
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

HALO Behind Human Territory
Posted By: Cayman Farley<cjfarley@juno.com>
Date: 19 January 2008, 1:40 am

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Part 1: Ever have that feeling that someone's watching you

Chapter 1

Seventh cycle, (34 units) Kr'tas Venom mission clock.

Kr'tas Venuem has been sitting on the top of the hill observing the aftermath of the battle, no human has seen him cause he had his camouflage generator activated. His orders were to study the humans and learn their ways with out getting to close. The only reason why they wanted Kr'tas to study them was to know their weakness and possibly their secrets, that was the only way to win the war. But Kr'tas was afraid of getting cot, but thankfully he did not go alone. He had a crew of three. His assistant More'e Fellum, a professor of math and science Heguo Genun, and of course himself the note taker and reporter.

Kr'tas was never a fan of the aliens but a job was a job. He watched as the humans recover body's, collect dog tags, and retrieve ammo. Though they where in camouflage, their gear wasn't, so they had to hide it behind the hill and of course sometimes cover it in other places. For some reason he had feelings for the humans, feelings of sadness that they lost their family and friends, loved ones and homes, and seeing the discretion of war was just sad. But he had to not think of that the only reason is because they where Heretics, they didn't believe in the holy rings. He pushed that thought to the back of his head and focused on his job.

He wrote down notes on his hand held device. He was proud of having the device for what it can do, it had three settings of righting it had a touch screen keyboard, a voice recorder witch types into text, and a small camera witch will record and Wright detail and sayings into text of what it sees, and of course it could do everything else like take pictures, record video, wirelessly install viruses and bugs into the computers if needed, go on the Covenant CSWN (Covenant Space Wide Network) it was like the humans WWW but they didn't show pages of unnecessary junk. And a phone.

But with this little device it still didn't give them the information they needed. They needed to go in closer. The humans would not accept them just to watch their every move they needed a plan like if we can gain the trust of one then the entire fleet that one might tell the they mean them no harm. It might work Kr'tas thought. So he turned around and asked what More'e and Heguo might think of the plain.

"It might work." More'e said.

"According to my analysis they might fall for it but on the other hand they might kill us all witch would lead to…"

"Heguo!" Kr'tas interrupted.

"What I trying to say is if we take a human and treat it with its needs it will trust us but we might disobey the councils rules…getting to close."

"Yes but, if we kidnap one of them we can retrieve a lot of information." Kr'tas explained.

"Kidnap! Now where talking about kidnap!" More'e said.

Kr'tas confused said, "since when did you care about humans?"

"I…I don't…its just…"

"Just what?"

"Is fighting going to help this situation?" Heguo said. "It's a yes or no, we might fail our mission if we say no. And you know what happens when someone fails. They kill all who where involved in the plain, that includes the shipmaster and his crew. So what is it a yes…or a no?"

Kr'tas and More'e stood there for a second thinking Kr'tas nodded yes as did More'e.

"Good, now lets find the perfect human."

August 20th 2552 Reach

Lori Deep was sitting at her glass-covered desk studying files and keeping clear of the dust that fell from the ceiling that fell as explosions boomed overhead. She was very clean, knowing she can clean up the dust from the floor after the battle she still spewed it up to where it was clean, as long as didn't look or pay attention to it she would ignore it. She looked up in time to see the picture change from a bright sunny day over looking the lake that laid by the main city to the love of her life, a handsome young man in his dress uniform with dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and some scares from his previous battles on his face, but that didn't hide the man inside.

Lori was sent to reach one week ago before the Covenant attacked, she was sent to study Covenant technology, knowing she couldn't get anywhere close to live Covenant infantry she just had to study them from a distance how they move haw they act. Lori helped on the MJOLNIR project she studied the objects the Spartans brought back after the mission, she helped with Dr. Halsey to create the shield for the armor. She normally worked alone as soon as she retrieved the all-clear sign she would go out and retrieve any Covenant object and take them to her lab deep into the base.

"M'am." A man said scaring her before looking from the picture to the door. The same man she smiled and stood up and said calmly "Yes?"

"Its open, the field is clear"


She then grabbed her data pad, gloves and toolkit then walked to the door and stood in front him.

"Be careful." He said.

"I'm always careful." She said before she kissed him and left the room smiling.

Kr'tas did know English as did the other two. He watched the field finding the perfect subject. The sun was setting and it was hard to see with the sun glairing in his eyes, he saw a human dressed deferent than the others. It whore a grey overall and held a box similar to his data pad and a larger box in its right hand. Not knowing the deference of the sexes they all looked alike, he watched as it approached a dead Grunt, kneeled and opened the box. It pulled a cylinder glass tube and stabbed it into the Grunt. He looked back from his monocular and saw that it was taking blood and tissue samples.

"Perfect!" He whispered to himself smiling. "More'e, Heguo! We have our target!"

Heguo stepped to the monocular and stared threw.

"It could work. It…"

"Please…don't explain." Kr'tas interrupted

"When should we take it?"

"When it's alone. Maybe at nightfall."

"The only way to take it is for me to approve." More'e said as he also stared threw the monocular. "It would probably corporate better that the others."

"More'e come-on" Kr'tas said as he hosted a plasma pistol.

"Why should we go in violence if we want to show it no harm? Id be better for it to trust us if we had no weapons of violence with us." More'e said as he turned from the monocular to see Kr'tas host his weapon.

"A grenade?"


"A knife?"



More'e sighed and said, "you can bring your data pad."

"Fine." He said as they both grabbed their gear and ran quietly down the hill to the bushes and three tall trees.

"A Human is approaching the subject, stay low." Heguo announced over their secure radio frequency.

"You know it's not safe to be alone, especially in a battlefield" a man said as Lori started to draw blood from a Jackal. She looked back and smiled to see her fiancé Steve Karrl.

"Really? Want to help?" She asked.

"You know, the only way to help…" he said as she stood up, "…is if you are at the wedding…"

"I'm already at the wedding." She said as she kissed him "Bud first…" she said being interrupted by a kiss, "…you can take sa…samples of that jackal…behind you."

"Any way I can help." He said as he took an empty tube from her hand and walked toward the alien. "So what theme do you want at our wedding?" he said with his back toward Lori.

"Its still a little early for that, id rather wait till we can go to a peaceful place…like Earth."

"Ok, but I think its still a good thing to plan early don't you think?" he waited for a second waiting for an answer but there was no reply, he thought she had a bag in her mouth that kept the swabs because one hand was fill. That was the only reason he thought of why she didn't answer. "When do you think well be able to get out of this dump? Cause I wish…" he paused as he didn't see Lori but her case and the needle still stabbed in the Jackal. "Lori this isn't funny whatever you're doing!" little did he know that she was being carried away and listing to every word he said to her. "Lori please!" he said with a concerned voice. "LORI…" he yelled, "…I LOVE YOU! Please!" now he new she was missing he quickly ran for dear life to the bunker to tell the news.

"Lori please!" She heard as the strange shadows carried her with what felt like a warm soft hand covering her mouth. She struggled and hands on what she thought was an arm as she heard the voice of Steve "LORI… I LOVE YOU! Please!" she was then dropped to the ground with the blackness of night rolling in. She kept silent as if shed yell her Fiancé would surely come to rescue her but her kidnappers would kill him and possibly her. She herd strange voices, she herd words like these before. She pulled out her PDA and pressed record and dropped it back into her pocket and tried to crawl away, but there was no use. Two armoured boots appeared out of cameo, she stopped and looked up in fear it pulled her up and walked her to what looked like a transport vehicle. She saw two other ghostly figures (Knowing that they where Elites) carry equipment into the bed of the vehicle. She did not know the Covenant was interested in humans, but she knew one thing, they wanted her. She felt a pain in her arm and blackness filled her world and collapsed to the ground.

Chapter 2

Assault curser, Unlimited Wealth, in orbit above Reach

Lori found herself lying on a gel bed staring at the purple ceiling, she turned her head to another bed on her right. It was empty. There was a desk at the end with a chair, lamp and what looked like a flower, but it did not strike her mind to what kind of flower it was, but it was beautiful. She swung her legs out of the bed and strode to the flower. She smiled as her fingers lightly glided on the whitish bluish flower. As she felt how soft it was, she thought the flower was from Steve, till a low calm voice spooked her.

"Beautiful isn't it."

She quickly turned around to see an alien holding a tray with what looked like fruit.

"Yes…" she said slowly "…yes it is."

"Please sit, I brought you nourishments."

She sat as told but she felt safe and calm as it set the tray in front of her.

"Is this our fruit?"

"Yes…" It said. "…we picked it this morning."

"From our plaint?"

"Yes…I thought you would like you own food."

She picked up a pair and bit into the yellow skin. "What is it you want?"

"Your help."


"We have studied your ways for quite some time now and we know you are studying us as well. So I want you to help us if we help you."

"Information about our species as you give me information of yours?"


She did not know that this was happening, she was so exited that she quickly reached for her PDA…but it was not there. The looked up to see the alien hand her her PDA that they took off during their war to the ship. She put her hand on the PDA to grab it, as she did so her fingers rubbed against the warm skin of the Elite, the PDA was still warm from being in the Elites hand.


"Kr'tas Venuem."

"And how do you spell that Kertaz?"

"Its Kr'tas, K R ' T A S"

"What sex are you?" she asked as she typed in commands on her pad.

"Excise me?"


"We do not use the term…sex, we use the term…breed or mate"

"I'm not asking how you have sex, I'm asking if you're a male of female so I can continue on your document." She said surprised.

"Male!" He said insulted.

"Do you have family?"

"Yes…" he said as if he wanted to continue.

"Where do you live?"

He then stood up from the bed, he knew telling her the name of their home planet they would come and find it. She stood up as well staring into his eyes. She could see that he wanted to move onto another subject, she say his hand stretch out as if he was ready to strangle her.

"I don't suppose your going to kill are you." She said smiling. "lets continue shall we."

He gave a nod and relaxed and he walked past her.

"How tall are you, age, weight?"

he then stood behind her hands at ready over her head as if he was going to kill her. He then looked to the door on his left to see Heguo turning his head left and right saying no.
he then slowly lowered his hands closed his eyes and took a deep breath and answered.

"Seven-three, 34, and 215 in human understanding."

"So you have been studying us for so time." She said smiling. She knew she was annoying him and she knew he wasn't going to hurt her.

"Ok you can start asking now."

He knew he can't just start asking about their weakness, he had to start slow. "Name, gender, weight, height, age…and home?"

"Lori Deep, female 144, 5,4…and my home name is not important."

Surprised that she would not tell him the name of their home he kindly moved on.

"Now as much as I want to learn about you…" she said "I would like to learn your ways and how your body is structured as well as DNA. Now where's my toolkit?"

Waiting for a reply from the alien she waited long enough to know that it was not here. "Well then we both cant co any further unless I have my toolkit. So shall we continue on our documents?"

They both continued asking questions after Kr'tas told More'e to retrieve the humans toolkit.

No doubt did Steve know that the aliens where going to pickup Lori's toolkit. Knowing that they where studying them from the hill that he and his team discovered foot prints and equipment shapes in the grass, he was ready for them to come back. He ordered his men to hide and surround the box. Half had sleeping darts, half had live ammo. He put a hidden tracker in the case so they could track it if the plan failed.

It was getting dark and he knew that they would strike at that time. He didn't know how much longer that they could stay on reach but he knew one thing, they missed a spot, a large spot that they did not glass.

He heard a faint sound of banshees and ordered his men to standby. A minute passed and they could see nothing that is till the box rose in midair and started to move towered the hill. One shot and in was down. The camouflage generator shutdown to reveal an Elite with a dart in its neck.

The box began to rise again and move faster this time. At this time of night it was hard to see how many other aliens where out here. More shots came about and it did not fall. Perhaps misses, perhaps one with a shield. They all began to use live ammo but they where too late, the box disappeared over the hill. He ordered his men to track the box but when they got over the hill only one banshee remained. The plan half was a success, half the plan failed. They captured a live Elite but the box got away. At least he will know where they kept her.

They dragged the body into the bunker, striped it naked, (now knowing that it was a male,) and strapped him down on to a bed that can rotate the frame from horizontal to vertical. Some men and women left the room giving them relief so that they don't half to stair at an Alien's genitals. The feeling was most unpleasant for all the marines in the room but they kept their place while looking around watching the dust fall off the ceiling. They injected him to wake him up so that they could ask, touchier, and possibly kill the alien if he would not corporate.
More'e opened his eyes slowly, looked at all the humans in his presents and saw that same human that was close by when they took its mate. Now noticing that he was naked, and having all these humans looking at him, it was very unpleasant. That same human rotated the frame vertical and slammed its hands on both sides of the frame by his head and looked strait into his eyes.

He smiled, squinted his eyes and said. "What, is your name?"

Steve surprised to hear the alien talk, he didn't know weather he was playing games or being serious.

"Steve…" he replied as the Elite's brown skin started to get moist, oily, or sweaty as if it didn't know what he would physically do next. "…you?" he said as he started to get a faint whiff of the aliens smell/stench.

"More'e Fellum" he said. The Sangheili breath heavier than the humans does, do to bigger lung capacity. Saying his name really made the human mad of it was his breath. It was pacing as it got fresh air, the Humans apparently did not like the smell of the soap they use, some of them where covering their noses. More'e remembered washing that morning before heading out and grabbing something light to eat before both he and the professor went to retrieve the toolbox. So to him he was clean.

"NO GAMES! WHERE IS SHE…NOW!?" the human yelled.

"Aboard our carrier…she safe for now. When do you want her back? All where doing with her is learning and studying your ways as you want to do the same with us."

Steve shocked of the alien's words of why they would study them.

"Why, are you studying us!?"

"Technology, weakness, language…"

"Where may we find your leaders!?" Steve interrupted and changing the subject.

The elite kept silent. He punched the aliens gut hearing an off after doing so and and slammed his hands on the frame on both sides of his head.


"Persistent aren't you?"

He boxed his hands on the aliens head at where his ears are and walked out of the room whispering, "We just wanted peace."

More'e heard that shocked but still knowing that they wanted peace on Harvest. Each human was given a chance of revenge by kicking, punching, and cutting the alien. Because of this war we have made these humans into a beast of violence. More'e thought to himself. He felt a few ribs crack and brake, his fingers bent backwards, some teeth pulled out and his mandible bones brake. Bruising him till he was weak so they could transport him and every thing to a ship before the Covenant glassed the planet. they threw him into a cell without food, water, or rags to clean up his wounds. Today he now knew what hell felt like. Sad to see these humans to go there if they did not follow the path.

What have we done? He thought. If it weren't for the Jiralhanae we would be at peace now. Would it be possible to have the humans join the Covenant as they did. The Sangheili have had war with the Covenant before they also joined?

Chapter 3

Assault curser, Unlimited Wealth, in orbit above Reach

Lori and Kr'tas have been talking about a variety of subjects including how deferent both their cultures are in living style.

Lori wondered where and if Fred and Kelly where safe. And most worried about Steve if he would make it off Reach in time. Heguo waved Kr'tas out of the room giving him the toolbox and reporting the news about More'e. He stepped back into the room, set the box on the desk and left without a word and left the door open. Giving them a fair trade of humanity's history, way of thinking, and body diagrams from her PDA, (careful not to give them the location to earth) they did the same.

She sat on the bed amazed that the Covenant kept her alive. She felt dizzy and laid her on the soft pillow fell asleep.

Three days later…

For the past three days Kr'tas has been visiting her quite a few hours a day, and growing a trusting relationship. She was now allowed throughout the ship, has been giving tours, and meet other crewmembers as well as other species. She tried their food witch was not too bad. It was like going from a vegetarian to a meat eater, you don't want to eat it but it tastes good. She even was given time to herself in the kitchen cooking her own recipes.

Latter that night Kr'tas followed her into her room, talked a bit and left. But little did she know that he has been downloading information form her PDA nightly. And this night they would finely find that deep and hidden file that will tell them the location to Earth.
And on that third she awoke by a human gunfire echo.

Chapter 4

Aboard Covenant Assault curser Unlimited Wealth

Steve had been following Lori's toolbox for three days and he was captured and most of his crew is dead after a brief firefight. But his ship wasn't destroyed; possibly they knew that their alien friend was on there. He was glad to hear that one Spartan made it off of Reach alive. But that Spartan didn't just make it off Reach alive but he also made it off the The Pillar of Autumn, Halo, and Unyielding Hierophant. And he was glad to hear that he was on his way to Earth.

The shipmaster of the ship approached Steve in white armor. He could see that he kept his shields off.

"You came here for a reason," he said in a human tongue. "and we kept your ship alive for a reason."

"I came here for her!" he said as he stood their with nothing holding him down.

"But we have no reason to keep you alive…"

"Steve?…" a familiar voice yelled.

"Lori!" He yelled back.

She ran towards him but was held back by an unfamiliar Elites hands.

"Your mate…I see now why I shouldn't keep you alive." He picked up one of two M6D off one of the marines that was lying dead on the floor at Steve's feet. He pointed it at Steve's chest. "Do you love this human to become your mate?" the shipmaster asked Lori.

"Yes." She replied with tears in her eyes.

"Do you really love her!" he asked Steve.


"Love her enough after betrayal? She helped us find Earth, she showed us your technology, and now you both are helping us find your weakness."

Steve had sadness and anger in him. He looked at Lori with that face.

"I'm sorry!" she whispered with sadness in her voice.

The shipmaster lowered the gun. "Now you have been hurt without the burn of our weapons but hurt in pain because of love. Why do you persist in a war with us…you cannot win, we have an army far larger than yours. If you stop all this violence you would not care where you are when we light the holy rings."

"He's right." Steve agreed.

"Steve…no don't turn!"

"If we join them we would…" Steve being interrupted by a loud noise from the shipmasters M6D. He felt cold, put a hand to his chest to see red on his fingers. He fell to his knees with the last sight of Lori in his vision.

"STEVE!" Lori yelled but was still held back by the Elite.

"You cannot win, and I have no use for you." The shipmaster said as he raised the gun to her head. She closed her eyes and heard a bang.

Chapter 5

It's been three days since More'e ate anything and he was denigrated. He could barley pull himself up onto bed with his broken and bruised body. He couldn't even keep his eyes open, but when he did all he saw as black. Bright light shown into the room and now he thought he was a goner he heard a muffled echo of what sounded like Kr'tas. His vision cleared to see his face and hear his sore ears hear him say.

"Paramedics NOW!"

As the Paramedics arrived with a stretcher he almost passed out but they kept him alive.

Kr'tas thought that he bartered More'e but he came back for him. He shot any human that stood in front of them as they marched threw the hallways of the human ship. When they stepped onto the their own ship the Paramedics headed strait to the medical room as he strode towards Loris quarters. He heard a close human handgun around the corner and heard Lori scream "STEVE!" as he turned around the corner all he witnessed was the Humans M6D fall out of the shipmasters hand and fall to his knees as purple blood came from his chest and fell to the floor head. Steve was standing up with what looked like he barely had enough energy to stand up; he dropped the gun as Lori ran free to Steve. Their shipmaster was dead and knowing what to do one of the Elites aimed his plasma pistil at Lori. The tip glowing bright green. Kr'tas ran forward pulled the Elites hand up and the blast splashed against the ceiling.

"What are you doing!?"

"Shoot them shoot me!" realizing what he did he had feelings about Lori.

"If you just saved the humans that you must die anyways for heresy!" the Elite said as he raised his weapon to Kr'tas' head.

"Stand down!" a lower voice said.


"I SAID stand down!"

The Elite lowered his weapon obeying the shipmasters second in command.

"The Arbiters dead."

The Elite totally ignoring what the 2nd in command said replied. "Sir, you just told me to sand down you…"


"He's the Arbiter, he's supposed to die…"

"Killed by the Brutes! And now a civil war has come upon us and we are forced to join the humans in their struggle to survive for we now have to struggle as well. We join the humans then we can live in peace after the Great Journey."

"What is this Great Journey?" Lori asked.

The 2nd n'command ordered medics to help the female humans mate and then spoke. "The Great Journey is where we light the rings and all who believe will be saved. I think we can make arrangements to save you."

"I don't want to be saved, I want to be left alone by this religious crap."

"Maybe that's why where destroying your RACE!"

"Commander!" a lower ranking bridge officer in red armor with black lining and a triangle shaped helmet said.

"How dare you disturb us!" the Commander barked.

"We've received a message from the Arbiter saying that we should fallow the path of the Humans and NOT light the holy rings!"

The commander knowing to trust the Arbiters words but he didn't believe them cause he heard that he was dead. "Ignore that he's dead!"

"That impossible! His ship is approached us."

The commander now taking second thought of his words he said to the humans. "My apologies but it seams that The Great Journey is a lie and so is our religion. Come we may share this peace with others."

After that monument and the war Kr'tas stayed behind on earth to help rebuild and keep a strong relationship with Lori. Lori married Steve and had two children witch would in the future stop the Covenant war against the Elites and Brutes in their Spartan IV program and make peace with the rest of the Covenant species and they would watch the TV show and movies of the war as well as play the games called HALO for the XBOX 36,000 and watch the online cartoon called RvB (Red vs. Blue). Kr'tas would die 68 years later in the year 2621 and all made peace after that.
