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Fan Fiction

Starwars & Halo Chapter 3
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 26 October 2005, 4:01 am

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Chapter Three: Enemy mine… sort of.

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

"Excellency," the Unggoy crewman said over the intercom, "The Human ship is engaged in combat with one of unknown origin. They have interceptors combating one-another." Zura Koril'ee looked quizzically at the view screen. The Other ship was about the size of the "Dignity and Grace", Zura's ship, only it had a very odd twist to its architecture- a somewhat jagged, knife shaped ship which fired a green laser-pulse. "Any recommendations on what to do?" he inquired. The Sangheili crewman pondered for a moment. "I say we assist the humans. We don't know who the unclassified ship is run by, and we would get a strong ally if we joined forces with their offender." Zura thought, than responded. "Good point, but how will they trust us? And what will happen when we return home?" "We aren't going to be able to return, and the humans know it." The crewman said. "Alright…" Zura concluded. "…we'll take our chances. Launch an attack on the unknown ship."

"Captain!" the Katana's ops officer announced. "We have encountered another ship. It looks alien, but like nothing I have seen. It's attacking us, sir!" Justin scratched his head. "Lord Vader won't be pleased if we retreat through hyperspace…" he groaned. "But I doubt he'll be a very happy person if he finds we were sunk by these ships. However- for everyone's sake- we should call for reinforcements." The ops officer glared at him. "Sir, with all due respect the Katana is among the best ships in the Imperial fleet! We're being drawn into a corner by the enemy vessel- imagine what difference it would make with ships not as good as us on our side… none!" Justin crossed his arms. "No worries- we could get several of the best ships we can muster." He faced the officer, suddenly losing his cool. "Now you listen well, lieutenant: I was not commissioned to the Katana after years of planetside combat action to retreat! You get on the radio and rally in reinforcements, do you understand me?" The ops officer appeared intimidated- but slightly irritated. "Yes sir…" he grumbled."

"MORE FIGHTERS ON YOUR EIGHT O'CLOCK!!! BREAK! BREAK!" Red one was not fearful, but his adrenaline rushed rapidly through his pulsing veins. He saw three of the black fighters- now codenamed "Razorbacks" by him and his fellow pilots (And recently approved by Captain Jacob Astar) - on his 8 o'clock. "WOOHOOO!! I GOT ONE!" Red 12 hollered over the radio. "DID ANYONE SEE THAT? I GOT…mzzuzz" Red one watched as Red 12 burst into flaming bits, and a razorback soared past the debris. Red one grew red in the face- hatred welled up in his heart, and he could feel his adrenaline going triple time. This… he thought to himself …is war.

Red 8 looked around to see red one swoop onto an enemy razorback. "Red one, what are you doing?" he said in the radio. "I'll tell you what I'm doing, eight…" one growled. "…I'm going 'personal' with these guys." Red 8 was astonished by one's reasoning. "Um, okay. Good luck, sir." Has he gone crazy? Eight asked himself.

Charlie six banked hard as a green pulse zipped by his Longsword. "Ha! You don't get off that easy!" he hooted. Suddenly, he heard a THUMP on the back of his interceptor, and- only a few seconds later, heard the pressure door open and footsteps come toward the cockpit area. "Co-Pilot, take the controls." He murmured. He unhooked himself and made his way back towards the airlock. As he peered around the corner, someone grabbed him.

Red one threw the pilot against the wall. He couldn't tell the appearance of him, as he whore a tinted visor and an oxygen mask just as red one did, only it looked much, much different. The razorback pilot broke free from Red one's fierce grip, and immediately socked him in the face, which caused red one to deliver a swift kick to the pilot's groin. The pilot grabbed red one's ankle as he kicked, and promptly twisted it. Red one gave off a brief grunt of pain, and then retracted his leg, grabbed his opponent by the neck and threw him over his head.

Charlie six landed square and hard on his back. As his opponent moved to stomp on him, he quickly rolled and grabbed his ankle, pulling him to the ground. Charlie six and the enemy pilot both got up, each drawing pistols. The enemy's pistol looked odd- kind of like a hand-drill with a scope. "Alright…" Charlie six sneered. "…Let's settle this mono-e-mono." He holstered his pistol and put up his fists in a fighting stance. "Come on, bitch!"

Red one was awestruck- he understood what the enemy said. Recognizing the words "Come on, bitch" as an insult and a Bring-It-On, he holstered his blaster. "Let's do this. Get ready to die at my own two fists- say your prayers, cocksucker!"

Charlie six was surprised that the opposing pilot understood him and responded. Looks like we speak the same language. He thought to himself. Pity. The opponent holstered his pistol and put up his own fists. Charlie six put out an open palm and beckoned his enemy, as he saw in a really old video, 'The Matrix'. "Let's make this funky." His opponent braced to charge him, when the co-pilot said- "What in hell's going on back there?" "This is personal. Stay out of it." Charlie six responded. His opponent rushed him, and he moved to the side as the other pilot brushed past him.

Red one found his fist planted into the wall. "You fight like a schoolgirl!" The enemy said. Red one, completely swallowed in rage, attacked his opponent.

Captain Justin Astar gritted his teeth in anxiety as the hologram of Lord Vader appeared atop the pedestal. He could hear each individual breath the dark lord took. "What is it, Captain?" Vader said in a deep, near mechanical voice. Justin pulled on his collar nervously. "We have encountered an unidentified ship- an enormous ship with projectile based weapons. We are in the middle of combating this ship now, my lord… ugh… you are- upset with me, aren't you?" Vader crossed his arms. "Give me one good reason why I would be mad at you." Justin took a breath. "We aren't winning this fight. In fact, closer to losing." "I said a GOOD reason- one that I would take into consideration. I'm not the slightest bit upset with you captain." "Uh… my lord?" "That ship is loaded out with three times the quantity of the weapons you have, and it's eight times your size. Not only that, but there are two of them. I will send in all the ships I can muster. Until then, captain, you should wait. I'm not mad with you now- but I will be if you cower." The hologram flicked off.

"Attention Human ship, this is the carrier Dignity and Grace, we are moving in to support you." Covenant supporting the Persian Gulf? It didn't make the slightest bit of sense to captain Williams. As nonsensical as it was, he accepted it. "This is the UNSC Persian Gulf to Dignity and Grace, we read you. Be advised, we have detected multiple hostile- looking ships approaching, I'm not sure how they arrived." Williams heard the Elite commander chuckle over the radio. "Not a concern, we have support." Suddenly, dozens of covenant ships appeared out of slipspace. Williams grinned the same sinister grin. This battle would be over before it would begin… winner- him.
