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Fan Fiction

Halo: Masters Tournament Episode One
Posted By: Cain Masters<minuteoftheheartitch@yahoo.com>
Date: 18 June 2007, 10:48 pm

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The Championship
Chapter One

"CrimsonMoon......Crimson you there? Ahhhhhhhhh! (bullets firing) Double-DB HELP?!" R.I.P. yelled. CrimsonMoon and his 2nd in command, DDB666, were standing upside down on the top of the game map.

Hell Mod: 'Walls' are able to run up, pistol shoots rockets, assault rifle shoots several rockets, shotgun shoots green beams, sniper rifle is weaker, super-jump.

CrimsonMoon and DDB666 seemed to be resting, or waiting. Suddenly bullets and smoke flooded the game. The opponents team, Killerz was winning. They only needed to kill CrimsonMoon and DDB666. The team leader, Z, came out of hiding and walked slowly toward R.I.P., who was limping away. Z aimed and fired into her other leg, she fell. Suddenly the game changed, CrimsonMoon opened his eyes and jumped off of the top of the map. DDB666 followed quickly, aiming his Spartan laser and waiting impatiently for the laser to heat up. As they jumped headfirst, CrimsonMoon was shot in the right rib. He held onto his hand and fired using his assault rife. Rockets sprayed the battlefield. CrimsonMoon landed and rolled over in front of R.I.P. CrimsonMoon quickly reloaded and fired. He hit Z so many times, the blood grew all over the sand. CrimsonMoon looked up and saw 3 of Z's men running from the top of the map. DDB666 landed, rolled over, grabbing Z's pistols. He reloaded both of them and closed his eyes. "DDB666 what are you doing?" R.I.P. asked. DDB666 smirked and fired away. He hit 2 of the men and killed them but the other one armed himself with the rocket launcher. DDB666 opened his eyes and ran. CrimsonMoon picked up R.I.P. and ran as fast as possibly. 2 rockets exploded behind him. CrimsonMoon threw R.I.P. into the sand 10 feet away, and took out his prized weapon, the shotgun. He started running up the walls of the map and ran close to the final fighter. The two of them jumped at each other and fell. CrimsonMoon was falling slightly faster but then the final fighter, K, was just i little bit above him. CrimsonMoon aimed him shotgun and said "Eat shells bitch!" CrimsonMoon fired the shotgun two times but missed his final opponent. CrimsonMoon hit the ground hard and glared. Suddenly the CrimsonMoon was shot in the head with a sniper rifle. The rifle nearly killed him. CrimsonMoon looked around and noticed the final opponent, R, standing near him, still aiming at his head. Then out of no where DDB666 fired the laser. The red beam was aimed near perfectly. CrimsonMoon jumped up and grabbed hold of K, making sure the shot would hit him. The beam hit K, breaking out of the armor and killing him and CrimsonMoon. The two bodies were stuck to a wall and both..none moving. DDB666 sighed and said "Its about time this qualifying match ended, took 14 minutes."

The VR helmets turned off and the players were released into reality. The true names of the winning team were: Cecil Scar (CrimsonMoon), Jonathan Ramirez (DDB666), Lianna Country (R.I.P.). Cecil was happy that Jonathan had killed the final fighter, because he knew he couldn't have, and Lianna was severely wounded. "Nice job Ramirez, you have indeed proven yourself worth of being the 2nd in command." Cecil said. Jonathan smirked and replied "Yeah, nice job holding the guy down." The two were like brothers, trying to outdo each other, even their stats reflected that (never mind their competitive spirit)

Height: 6 feet
Location: New York City
Real Name: Cecil Crimson
Kills: 1500
Deaths: 12

Height:6, 2 inches
Location: NYC
Real Name: Jonathan Ramirez

The referee yelled out the verdict "Team The Crimson Moon Covanent wins! they now qualify for the masters tournament. Now time to calculate the Halo points the members will be rewarded for all of their combat stats. These points will be used for purchasing new weapons, vehicles, armor, symbols, and so on." Cecil and his team moved on to receive their tickets and necklaces' that would verify who they were in the tournament. Soon after the referee handed the 3 team members cards that looked similar to credit cards, except these were different colors with the HALO logo on them. The different colors were to represent the roles of the team members, black was the leader's color, red for 2nd in command, and navy blue was for normal members. On the different card were digital green glowing numbers that told the holder's point balance. Cecil looked closely then slipped on his glasses, the numbers read: 41125. Jonathan smirked and said "Look at mine." On Jonathan's it said: 50000. And finally Lianna's read: 24586. "Nice, you have a little more that 8000 more points than me, you earned 'em bud." Cecil said. Jonathan rubbed Cecil's hair and said "That's right little guy." Cecil slightly glared then gave up, he was older than Jonathan but sorter so age wasn't much of a help.

Cecil, Jonathan and Lianna were taken to New Jersey, which is where the masters tournament was to be held. They were escorted to a huge warehouse type of building on the outside but the inside was one typical in mansions..in a gaming mansion. These were neon lights everywhere, odd looking booths that where covered with black plastic, food tables, a restaurant, and the icing on the cake, the new and far more improved VR arenas. "Pinch me, I'm in heaven." Cecil said. Jonathan backed away from Cecil and said "No thanks. Soon the odd looking booths were turned on and the plastic was removed.

In the crowd, Cecil and Jonathan noticed their rivals, Jim Shade, and Jamie Core. The two had over 3000 kills each and hardly any deaths. The 4 of them walked toward each other and stood there. "Its been a while, Spawn, and BRO, also known as the two The Crimson Moon Covanent failures." Jonathan said. Cecil smirked and added "Well they do have more kills than both of us put together, but hmm...at we have the looks." Jonathan smiled a grin too large for his face. "Well if count fly guts and roadkill as good looks then we win the award." Cecil and Jonathan cracked their knuckles in unison and hit the Jim, Jamie. Jim and Jamie attacked back but were unsuccessful when the The Crimson Moon Covanent's ally teams helped them out. The ally teams were called: EE (Eagle Eye), The Saints, The Legends. The leaders from each of the three teams, Chris Platoon (EE), Michael (The Saints), Bruce (The Legends) attacked and knocked Jim and Jamie to the ground...the Dance Dance Revolution ground steps. "hahaha, thanks guys." Cecil said. The other teams members were: (EE) Lance Crane, Mary Hiji, (The Saints) Gabriel Higgins, Joseph Kenlong, (The Legends) Louis Bible, Peter Amazon. These clans were loyal allies because like Jim, and Jamie, they were former team members and were trained by the self-proclaimed best, Cecil, Jonathan. "oh yeah I almost forgot Cecil, Jonathan, the other leaders and I decided to hand you other trained members from our clans." Michael said. Cecil and Jonathan watched as Peter Amazon, Gabriel Higgins, and Lance Crane stood in front. "Thank you, I'm sure we'll need the extra hands with this new tournament ready to roll." Cecil said. They all shook and Peter, Gabriel, Lance received new screen names. Peter recieved MadHatter, Gabriel recieved PureOne, and Lance recieved ZERO-X. "Its time to get to work now, lets win this." Jonathan said.

Game Over..For Now
