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Fan Fiction

the grunt rebellion by spartan 112

the grunt rebellion part 1
Date: 24 October 2005, 1:29 am

planet: gannno-captured grunt homeworld

Zafard look out over the swamp on his homeworld at the thousands upon thousands of grunts that had gathered there. It had been 57 years since the elites had come and taken over there homeworld and taken all of there kind and turn then into soilders if you could call the grunts soilders more like cannon fodder.

Zafard roared out to all the grunts we have been enslaved, humilated, treated worse then animals, at this over 20,000 grunts roared with anger, theses elites think they can step all over us well this ends here no longer will we stand for this now we fight. after this there was a cheer of approval.
coventship ship: the ark

There was a explosion in the brigde of the covenent ship just the latest of many the captin saw a low rank elite get consumed by the blue flames. The captin sighted these bloody grunts i swear there gonna but before he could finish he sentance an bleep on the control panel told him that he had an incomming message, then a hologram of a high rank elite, xanu bowed at the hologram xanu 11 more ships have been destroyed an 5 more severly damage there have been bombs going off in the citys there has been a death toll of 2,000 so far and the planet gannno has been taken by the grunts, then the hologram dissappred without a word.

xanus second hand elite growled how can mere grunts do so much damage this grunts had the element of suprise, good leader ship an they are releasing years of anger towards us. Dont worry we are about to come over gannno we will retake the city and show no mercy to theses ungrade full swines.
planet: gannno

Zafard look over the huge area where he chose to set up his base there was 12 captured phantoms, over 100 ghosts, 3 squads of banshee (5 in each squad), 7 waiths (3 heavly damaged) and there is a scarb locked in the military base but they havent been about to unlock the door to that yet.

Zafard smile nastly the time of the grunts had come these elites would pay yes they would pay, then a grunt ran out an in the usual grunt voice of a half bark half voice sir mulitply contacts on long range scaners hmmm so they come at last prepare the army an get that scarb operational now.

hmmmmm zafard mused so you come at last an taking one last good look at his troops an roared to war men then very quitly to war.
covenantship: the ark above the planet gannno

Sir were comming out of slipspace, get the troops to the phantoms prepare to attack, xanu spat at one of his elites where are the grunts located? scans show above the city of kine bring it on screen growled xanu he was in a bad mood there had been explosions all the way here he lost over half of his crew and a lot of his weaponry and vehicles.

As xanu brougth up the screen that showed the city he looked worried they had set up well very good infact they had anti-aircraft guns on all high buildings, blockages on every street corner and all major areas this would be hard they would lose half of there troops just trying to land in the city they would have to land outside the city.

There was two other ships in this assult with him one of them was spewing blue smoke out of the side of the ship the other seemed fine, then hundreds of phantoms shot out of both ships heading directly for the city, NOOOO U FOOLS screamed xanu but to late they were all ready thougth the atmosphere about 200 feet above the city was when the city looked like it exploded with light as hundreds of heavy energy weapons fired at the approching phantoms swatting them like flies.

damnit lanch all phantoms head for these coordinates then just under 100 phantoms lanched from the ship each carring 50 elites, 20 grunts, 15 jackles and 2 hunters some conveted to carry metals to make tempary bases or defences and some to carry vehicles.
Xanu look at the screen an thougth this would be tough they been here five mintues and the casultys was already past 5,000 this would be hard...
planet: gannno city: kine

Hundreds of grunts opened fire at the incoming phantoms, zanfard smiled the fools was heading stright for the city, report barked zanfard 3 carrier type ships, hundreds of phantoms heading for the city and another hundred heading for a area about 7 miles from the city send squads 51-101 to that location.
Sir the phantoms have broken thougth and have landed in zones 8, 37, 121 and 86,
Then replied zanfard the battle has truely began...
