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Fan Fiction

SpartanX Chronicles
Posted By: BloodWolf<Stryder5_57@hotmail.com>
Date: 16 November 2005, 1:29 am

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Spartan X Chronicles.

Ok, Well this story is hand chosen from The Spartan-X Chronicles.
I Hope you like this story.
I rushed it a little.
And the story so far is.
Jack is a Special group of spartan made bye The Dr and kept it under wraps.
They have a very long lifespan.
Stronger faster and smarter than the Spartan II's
Made At the same time as the other spartans.
And there are 10 of them.

Jack is The leading spartan.
Ill post more era's of the story if this one is a success.
Now on with the story
Jack stared at the 2 Jeweled armoured elites.
Confident that he can easily crush them.
He had to make it quick because he had to meet the rest of the squad at the point.
Sun Shined through the tall tree's.
The big woodland planet had covenant exerpimentats going on in facilities.
They were sent to find out what.
And Jack stumbled right into it.

"Bad Time to Run out of ammo" He Muttered to himself.

Strangely the elites didnt have any weapons.

Just strange jeweled armour and alot more muscled and taller...and meaner than the other thousands that have been slaughtered by jack.
the elite turned to the other one.
And turned back to face Jack.
The Elite in the back slowly faded.
The one in the front breathed heavily.
Looking at his strange armoured enemy with a angry look in its eye.
Jack kept his ears open at he listened for the other one that dissapeared.
Before he could even blink the elite charged at him.
Swinging its clenched fist at the spartan.
Jack used his left hand and caught the elite.
Putting a punch into the elites stomache.
Its white shields flickered.
Jack Kept putting swift punches into its sides.
Then the elites shields failed.
Its eyes widened in horror as it noticed its shields were all the way down.
It struggled to free itself from Jack's grasp but couldnt.
Jack raised his fist back ready to bring down the final strike upon the elite untill a heavy figure feel upon him.
Leaving his vision in a complete blurr.
The elite was hitting him repeatedly.
His shields flickering.
His heart dropped as he saw his powerfull shields coming down fast.
Jack was on his lower back.
its arm was tucked around his neck leaving him in a bad position.
The other elite walked towards him clenching his fists so hard they were shaking.
Jack to his foot and sung it up and hit the elite holding him down in the head with such force it took his shields down completely.
He reached up and grabbed the Half exposed forearm of the monster and squeezed it as hard as he could.
expecting the satisfying crunch of its bones any second. But that sound never came.
Blood just gushed from the elites arm and it screamed in pain.
Jack whipped the elite over him and threw it straight on his back.
bringing his foot down repeatedly upon its skull neck and chest.
Soon it stopped moving.
He left the body and looked up at the other elite staring at the sight in amazment.
It turned around and dissapeared into the woodland.
Jack leaned against a tree trying to catch his breath.
Wondering why its bones didnt break.

"Oh Well" Jack Thought to himself.

He got up and trudged through the forest.
Hoping that he wouldnt run into anymore.
Jack walked along the nice forest.
Listening to the wildlife make all types of squeaks and chirps.
He walked over the hill to see the waterfall.
he slipped off his helmet and stepped through it to the large cave on the other side.
Enjoying the cold water wash over his head.

He walked around the rocky corner.
hearing the drips and the roaring waterfall outside.

He saw his 4 other teammates.





"What took you so long??" Felicia stated.

"Ill tell you later" Jack Said with a sigh

"So what have you guys found?" Jack Said

"Nothing at all" Zim Said.

"Later, ill tell you what happened.." Jack said.
"For Now lets just go look for that facility so we can get off this planet".

"Give me that sniper rifle". Jack said.

"Hey i was going to use that" Rob Said Angrily.

"Give me a break, you have a weapon...Besides you arent good with long range" Jack Replied.

Kat Tossed him the sniper rifle and a few extra rounds.
"Well Lets get moving" Jack said.

Jack And the Squad walked from the water fall.
The water running over there X Armour. Similiar to Mark 6.
But it could only be worn by a X Typed spartan.
And it costs a ridiculous ammout of money just to house a spartan X much less make them.
The Squad walked down the stream keeping aware of there surroundings.

"Why were those elites so powerfull than the average elites?" Jack thought to himself.

Soon the stream narrowed.
And soon started being drained into a pipe.
"Anyone else find this strange?" Zim said to the rest.
"Yes, Why would a pipe be in a un-colonized planet?. Kat said.

The Pipe was big enough to fit a warthog through.
Jack switched on his shoulder light and shined it down through the pipe.
there was water falling through a screen.

Jack thought about it for a few seconds.

He handed the sniper rifle to rob and took his battle rifle.

"What is your problem?" Rob said.

"What!?" Jack Said Inpatiently.

"You wanted to sniper rifle now take it"

"But i dont want it now" Said Rob.

Jack just ignored him.
Thankfull he had a few clips left from his old battle rifle.
He jumped down into the pit.
His shields flickered as the screen broke and made more water pour down.
Sliding down onto his back through a inch of water.
More water was tumbling down behind him.
With a splash jack hit water and went under.
Using his enhanced muscles to swim back up.
He checked his HUD to see about the others.
They werent coming.

"Damn" Jack Cursed.

Huge pistons pushing water through small exits.
Sending ripples through the water.

Jack looked around and found himself in a gloomy facility.

The Material is was made out of was purple.

"Covenant" Jack Said as a smile spread acorssed his face.

He looked around and saw armourless elites running a computer terminal ontop.

He spotted a ladder on the wall.
That went straight up near the terminal.
Suddenly realizing his battle rifle was gone.
he brought his head under water to look for it.
there wasnt a trace of it.

Suddenly he remembered that he had a knife tucked away into his belt.

"Oh My God..." Jack Couldnt bileve he had a knife all this time and never remembered he had it.
It could of taken care of the elites faster.

He stopped moving his arms and legs and let himself sink a little ways in the water.
Then used his strength to push himself to the ladder.
he reached into his belt and dropped the extra clips.
And grabbed the knife.
it was a grade A Combat knife.
Shining With a rubber grip on the handle.

"Its better than nothing"

His Communications was jammed.

He was such a moron for jumping down here without talking to the rest.
Angry at himself.
he hoisted himself up the ladder.
the elite didnt notice him.
It was to busy tapping keys at the terminal.
Aslong as Jack didnt take his helmet off or anything that couldnt expose him he would be ok.
If he did the elite would smell him and probably alert the entire facility.

The Elite was wearing armoured leggings and was really skinny and short.

Suddenly the elite heard the clicking of his magnetic heels.
he snapped to awarness.
looking up and seeing the 7ft tall spartan staring at him.
He jumped back scared of what he was seeing.
it turned around and ran towards a pad on the wall....The Alarm activation panel.
Every huge facility had one.
Jack panicked.
and grabbed his knife tip between his thumb and index finger.
And Winged it forward,
it whistled through the air.
And all Jack heard was the sound of the elites body hitting the floor.
Just a few feet away from the activation pad.
he let out a sigh of releif and walked over to pick up the knife.
He walked down to the hall many doors and hallways.
But no troops or anymore workers.

He let out a sigh.

And walked around the corner and through a massive door.
it took 10.6 sec to open.

Jack stepped through on a metal balcony.

His heart skipped a beat of the sight he saw.

Huge room of tanks.
Each one occupied by a elite.
tubes and cords going in the elites body in many places.
they were all asleep.
The cords and tubes ran out through the top of the tanks.
many subtances were leaving and entering the tank through the tubes.
The small pale looking elites running around like ants monitoring the tanks.
Some elites in the tanks bigger than others.
He took Full Hud Shots of the area.
Just then Cords and tubes detached from one elite.
Muscular and taller.

a capsul was pulled into the room.
It opened up and exposed the same jeweled armour as he seen from the others.

He fell back in amazment.

they were augmentating elites into powerfull warriors.

Suddenly one elite in the lower left corner went into a total seizure.
one of the worker elites came running over and tapped the keyboard on the tank base as fast as he could.
The elite stopped shaking and didnt move at all.
The cords and tubes detached and the bottom opened up.

Its corpse got sucked down through the bottom along with the water.
And it filled up with fresh water.
Jake couldnt bileve his eyes.
Ok, Well thats the end of the first demonstration.
Ill post the other part of this story if i get good reviews.
So i hoped you guys liked it.
