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Fan Fiction

halo: the forerunneres by botdistor

halo: the forerunneres. part 1
Date: 30 August 2004, 1:14 PM

             SECTION 1

       CHAPTER 1

98,665 B.C. Earth years
23:08 Local time
Ancient fortress world 'Halo'
The 'library'

      Bands of orange, gold light travelled the length of the creature's body and it felt itself rush back together like a jigsaw with a million pieces. It could hear a far off voice getting closer as it reassembled itself.
       "We must move quickly to contain the flood, Reclaimer, speed is of the essence. Please, stay close." Said a small spherical, blue object also reassembling itself next to the head of the creature.
The creature was almost two and a half meters tall and a meter wide. It wore a thick and angular combat skin and held a most monstrous weapon in its hands.
      "We must retrieve the Index and take it back to the control room. This outbreak is most disastrous." Said the blue object and promptly it flew off into the gloom.
The room was almost half a mile high and many miles long. Some small indirect lights dimly lighted it and the walls were covered in many geometrical patterns overlapping each other many times. The creature had little choice but to follow the blue machine knowing fully its purpose and what it must accomplish. Just then a swarm of infection forms scurried out of an access junction. The creature raised his gun and fired. A beam of emerald blue light erupted out of the end of the gun and tore through the infection forms as if they didn't exist.
      "Most impressive Reclaimer, the Forerunners have equipped you well," said the object as it flew back.
       "Wait a minute," said the creature, "I am a little disorientated and have forgotten a little. Please may you refresh my memory?"
       "Of course," it said, "I am three-four-three guilty spark, monitor of installation zero-four. You are the Reclaimer sent by the forerunners to assist me in the upcoming task. You are a fearless warrior and you..."
       "Thank you spark I know the rest. I must help you retrieve the index and activate halo, or all is lost."
       "More or less" replied spark
       "Then in the name of all that is holy I, Brakaiar, shall defeat the flood and activate halo."
       The creature ran onwards at amazing speed and slaughtered anything that got in its way. Just then a combat form that used to be a guard in the ancient complex leapt out at Brakaiar and swung an arm at him with all its might! An audible alarm rung it's first warning as the blow contacted the armour and its automatic shield came on with a pop. The shields energy burned away the combat forms arm and Brakaiar spun around to face his opponent. Bellowing a challenging cry Brakaiar hit his opponent with all his might and forced his way into the flood forms chest! He soon found what he was searching for and he popped the infection form inside the creature's chest. It immediately fell limp and its innards began to liquefy on Brakaiar's arm. Brakaiar shook the dead combat form off his arm and moved on and almost ran head on with a swarm of flood forms. Infection forms jumped and danced at him, all trying to claim him as their own, combat forms leapt fifteen meters through the air only to shrivel at the amazing power of his laser and then a new form, that Brakaiar had never seen before, landed next to him and exploded with a force strong enough to knock him over and spewing new infection forms everywhere. Brakaiar's shield, although strong, had taken a lot of punishment in the fight and hadn't had time to recharge when another combat form rounded the corner holding a plasma charge canon in its hands, and fired! The resulting shot missed but the explosion was close enough to melt through Brakaiar's armour and burn his left hand off. Brakaiar howled in pain and just as the flood form was about to shoot again a swarm of robots came out of nowhere and fired ruby red beams at it and burned it to the ground. Just then 343 reappeared and surveyed the carnage.
       "These sentinels have a weapon similar to your own although it is considerably weaker." Said spark, " They will assist you when it becomes necessary. We must hurry; there is no time to dilly-dally Reclaimer. The flood are spreading, great things are in motion, and soon the prophecy will be fore filled. He he he."
       This slight giggle from spark caught Brakaiar by surprise so he said, "pardon?"
       "A malfunction has occurred in a drone control sub-system, I must reset the backup unit. Please, continue on." Replied spark and disappeared again. Slightly confused, Brakaiar applied a self-adhesive dressing on his wound and continued on as ordered. He ran into another crowd of flood. 'This is going to be another one of those days' he thought.

       CHAPTER 2

99,847 B.C. Earth years
07:59 Local time
Planet 'Reach'
'Castle' Mountain

      A huge drilling machine that had carved out the inside of a mountain was being quickly and smoothly disassembled by a team of pink jellyfish type creatures and being carried away to the surface three miles straight up. The holographic projectors were beginning to be installed at points around the plat formed room. In the centre of the room a small alter was being erected by a teem of workers very different to the 'jelly fish'. They were two and a half meters tall and had muscles like steal bands pressing at the inside of their angular combat skin and performed their task with extreme speed. On top of the alter was placed a glittering gem with a million faces that seemed from one angle to be perfectly smooth, and from another, jagged. As soon as the crystal had been placed down it defied gravity and balanced on one edge three inches from the surface of the alter. It then slowly unfolded ever so slightly and changed colour from pink to a slight blue tint.
       "The Grav'-stone is in place master." Said one of the gigantic creatures to a smaller creature seated in a floating chariot. The smaller creature wore many robes of different colours all lined in gold. On its head, the creature wore a large array of sensors that fed directly into its brain and a number of microphones set in an ornate headdress. It was hard to tell where the clothes ended and the body began. The creature was about a meter tall and had small claw like hands coming out of the ends of its sleeves. It was also unnaturally large, as if some sort of breathing apparatus was underneath the multiple robes.
       "Good," replied the creature looking out at the gigantic hall in front of him, "we shall soon depart to construct our new 'fortress' world. Our population has already grown to large to sustain again. Already our zoologists have come up with the perfect answer. On halo, station 0-4, we shall release the flood!"
       "The flood, master? Is that wise? Are they not extinct? They were last called upon over 30,000 local years ago. In real time that is well over 100,000 Hitakai cycles!"
       "Do not mistrust my judgment Brakaiar. You are young and ignorant, you shall learn nothing if you mistrust the judgment of the high prophets. I have taken an interest in another planet as well, summon Zikoaa."
       "Yes master, I shall do as you bid." Answered Brakaiar, backing away slowly from the fearful image of the un-named high prophet. Backing up into a large open space can present some problems as Brakaiar learnt the hard way. He walked directly into one of the 'jelly fish'. All of the equipment the creature was carrying was dropped on the floor and the creature itself started to scream at Brakaiar in a language of quick clicks and whistles. The noise was unbearable and Brakaiar walked off apologising, and headed off at a run towards the grav lift with its welcoming blue haze. Brakaiar stepped into the beam and felt a light pulling all around him and he shot up into the interior of the galactic star cruiser above him.
       The prophet watched Brakaiar leave and head for the grav lift and activated a small microphone in his crown. "Brakaiar has just boarded the lift, commander," the prophet said into the microphone, "when he arrives, put him in stasis and fire him as slowly as possible towards station 04. When he arrives, the flood will greet him! And don't ask any questions or you know what I can do." The prophet snapped off the communication relay before the ship commander had time to reply. Turning back to survey the chamber, the prophet had a slight smile showing. Tuning into a different channel, the microphone flipped down in front of the prophets' mouth. "Zikoaa, begin sending the test samples to a new planet, Earth. Recode the genetic information as well. Call the new ones 'Humans', I want to test them against the 'Elites'." With that the prophet floated off to more important matters.
