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Fan Fiction

The Councilor -Chapter One-
Posted By: CarbonElite<drweird813@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 February 2007, 11:41 pm

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The Councilor-Chapter One-
Planet Sangheil: Sanctity Council Sanctuary-
Ninith age of Reclaimation
2522(UNSC Military Calendar)

       As 'Nadutee left the council chamber his mind was occupied by the burning question of what the Prophet Hierarchs were up to. He also wondered what this new race could be to make the Prophets behave in such an erratic way. He continued walking past other groups of Councilors and Minor Prophets who were all engaged in hushed conversations. He not surprised to hear several of them talking about the new race and the implications thereof. He met 'Altosee on one of the upper landing platforms speaking with a Sangheili in Crimson armor in front of a Phantom as it readied for launch. As 'Nadutee approached the lesser Sangheili bowed and took his leave.

       "Where are you off to now?" 'Nadutee inquired as he approached his long time friend. "I had hoped we could speak of these matters more thoroughly at my estate."

       'Altosee looked down at the floor before replying, "I have been ordered to lead a group of scouts on the Requite Justice to learn all I can of these new sentients."

       'Nadutee grasped his friends forearm in a warrior's handshake. "May the Forerunner protect you on your journey," He said to his friend "I will look forward to your return." He let go of his friend and watched as 'Altosee turned and boarded a Phantom which lifted off with a whine of its grav engines and flew away towards the orbiting cruiser.

       'Nadutee stood gazing into night sky long after the Phantom had disappeared, even when the looming clouds began to release a slight drizzle 'Nadutee still did not move from his position. After a spell the light tapping of a cane on the metal surface of the platform caught his attention and he turned to see the Prophet Solitude slowly advancing toward him. He had always admired how Solitude did not rely on the gravity chairs several of the other High Prophets had become so dependent upon.

       "Noble Solitude, it is my honor." The Sangheil said as bowed low, his silken robe brushing on the moist platform.

       "No, the honor is mine High Councilor 'Nadutee." Solitude spoke as he came to a stop in front of 'Nadutee bidding him to rise. "You need not bow before me I am merely performing the task which the Forerunner have placed before me."

      "A noble venture as any warrior's," Spoke 'Nadutee as he rose. As if noticing the rain for the first time he spoke, "Shall we leave this place and seek a covering?"

       "I would be delighted to have you over to my personal estate. You and I have much to discuss. I have a private platform with a ship for us on the higher levels, if you so choose to accompany me."

       "It would be an honor Noble Solitude," replied 'Nadutee as he and the Prophet made their way back inside the Sanctuary to a glowing grav lift which would take them to the upper levels.

       They rode the lift in silence as it rose several stories quickly before coming to halt on the floor with the private hangars. They entered into long hallway with purple and red arches and several doors guarded by crimson clad Honor guard with their ceremonial, yet functional, energy lances. The guards drew their lances back as Solitude passed and with a slight bleep one of the doors separated and whooshed to allow the Prophet and the Sangheili to enter the hangar.

      The hangar was wide enough to hold two Phantom drop ships and had three levels accessible by lifts similar to the one they had just ridden, only smaller. The ceiling was supported by numerous blue pillars which rose up and dispersed out as they met the ceiling and floor. The exit of the hangar was covered by a force field which prevented unwanted ships from entering. Docked inside was a small crescent shaped craft of vivid blue. 'Nadutee recognized that the craft had once been an Apparition drop ship, but the ship had been extensively modified with armor plating, newer more robust engines, and the ungainly troop compartments had been streamlined into sharp pointed outriggers.

      An Unggoy dressed in white was waiting for them at the entry ramp of the ship. "Everything ready great one!" The Unngoy said with a slight squeak.

      "I thank you Jiji," The Prophet replied then gestured for 'Nadutee to enter the ship. 'Nadutee entered the ship followed by the Prophet then Jiji. As the force field came down the ship took off towards the Prophet's private estate located in the edge of the city.

Covenant Holy City High Charity

       A lone Jiralhanea walked through the streets of High Charity along the outer wall. He passed several booths of Kig-Yar and Unggoy merchants selling their various wares to the lower citizens of the city. He took note of, and then dismissed, the shadier beings who infested the alleyways. Contemptible. Weak. No challenge to him. He continued on with his mission with single mindedness. He approached an old apartment building, still displaying an advertisement for bathhouses which had become obsolete several decades before.

       As he entered, the old Kig-Yar landlord ignored him totally engrossed in a holo of a Prophet's sermon. Hmph. Religious fool. How could such imbeciles defeat the mighty Jiralhanea race? The gall of it churned his stomach. He climbed the stairs, the building to old and unimportant for lifts, to one of the upper floors. He avoided some of the holes in the old decrepit floor until he reached a locked door. He pounded on the ancient device not caring if it broke or not. A small viewer popped out of the door and just as quickly was retracted as the door opened with a labored whir.

       As he crossed the doorway the sound of weapon being readied stopped him in his tracks. Barely keeping his anger in check he turned to find a plasma rifle in his face.

       "Could you not tell it was me, Unggoy filth?" the beast said growling. "Or is your viewer malfunctioning, Lormas?" The other Jiralhanea lowered his weapon.

       "We have to be sure. We can not afford to make any mistakes or these Covenant zealots will have our hides," Lormas growled as he shut the door and walked further into the apartment. Inside three other Jiralhanea were cleaning their weapons and eating spiced meat. The first Jiralhanea felt his stomach growl as he smelt the savory food and grabbed a bowl for himself. Lormas roughly sat himself down on one of the mats laid upon the floor with his own steaming bowl. "So were you successful?" He asked through a mouthful of food.

       "I was," said the first as he took a bite of his own. "The other cells are established on Sangheil. Soon these Covenant will know that not all Jiralhanea will bend to their will so easily."

       "Excellent, this is good news," said Lormas as he finished his food. "We will strike down these cowards and glory will once again be ours." The other Jiralhanea growled in agreement to this statement raising their weapons. The Jiralhanea stood and grabbed brute shot loading it in one swift movement. Yes, soon the Covenant would be shattered and he, Malagar, would be the hammer.

Planet Sangheil: Prophet Solitude's Private Estate

       "That is plenty, thank you," said 'Nadutee as JiJi poured a glass of crimson Sangheil wine. 'Nadutee and Solitude were sitting on lush cushions of fine fur around a low table of carved wood facing a large window looking toward Sanctity. The rain came down in torrents and lightning flashed continually giving the city a strange ethereal glow. They had just finished a meal of cooked worm-like creatures covered in a tangy sauce prepared by Solitude's personal cook. "So tell me Noble Solitude, what are your thoughts on this new race?" said 'Nadutee as he sipped his wine gingerly.

       After the Prophet had his own glass filled with wine the small Unggoy servant left closing the door as he went. "I do not understand why the Hierarchs are so reluctant to convert this new race. I suppose they may be fearful of another war, which would explain the problem in part. However, that could easily be avoided by a skilled diplomat. So that leaves us with the burning question. Why?" Mused the Prophet as he gazed at the continuing storm. "There is an ulterior motive, but what?"

       'Nadutee pondered on this for a moment before he replied, "Perhaps there is something more to this race. Suppose the Hierarchs fear them for what they imply of the Great Journey."

       The Prophet smiled wryly amused, "You have never been of the spiritual mind have you 'Nadutee?"

       "I beg the Prophets pardon, I meant no disrespect." 'Nadutee spoke quickly.

       "There is no need to apologize; I have seen people with all varying levels of faith and belief in the Great Journey. You are no exception," replied the Prophet, "But you are correct there must be something about this race that the Hierarchs, or at least one of them, fear."

       Solitude and 'Nadutee continued their discussion until the storm finally subsided revealing that the first of the moons had reached not yet reached its zenith. 'Nadutee bid his farewell to the Prophet and readied to leave.

       "Are you certain that you do not wish to use my personal craft to reach your home? It is not a hassle," the Prophet spoke as 'Nadutee put on his azure robe.

       "I would not be a burden on you so, also the night is calm and I enjoy seeing the city as it sleeps." With this 'Nadutee bowed politely and left the Prophets estate into the dark city.

       Rasa 'Nualaa tried not to let her nervousness show as she hurriedly walked down the city streets. She pulled her cowl over her head and tried to look like she was not out of place. She had not realized how late it was when the storm had hit, and she was unable to make it to the small convent she belonged because of the torrential rain and lightning. While the marketplace was pleasant enough in the light of the day, the lowlifes that infested the area ate night made life difficult for those foolish or unlucky enough to be caught by them.

       As she walked she caught out of the corner of her eye a small group slowly making their way toward her. She saw several Kig-Yar, but she was surprised to note that one of them was actually a Sangheili dressed in a dark ragged cloak, and a very old worn armor under suit. She increased her speed slightly in hopes of putting as much distance between herself and the sinister looking group as possible. The group sped up to keep pace as she tried to get away. Panicking, 'Nualaa started to run in hopes of escaping the sinister thugs and reaching the safety of the temple district. The Sangheili, obviously the leader, took off after her followed soon after by the rest of the criminals.

       'Nualaa tried to lose them running through side streets and low archways, but the Sangheili was gaining quickly. She turned onto another street in hopes of finding help but the street was deserted and all the shops closed. Glancing quickly backwards she saw the Sangheili was almost upon her. She started banging on a door of the nearest shop.

       "Somebody help me! Please, Anybody!" 'Nualaa screamed but the door stubbornly refused to open.

       "There is no one who can help you." 'Nualaa heard from behind her. Slowly, she turned to see the shrouded Sangheili slowly coming towards her. She looked to each side, but the Sangheili's gang had cut off all routes of escape for her. "I was originally just going to see what you had that might be better suited for me, but seeing as how you are such a…spirited being I've decided on a much more interesting plan." He cackled as he came closer still his mandibles clicking in wretched delight.

      'Nualaa was terrified, she new what he intended, but her fear fueled her desperation as she scratched the other Sangheili's face drawing a bloody line across one of his eyes. The Sangheili growled in pain and anger and backhanded the frightened priestess causing her to stumble and fall against the secured door tearing her robe as it was caught on a fixture within the wall.

      "Foul wench, for that I will make this even more painful for you." He said as he drew his hand back to strike her again. 'Nualaa closed her eyes bracing for the impact. It never came. She heard a loud crack and she opened her eyes to see a figure dressed in robes of deep blue over white armor that seemed to shine as the light fell upon it struggling with the dark shrouded criminal. She looked to see where the other thugs where and she saw that all of them were on the ground unconscious or dead some with necks angled in unnatural positions.

      The dark figure swung at the armored Sangheili who nimbly ducked under the attack while countering with an attack of his own. The blue and white Sangheili's punch caught the dark one in the center of his chest, forcing the air from his large single lung in a loud whumph. The shrouded Sangheili doubled over and gasped for air as the other prepared to attack again. Before he could, however, the shrouded one drew a wicked serrated blade and sliced upwards at the armored Sangheili. Nimbly the robed warrior deflected the blade with his armored bracer causing sparks to fly as metal scraped on metal. The armored Sangheili grabbed the shrouded one's arm as he struck again and expertly disarmed him before snap kicking him in the vulnerable neck with his hoof shattering several vertebrae killing him instantly.

      Breathing heavily the blue robed Sangheili turned to 'Nualaa. "Are you alright?" He asked as he approached her. Staring at the ornate armor and very high quality silken robes 'Nualaa thought she must be hallucinating. "Are you alright?" the armored Sangheili asked; worry sounding in his voice as he extended his hand to her.

      "I am… I am fine." 'Nualaa finally replied taking his outstretched hand and slowly getting to her feet. Realizing her robe was ripped she tried to cover herself up as much as possible. Seeing this, the armored Sangheili took off his robe and wrapped it around her shoulders. 'Nualaa had never felt such elegant material in her life, not even when she had snuck into the High Priestess' private chambers. Feeling the silken material she knew that this Sangheili must be of the nobility or very wealthy friends. "Thank you," She said pulling the robe tightly around her, "For saving me. You have no idea what he would have done to me."
      "I have a faint idea as to what the filth had planned." growled the armored Sangheili as he lead the priestess away from the doorway. His expression softening as he looked back at 'Nualaa. "My name is Elwo 'Nadutee I heard your screams and came as fast as I could."

      'Nualaa could barely contain her surprise as she finally recognized who her savior was. Not only was he a noble, but a High Councilor as well, a soldier of renowned skill, and one of the most influential Sangheili on the entire planet. She thought she must be dreaming. "Priestess Rasa 'Nualaa, it is honor to be in your presence High Councilor." She said bowing and feeling very inadequate and embarrassed for her lowly heritage and station.

      "Rasa 'Nualaa," 'Nadutee said after learning her name, "It would be my honor to escort you back to your convent." She agreed and they made their way slowly toward the convent's gate house several blocks away within the temple district. As they walked 'Nualaa studied the Councilor next to her. He was tall; broad shouldered, well muscled, and judging by the way he dispatched those crooks so easily, talented in arts of war. His silvery white armor gave him a very prestigious air, and she blushed slightly as she could not help but notice how handsome this noble really was. The numerous holos she had seen had barely done him justice. They came to an oval shaped gatehouse merging into a high wall surrounding the entrance to the temple district. At the gatehouse two Sangheili warriors attired in the blue armor of minor soldiers guarded the small opening into the grounds.

      "Priestess 'Nualaa, do you realize how late it is? You were supposed to be back hours ago." One of the warriors growled as they approached. "The High Priestess will be furious when she discovers this slight of discipline."
      'Nualaa was about to explain why she was so late when 'Nadutee came to her rescue once again. "I am the reason Priestess 'Nualaa was late, I take full responsibility for her tardiness." He said to the guard.

      Realizing who this stranger was, the warrior crossed one hand over his chest before kneeling before 'Nadutee. "High Councilor, you grace us with your presence. I assure you that I shall explain this to the High Priestess come the morning and Priestess 'Nualaa will not be punished for her lapse of judgment." He said glancing sideways at 'Nualaa who lowered her head slightly in shame as the other guard escorted her inside to the grounds and then on to the dormitories of the lesser priestesses. "We will have your robe sent back to you in the morning." The guard continued after 'Nualaa had left.

      "That won't be necessary," 'Nadutee said to the guard, "The robe is a gift to the Priestess." The guard bowed once more before returning back inside the walls. 'Nadutee turned around and headed for his own estate in the city. He clicked his mandibles in amusement as he thought of the Priestess once again. Perhaps he would find an excuse to come to this area of the city in the near future. Yes, he liked the sound of that.

      A silent figure stopped in front of an old warehouse just outside of the temple district and stealthily looked around. Believing he was not being followed the figure entered the warehouse. Inside the warehouse were old crates stacked to the ceiling and canisters that had slowly been stockpiled in the warehouse and forgotten by those who had placed them here. In all, it was a place forgotten by the Sangheili who inhabited the city.

      "News?" another figure spoke as it exited the shadows that surrounded the crates.

      "One cycle." Was all the other one said, it was all he had to.
