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Fan Fiction

Betrayed - Story of Troy Adams: Chapter 1
Posted By: Bootsman<liukumaki@hotmail.com>
Date: 16 April 2007, 3:05 pm

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White lines. That was all that Troy saw when the first bits of clarity hit his conscience. What happened, he thought trying to lift his head, still unable to get full focus on his eyesight. Then came the hard spike of pain burning like a lit plasma lance through his head and he fell unconscious again, drifting into the eternal night of vivid dreams.
When he slept he dreamed about how it had all begun all those years ago.
It was an early in year 2547 that Lieutenant Troy Adams was contacted by a high ranking officer that allegedly worked for the infamous ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). Troy was young then only 20 years of age, but despite his age he had proved to be a better than adequate in studies and enormously physically talented and using these attributes to his advantage he had achieved officer statusand a rank of an Lieutenant very fast. The officer that contacted him offered him a special job beyond his wildest dreams, but it had a catch, he would have to give all the rights to everything that he owned and to even his body to the government. At that time he had been told that it was a common government protocol to sign this kind of contract. Boy was he wrong.
But well. He was a young single man with not much of a family and the change to do something special intrigued him a lot. Add those to the fact that the salary was more than just a compelling one. He said yes.
But soon it came very clear to Troy that this job he took was more than just a regular job. He was taken to one of the moons in Jaguar system. On that moon there was a secret ONI outpost that was used to military intelligence purposes and also for research and development. There he met the 9 other candidates that were chosen for this special job. They were all seated to a conference room when the door opened and through that door marched a man they would all learn to know well. Colonel Jack Santiago.
The colonel briefed them on the subject of the job.

"Your job gentlemen from this day forward will be the following."

"The SPARTAN project. Yes you heard right the SPARTAN project, will need your help.From this day forward you are the few chosen ones to make this future fighter even better."

"You all know and have seen the SPARTAN warriors in action and you also know their legend. Today you have a possibility to be part of that legend."

"Your mission in these future months is to develop the SPARTAN concept into a whole new dimension. You will make research and discover new and better ways to eliminate the covenant threat on mankind."

And there they were, 10 young men of equally anxious and determined to make it, listening to this speech that promised them all they have ever dreamed. And for ten months they worked their asses off, studying the SPARTAN project and the MJOLNIR armors, making small adjustments and corrections to the suits and technology.
What a load of bullshit. Troy thought. Really anyone with just a bit of brains and a little determination could have done the same but they just didn't see it coming.
Then the day came. It was New Years Eve on 2548. They had just made their biggest finding yet. They had found a way to upgrade the speed of shield regeneration in the MJOLNIR armor. The upgrade was not great only a half a second or so but still that time could mean a lot to the SPARTAN warriors on the battlefield. They got an invitation of the colonel himself to have a little Champaign in one of the laboratories. They all gathered there with pride and in a generally happy mood. Soon as they were inside an attendant came to deliver the news. The colonel was late. After that the attendant left and locked the airlock leading from the hallway to the laboratory. Josh that was the biggest man in the group and always talking and joking said.

"I guess the boss does not want us to go nowhere "

And just as the fellows started to laugh at the joke Troy felt the spicy smell of sleeping gas entering his nostrils.
Troy woke up. Everything was purple and he felt like he would be suffocating. He startled out of the pool he was in and immediately started to pull out the huge tube inserted in his mouth. He pulled and it felt like someone shooting with a ripper up and down in his throat. He got tube out and immediately gasped for air. As soon as he got his focus back he understood that it was not only his throat that was burning like the fires of hell, it was in fact his whole body. Furthermore he was attached from at least a dozen places to this pool of jellylike purple goo.
Troy started furiously to yell and rip the tubes off of him. Hi sounded a little animal like to his own ears but did not think it further at this point. Suddenly a UNSC marine jumped at sight and shot him with a stunner and he fell unconscious again.

"…he actually woke up too soon…. we have lost 4 of them … but he is amazing…"
Troy came conscious again, he was tied up to a hospital bed with a restraints that were, simply impressive. Not even a polar bear could break these thought Troy referring to the great white beat of the old he had once heard of. Colonel Santiago walked in.

"Hello Troy how are you feeling"

-"Colonel, what's happening? What is this BULLSHIT?"

"Since you are the first one to actually make through all this I guess that you are entitled to know. You are a part of a project called X2. It was formerly a part of the SPARTAN project that was buried by UNSC. But there were parts in the government that wanted to go beyond the measurements of the normal program agenda"
Colonel continued with fire blazing in his eyes.

"The program was originally formed to find solution to the SPARTAN problem. The SPARTAN's are indeed excellent warriors and they are more than a match to the covenant but producing them is hard and time consuming. All the physical modifications and training takes us years. So they were trying to find a solution that could produce us SPARTAN's at more effective rate. They failed."
Colonel was smiling a bit, like he had just heard something funny.

"We think that they just didn't go quite far enough. One of the things that they did discover during the program was that one sure version of production was to genetically combine humans and Elites. By infusing the Elite DNA in to a human DNA we can make a fighter with abilities that top even those raised in SPARTAN program. The old project decided long time ago that this type of procedure in much too dangerous to try, but however there were some parts of the government who were not thinking that."

"So we went underground and chose those who had the best physical attributes to be our test group. Best physical attributes because they had the best changes of surviving the rather violent process. But today we have proved that all our work has not been in vain, because you are the first fighter of the new X2 generation."
"Look at yourself"

Colonel reached to the mirror on the table and put it right in front of Troy's face.
His face looked monstrous and somehow beastlike. His skull was reformed and got sleeker look there were practically no ears whatsoever and his lips were split in to four. He also had little spiked teeth for mauling. Basically he looked like an animal and he had to close his eyes and he would have cried but he was not sure if he still could.
The colonel started to walk away and said

"Rest now your training will start tomorrow"
Troy yelled after him

"How many of the others survived?"
His voice was still raw, monsterious voice.

"Four of the ten are dead, you have woken up, we don't know about the five that are left"

The colonel answered never slowing down when he walked towards the door.
Troy closed his eyes when a sudden dark realization crept into his mind. He really gave them right to do this. He gave it, by signing the contract and surrendering himself to the government. But no one had the right to do this no one. What does it eve matter no more, screw the colonel and screw all of this!
Troy yelled like an animal and started to pull against his restraints. He was in rage he was betrayed, he was sad, and furious. Then all of sudden the restraints gave away, they almost exploded when he jumped to stand started to furiously run to catch the colonel. The single marine set to guard the room intercepted him midway. He shot a short burst with a BR55 Battle Rifle hitting Troy in the shoulder. Troy grunted and swinged his backhand trying to knock the marine unconscious. The marine blocked the punch with his rifle, but it did him no good. There was a huge squeaking sound when the battlerifle bent from the middle and the punch sent the marine flying to wall two meters away. The marine hit the wall with a huge speed and blood instantly poured out of his eyes and nostrils, he was dead in an instant.
White lines. Troy was still seeing them as the conscious abruptly came back to him. His dream of things past was so vivid that he was shaking all over his body. It is broken. Troy realized. The HUD in his helmet on the MJOLNIR armor was fractured thoroughly. How was this possible they should be nearly impossible to break. Troy was thinking as he slowly slid away to the world of dreams again.

AUTHORS NOTE: I haven't written anything for a while and this nifty little entry actually got me into the h3-beta via a competition on the Livegamers-network. (www.livegamers.com)
