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Fan Fiction

The End. Part1
Posted By: Crazy
Date: 21 July 2005, 8:34 am

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" The End " Part 1
The year is 2558 and the world is under attack, by aliens know as the Covenant. We came upon these Covenant one day near the home-away-from-home , planet Reach. A Marine found a ship with weird writings inscripted on the hull and began to inspect the ship with gun drawn, aimed at the cockpit. He pulled open the cockpit wing as white smoke billowed out obscuring his vision giving the alien inside time to knock him off and grab his weapon. The alien jumped out and asked the Marine to take him to his leader and got a kick to the gut and a punch to the face knocking the alien now known as an Elite to the ground. He took it to his commander which then given to higher respects was held captive and asked many questions of origin and name. All they got was grunt and spit to the face which led to its death. The Elite had a tracker inbedded in its spine that alerted his scouting party and they waged a full scale attack on the planet, which lasted for six years until they final destroyed the planet and led a small party to a large structure which we called Halo. The attack led to the surface where eventually the Master Chief, a biologically enhanced human with a state of the art suit destroyed the Halo and returned too Earth with the news and new information and was awarded for his efforts which were futile. The aliens finally found Earth and through startaling events, the Elites sided with the humans over a rebellion with Brutes and the Prophets of their homeworld. Now, now the Covenant are turning the tides of war with the creation of a new enemy, we call, the destroyer. This creature stands ten feet tall and weights over five hundered pounds wielding two swords and super strengh. The Covenant released these creature's fifteen days ago, This is Master Chiefs story and the final battle for earth through his and marines eye's. The objective is simple, destroy Covenant intelligence and find the Ark that activates all the halo rings.

" Team Bravo Blue is trapped by enemy fire, and we need to save their asses", said Sgt Henson as his fire team was in route to the objective. Sgt Henson is a stern man and very blan, but has a remarkable shot and trigger finger along with great leadership on the battlefield. He has been in control of his platoon since he became Sargent and loves his job with passion and grace. His team consists of two fire men, two demolitions men, and three sniper's, name's: Jody Jacklison, Neil Saunders, Sid Batters, Josh Tommson, Timmy Joseph, Andy Nixx, and Jim Colins. His team's name is Dark Wolf and are ODST's or Helljumpers when airborne, but on ground, they are one of the best damn assault team's the U.N.S.C. has seen in years and have many medals to sport. There latest objective since the Covenant found Earth is mostly reconisence and small firefights around the Covenant infested areas mostly around New Mombasa. Other areas, considering the situation, Asia and Germany are being helped and killing most Covenant in their areas and launching Nuclear weapons on the Capital Ships surrounding the Earth. Dark Wolf is within the fire zone and gets chased by three Banshee's unloading on them. Henson jumps on the turret and fire's on them until one is left when the Pelican is struck with two Fuel Rods destroying the left thruster and sending the Pelican into a spin nearly throwing Henson out the back as he jumped into his seat and strapped in for the crash landing. The drivers screamed out where the objective was when they struck a building and barrel rolled into a Semi and slid to a halt on its left side.

When Henson unstrapped himself and looked around, he didn't see Saunders and grunted in anger. Colins yelled as he unstrapped his harness and slammed into the rough metal flooring of the Pelican. Henson helped Colins up and walked outside to find Saunders bodie as the rest of his team got their weapons and loaded up. Henson climbed over the destroyed truck they hit and found Saunders ripped in half. He got his Dog Tags and walked back to his men at a very fast pace. He asked for bodie count and saw the pilots were dead and three of Colins ribs had shattered. He grabbed a Shotgun and two SMG's, cocked them and gave order to move out. They ran over to an office building twenty meters from the crash site and pulled out the coordinates to the objective. They busted down a door to the building and ran up the stairs to the top. Josh took position behind a ventalation system pipe with his Sniper Rifle as Jody, Sid, Timmy, and Andy spread to all four sides and scoped around. Henson checked Colins ribs and strapped a leather holder around him to keep them from moving too much. A piece of metal smashed into the piping next to Josh and scared him shitless. As he looked at the metal, an explosion got everybodies attention. They heard a sound, like a bomb falling out the sky and looked up. They saw what looked to be a space station, either the Monduse or the Harre, which didn't matter because it was heading straight for the city. They jumped over to the next building and ran down its emergency stairs to the road. They looked around for any sort of transportation as five Worthog's began to speed up the street. They stopped and Henson asked for a lift. The driver asked if they were Dark Wolf, and responded yes. He snickered and said we're your objective, so hop on while you got a chance. They did and drove off towards the main bridge to the city. They reached the gates and slammed right through them and drove to the middle of the bridge. They hopped out and waited for two Pelicans to pick them up.

The Pelican's flew up and landed on the bridge as the station grew closer and closer. They borded the Pelican's and sped out of the area. They were eighteen miles out as the station crashed into the city. The shockwave ran out at over one-thousand miles an hour and slammed the Pelicans. On contact the blast was seven miles wide and twenty high, almost out of the atmosphere. The Pelican's electrical wires were shorted and the Pelican's flew out of control. The pilots ran out of the cockpit with parachutes and jumped out. Dark Wolf put on their parachutes and jumped out as well. Henson looked back and saw the other Pelican hadn't released the marines and watched it crash into a building. Henson landed on a car and joined his team scattered through the area. They met up and looked for the pilots that landed a mile before them. They ran quickly because all the pilots had were pistol's, which weren't very effective against Covenant, especially elite's. They found the pilot's chutes and heard gunfire a block down from them. They ran down and snuck behind a City Bus where they saw the pilots pinned down inside a Hair Salon. Henson told Josh and Jody to take piont with sniper rifles and Sid, Timmy, Andy, and Jim to follow him. The Covenant count was seven Grunts, five Jackels, two Elite's, and one Hunter. Henson gave the order and Jody and Josh gave them cover fire on the left flank. Henson and Sid split over to a car in front of the building. Timmy, Andy, and Jim ran over to the opposite building and ran to the top for better angle. Josh and Jody pulled out the smoke grenades and tossed them under the Covenant. It gave Henson and Sid enough time to run in the shop and meet the pilots. Timmy and Andy loaded their Rocket Launchers and aimed on the Hunter. Josh and Jody took out the Grunts and Jackels while a well placed grenade from Sid took out one of the Elite's. Timmy shot the Hunter right in the spine as did Andy. The Hunter yelled and ripped in half sending blood and flesh through the street. Henson ran out of the building and smacked the Elite that had its attention on his commerades death. It fell to the ground and pulled out its Energy Sword. Henson shot it in the head and took its sword. They called for air support and were picked up by an Alpha Party Squad. The marines were taken to a base in Japan, where they stocked up on supplies and got a good ten hours rest. The next day, Col. Powers gave them a briefing of there new mission, which was followed by a, " Don't fail again".
