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Fan Fiction

The Gettysburg Incident: Chapter 1
Posted By: Bootsman<liukumaki@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 September 2005, 10:02 pm

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The Gettysburg Incident

Two longsword fighters roarmed trough the meterofield of Titan MK-3. Both of the pilots knew how a small mistake would send them blasting to hell, not to mention the possible activation of the Shiva MK-9 prototype Fission-Nuclear-Missles, propably taking the whole artificial planet with them.

''Comeon John! you can do better than that!'' Admiral Harper yelled to John over the radio from Gettysburg.
''Fine! I'll show your highrank ass some flying'' John replied from the longsword and soon after that the radio went dead.
Few seconds later the other longsword boosted ahead of the other one and continued speeding off in the distance and finally disappearing from the other longswords Field Of View. This was mostly because of the asteroid field blocking the view, but damn if John wasn't a kickass pilot.

''sir, I've lost my view on John'' Sargeant Rashon's words were hardly heard by Harper because of the fuzz going on Gettysburg's bridge.
''RASHON! Get back to Gettysburg ASAP, We have a CCS-class covenant battlecruiser coming in, we need everything we've got!'' Harper yelled on the bridge while showing some of the rookie bridge personell what to do.
Rashon switched on the main sensor array and calculated a route to avoid leading covenant patrols and turned his course to Gettysburg.

Harper kept a deep look on the bridge's mainscreen and especially stared at the battlecruiser that had appeared minutes ago.
''Sir, we are ready for a secured broadcast to UNSC-Actual'' said the communications officer.
Harper took a deep breath and walked to the communications center, seconds later a videolink of ''Lord Hood'' the supreme commander Jason Hood of the UNSCDF showed up on the screen.
''Comeon Harper, what do you have for me?'' Hood asked, you could see he was definetly not happy about the recent events and was busy with other stuff than a single ship.
''Not sure sir, looks like a CCS-Class, but it is way too big to be one. This is why I called you. Any of your boys seen one of these? Or should we name this the Harpercraft?'' harper said with a small grin on his face.
Hood walked away from the viewscreen for a second and then came back with a piece of paper.
''Harper, whitdraw all fighters and ground units. That ship is a new CTG-Class Capitalship or a Dreadnought. A single one of those destroyed one of our distance fleets ALONE!'' Hoot yelled and closed the videolink right after sending the data they had on the CTG to Gettysburg.

Sargeant Jones ''Bootsman'' Rickson and Corporal Timmy ''Demonhuter'' Mendez were just loading the last of the fusion cores in to the transport warthog when Bootsman's radio came up.
''This is Gettysburg-Actual. All ground units pack up what you can and head back to Gettysburg. Priority Alpha-4''
For a moment Bootsman and Demonhuter just stood still watching at eachother until Bootsman said:
''Well............Shit...''. Right after Bootsman finished, they both started running towards the powerplant they had taken the fusion cores and as soon as Bootsman opend the door he yelled:
''Allright! Everyone get the fuck up and pack your gear! We're heading back to Gettysburg via the old albatross we found. Somekind of new covie-ship up there and we are running!''
Not far after this The 7th ODST sguad was driving across the Titan MK-3's desert and heading for the albatross as fast as they could.

As soon as they arrived, Bootsman hopped on the albatross pilots seat and took and ran the basic preflight tests and then showed a thumbsup to Demonhuter to signal that they were good to go.
Sgt. Thomas ''Pinkballer'' Jackson was piling up the last of the fusion cores right next to the warthog in the albatross cargo bay, and watching as the other ODST's strapped in their seats and placed their helmets on the seat next to them. Pinkballer laughed for a second cause he would prolly have problems fitting in to the seats because he was bigger than a normal ODST, unlike the others he was a huge tank that could smack his fist trought an elite's force field if he needed to.
When all the ODSTs were on their seats, Bootsman egnited the engines and took off with the heavily shaking and dusty albatross.
''Hey Boots! Are you trying to kill us or is this old crap doing it?'' Pinkballer yelled from the cargo bay.
''Yuph! This babe is abit old, but still flies like a dream dont you think? I mean, who wouldnt want to fly huge cargo versions of pelicans? especially when they have been digged up from sand!'' Bootsman replied from the cockpit while battling out with the control joysticks that the albatross had on its both handles of the pilots seat.
''Allright, we're clear from the athmosphere now. Demon! Get up here and take the controls, I'll check on the fusion cores. AND PLEASE! try to avoid seraphs allright?'' Bootsman yelled from the ladders leading to the cockpit while he was sliding them down.
''Ok, these babies look just fine, will give Gettysburg's engines a nice boost dont you think?'' Bootsman said to the ODSTs with a small grin while checking the readings from the fusion cores.
Demonhuter set course for Gettysburg and let the autopilot do the flying while he finally had time for a nap.

End of chapter 1
