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Fan Fiction

The Tritan Incident by Kirsten Moerman

Situation on Triton 8 Part 1
Date: 11 July 2004, 8:06 PM

September 22 2559 UNSC HQ 14:35

Why the hell did we have to come to this meeting?There was one sceduled for next week!I hope this i worth it general!!Sorry mister president but this is an very important situation,let us explain please.Well then you will do the thing im asking you the last half hour!Yes mister president,this is the current situation.Yesterday we got a message of the tritan 8 Colony base,they where speaking of a heavy enemy sience vessal that was taking over the base.The transmission stopped 2 hours later,now we are getting info by our long-range sattelites.They should be here eny.....oh here they are.Oh my god!The pictures show dead body's outside the base.The base itself looks completely destroyed.But the enemy is rebuilding another one a couple miles away from it.Mister president,what shall we do?Well people the situation is clear,we will send a investigation ship towards the base.General lets give our old friend a little exercise.

September 23 2559 UNSC Briefing room 16:21

Why do i have to take on the messy jobs?I know i am one of the few spartans but still....im a human to.While our old friend walks towards the briefing room he does not see a man walking behind him and suddenly he taps on masterchiefs shoulder.What the..Miguel?Oh man....how long has it been?3 years i guess..you still look the same Chief!Yeah well you didn't change to much also!What are you doing here?Same thing as you are doing here chief!Im going with you on the tritan mission.Really?shh...the general is coming we better get going to the briefing room.
You already know the details of the mission soldiers!This will be the tactical information!Masterchief is in charge of the operation,we will head to the destroyed base first to check out what has happend there.There must be a logbook inside of the base.When you have done that you will first make a safe house and a Landing Zone.Furder details will be given once you have retreived the logbook and secured a safe house.is that clear to ya'll?YES SIR they said in one voice!
You will launch in 30 min.good luck and dissmissed!

September 24 2559 On board of the adventurine near tritan 8 20:45

While the masterchief was running on deck 5 towards the docking bay he heard on the ships intercom "attention,mission:triton 8 will now launch on dock bay 5,all soldiers for mission:triton 8 come to docking bay 5"In his mind he thought:Lets hope this mission does turn out well because i have a bad feeling about this.He got on board of the pelican just on time.

September 24 2559 Tritan 8 destroyed marine base 20:55

God i never thought we would make it on the surface.Miguel was smiling,a super soldier that can't take a little turbulance?You don't have to smile like that miguel i just lost my space feets after two years on earth.I can see that alright Miguel said still smiling.Now chief we better get going,god this base looks messy.What did you thought?A first class hotel?Miguel go and inspect the soldiers inside the other pelicans,ill go check that hill there.Already done that chief,they are all fine maybe a little shaked but they'll make it.Allright Miguel let's go inside and check the place.When they go inside they hear there footsteps echoing through the main hall.Sir look at this!What is it soldier?Look at those laser impacts sir,ive never seen anything like it!Hmmm...weird they are to big to be impacts of a normal blaster and to small to be fuel rod impacts.It is a heavy weapon it burned a hole in the wall sir.Yes private its....BANG!What was that?Oh sorry sir my weapon went off.Idiot!The whole covenant force could hear that!Chief listen!Do you hear that?Pieuuuwwww......whats that?MLS MISSLES!!!GET DOWN!When the first missles hitted the base the whole thing was shaking and cracking.After a little while the marines got back on there feet.

September 25 2559 Tritan 8 destroyed marine base 03:49

Everyone got some sleep?Miguel did you saw somehing strange while you where guarding?Erm...i saw some movement in the west wing of the base.What?you better said that Miguel!Yeah i guess but i thought it was nothing because i was gone when i looked again.I hope you are right miguel because its dangerus out here and i can't let thi...........what was that?GUNSHOTS outside!When they got outside they saw a soldier lying down and a creature next to him diseapiring as the wind.What was that chief?I don't know...it looked like a hunter but bigger and uglyer.
Miguel...i think we are going to have big troubles over here,im going to call HQ for support.

Please give me some revieuws about this story on Kirstenmoerman@hotmail.com
