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Battles of Alpha Halo 4 (part three): Frantic Corridors
Posted By: Collins Okonkwo<collinsist@yahoo.com>
Date: 27 March 2007, 10:22 am

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BOAH4:Part three

Frantic Corridors

      I know what troubles you Hegins, Private Akindele thought, immediately following behind his comrade who took point as they made into the corridor. But only if you knew how much I also have lost, not even to this war but to the most peaceful days before ever there were any aliens. Hegins' oblong shadow against the forward bulkhead made for the right flank in accord with the marine, weapon pointed. Akindele knew his task was to watch the narrowness of the path which was their entrance. He whirled to slam back against that same spot from where Hegins' shadow had fled. He watched Natoli fall in and make for the opposite flank. Chris was next with poised assault rifle, who followed in the same direction as Hegins to make two guns. "Too many damn doors and corners in this covenant ship." Natoli whispered, aiming an M6D pistol at the door on the end of his wing, main weapon fastened to his back. The silent talk had drawn Akindele's gaze to point at the lanky and dark haired marine. Of which he withdrew it now to be aimed to his left just to notice a puzzled look on Chris's face whom stared toward the end of that other wing.

      Akindele furthered his gaze along that section of the corridor, to notice Hegins briskly trotting straight to the door and not half looking like he was stopping. "No," Akindele gasped, brushed past Chris to make after Hegins who had so neared the door. His heavy soldier boots stomped and hammered the ground as he closed in on the marine. The door drew open, Akindele managed to catch glimpse of the two Elites across Hegins' shoulders. He dived, more out of instinct than any other thing. His shaved head was first to slam into his partner's hip section, followed by his arms which tried to curve around him. For that thump against the waist to hurt Akindele's trained head so much told him that Hegins would suffer some significant after pain. But the marine's life was at the moment a more important factor of consideration.

      Akindele had heard Hegins' weapon go off briefly. Both men crashed hard on the ground and Akindele was certain of that familiar sound of plasma bolts which swiftly traveled over their heads. Akindele rolled his fallen body leftwards. He braked, lying on his left side, cocked his head upwards to have a tilted view of four large Sangheili legs hundred inches away. Something had clattered against the ground during his roll. He saw that it was Hegins rifle, which now ended its distant skid near the alien feet. A feeling of rashness washed over Akindele all of a sudden, with the realization of how open a target they presently became for the aliens. The marine's rifle was still tightly held in his right arm; he swung strong biceps, hoped he would be quick enough as he watched one of the covenant plasma rifle muzzles begin to aim at him. Coalesced rattling that sounded from behind Akindele confirmed to be rifle-shots as dazzling energy abruptly worked around both covenant body amours. The Elites growled and returned fire in that direction, giving Akindele a chance to add to the hell already being unleashed on them.

      At first he saw bullets clink and ring against the ground as they were briefly held off by the covenant amour. Before he saw blue blood splatter against floor and bulkhead of the short corridor, his weapon still pulsing in his hands and delivering further damage. One covenant's crashing to the ground only caused the other to bellow in fury tossing away his overheated plasma rifle, and charged forward. He stopped before Hegins, who Akindele for the first time noticed was unconscious. The Elite as though to deliver this final act with his last breath, absorbed weapons fire, raised a monstrous leg that made to crush Hegins' head. But rushing boot steps from behind was followed with what sounded like the wicked eruption of an M90 shotgun. That unfriendly weapon sent the Elite flying backwards to land some reasonable feet away from the oblivious marine. Akindele for the first time realized why Natoli preferred the short range weapon. He had argued the usefulness of such close quarter weapons with his friend in the past and didn't just see why any soldier would refer to a sidearm and shotgun as complete gear. All the battles Akindele had ever known before he joined UNSC were such whereby you had to take cover from enemy fire from a reasonable distance and return fire.

      And as for pistols, he would normally consider himself half weaponless on a battlefield whenever he was left with just that toy-like weapon which always felt so tiny in his large hands. Natoli offered him a helping hand which he grabbed and was pulled to his feet. He nodded his thanks. Natoli squatted over Hegins resting his shotgun on a thigh, and turned the collapsed marine over to check his pulse. "He's fine" he said, looking back at the approaching Sergeant Brad who changed magazines in his coming. Private Akindele, assault rifle balanced on both hands, strolled toward the dead aliens. He sent a detestable kick to the head of one, cursed in his tongue, and spat on the corpse. "Enough of that already, Private," The Sergeant called out to him. "We don't want anybody else getting excessly emotional over the darn covenant."

      A despising scowl still hung on his face as Akindele withdrew, and that expression made it clear that he may have gone on to do more than just spitting on the dead covenant. Perhaps emptying what remained of his clip on inert corpse just as Hegins had needlessly done to the jackal that got Roy, may have to some extent brought satisfaction to the big man. Chris' rifle still burned from the termination of the covenant threat, which he pointed backwards now to watch their rear. "Alright, alert that marine and let's be on the move," Sergeant Brad told Natoli. "We probably have given away our position already."

      Feeling more like an experimental specimen trapped in the cage of a mad scientist's laboratory, Captain Jacob Keyes stared out of the faintly droning containment field which made sure that he securely remained in his cell. The two covenant that gazed at him seemed to be of rank. And they were deeply engaged in a discussion that he could not make anything of. The way they moved those segmented mandibles told Keyes just how impossible it would be for any human to successfully utter the covenant tongue.

      "And what makes you think, Commander Reuzan," General Kaziska said, keenly watching Captain Keyes. "That a thing so simple and doltish airs disparity among the human military ranks?"
"The humans have always behaved unpredictably my General," Reuzan replied. "And I must mention that the data-brooders have stated it to be a confirmed human conceptualization. They are a most unpredictable race. In troop deployment, vessel engagement tactics, and every other possible thing one may imagine.

      "Colors upon the breast?" Kaziska mentioned, before he snorted. "Why would colors upon the breast signify rank?
He gave Keyes closer observation. The Captain indifferently stared back at him. "This one looks so weak," General Kaziska said.

      Kaziska looked to the next cell, where a muscular marine sat, who scowled at the aliens. "Perhaps I would have better believed if it were told me that this one was a Captain." He looked back at Reuzan who stood to his left. "Or what do you think Reuzan? I would consider it an interesting sight. How can a human so small have outperformed the bigger ones to earn the position of Captain?"
"I doubt if the human ranks are determined by honorable demonstrations."
Kaziska snorted again. "Even if the data-brooders are accurate, concerning the fact that the humans likely habit other planets; I doubt if the Hierarchs will offer such a feeble race a place in the great journey. For I even hold the Unggoy in higher regard." He paused as one in thought, before he added: "Save for the demon of course. But his advance will end within these chambers."

      He turned to make toward the exit. "Let us be gone commander. The trap is well set." Following behind, Reuzan's alien countenance was taken in a surprised expression. "What trap if I may ask my General, do you speak of?" Kaziska replied in his continued advance, gesturing with an arm: "You may withdraw your guards commander Reuzan." The other Sangheili stopped short at that statement. Kaziska expected the shock, but did not care to look back as he included: "You know how Razoor likes to work alone." Reuzan's steps were quicker now as he tried to catch up. "If the demon can get past five of my strongest warriors, then he should no longer be considered a demon…but a god."

      "If the demon has outsmarted our defenses to this point," Kaziska said, knowingly avoiding the term "beaten". He stopped near to the exit, waited for Reuzan to be standing beside him again before he took peripheral glance of him and added: "Would you then count it foolishness for me to entrust the duty of his destruction into the hands of a master stealth-blade?"
"Uhm--my apologies General." Reuzan obsequiously said. He looked across his shoulders, and a bit let down, waved the guards out of the room. One of those arcade-like com-devices which stood at the left wing near the exit door, beeped green. Reuzan made for it as the guards trotted past him and General Kaziska, door hissing open to receive their departure.

      The bright light immediately lit against his face the moment he depressed the transmission button. "Commander Reuzan," the highlighted covenant crackled. "Orders have just come in from the Supreme Commander; that the truth and reconciliation should make for orbit whilst the demon is still onboard." Reuzan shifted a confused expression to the General. The sudden stiffness of Kaziska's face forced away his glance. Looking back at the on-screen covenant, Reuzan nodded: "Understood. As the Supreme Commander commands, it shall be passed to the General immediately." The screen went blank again. Reuzan straightened and turned to the general not knowing whether to pass the information which he was sure he had also heard.

      "You see, Reuzan," Kaziska said. "That is what I am talking about. The demon has so far made me look silly in the eyes of Supreme Commander Orreius."
"Now I understand, my General. Forgive my earlier foolishness."
Kaziska's turning to face the door was swift. Reuzan followed and they both proceeded through the exit. "The next room was a wider space where more guards positioned at dutiful positions. In their continued stride, Kaziska told Reuzan, with a touch of anger in his tone: "Your guards Reuzan, your guards." Even though the General did not look at him, Reuzan tried to hide the scowl that first crossed his face. Even the guards on the outside? Now they over rate these stealth-blade. He gestured an armored hand for their withdrawal. The guards scrambled in straight files to make for the next door. As though saying the words to himself, kaziska growled: "Make it a painful death Razoor. I do not think we need him alive any longer."

      And to whom General Kaziska spoke…there was no form; neither was there a response.

      Master Chief stripped off the fallen covenant's grenade belt. He tugged out one plasma grenade into his gloved hand. "The covenant don't look like they are relenting Chief," Cortana piped. "Motion sensors show more guards quickly making it to our position from this end."
"And the others are still out there?"
"Yes. And they've not given up the idea of flanking us."
Master Chief's hands moved deftly as he worked with haste and precision. He holstered the one he held and picked up the second plasma rifle which had lain on the floor. Plasma grenade in one and Plasma rifle in the other hand, he straightened and headed back toward the door where he had re-erected and positioned the com-device.

      On nearing, he threw himself with back against the com-device, hardness of his metallic Spartan Amour giving off a dull ram. Half crouched, in order to make sure he did not receive fire to the back of his head; he began to shuffle backwards, com-device grating ahead of the witty advance. Door drew open and they were in the next square shaped section. Covenant artillery abruptly noised to fill the air. He could hear plasma bolts fizzle against the hard surface of his moving cover. Those most weird needler weapons also whistled loudly. The Spartan had acted with such haste that at this point he did not know exactly what he was up to. He continued anyway. He was not sure how lucky he was going to get this time, were more covenant to empty through that forward door which he continuously backed away from.

      Master Chief suddenly halted his advance. He remained behind cover. Probably in curiosity or caution, and remembering the demons earlier tricks, the covenant seized fire…and there was silence. Silence that also slightly unnerved the Spartan. But in that same fraction of a second the Master Chief realized their uncertainty. He briskly threw the plasma grenade overhead, knowing that the covenant were sure to this time around, be in doubt of what exactly it was that traveled through the air. And he heard it bellowed by an Elite in what was probably Sangheili tongue; and the Master Chief was sure it must have meant GRENADE!

      He swiftly allowed his full seven feet as he made out of cover, plasma rifle in both hands. The sight of both Jackals as they made off with activated shields on their heads almost caused Cortana to laugh. They were all "flee", from the glowing ball on the ground. Even the Elites, who made straight for the door behind them. Master Chief released heated spits of plasma that first took out both Jackals. Their shields dazzled of blue energy from the Chief's assault before the Elites made into the door. The grenade splayed in a flash of blue-white explosion.

      Immediately after which Spartan 117 dashed toward the forward door. He rested back to the left wing of the spread of bulkhead upon which the door was wedged. He looked forward at the other door which was now somewhat distant. No covenant yet. He edged closer to the door of his side. He knew he had to make it in there quickly but the covenant would most likely have their weapons aimed and waiting for him to do just that. What next? He had to think. He led his eyes to the far side of the room which was gapped by the glaring fall-space. He'd need wings or a rocket pack to make such a jump, and the corps did not issue him any. He had also looked down that un-girded space earlier, and knew how deathly a drop it was.

      "Good run Chief," Cortana said. "But the other covenant will be through that other door in a matter of seconds." Probably because she's just AI John thought. She doesn't realize how utterly annoying she can sound at times. "I'm trying to think Cortana," he responded, with the usual calm tone.


      Just then, weapons fire sounded within the door. Human weapons fire. The familiar roaring of protesting Elites was followed by the door hissing open, and three Elites raging out of it. They had it in mind that the Master Chief was still out here of course, and when they failed to see him along the corridor, turned to notice Spartan 117 leaned against the bulkhead. They made to point their weapons at him. The Chief reflexively rushed at them. His iron-hard helmeted head gave a dull thump against one of the Elite's armored chest. That Elite's rifle flew out of his hand from the impact.

      The Master Chief still tried to maintain grip of his own weapons even with his arms wrapped around the Elites body. Spartan 117 displayed unlikely strength forcing that covenant toward the un-girded fall-space. Before the other two could fry his back as they intended, both the Chief and the rammed covenant took an abrupt tumble down the gap.

To be continued
