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Fan Fiction

Flames of Perdition Chapter 4
Posted By: Colossus<xhalcyon713x@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 June 2006, 6:55 pm

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Chapter 4

      Captain Mikhail Zadeka was pinned down behind a pair of boulders with the rest of Red and Green teams. He had dispatched sergeant Jonas Gaunt along with his rocket jockeys to remove the pressure on Blue Team. Now he was pinned down by four enemy turrets that watched the only entrance to the box canyon containing the grav-lift. They pounded merciless plasma fire into the boulders that covered the Captain. Bits of ancient stone chipped off under the constant fire.
      The captain heard footsteps coming towards him. He swung around the boulders, battle-rifle shouldered, and put a burst through the brains of a pair of Grunts. He swung back around into protection just as quick. The men further down the path let up a cheer at seeing the captain kill so easily. The body of one of the Grunt's tumbled down the hill where he sat. He saw a plasma grenade roll out of the Grunt's bandolier, and snatched it. He peeked just slightly over the boulder, trying to find the approximate location of one of the turrets. He spotted it, and within a second three of the turrets had turned to fire on the movement. He ducked back down, burning plasma skimming mere feet above his head. He turned, primed the plasma grenade, and threw it in a flat arc in one deft move, and then swung around the boulder again, covering his head with his arms. There was a startled yell, followed by the tell-tale explosion of the grenade.
      His men let out another cheer.
      A quintet of explosions rocked the area behind Zadeka. Tiny pebbles bounced around, and the shockwave of the explosion caused the captain's teeth to rattle around in his head. Shrill cries of pain erupted from the other side of the boulder. He turned around again, and saw the smoldering wreckage of the four turrets that had him pinned only seconds before. He looked straight up and saw sergeant Gaunt, along with a team of rocket jockeys, standing on the cliff a straight twenty meters up.
      "Great to see you, sergeant!" the Captain called up, a smile spreading on his face.
      "Great to see you still alive, sir!" the sergeant responded from above.
      Zadeka leapt to his feet. "Alright, men! The turrets are down. On your feet, up and at 'em. Do you want to live forever?" Their response was unanimous and powerful. "Alright then, into the breach!" he barked. He held his battle rifle high into the air above his head, other hand punching into the sky. He slung the battle-rifle across his back, and grabbed the pair of SMGs at his waist, checked to see if they were loaded, and charged into the grav-lift area. His men let up a cry behind him, but Zadeka didn't look back. The red fury of battle had settled over his mind, blocking out all other thought. He charged, boots digging deep into the thawing snow. He sprayed a trio of Grunt's with a burst of SMG fire, and they toppled over. He saw an Elite ahead, and opened up into the alien with both SMGs. It bellowed, its shields flashing, and then fell back as a bullet broke the shield and took it straight between the eyes.
      He took cover behind a rocky outcropping, and reloaded both SMGs. He leapt over the rocks, and charged straight at a Jackal. The captain leapt at it with a flying kick, sending it sprawling backwards. The Jackal over-loaded its pistol. The captain dropped an SMG, and grabbed the bird-like alien's pistol hand, wrenching the pistol from its hands. He turned it onto the Jackal, and fired, overloading its shield. The Captain dropped the plasma pistol and punched the Jackal square across the jaw. It reeled back onto the ground, and Zadeka fired a coup d' grace into the fallen alien.
      He knelt to pluck up his second SMG when sergeant Gaunt called down to him. "Captain! Behind you!"
      Zadeka instinctively turned, and brought his free hand just in time to see a sword wielding Elite bearing down on him. The Elite brought the sword down, cutting off Zadeka's arm half way down the bicep, cauterizing it instantly. He let out an eerie, unmistakable sound of absolute pain. Bullets from all direction hammered into the Elite, and it dropped in a second. A pair of privates rushed to the Captain's side, one grabbing his shoulders, the other grabbing his feet. They picked him up and rushed him off the field.
      Zadeka watched as he was born away from the battle. Marines poured into the breach, firing weapons as they went. He saw sergeant Gaunt sliding down a rappel-line, firing his pistol in one hand as he went. The sergeant screamed, "For the captain! Charge!" as the Marines let out a ferocious, blood-thirsty cry, and the Captain slipped into unconsciousness.
