
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Tribunal by ODST fanatic

Tribunal chapter 1
Date: 3 December 2007, 10:34 pm

Milky Way system, over Orbit of Tribunal II
October 23, 2552 (Military Calendar)
5:30 PM

"How did the Covenant find us?" Captain Harrison asked standing on the command bridge of the USNC Frigate Leonidas. Sweat poured down his pale face as the monitors on the ship identified over 300 space ships as covenant craft.

"They must have attacked Earth…" a young PFC stated.

"Get everybody to battle stations, send the Marines and the ODST to planet surface, warm up the MAC gun!" Harrison yelled to his second and command as the covenant fighters rapidly approached the United Nations Space Command Fleet.

"All Hands get to Battle Stations; Marines head to Docking Bay A1, ODST go to A2. This is not a drill!" The second and command; Lt. Bill Lawson yelled into the ships COMM link.

"This is it the covenant found us…" Harrison muttered as the alien ships charged towards him.

ODST Hell's waiting room

ODST Gunnery Sergeant Mike Anderson gets his gear souped up. The veteran marine grabbed his Modified BR55HB-SR (long range scope, foregrip, laser pointer) out of his locker along with an Old M6D pistol. A lone figure stepped behind him as he put on his ODST boots. He grinned;

"Hey Joe, we ready to go? He asked the figure behind him.

"You bet private." Private Joe Hendrix asked grabbing his SRS99D-S2AM Sniper Rifle out of his locker. Joe was Mike's most trusted soldier and his best friend.

"So where are we going again Sarge?" He asked curiously.
"The surface of Tribunal II, brass wants us there to repel covenant ground forces while the jarheads evacuate civilians out of the combat zone." He said as he put on his heavy ODST body suit.
The ODST body suit has integrated communications gear, a Heads Up Display or HUD, along with thermal and motion detectors. The suit's color is black around the torso with an urban camouflaged pattern around the legs and exposed arms. Behind the body suit is the signature ODST combat knife.
"So we got the hard job huh?" Joe asked curiously. Joe was naturally excited about combat and was always gung-ho.
"Yup, Let's get going Joe." Mike says as he walks out of the locker room.

Docking Bay A2
The A2 docking bay was full of black clad ODST or from what Mike and Joe could see as they walked towards the Pelican Dropships stationed there. The two men walked past the other Helljumpers and boarded on the dropship marked Echo 312. Inside the dark insides of the ship was a small skinny frail pilot.
"Hey I'm Captain Jane Kennision I'll be your host today..." She joked till she realized they were Helljumpers. The ODST were a very force to be reckoned with. They could lose their temper in a minute. They especially despised marines and the Spartan program.
"Don't take off yet, we still have two guys on there way." Mike growled irritated by the marine pilot. He hated greenhorns; all trigger-happy till they see someone die.
Suddenly two more ODST clambered on the back of the Pelican. One carried a M41 SSR MAV/AW Rocket Launcher along with an M/7 SMG, the other M90A shotgun.
"Thought you would leave us Sarge?" asked the shortest of the other Helljumpers. The ODST had a strong Hispanic accent. Mike grinned and helped his friend inside the dropship.
"Nice to see ya Sanchez." Mike commented to the short Hispanic. "You too Johnny." he said to the large ODST carrying the Rocket Launcher.
"Great more Helljumpers…" Jane muttered as she walked into her cockpit. She flipped some switches and the Pelican roared to life.
"Lets Rock and Roll people!" Mike yelled over his helmet's COMM as their ship took off out the Frigates insides. Sanchez gave Johnny a friendly punch as the ship lurched towards the planet of Tribunal II. Johnny yelled one last comment before the ship lunged into darkness: "Feet First into Hell."
Near Mt. Renegade, Tribunal II
Echo 312 rocketed into Tribunals Orbit at a fast rate. Jane was scared to death. "What did I get into?" she asked herself as snow deflected off the thick windshields of the Pelican. The plane shuttered as plasma rounds impacted the underside of the ship.
Inside the plane the ODST sat in pure silence, checking weapons securing their weapons, helmets and gear. They had to wait 5 or so excruciating minutes as the covenant fired plasma at the transport. Soon they would get payback.
