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Fan Fiction

Fallen Heroes
Posted By: Charle Subketkaew<mastahunta@yahoo.com>
Date: 3 September 2005, 6:37 pm

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Location: Earth
Sector: Assault in progress
Combat Level: Code Blue
Threat Level: Under attack
Base: Delta Installation
Continent: North America

"Fall back! Fall back!" screamed Sgt. Magellan. Enigma team was being pinned down for about 3 days now on the eastern side of New Jersey. The Covenant launched a massive ground assault just 2 days ago, but the strangest thing was they weren't attacking by air at all. They just deployed over 100,000 in Covenant ground forces, then their space fleet jumped out of the system. No more reinforcements or anything.
"Simmons, get your ass back to cover our flank! Damn it!" yelled Magellan. In the heat of battle, he was always a badass killing 30 or 40 grunts at a time. He came very close to getting beat down by an Elite general, but he never broke down. He took the Elite by its throat and choked him to death. The ODST divisions were fortunate enough to have him transferred from the Mars station Damascus after a revolt in 2556.
Enigma team was holding their position in an abandoned hotel at this point. The spooks at ONI were too cheap to send reinforcements, because they believed this area wasn't of importance. Hell, any part of Earth was important at this time. "Hold the perimeter damn it!" barked Corporal Rodriguez. His black smooth hair had been drenched with sweat all afternoon. The Covenant were at their prime at this point. They needed to change the tide of war, or this was going to be quick.
An Elite approached Magellan. The creature charged forward at him, massing all his strength toward one blow. It withdrew it's plasma weapons and prepared to fire. Rodriguez opened fire and the Elite's shield flickered, but didn't die. The Elite fired at Rodriguez, but Magellan dove in the way firing his dual modified smg's with shredder rounds. The plasma impact pinged against Magellan's armor, then cut a deep hole through his side. "Damn it Rodriguez! what the hell were you thinking?" said Magellan panting hard. "Sorry sir, I didn't know he was about to fire." replied Rodriguez. He had been transferred from the sensor outpost Hawkeye to take command of a fire team, but by the team he got here, they were already obliterated from Covenant artillery.
Rodriguez lacked the leadership to take command of a fire team, but that didn't stop him. He had received several campaign ribbons for beating down the Covenant assault and Reach II. That little spark of confidence got him promoted to Corporal and he got transferred to the frontlines. Inside, Rodriguez wanted to give up, but he had to keep fighting".
"Sir, incoming transmission from Highcom" replied Simmons. The kid was only 18 and was sent to join the UNSC at an early age. His planet was glassed by a Covenant assault ship and joined to get back at the plague that destroyed his home. "Patch me in Simmons!" cried Magellan.
" This is Highcom Admiral Yamazukito. You have reinforcements inbound in 30minutes. Hold your position and do not lose that area. The Covenant want to take this area as a command post. If we lose the eastern part of our New Jersey installation, it will only be hours before they reach D.C." The radio shut off.
"Ok team, get all your gear packed up. I want emplacements on these positions right here. Simmons, you are on equipment inventory. Get us whatever we have left and be ready to run. We can't beat these guys with force, but if we're going down, we are taking them to hell with us." said Magellan. There was blood from his side from the earlier impact. The team had their medic killed earlier when two brutes entered the area and beat everyone down.
"Sir, we got to get you patched up" insisted Rodriguez. "No son. " said Magellan. " We have our orders to hold this position until reinforcements arrive. I doubt they'll get here in time for the finale, but you guys have to go on without me." continued Magellan. "Kempson, get us a pack of HAVOK tactical nukes prepared. I want to leave a present for them, courtesy of UNSC." Magellan said with pain in his eyes.
The radio's signal flickered red. There was another transmission. "Oh great more good news," complained Magellan. The only time the signal of a radio flickered red was a high priority alert transmission or some idiot at ONI was playing jokes with them. "Patch us in Simmons." barked Magellan. "Yes sir." said Simmons.
" Fall back! Fall back! Alert to all available UNSC fire teams in this area. We need reinforcements a.s.a.p. ! This is not a drill nor is it a joke. AAAAAAAH!!!!" The com snapped off. "Jesus, how many are there?" asked Simmons inquisitively.
"ONI reports there are about 300,000 more ground forces approaching this area. It is vital we retake back the docks 5 clicks north of here as a forward post for the UNSC." said Magellan.
All of a sudden, the barrier in front of the hotel doors broke. Hundreds of Elites, Jackals, Grunts, and about 40 Hunters charged through. Enigma team fired everything they had, including the Jackhammer rocket launchers they got last week. Rodriguez and Simmons opened fired. Kempson and Magellan grabbed the launchers and took out about 40 of the Covenant forces. By the time they took those out, more appeared. It was as if they kept multiplying. Two Elites charged with their battle cries at Simmons. Rodriguez took out his combat knife, and gutted one of the gold Elites in the side. The Elite squealed with pain, then Rodriguez punched him hard in the chest with his enhanced battle gauntlets he had in testing for ONI. Simmons fell back to a pillar. He took cover and reloaded his battle rifle.
While he was reloading, a Jackal appeared and opened fire, Simmons, stunned by the plasma, grabbed his magnum and fired back at it. Two shots in the head and the Jackal was dead, but Simmons had serious injuries. His arm was completely burned. "Where the hell are you Simmons!" yelled Rodriguez fighting off 10 grunts. Kempson and Magellan were tangoing with the Elites in the upper floor of the hotel, not noticing the assault squadron of banshees approaching. Kempson meleed an Elite in the face, not backing off on his strength. He was a mid sized, ODST, but wouldn't let that stop him from beating down the Covenant enemy. The Elite withdrew an energy sword and charged at Magellan. Before the Elite charged, Kempson got out his dual magnums and capped the Elite in the head, barraging the creature with bullets. The Elite stunned, shook, and then fell down. Purple blood spilled on the floor.
"One down, 800 to go!" said Magellan. "Corporal, get us an evac stat!" barked Magellan. Blood was dripping from the side of his head as he kept fighting off the massive waves of Covenant forces. "Sir, Rodriguez is dead." exclaimed Kempson. Kempson watched in horror as the Elite withdrew it's energy sword and stabbed through Rodriguez's armor like butter with a knife.
" Well boys, if we're going down, let's leave these guys a good bye present." said Magellan. He knew the end was drawing near. He grabbed a nearby pair of plasma pistols and fired with every ounce of strength in his body. "Sir, Havok nuke armed!" said Kempson. Following his report, he was shot in the arm by a dual wielding plasma rifle Elite. With everything lost, Magellan said his last words. " This one's for Earth. See you in hell Covenant bastards!" With those last words, Magellan hit the button and the nuke set off. The building imploded and Elites, Jackals, Grunts , and even Brutes flew out of the massive Hotel.
"Come in Enigma team. Is anyone still there?" said Sgt. Johnson. Blood dripped everywhere from Magellan". He didn't want it to end like this. He took out a picture of his wife and kids, kissed it and said " we got them Sgt. Score one for the home team." said Magellan. With that said, he collapsed and he died. The UNSC had paid a high cost to defend Earth from the Covenant, but they will never forget the fallen heroes that took their lives to fight on.

The End
