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Fan Fiction

The End. Part 2
Posted By: Crazy
Date: 23 July 2005, 10:44 am

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" The End" Part 2

Andy looked out the ramp of the Pelican and saw a forest. Josh and Timmy were loading their weapon's while Sid, Jody, and Jim were talking amongst themselves. Henson was thinking to himself about the previous mission and how he failed as a Luitenant, and squad leader. The pilot's rang in on the comm. " We're five from the LZ. Load up". The red light came on and the squad stood up. Henson opened the back ramp and gave the orderly check. The marine in the back called out, " Eleven Check", " Ten Check", and so on. When the fifth marine called out, the Pelican shook violently to the right and an explosion echoed though the troop bay. The pilots yelled on the comm, " Get strapped in, this is gonna be rough! ", and the Pelican made a bending metal sound. The Left side of the Pelican began to rip apart and the marines on the left side stood over to the right. The Pelican shook and began to dive. The pilot door slided open and the pilots ran out and jumped out the back. Henson grunted and signaled to jump. They jumped out at twenty-two hundred, which was rough because a storm had just moved through the area. When they landed they found each other and took a look at the surroundings. The new recruits names were: Ricky Adkins, Henry Nickelson, Jose Jaupho, Micky Enhart, and Jack Young.

Henson lead his team towards the Black Mounatins where the Covenant had created a retreat. The objective was to infiltrate, annihilate, and leave no trace behind. The pilots that had flown the Pelican made up for their reaction in the air by leading the front. Henson split up even and silently took out the Shadow's around the base of the moutain with knifes and silenced pistols. They began their thirty minute climb up the moutain to the Covenant retreat. The new recruits moved twice as fast and made it to the begining of the retreat. Henson walked up and told them to go around the sides and take out the gaurds. The rest of the squad would follow forward after resistance is dead and start the infiltration. The new members scoped around the whole area and took out the eight Grunts, six Jackels, and five Elite's. The Grunts went down with a knife to the head, Jackels went down with a knife to the back and break of the neck. The Elite's were killed by three knifes and the butt of a rifle to the back to paralyze if not dead.

Henson and the squad ran up the middle with the newbies behind them. The door inside the retreat only opened for Transport Ships and Dropship's. Some Banshee's flew out occasionally and it opened for a very short seven seconds. Henson scattered his men around the entrance and gave them orders to go in alone. The door was begining to open for a dropship and they moved in. They looked like Veloceraptor's in a deep field full of humans for the hunt, which were the hunted. They ran in on both walls and hid behind purple storage crates. Henson looked around and gave order for assault. Ricky and Henry took out their M19 SSM's and aimed on a security area that was filled with Elite's. The rest of the squad took out their BR55's, B7's, and M90's for the assault. Ricky and Henry fired and the rest of the squad moved in to kill the level one enemies. The Elite's called for backup in the form of three Hunters. Ricky and Henry killed the Elite and the Hunters that came down the lift. The squad moved toward the lift and killed the two remaining Elite's. One Elite had an invisibility cloak on and took Ricky hostage for killing his brother. Henson picked up a Plasma Pistol and charged it while the rest of the squad kept weapons drawn on it. Josh readied his BR55 and waited for Henson to fire. Henson shot the Elite, taking down its shield and Josh put a bullet in its head. They borded the lift and flew up to the second level.

When the lift stopped, Jack thought the place was sound proof through the levels and walked out towards the a Grunt sleeping on the hard metal floor in the open. Henson told him to retreat but was too late. Three Plasma Grenade's glued to Jack and he yelled as they detonated. The squad took cover in the shadows and planned an assault while the Elite's figured he was the only marine left and kicked his melted bodie parts. Ricky and Henry pulled around their M19's and aimed on the Elite's while Henson, Jody and Micky moved across to the other side of the room. The rest of the marines sat with weapon's drawn and cocked. Henson signaled to Ricky and Henry to fire on three. He counted on his fingers slowly to three and flipped his third finger up. Ricky and Henry took one last second to aim and fired the rockets right at the chest of the center Elite of the three. The rockets detonated and ripped the Elite's in pieces and slung purple flesh and blood throughout the area. Sid found Young's dog tags and gave them to Henson who put them in his shame pocket. Henson looked at Sid in an angry way and stood up on a storage crate. He yelled at the marines for five minutes about following orders and led them across the room to the stairs that led to the center of the retreat. They moved up the stairs slowly thinking the Covenant had another ambush and were surprised they were getting lectured by a Gold Elite, the highest in the Covenant classification on battle. Before the marines got a chance to plan an attack five Brutes entered the room escorting three Destroyer's to the stage the Gold Elite was talking on. The marines looked around for a places to set explosives without having to engaging the Destroyer's. The demo man, Jose, got three C-4 High Gel Explosive sticks and placed one under a pillar held up the rock above the stairs. The marines entered the room slowly that was filled with Covenant and hid in the shadows behind the massive pillars holding the structure together. Jose, Ricky, and Henry went through the doors the Brutes and Destroyer's entered through and placed two more explosives inside the area.

Ten minutes later gun fire was heard and the marines aimed their weapons. Jose and Ricky exited the doors and had plasma bolts piercing near their feet. Henry jumped through the doors and shot off a round at the Destroyers now alert and being unchained by the Brutes who hurried and jumped off the stage. The destroyers jumped over the rocket and pulled out their swords, yes swords. Not plasma but actual aloy swords that were five feet long and three inches thick. They charged at Henry who was saved by Ricky who shot a rocket off in front of the Destroyer's, disorienting them. Henson signaled retreat and the squad ran for the stairs where they could detonate the explosives and block the stairs. Jody was shot in the leg and was carried by Andy who was getting Needler's on his foot and side. They exploded and Jody flew forward ten feet where Timmy cought her and passed Henson he ran so fast. Henry grabbed his tags and nearly lost his ass to a five foot sword. He was the last down the stairs and shot one last rocket to stall the Destroyer's as did Henry and made a run for the lift. Jose hit the switch as they decended down the lift and were shook to their knees by the blast. The marines made a sprint towards the door. They looked around for controls to open it when Jim found a Scorpian Tank in fair condition. He looked for another one and found five Worthog's in perfect condition. Henry and Ricky drove the tank with Timmy, Jody, Jose, and Micky on the sides. Henson, Sid, and Jim got the best Worthog and followed behind the tank. Henry shot the door once and made a tiny gap in the center. He shot again and made about a ten foot hole in the door. Henson pulled around and asked if they need help. Jim cocked the M68 Gauss Cannon and fired twenty rounds into the door widening it enough for them to fit through. They drove down to the base of the moutain and Jose detonated the explosive. The right side of the mountain blew out and fell in the moutain. Henson called for a Pelican and congratulated his marines for the great job they did and cleared for the Pelican to land. When he sat down he sighed and layed his helmet on his thigh as the Pelican flew off into the distant sunset.
