunt flop on its back and growled at the Elite's. The Covenant flipped the tables over and hid behind them. They laid plasma fire on the squad that was pinned in by their own cover. Henson grabbed Ricky and Henry, gave them both a Rocket Launcher and left them to do what they do best. Ricky fired a rocket right into a crowd of Jackal's and distracted the Covenant ground team long enough for him and Henry to jump their barracade and plant three grenades behind them. The Elite's realized what happened and jumped the tables as the grenades detonated and obliterated the Jackals and a couple of Elite's. Henry lobbed a Plasma grenade at an Elite and stuck it on his face. Ricky shot the other Elite with a Grenade Launcher and blew the Elite into a wall with a hole in his chest. The other Elite exploded and spread its bodie around the lounge.

The squad followed Henson through the halls of the South Wing and to the first five bunkers. The bodies of marines lay burnt with plasma holes ripped in their lifeless limbs. Jody became sick from the stench of the bodies and sat down on a bloody bunk that had three fingers wrapped around an SMG. Henson helped her up and put her behind him as he moved the squad onto the next bunker room. An Elite was waiting for them when they entered the door to the third bunker room. Henson was smacked in the face and fell into Jody. Ricky pulled out his Rocket Launcher and fired at the Elite that dodged and threw a Plasma grenade on Ricky's helmet that he pulled of and lobbed it behind a bunk that exploded and sent melted pieces across the room. Henson was grabbed by the Elite and held hostage with a Plasma Sword.

Henry and Ricky cornered the Elite with their Rockets ready to fire on command. Henson head butted the Elite, grabbed its weapon, and filled its belly with super heated plasma. Henry put a movement sensative grenade into the Elites bodie and set it for a one foot radius movement. The squad pushed forward through the base and met up with Smitty, Fred, and Ronald. Henson and the other three squads began to look for Toms' team when Tom jumped out of a door with plasma fire schorching past his head. He yelled and threw a remote detonator at Ronald as he took a blue plasma bolt to the chest that killed him instantly. All four squads hauled ass to the docking bay of the base, loaded up on ten Pelicans and flew off five miles, made shure no one was around the base, and blew the charge. The blast was small at first, imploded, and then shot out two miles with a blast wave moving at one mile a second. It rocked the Pelicans and shook the men up. Henson called ground control and steered the Pelicans to a war zone outside LZ Alpha Continent. The marines took a nap and waited to be woke up to plasma bolts blasting the Pelicans.
