
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

UNSC Australia by Soffish

Attack on Sydney
Date: 1 August 2004, 5:46 AM



0830 hours, October 7th, 2552 (Military Calender)-
5 Kilometres North of UNSC High Command (HighCom)
Facility Bravo-6
Sydney, Australia, Earth.

"Faster!" Corporal Leigh Mathers shouted. "You want to die on the streets, Marine?"
"Hell, no Sir!" Private Tom Donavan stomped on the accelerator and the Warthog sped faster down the street, swerved left and continued down another street. Corporal Mathers strapped himself into the rear of the Warthog Light Reconnaissance Vehicle, and clamped both hands onto the massive 50mm chain-gun. Two Grunt's and an Elite emerged from a side street- Harland fired a sustained burst at the two Grunt's. The deafening sound of the chain-gun shook the teeth in his head. The two Grunt's squealed as the high-calibre projectiles peppered them. The Corporal then turned his focus to the lone Elite, he fired at it-the rounds ricocheted of it's shields they flickered then died, the Elite was then ripped apart by the high calibre rounds.
"Come on Donavan, do you want to get left behind?" shouted Corporal Mathers.
"No, Sir" yelled Private Donavan.
"Then step on it and make it to the rendezvous point" Mathers Ordered.
"Yes, Sir" Donavan replied.
The Covenant had started their attack at Sydney's Eastern Beaches at about 1900 hours last night and then moved their way into the streets. Corporal Mathers had been given a 200 man squad witch consisted of 145 Marines and 55 ODST"s, there orders were to repel the Covenant back onto the beach and then call in an Airstrike which would kill all the Covenant bastards. It would have been a good tactical plan, but it didn't work. The Longsword fighters had been busy bombing a Covenant Camp in Newcastle not too far from Sydney. This gave the Covenant time to call in reinforcements and about 30 Phantom Dropships which landed off another 300 Covenant Soldiers. The Marines and ODST's had been overwhelmed by the amount of Covenant Soldiers the Corporal had ordered them to retreat and he had been split up from his squad. He didn't know if anyone had survived besides himself and Private Donavan, he decided to contact HighCom's AI Lysithea.
"Lysithea, did anyone else survive the attack?" asked the Corporal.
There was a moment of Silence.
"Yes Corporal, there are 14 marines East of your position, near Commonwealth Tower" the AI said calmly.
"Thankyou Lysithea"
"You're Welcome Corporal"
Out of his 200 men and women only 14 had survived the attack, the Covenant must have hunted them down. Those bastards he thought.
"Private Donavan make your way to Commonwealth Tower"
"Yes, Sir" shouted Donavan.
They made their way down the streets to Commonwealth Tower. When they reached the Tower the Marines were engaged in a fire fight with an assortment of Covenant soldiers. The Corporal knew that if he took out the Elites the Jackals and Grunts would flee. He fired a long burst at the two Elites, their shield's took the force of the high-calibre rounds but failed the two Elites were torn apart by the projectiles. Once the Elites were down the Marines and the Corporal picked off the Grunts and Jackals one by one by short sustained bursts. After everything was dead the highest ranking Marine came up to Corporal Mathers and said " Thanks for the assistance, Corporal"
"Glad I could help son, are there any wounded?" the Corporal asked.
"Yes Sir, two, we patched them up the best we could, but they really need to get to a Hospital" said the Marine.
"We'll try that later son, but for now we really need to get to the Dropship. Donavan you get the wounded into the Warthog and take them to the Dropship, we'll meet you there soon"
"Yes Sir" shouted Donavan
"Come on Marines, we're walking"
"Yes Sir" they all shouted in unison.
Other than encountering 3 Grunts and a Jackal, which the all took care of easily, their journey to the Dropship, was a quiet one. They reached the Dropship at 0945 hours. Corporal Mathers searched around for Private Donavan and the Warthog but he couldn't see either of them. The Marines boarded the "Pelican" Dropship.
"Are you ready for dust off Corporal?' asked Flight Officer Captain Nicholas Daramo.
"Not yet Captain, Lysithea what happened to Private Donavan"
"He was engaged by two Hunters 2km from here, I lost contact with him 10 minutes ago" said the AI.
"Damn another good soldier lost thought" Corporal Mathers.
"One last thing Lysithea the Cole Protocol still stands, even though they've found Earth. I'm sorry but you will have to erase HighCom's databanks and then yourself Lysithea"
"Aye Sir" said the AI without any emotion.
The Corporal stepped onto the Dropship. "Get us out of here Captain" the Corporal said tiredly.
"Aye Sir" replied Captain Daramo.
The Pelican drifted upward and then flew away from Sydney. From above Sydney was a mess. Grunts, Jackals, Elites and Brutes wandered the streets below, Banshee's were circling around skyscrapers and a Covenant Cruiser was drifting slowly over the City.
"ETA to Melbourne 3 hours" shouted the Captain.
"Good" thought the Corporal, "now I can have some rest."
