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Fan Fiction

disaster area
Posted By: Axim<mischa_wolf@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 April 2007, 7:46 pm

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hope you people like it.

The pelican flew over sea for a whole hour before engaging land. Its crew was tense, this was to be their first mission, they where all fresh from boot camp. Mr. deadric, the pilot was the exception, He had little to do with the marines he was transporting to the landing zone. He was a highly experienced pilot, having flown over fifty missions for the UNSC. The co-pilot named Esrea Drodan was still a newbie, he did not even finish his training. They where short on pilots and a co-pilot is a must have on a pelican so they pulled this rookie out off pilot training early. Team leader Sirmentro Enduros was the best of his training crew in boot camp, explaining why he became team leader. He became it so early because they where also short on good marines, the crew was way to inexperienced to be send on this mission but they needed all the man they could get. Second in command Gerard De Jong, a Dutch kid of only seventeen years old knew almost perfect English in words, he still had difficulty writing it so he chose a less administrative job in the army as he god duty call. The best private this team had to offer was a guy named Lee Moco, a Chinese male in his late twenties. He thing was that he only spoke Chinese, but he recognized marine hand signals and comments due to the slight bit of usefulness his training had given him.

"Approaching landing zone in five minutes, command says its a hot zone, better prepare your gear." The pilot said over headset to the marine crew. The marines prepared their gear as the pelican flew over land toward a open spot in a Forrest. In the distance a small mushroom cloud erupted out of the Forrest, the pelican got hit by a air wave but it was nothing its pilot could not handle.

"Engaging drop-zone in then." The pilot said toward the marines as the hatch opened up. A vacuum sucked the air pressure out of the pelican, nothing new. Sirmentro looked at each of the marines faced, only Lee did not look tense, or maby his natural eye stance covered his emotions.
Private Cloud Picorny, also dutch sat next to Gerard as he was readying his battle rifle to not thing about what was still to come.
Private Gunner whom nobody knew the real name off was all into duel wielding pistols, preferring the assault pistols while also dying to get his hands on a plasma pistol. He sat on the bench next to Sirmentro, cleaning his left hand assault pistols with a special blanket. You could tell it was the assault rifle he wields in his left hand by the fact the left pistol holder on his belt, all in cowboy style was empty while the right one had a pistol in it.
Privates Ben and Bob where twins, they where full American off passport and blood. Both nineteen years old they finished boot camp hast due to their teamwork in battle, there was really not so much to them besides that they had a army bloodline.
Kazama was the only one who actually had some experience, he was the only survivor of the last mission his team had to he needed a new team, and a new one he got. He was not team leader because word spread that he hid behind a three the whole battle and he had no skills to thank for his survival, he claims this was false and that he was able to take the last hostiles out as his team was being stripped of its members.

The crew was small but they where suppose to join another team as they entered the battle. The five minutes passed like a hour does with a bad mood but they did finally pass, the pelican was lowering altitude to hover the ground two meters high. As it did everyone unbuckled and jumped out. They landed is a disaster area, plasma was all around them as they made was for a nearby fallen three, its lowest meter burned away by plasma. Gerard, knowing the tale looked at Kazama as if he was feeling right at home but he immediately erased the thought, there where more urgent issue's. Sirmentro signaled the team to strike in five. As five second passed they all came from cover and opened fire on the grunts that where out in the open, there where really allot of the little guys. About fifteen went down in the second they had before plasma was directed straight for them. Everyone duck back behind the three that was smelling badly burned on the other side. Sirmentro gave the on will order to make everyone take turns in shooting. Kazama went first, taking down two grunts in a single burst of bullets and two more in another burst, though one of the grunts in the second burst was only injured. A Elite came in view as Bob and Ben made their turn. They both had their priorities the same and the elites got a double burst on his shield, taking it out and taking the elite out in the second duel burst. Gunner aimed at the massive grunt group as the elite went down and opened fire with his assault pistols, taking out several grunts, this was really the best way to take grunts out but only he had two assault pistols with him. Picorny pulled a fragmentation grenade from his suit and pulled the pin. He threw the grenade toward the group of grunts and as the duck to the ground several where blasted up by the explosion, ripping their limps of or making them crash into the rocks this field had allot of small ones off. Sirmentro gave Picorny his congrats on his nade and again took a turn. He shot down tree grunts but as his burst ended he saw a plasma grenade glow blue. He aimed his second burst for the grunt and took it out, making the grenade explode within the grunt group. The group was now fairly small but as the grunt noticed both this and the plasma grenade exploding and all nodded to each other, thereafter pulled their own plasma grenades. Sirmentro shot one down but as he saw all the grunts making their hand glow blue he got up shouting to his team to leave the fallen three. As all of them got up and ran a short two meters before ducking into the ground the plasma grenades all landed perfectly behind the tree, killing all who had stayed their, luckily for them they all left. Kazama got up and opened fire on the grunt closing in on them. A plasma bolt nearly hit him but he got them all down one by one. He looked around and saw that everyone was alright. There where some other marine groups fighting other covenant groups, the drop-zone was surrounded by covenant and they needed to secure the area. Than he saw something he would just love to take for a joyride, a ghost driven by an elite. Gunner saw Sirmentro looking at the vehicle and he knew how he felt but he also knew that it was a bad idea. As Sirmentro stood up so did gunner to stop him.

"Bad idea man, you even know how to ride the thing?"

"Lets find out, driving it or not, i am at least taking it."

"And than what?"

"Well, it has guns on it so i was thinking on shooting the crap out of the elite i pull off it."

"Dude, pull him off? He's kinda way bigger than you, at least take him out before you take him off."

Sirmentro began walking toward the ghost as it opened fire on marines a bit to the left of Sirmentro's group. Kazama stood up, firing at a jackal closing in on them, shooting it in the foot en in the head as it came out of hiding due to the first hit. He went for Sirmentro and tackled him to the ground.

"Don't even try it, he will shoot your guts out of your torso." Kazama Said while putting his left knee on Sirmentro's chest.

Gerard put his hand on Kazama's shoulder to make him lift his knee of Sirmentro's chest and Sirmentro got up. They got back to cover as the ghost began shooting in their direction. Ben, Bob and Gunner opened fire on the ghost as Sirmentro, Kazama, Lee, Picorny and Gerard went around, pulling off a flanking tactic. As the ghost opened fire on Sirmentro, Lee and Gerard going left The driver got his in the back by Kazama and Picorny going right. The body shield impacted the bullets but as it turned to Kazama and Picorny Sirmentro, Lee and Gerard opened fire and the shield fell victim to to many bullets. Finally the elite got shot down by Gunner hitting him in the skull and left arm. Sirmentro charged toward the ghost and pushed the elite off.

"Now can i have it?" Sirmentro asked while getting on it.

"This ain't no birthday, you don't know its controls." Kazama said, getting backup from Gunner. Sirmentro found the steering controls to be similar to that of a aircrafts controls and turned it to the covenant units in the distance.

"Fire button, where o where are you? maby on the steering controls?"

Sirmentro pushed the buttons on top of the steering handles and while the ghost began shooting he got boosted forward and as he stopped due to the surprise he was knocked over the front of the ghost.

"Presents, you never know what you get." Bob said to Ben while covering the smile on his face.

"Incoming!" Kazama shouted as his ears heard a sound know to be that of a plasma mortar. Indeed one impacted nearby but Sirmentro's crew was uninjured. As Kazama looks around he Saw a wraith between some threes in the distance. Picorny suddenly speeded up toward the wraith.

"Picorny come back!" Sirmentro shouted as Gerard saw him holding a grenade and Gunner rushing after him only to stop at a dead grunt and grab what he wanted to have for as long as he could remember.

"God damn i got one, i got a god damn plasma freakin pistol!" Gunner was as gad as Sirmentro had ever seen him when suddenly a flash hit his face, he got struck by a particle beam rifle, the covenant sniper. Picorny got in range, already having dodged several mortars the wraith shot at him and pulled the pin off hos grenade and tossed it at him. The grenade landed and rolled underneath the wraith, blowing it up from underneath it, killing the driver and the controls. The adrenaline of actually nading one was such a joy that he did not even feel his face burning from the plasma bolt eating away his cheek but as his left eye turned blind he panicked and passed out, his body getting naded by a plasma grenade, killing him in the explosion. Sirmentro had rushed to him as Kazama tried to do all he could for Gunner who was dead belond repair but as Sirmentro saw the grenade explode he knew he was to late. He tried to spot the guilty one but he saw nobody, they probably hid behind the threes. Suddenly a plasma sniper got him in the chest, eating away his organs as his moth was spilling blood. Ben and Bob had given up on Gunner as they saw the whole in the head and they where all Sirmentro's aid as good as they could.

"... Quick, do something, he's trowing up his organs."

"Uhm... any suggestions?"


"No your not a... MEDIC!"

"Shore, from the top of your longs just state that i am not a... o you mean for one to come? Never gonna happen man where on our own."

Kazama had gotten up as he spotted the sniper jackal and opened fire on him. As his first burst ended he was about to launch his second but the jackal who had duck for cover came out and took a fast shot. Kazama duck for his life and crouched to a three. Ben and Bob was Kazama struggle but stayed at Sirmentro's chest.

"Maby we should stop the bleeding?"

"Dude, never stop the bleeding if there's something in the wound."

"There ain't nothing in the wound."

"Two times no makes yes, there's plasma in the wound."

"Plasma ain't solid."

"... yeah your right... dude is he still breathing?"

"Check his vitals."

"his necks all covered in blood."

"His wrist god damn."

Bob checked Sirmentro's wrist but if had no pols as he did no longer gasp for air.


"His chest is kinda gone, did you even noticed that?"

"Can't we do it on his leg or something?"

Suddenly a plasma bolt got Bob in the back and as Ben turned around he got one in the face. Kazama was pinned down as other marines charged forward, driving the enemies back. Finally the drop-zone was secure as the last covenant where killed. Kazama was again alone, hiding behind a three.
None of his crew made it out alive, all wounds where fatal. He got shipped back and the army granted him a off-duty status, he was never called for duty again.
