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Fan Fiction

Halo United pt.4 Flight into Hell
Posted By: Corporal kick ass<Philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 8 November 2005, 9:18 pm

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Flight Into Hell

0:700 Hours March 15, 2552 (Military Calendar) Allegiance in Epsilon Eridani System

       The Allegiance was close on the drop ship's tail. Not more than two kilometers behind.
      "They seemed to have removed the shields and powered them into the engines to create enough power for one Slipspace jump, which, to my knowledge, is theoretically impossible," replied Yuro the ships onboard A.I.
      "Curious indeed," replied Rinder the ships Commander.
      "Yes, sir."
      "Where are they headed?" asked Rinder examining the data scrolling across his screen.
[indent["By my calculations, they will arrive in the Epsilion Eridani system in less than an hour standard time. Sir they're headed to Reach," Yuro replied, never letting the hint of concern to exceed his reputation.
      "I see, well then we're just gonna have to stop them."
      "Yes, sir."
      "Engage our 50mm auto cannons and take out their engines. I want that ship dead in space!" Rinder replied in an urgent tone, one not to be questioned.
      "Yes sir, targeting," she replied.
      "Wait," interrupted Yuro.
      "Yuro, is there a damn good reason why you had us suspend fire?" Rinder asked.
      "Yes. As a matter of fact, the ship is leaving Slipspace,"
      "How is that possible we're at least thirty minutes away," Rinder replied.
      "Yes, sir, but my calculations may have been off by 50%, the uncertain rate we were traveling at was unpredictable at the time of my analysis."
      "Fine. Karalin fire the cannons!" Rinder snapped.
      "Firing," Karalin replied coolly.
Twenty rounds of lead streaked towards the unstable dropship, cutting through its engines. At the same time the rounds caused a decompression of the hull, shooting the ship out of its trajectory and into space. The Allegiance exited Slipspace right on top of the U-shaped ship. The whole rear of the ship was ablaze. The dropship opened fire, plasma streaked at the UNSC vessel and impacted on its lower prow. The dropship then rocketed on his starboard side to dodge returning fire and sent the ship spinning on its port side. The whole ship spun until it pulled up and over a Covenant frigate engaging in combat with a UNSC destroyer. The dropship then pivoted downward and shot through the bowels of the ship as it broke up from the continuous impacts on its hull. The frigate exploded, causing the dropship to shoot out the other side of the elongated blimp shaped ship.
      "Whoever's piloting that ship sure knows what he's doing," stated Rinder.
      "But, just because he knows what he's doing does not mean he will be allowed to escape," Rinder continued, enraged and surprised by the pilots sudden show of skill inside a cockpit.
      "Pendier, follow it, I want that ship within our guns reach," he snapped.
      "Yes, sir, engines at a hundred percent," Pendier replied wiping sweat from his forehead. The Allegiance's engines flared and the ship roared over the debris of the Covenant frigate in search of its prey. The vessel followed in the dropship's wake as it desperately made a run for a Covenant cruiser above the planet Reach. The cruiser, Undying Virtue, lay in wait, its plasma turrets heating to a bright red glow. The Allegiance continued towards the ship, on a suicide-run straight into the line of fire.       The Covenant frigate released two of its plasma turrets. Twin bolts of death streaked towards the UNSC vessel. They burned through space intended on one thing destruction. The crew grew desperate. Pendier jamming down his joystick as did the other pilot. The Allegiance turned slowly, its underside facing the oncoming threat. Karalin released a barrage of missiles, causing one of the plasma bolts to explode. The other continued its course slamming into the Allegiance's underside shaking the ship. The explosion ripped the titanium plating off and extended into the engine bays. The ship lost one of the two engines when the power coupling attaching the reactor to the engine was severed. The resulting explosion caused five of the lower decks to become compromised. The wounded vessel continued on its course. Managing through the superb skills of the pilots to come up on the back side of a Covenant frigate. As the cruiser launched its other plasma turrets they impacted on its neighboring ship's hull allowing the Allegiance the chance to escape. Rindar saw his chance to destroy the dropship before it could deliver its message sour. Instead, he now had a damaged ship unable to perform any maneuver in this dire situation.
      "Pendier put us into a low orbit," Rinder said, disappointed with the inability to stop a small Covenant dropship from delivering its information.
      "If we can't beat them in space, then we'll do it on the ground," he thought to himself.
      "Yes, sir?" said a man standing off to the side in a beautifully decorated naval uniform. The young man in his thirties was a strapping young man indeed. His face was rugged and looked as though he had been through a lot in the Navy's service. His dark brown hair was hanging down over his eyes, his chin jutted out in a display of bravery and his dark green eyes showed brightly as he smiled, his lips curling up into a huge sign of happiness or excitement.
      "I want you to take this medal down stairs to a medic named Frank and well with the loss of Sergeant Blackwell, he's the only thing we have regardless of his position. I know it's not within the rules, and we'll most likely be in deep shit for doing this, but I believe we should give the lad a second chance. I mean, after all, he's been through a lot over the past months, -falling out of the Sergeant status and ending up in medical school because of it. I foresee him becoming a great leader. You'll find him in the training room… oh… and give him my compliments on his last mission," Rinder said in a warm tone.
      "Yes, sir, I certainly will, sir," said the Lieutenant saluting before he left. His graceful stride that brought his leather boots down on the vessels metal floor made him out to be a well-respected man. He entered an elevator just outside the bridge and inside stood a rugged old engineer. The Lieutenant smiled, but only got a scowl from the old man. The elevator stopped and the doors opened, allowing him exit. He left with a smile at the old man.
      "Naval Prick," muttered the old engineer before the doors closed.
The Lieutenant looked around unsure as to where the young man named Frank was, whom he had to promote. He found him hanging with a bunch of Marines-all sitting around a pelican. Two sat on the Pelican's back ramp, as the others lay propped up against their equipment. The Lieutenant took a deep breath and headed over to the group of men. They all sat up and looked at the man coming over. One pushed Frank with a sharp elbow.
      "You're in trouble now," the man said quietly.
      "No, he's not, and yes, I heard you," he said to the guy who pushed frank who had his mouth open shocked.
      "Hubert, can I speak with you?" the Lieutenant asked. "Its Frank, right?"
[indent["Yeah, umm… I guess so," Frank replied. The Lieutenant and Frank walked around to the front of the Pelican drop ship.
      "The Commander has promoted you to Sergeant. Congratulations," said the Lieutenant holding out his hand extending the insignia of a Sergeant.
      "I don't know what to say," Frank replied astonished.
      "You don't have to say anything. Oh… and one more thing the Commander said for me to tell you, good job on your last mission," said the Lieutenant.
      "Thank you, sir."
The Lieutenant smiled and shook the new sergeants hand.
      "You're taking over Blackwell's squad and your team is topside as of 0:900. Get your team ready," said the Lieutenant as he saluted, Frank returned the gesture and looked down at the buttons in his hand while the Lieutenant walked off. Frank turned his attention back to his fellow teammates.
      "I have been promoted to Sergeant of this here squad and we are due to leave in thirty minutes. So lets get moving," said Frank as he felt the pressure of leadership wash over him.
      "Oh, yeah-hey and nice going on the promotion sir," said one of the Marines, Jared.
      "Thanks," said Frank as he watched his team make preparations and smiled as the mission began to unfold.
