
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The battles of a Hero and a Bounty Hunter. . . by HellJumper xHJx

Master Chief vs Samus Aran. . .
Date: 7 December 2004, 7:21 PM

A few notes... I wrote this story at Halo Center Forums, and it is rightfully mine, NOT stolen. LMG= Light Machine Gun, BR= Battlerifle. Enjoy ;)


December 7, 2557 10:46 A.M.

It was high noon, the sun still glistening on the shallow water of the battlefield. Master chief was nearing the battle area, so he walked towards the exit bay, grabbed an LMG and a compact BR, and charged his shields. Samus looked out of her small ship onto the area, and felt a sense of awkwardness. Neither MC, or Samus knew what they were really going to be doing upon their arrival. . . MC was heading to what he thought was a distress call. Samus was heading to what she thought was a new planet with unknown lifeforms. Samus was nearly half a kilometer from the landing area now, so she slowed her engines a little. MC did the same. Unlike MC, samus was alone. The Chief had 2 pilots. Samus was almost there, when something short of a shockwave, or emp hit her aircraft at full power. Her engines failed, everything failed. Samus was trying violently to stop it, but once she was 100 yards from the surface, she shoved the hatch open, pointed her gun down, and charged it up. Samus put as much force into this charge as she ever had before, and released the enrgy. She slowed down drastically, but not enough. Her ship slammed into the ground and slammed dirt up everywhere, then skidded to a hault. Master Chief was still readying when he heard something hit the top of his ship. The lights flashed off, and he heard noises coming from the pilots area. About 6-8 seconds later, the lights came on, but still flickering. He ran to the pilot room and found the pilots nowhere. The windows had been smashed open and seats torn up. He saw a vague object flying off into the distance. Then, the control panel began beeping. He walked over to it, and found that he was about 5 seconds to impact. He thought quickly, and ran towards the window. MC jumped straight through the window frame and nipped the top of the ship, which slowed his fall. As he fell off the side of the front, he noticed that he was about 26 feet above the ground, so he looked for anything under him, like hanging branches, or ropes. He didn't find anything, but he did stop in mid air. Some force had come aorund him. The force had brought him near the ground, then it shocked the hell out of him, and dropped him on his face. Cheif tried to stand up on one knee, but fell to the ground when something hit him in the back of his head. Samus woke up, still in her ship. She was in a very dense, dark, and huge jungle. Her hatch was still open with light shining through, so she climbed out. She checked the status of the ship, and it was not flyable. . . somewhere around 28% functional. As Samus was walking out of the forest, she felt some presence of an enemy nearby, so she went in that direction. Master Chief woke up laying against a rock in about 1 foot of clear, running water. He stood up, and noticed a message on his HUD. . .

Dear select chosen, You have been brought here today to fight at the expense of my pleasure. If you fail to do as I wish, which is fight to the death, I will send for your death myself. Start walking towards a jungle.. it is there that you will encounter your enemy. And don't worry about your pilots, they'll go to good use.

MC noticed his pilots helmets and weapons nearby. He feels a shiver of uneasiness go down his spine as to what the pilots might be going through. As Samus was walking throught the jungle, She trips over a vine in the , which shoots a hologram out of a box nearby. The hologram speaks as follows:

Dear select chosen, You have been brought here today to fight at the expense of my pleasure. If you fail to do as I wish, which is fight to the death, I will send for your death myself. Start walking out of the jungle.. it is there that you will encounter your enemy. And don't worry about your ship, it is in good hands.

Samus looks behind her, where she just came from. She was shocked. Her ship had vanished.. gone. And she had only been about 50 yards from it. She carried on though, baffled and confused. As MC and Samus neared, the day went by a little and was still very bright. Finally, the 2 met. They stood looking at each other for about 3 seconds, and then it began. Samus ran at MC with lightning fast speed, and jabbed a punch straight for his face. He caught it with his left hand, and used his right hand to punch at her stomach. She jumped up and pulled up her hand that MC was grasping, and flipped him up with ease. He was pulled up, but grabbed a nearby tree limb. He hung on, pulled out the LMG, and aimed it at Samus. He fired at Samus as she did flips and dives to miss every bullet. Samus jolted behind a tree and MC let go of the limb. She ran, as did MC follow. She arrived at a very dark part of the forest, and turned on her echo visor. MC turned on the heat vision that he found when he woke up, from his pilots. She didn't make a move, but MC was still moving. She saw his movements on her echo visor, and jumped out firing blasts of energy at him. Atleast 5 shots a second. MC dodged all but one blast, which hit him in the chest plate. It singed, but not much damage. Then, Samus charged up a blast, jumped up, and fired it from above MC. He looked up and saw the energy blast coming at him on his heat vision, so he dove to the left. The blast followed him. It had heat seeking capability. He stood his ground, and punched straight through the energy. Samus was surprised a little, but knew she had to get out of the dark area of the jungle. She ran full speed one direction, and MC followed. He whipped his battlerifle around and started firing shots. They whizzed past Samus, and hit. One hit her in the shoulder plating and another in the calf plating. It damaged more than it would MC, but not enough to stop her. Finally, she found light and jumped up to get out.

She was now in an open field. Samus turned around and her arm flashed. It gleamed with energy and turned into a wave beam. She charged it up fully and combined it with a few missles. She counted. . . 3. .2. . Light flashed all around her and wind started to breeze by. 1. . . She realeased the energy toward the forest and covered her eyes. An explosion boomed when the wave beam hit MC dead on. When the smoke cleared, there was a big hole of electrically burning trees, and a black, ashy MC. He was flashing due to his shields down, and started walking over to Samus. She was surprised. MC was coming at her at 50% shields.. 60.. 70.. Then 100. He flashed and his shields went from his feet to his head, and back down. He threw a frag grenade at her and she did a backflip to dodge it. It exploded and knocked her down to her back. She jumped up in the air, doing flips, and threw her arm up. Light once again gleamed around her arm, through holes and crevices. It morphed into a Plasma beam. MC knew of this.. a little bit of covenant technology too. She was still in the air, and pointed it directly at MC's head. She charged it up full blast, and shot it. An orange beam of super heated magma was going straight for him. It went faster than he thought, so he squatted down a little, and sprung to the right. The blast hit the land and threw him along the ground. He had his helmet down to resist any more damage than he needed, and came to a stop. Samus hit the ground, and MC stood up. They looked at each other. All of a sudden, MC's shields flashed. They went offline. All of Samus's visors.. special guns.. extras. All offline. They looked up and saw a huge and dark ship. The ship released about 100 things, which were in pods. The pods shot open and objects jumped out. Then.. total silence. MC looked at Samus, and nodded his head. He clenched his fist and slammed it into the skull of one of the objects, which all looked like giants wasps. The wasp fell over dead. Then, they all moved into a frenzy of slicing at Samus and MC with their razor sharp hands. Samus did a kick to one of the wasps feet and knocked him over, and as it was falling did an uppercut to his face. MC neared samus and threw his LMG to her. She caught it and pointed it at one of the wasps chest, and fired. Blue blood splattered everywhere, and the bullets easily went through the wasp to kill about 2 behind it. MC pulled out his BR and meleed countless wasps. He shoved the barrel of the gun between the eyes of one of the wasps and fired. It shrieked in pain as the Chief smurked behind his visor, and punched it in the chest. Blue all over his helmet. Finally, Samus's suit came back online, as did MC's shields. All but about 10 wasps were dead. So Samus threw the LMG to MC and they both shot the remaning wasps. All the wasps fell over dead in a pool of blood, some of them still jerking due to nerves. They looked at each other, and ran in the same direction to a giant rock. They jumped on top of it, and kneeled down. MC held his hand out to Samus to shake for peace, but as he was reaching, a wasp came over the edge. It slung his hand towards Samus and sliced at her back. She fell forward, feeling paralyze. MC pulled out a reserve plasma grenade he had, jumped on the wasp, and stuck the grenade on his face. He then jumped back to the ledge and whipped his LMG around and fired about 8 rounds into the wasp's skull. He finished it off by punching it in the chest, and shoving his knee into its stomach. Then, it fell off the ledge. The grenade had a delay timer, and even let the wasp slam to the ground breaking all other bones before it exploded. He walked over to Samus and tried to help her. He put a healing liquid on her back, and said we're gonna have to work together to get off this planet. She nodded yes, and stood up.

The giant ship that was above them now neared them. It let off an object which MC just knew was the person that brought him here. He reloaded his guns, put them in their straps, anticipating anything that might happen. Samus did the same. . . The object reached the top of the rock, and was definetly an alien. Sort of like a mix between a preying mantis and a roach. He screeched fight or die. MC yelled, what if we don't want to fight, and what if we're not going to die. The alien got mad, and said prepare to die. He ran at MC but Chief punched him straight in the face, knocking him near the edge of the rock. Samus pointed her gun at him, and he pulled a device out. The device was the thing which sent emp waves that knocked electrical devices offline. She knew what it was, and shot it out of his hand. She then ran at him and placed the tip of her barrel by his head. He said you can't kill me... then Samus said watch me. She signaled MC to kill him right now, and he nodded. She charged up a shot, put her foot on his back, and threw him forward. MC took a frag grenade, punch a hole in the aliens stomach, and put it in him. Then Samus shoved it off the ledge, where it blew up. Samus looked up at the ship, which could be jumped on from where they were. They did. Once on the ship, they scanned the area for any enemies. No one was on board.. except someone in a control center area. They neared the area, and slammed the door open. They found the two pilots. MC felt relieved for them. Their mouths were covered with a slime that prohibited them from speaking. They were muttering something loud under the slime, but MC couldn't understand. Then, he peeled it off one of them. He yelled behind you. MC looked around to find Samus had been wrapped up with tentacles. He pulled a small object off his belt and squeezed it tightly.. one he hadn't used yet. A thin blade of energy sparked out of the handle.. an energy sword. He cut every tentacle off of her. The tentacles were coming from the plantet. The planet was infested with these poisonous tentacle-like plants with no sense whatsoever, except to grab anything that moves and to devour it. He shut the door, slamming tentacles between it as well. Then, he started the engine and drove away from the planet. He helped the pilots up and let them drive the ship. MC then noticed that the poison from the tentacles had gotten in him. . . He blacked out.

December 7, 2557 12:52 A.M.

*To Be Continued*
