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Fan Fiction

The fall of new york: the clearing by hunter_elite

The fall of new york:the clearing
Date: 2 November 2003, 3:59 AM

The UNSC didn't think the covies know where earth was. They thought wrong. The first Covenant assault was in new york and this was the first major battle on Earth itself.

Plasma fire ripped past spartan-147 a.k.a Bo. The Elites at the end of the hall seemed hell bent on not letting him past the courthouse monument of Master Chief. A Plasma shot soon defaced the statue by making a scorch across the face of master chief turning the stone to liquid. Bo filled the Elites with bullets from his Smg's spattering purple blood all over the walls and doors of the courthouse building. The reason the courthouse needed to be secure was the fact that it had all the things they needed for a Base,a battle command center, and a vital network of communication. Bo was the spartan they sent to get it along with a small team of SEALS. Bo and the SEALS soon entered the courthouse and laid waste to the Elite guarding the doorway. Two grunts appered at the end of the entrance hall with their backs turned, two seals quickly took them out silently with their Kabar knives spilling neon-azure blood all over the floor. Suddenly Plasma filled the air and Bo's shields flared. Bo fired his recently acquired plasma rifle into the mass of elites and jackals coming down the hall. luckily one jackal fell stupid enough to turen its back in ther middle of a firefight. A plasma grenade soared across the hall and fused onto a seal. The seal bravely ran into the mass of covies and managed to take out three elites for his buddies one last time.The death of that Seal so infuriated Bo that he ran into the covies hacking away with his machete he adored so much. Purple blood spewed across the floor and mixed in with the blood of the seal that had sacrificed himself. Bo fought the mass of Covenant until the hall ran an array of colors with covenant blood. Bo eventually calmed down and resumed his mission. Ever since his first fight he loathed the covenant. The Covenant had wasted his entire family on Reach, and for that they would pay he swore by it. Bo ran into the main courtroom where they were to set up a beacon for reinforcements. The two brutes who had mindlessly wandered into the room were soon torn apart by a hail of bullets. their green ichor soaking the floor. Then the beacon was finally set up.The transmission was clearly heard and the dropships were on their way. Meanwhile bo and his seals had to clear the courthouse and its grounds. So bo and his team quickly exited the room leaving behind two seals leaving Bo only with 5 seals left. Elites and grunts walking down the hall were brutally massacred by lead flying into the lot of them. Plasma shots burned into the coke machine bo used as cover. Bo switched to his AR and fired into the grunt foolish enough to stay out of cover. the grunt soaked the carpeting with his lifeblood. suddenly all was quiet too quiet to Bo. Bo primed a grenade and tossed it into the corner of the the bookcase thst was facing the door. a moment later a jackal went flying into the wall of the the main hallway. Bo's AI suyddenly informed him that a mass of covenant troops were outside aparently firing at the newly arrived marines. the inside was cleared. The courthouse had been emptied. These were decoys to distract him! He sprinted for the entrance and barrled into a pair of hunters in black armor "Would it ever stop?" Bo wondered to himself. Fuel rod cannons lighted up and Bo quickly took cover behind a bookcase conviently positioned by a door to the library "How thoughtful." mused Bo to himself. Seconds later he felt the smash of the cannons and felt the heat of the cannons blast and hoping he wouldn't be disintegrated.Then the heat stopped probably my suit adjusting." the spartan thought. "But wait wouldn't i see some glowm of green still?" Wondered Bo aloud.Bo peeked out in time to see the hunters attacking some reinforcemnets! Bo switched his ar to his smg's he recovered. He emptied two clips each into the juggernauts. Orange blood seeped into the carpeting and the reinforcements were now clearing the grounds outside the courthouse. He must find the commanding alien officer. Then as if an answer to his question a gold elite de-cloaked and activated its plasma sword Bo dodged the swing it threw at him and swung back with his machete. amazingly the elite moved away as quicjk as a cat and threw a nasty kick at Bo's face. B caught the kick with the flat of the machete and heaved the foot away.

The fall of New York : part II
Date: 7 November 2003, 3:50 AM

Note: due to some readers objections changes have been made in the story.

Jay heaved the Gold Elites bulk of of his machete and managed to dodge a plasma sword swipe aimed at his head. So far the spartan wasn't having a good day his mission was to kill the commander so they would have a base of operations. He figured it would be easy, but this was proving to be anything but easy. "Why won't you die!!" screamed Jay as he swung his machete at the Elite. The alien barley managed to avoid the blade, his arm laid open to the bone by the sharp blade. "DIE YOU BASTARD!" screamed Jay in anger as he swung his weapon at the Elite's head. The Covenant with catlike grace avoided the swing by a mile. Jay was indeed getting pissed. "DIE!!!!" screamed Jay again and again as he swung his razor sharp blade. Out of luck he manged to slice the alien in the neck no problem unless it's your jugular vein. This Elite wasn't that lucky, purple blood sprayed like a fountain as the cyborg walked past the dying creature. Then he stopped an pulled out his AR. "Happy afterlife." Jay said in an icy tone as he pulled the trigger. Seconds later purple gore was smeared all over the floor as the elite dropped a big hole punched through his face. As Jay walked toward the exit of the courthouse his radio sprung to life, "this is srg. Carlo Grey, i'm pinned down on the east side of the courthouse by heavy resistance all my marines are dead i have no other support i can't hold them off!" suddenly the crack of an assault rifle being fired was heard and the screams of several Grunts, Then an explosion and the radio went staticy. Jay cursed as he ran to the sargent. As he got there the sargent was busy taking out a wave of jackals and grunts. Jay switched to his smg's and fired into the wave of enemies several Grunts fell their blue blood soaking the earth. Then the Covenant started falter then broke and fled. "Hello." said the sargent visibly wounded. "You sure took your damn time," said the officer to the spartan. "Your lucky without me you wouldn't be alive right now." the cyborg shot back angrily. "Shut up and fight." and that was the last they talked as they proceeded to take out Covenant aliens. Jay dodged a hail of plasma fire and took out several jackals with his twin SMG's. The sargent rolled to a kneeling position and fired his MA5B at the approaching hoard of aliens. Several foes fell and thew rest trapmpled them as they ran forward. Suddenly a rocket screamed out of the sky and blew the charging mass into nothing more than limbs and blood spray. Jay managed to find a Jackhammer launcher with full ammo and proceeded to blow the evil aliens to pieces. Jackhammer rounds flared and exploded into masses of aliens taking down dozens at a time.Meanwhile the sargent fired a newly acquired shotgun into the ranks the last Covenant resistance. As the last enemy fell a slug loged in its chest the two humans walked to the next wave of Marines being launched from the dropships. As the camp was being set up the sargent walked to the commanding officer and said,"Sargent Carlo Grey reporting for duty sir!" As Jay looked at the officer he saw a spark of resentment flash across his face. "There's a story here." thought Jay silently to himself. "At ease sargent,but what brings you here carlo?" the corporal said truly enjoying his power. "Stop gloating and get on with the briefing
Nimitz! We all know it was me who deserved that promotion." the sargent said with resentment. "Well if you had finished faster maybe you could have-" "Shut up and tell us where to get briefed if your not going to!" Screamed Grey in anger. "What? insubordination! you dare tell me to shut up-" and that was as far as the corporal got before a plasma shot connected with his face sending him sprawling on the ground with a bloodied charred face. "Covenant attack!" screamed a marine before being blown to pieces by a fuel rod projectile. "Damnit!" cursed Carlo as he grabbed his AR and ran to the source of the gunshots and plasma fire. Jay beat him there with his cybernetically enhanced legs. "Whats going on?" screamed Jay to the nearest marine. "We're under attack what do you thinks going on?!" replied the marine firing his assault rifle frantically. Jay said no more as he dropped his empty Jackhammer launcher and switched it for a dead marines shotgun. Jay proceeded to take down a Jackal,then an Elite,and then a multidtude of Grunts.Then a plasma grenade soared through the air,

The Fall of New York: Part III
Date: 13 November 2003, 12:04 AM

note: i have included a prologue it appears now, but a brief one appered in the first one that didn't have the date like after halo or halo 2.

The UNSC never thought the Covenant knew where Earth was located. In fact they knew where it was and much more.
While MC was busy fighting off Covenant in South Africa another spartan named Jay was fighting off Covenant in New York. Most of the spartan II's were thought to have been killed at Reach, but more spartan II's were made and shiped off to different planets and colonies. Maybe they all will meet on the Covenant homewolrd. (little bit of foreshadowing there!)

As the grenade landed and fused with a box of grenades Jay was instinctivly grabbing Marines and dragging or carrying them behind a wall of crates. As the grenade exploded setting off the grenades inside the box Sargent Carlo Grey was busy taking cover from a hail of plasma aimed at his head. A few feet away Carlo saw a flash of blue and then explosions lots of them. As Carlo ducked he heard the whizzing of shrapnel above his head.
Jay was busy hauling his contigent of Marines over to the Pelican drop zone. As they arrived a Pelican was under fire by some Covies who had broken past the defenses of the courthouse turned military HQ. "Open fire!" yelled Jay above the roar of the Pelican's engines. MA5B's tore into the aliens spilling purple,neon-blue,and green. As Jay fired into a Brute a flash of orange caught his eye. "The dropship crashed?" wondered jay to himself.
As Carlo got up the sound of plasma fire seemed to come from the left. "Right inside the base!" Carlo said tracing the sound. Right as he said that a growl sounded from behind him. "Oh crap..." muttered the officer from behind clenched teeth.
As the Brute fell Jay sprinted to the downed Pelican. Then a familiar green form sprinted past Jay right into the battle. "Master chief?!" wondered Jay in astonishment.
Carlo turned around slowly to come face to face with an elite clad in red armor. As the elite started to laugh Carlo pulled out a fragmentation grenade behind his bback as the elite came forward to blow Carlo to kingdom come Carlo shoved the elite to the ground and was rewarded with a smack from the butt of the elite's plasma rifle. As carlo sat dazed the Elite making ready to blow off Carlo's head Carlo thought. He had heard that you never hear or feel the shot that sends you to your doom. He wondered if it was true.
Jay did a double take and turned around quickly enough to see the master chief take down a Jackal with the butt of his shotgun. Pretty soon Jay was right beside him taking out Covenant. The two cyborgs seemed as one as they fired relentlessly into the ever shrinking mass of enemies.Soon they were down to a Jackal, 5 grunts and prity pissed off elite. wasting no time the chief tossed a frag grenade into the cluster and watched as the grunt and jackal were blown to pieces and the elite wind up legless. Marines came forward to sieze the elite and make him the first prisoner in the jail cells of the courthouse. Master chief walked up to Jay and looked him over. "Your a spartan!?" cried Jay in amazement, he though he was the only spartan alive HQ had lied to him? It couldn't be true. "Yes and i've come to Earth because of the Flood." responded masterchief.
Then in a spark of courage and adrenaline Carlo was detirmined not to die here and not to die now. "I WILL NOT DIE!!!" screamed Carlo as he tackled the elite and smacked the plasma weapon away. "You are going to die! I will not die I will not!!!" Carlo exclaimed in a primal rage. Carlo beat the elite savagly again and again in the face only remembering the grenade clenched in his hand when he smacked the elite across the kisser.
"What the hell is the flood?" responded Jay confusedly. "The flood are a parasitic life form released on Halo I have come to see if they have arrived on Earth and i pray they haven't" responded masterchief coyly. Then the elite started to yell in broken English about the devils and how once the prophets come how his captors will be extriminated and how he will be rewarded for not giving into their devilish plot's against the holy Covenant.
"The flood can rest while we talk to this son of a bitch." said masterchief curtly as they walked to where the alien was being bound.

The Fall of New York: part 4
Date: 25 November 2003, 3:56 AM

The Elite continued yelling in broken english before a smack across the face from a big green armor clad hand silenced him. "Now tell us what you know about the Flood." said Mc as if nothing had happened. "I know nothing of what your talking about human." spat the Elite angriliy, " I am ramonamee i answer to no one but the prophets."
"We'll see about that." said Jay piping up from the corner of the jail cell.

Carlo shoved the grenade down the aliens mouth and spriting like he had never sprinted before. A moment later in a shower of purple blood and body parts, Carlo picked up his M6d pistol and the Elites plasma rifle. Besides he wouldn't be needing it now. As Carlo ran toward the Courthouse his radio crackled to life, "All availble units to Wall Street ASAP!" an obviously inexpierienced Marine called into his comm set. As Carlo arrived on Wall Street it was a scene of chaos, medics were forced to make a makeshift hospital a few feet behind the front line. Marines took cover behind anything that was availible and able to be torn down one Marine even took cover behind a cardboard box. But the sargents eye was cught on a young marine hiding in a niche near the stock market doors. He was pinned down by a hail of plasma fire.

I told you disgusting humans i know nothing about the Flood!" screammed ramonamee furiously. "Let's use the serum then shall we?" asked master chief devilishly. "We don't have a serum." thoufght Jay confusedly. Then it dawned on him "Sure." he responded in an evil tone. "OK I"LL TELL YOu, just please don't use your serum on me!" said the elite shaking wiht fright. "The flood were discovered on this planet on otr first attack on this city there underground in a chamber of many waters!" replied the elite shaking, "there I told you now please dont use your serum on me." quivered the elite. "A chamber of many waters?" wondered Jay to himself. "He means the sewers." said the masterchief as if reading Jay's mind.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" screamed Carlo as he tossed a grenade into the ranks of advancing Covenant. His new squad had pushed far into the covenant dropsite. bodies littered the streets, alien and human alike,all equalized in the end. the sound like paper tearing woke the sargent from his thoughts, "WRAITH!" yelled Carlo as he ran like hell across the street into what was once department store, now it was a mourge with bodies littering it in undignified sprawls.Then the sound of plasma melting pavement and screaming reached his ears. the the sound os coarse laughing. "Crap!" he whispered as the sound of plasma fire sounded then he realized where it was coming from. "There in the store too!" thought Carlo bewilderdly as he looked for someplace to hide.

Flashlights pierced the murky gloom as a sword pierces through flesh reavealing all that lay in the sewers ahead of the masterchief, Jay, and the 12 marines following them. "So, said Jay attempting to start a conversation, "how many covies have you killed?"
"Now's not the time for that." replied the green armored behemoth, "thats for when our lives don't depend on us stopping a vicious alien race that wants to use us to take over the universe." "touchy." thought Jay to himself suddenly screams sounded from behind.

Carlo found a hiding spot under a checkout counter as two grunts and a jackal walked by conversing in their harsh toungue. "I'll give them something to laugh about." thought Carlo angriliy as he reloaded his pistol for the fourth time. The click then alerted the jackal and he turned towards the officers hiding spot "damn." whispered carlo then a hail of plasma erupted. Carlo popped out of his hiding spot and unloaded a barrage into an unfortunate grunt's skull spraying neon-blue blood and brains all over the floor. then more plasma bolts came from the right. "Well time to introduce myself." he mused grimly as he pulled out his plasma rifle and began to spray shots into the new arrivals. A grunt fell methane spewing from his tank freezing two more grunts behind him. Carlo then took out the jackal that had first spotted him with an almost matrix like jump while firng his weapons simotaneously into the jackals chest spraying blood all over him as he landed.Then he turned about and unloaded his plasma rifle into an elites shields.

The flood infection forms rushed at the remaining two marines and the spartan duo. Masterchiefs shotgun took out the last wave that had come with a sickening BLAM! then the sound of popping. Then flood combat forms appered blowing away a marine with a stolen assault rifle.
