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Fan Fiction

fortress of hell
Posted By: Cameron Keith<dirtdevil911@msn.com>
Date: 19 March 2006, 5:16 am

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As the sweat mixed with the blood pooling in his helmet the marine slowly woke. The blur and smoke made a mix of beauty and terror. As he slowly gained consciousness he remembered a covenant attack it was an ambush. The covenant had wraiths parked over the hill that bombarded his platoon and destroyed the scorpions and the 2 warthogs. As he sat up with a searing pain in his head he looked around to see how many of his platoon was hurt. But as his eyes began to clear he saw the entire street blood smeared. The storm drains were clogged with bodies causing the blood to flood the street. The sight of it jolted the marine awake and onto his feet.

Then all the terror in the world came back to him. The distinct low hum of a wraith penetrated the silence from the sound of it the tank was making a sweep checking for survivors. In fear the marine grabbed a pistol and an assault rifle and dived into a nearby burned out building to hide.

As the tank rounded the corner he could hear the yapping and whining of grunts and the horrific sound of an elite shouting at them. As the tank floated down the street the grunts would stop to shoot bodies they thought were still alive. Then the most horrific sound made the marine hunker down and hug his gun tight he heard the sound of a brute making his way down the street.

As the tank and the group of covenant passed him the brute stopped and started sniffing. Slowly it poked its head into the door and just as it saw him the marine lunged and brought the barrel of his assault rifle into the beast chest. The short burst from the gun seemed to anger the beast but it gave the marine enough room to dive into the street firing like a mad man.

Bringing his assault rifle down on the grunts he saw to his great pleasure the spray of blue blood and little hunks of armor as the gun tore through them. When he landed in the street he slid because of the blood. When the marine came to a stop he was under the tank. Seeing a little slot the marine ripped his one and only grenade from his belt and thrust it into the slot and rolled for his life. Just as he got to the other side of the street the grenade exploded. The explosion took out the thrusters on the tank so it was dragging on the ground and caused the elite on top of the tank to tumble to the ground.

Seeing his chance the marine brought his assault rifle down to bare on the elites head and pulled the trigger only to be met by a sickening empty *click* the elite kicked the marine right in the stomach causing him to double over knocking the rifle from his arms. The elite grabbed the marine by his neck and threw him across the street with no effort and started to charge with a frenzy educed scream.

As the elite jumped the marine pulled his knife from his boot and jabbed up to meet the elite's chest. Knowing it would only hold the elite for a second he pulled his pistol out and unloaded a whole clip into the elites screaming mouth. The shots caused the whole front of the marine to be covered in blue blood.

Slowly slumping the heavily armored corpse off of him the marine was quickly consumed with dread as the shadow of the brute stood over him. The beast slammed its foot into the marine's chest braking ribs and knocking the wind out of him. As the brute looked down at the marine almost sneering as it brought its weapon pointblank into his face a burst of gun fire rang out. The brute was struck in the neck causing it to loose focus for a second. The marine knew he would never get a better time to strike back and reached up and pushed the activate button on the plasma grenade on the brutes belt causing it to glow bright blue. The brute looked down almost in disappointment at the grenade as the marine rolled over and covered his head with his arms the blast slammed his head down into the ground and knocked him out.

When he did wake up he was being lifted on a stretcher and could remember looking over and seeing 2 halves of a brute on the ground and blood splatters that covered the entire building. The men that were carrying him started congratulating him on the fine handy work he did and how he was lucky to be alive. When he was loaded on to the back of a warthog a captain came up to him and said "you did good today boy and I welcome you to my platoon. You did a real number on that tank but no to much damage I think we can use it for my counter assault." The marine just looked at him and couldn't wait to be back in a warm bed. It would be later on that the marine would know what the captain was talking about and would regret having not destroyed the tank.

But that's my next story so keep reading. (I will post a lot of these stories my friend just turned me on to this website and I have allot of them to write.)
