
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Subject-Part 1 by Nounaxmee

Espilon 83
Date: 27 February 2006, 2:34 am

The Hidden Prophet, Sorrow, sighed and drummed his fingers on the arm of the Grav-Chair as he watched the carnage below. "What is it, Brother?" inquired the Prophet of Light. "The battle is going badly for us," Sorrow said, motioning the view screen. "I suggest we retreat." "Mmm... perhaps we could-" began Light... "NO." "But, my brother, as you said the battle goes ill, but we may not need to retreat if we can-" Suddenly, the door slid open. "Your Holiness, interrupted Field Master Kighjee."Garrisons one through five are down, the Humans have broke through!" "What?!" Sorrow screamed. "Field Master, this is unacceptable." " Apologies, Holiness." Sighing, the Prophet of Sorrow turned to Light and implored "Any ideas, brother?"
"Yes, but you won't like it: unleash Specimen Espilon 83."
After considering, Sorrow replied "Under the circumstances, that would be acceptable. Proceed." motioning to Kighjee.

*What...my head...my head?* Eyes coming into focus, Espilon 83 saw a mass of dark shapes ahead of his glass prison. *Who...are they?*.

As Field Master Kighjee and Xakak the Unggoy stepped through rows of tubes of specimens, they were both revolted and intruiged. "Alpha....Beta....Gamma....Delta...Espilon. "Here we are," chirped Xakak in an annoyingly squeeky voice. "Espilon 83. Our best experiment, right here." "Now, just a minute while I get him,*it*, to be more precise." squeeked Xakak. While the Grunt busied himself with the computer,Kighjee examined the Expeirament. "He's hideous!" he obesrved. "There.. that should do it." replied Xakak. Suddenly,the glass lifted up, and foul-smelling liquid cascaded around the two's feet. Slowly, a monstrous figure emerged...

The mutant Brute/Hunter looked around, and examined it's surroundings.It spotted Kighjee and Xakak and lumbered towards them. "Er... what we d-do now?" squeeked Xakak.
"How should I know, Unggoy?! I did not create him!" huffed Kighjee. Suddenly, Espilon stopped. Both aliens held their breath. "What we-" started Xakak, but Kighjee stopped him.
Breathing heavily, the Sanheili commander puffed out his chest, and
proclaimed: "I am Field Master Zaki Kighjee. You will listen to my commands and-OOF!" The monster grabbed Kighjee, and hucked him at the wall, with a bone crunching thud. Espilon now turned it's small attention span to the tiny creature cowering on the ground.

*What will it do?* thought the quivering alien. *Pick me up and rip me in half?* *Bite my head off?* As the monster lurched past, the poor little bugger fainted.

Back in the command room, the Prophets were getting impaitent. "Where, ARE THEY?!" yelled Sorrow. "Brother, calm down. They will be here soon, don't worry." soothed Light.
Turning his head slowly, Sorrow regarded Light. "Don't worry? How can I not, when the Humans are about to capture one of the Fore-Father's shrines? How, can I not worry, when our Zealots, the Blood of the Covenant,are failing us?" He asked. "Well... I for one, belive in our warrior's prowess."
replied Light, indignant. "I don't care about their prowess. I am going to get a transport off this planet as soon possible, whatever you decide to do." said Sorrow. "You will
have to explain to the Hieraches why we, I mean you, lost this shrine." With that, he floated out of the room, along with the curses of his Brother.

As Light sat, contamplating the battle, he heard an earth shattering smash. "What was that? he asked an Honour Guard.
" Uh...I...don't...know sire. Shall I go check?" the Honour Guard inquired. "No, that will not be nescessary. Send Trakus." Light answeared.
"The Jiralhanae? B-but, we Sangheili are more then proficiant at dispatching enemies! Why would you need him?"
asked the Elite. "Because I now realise what that was, and a Sangheili will not be powerful enough. Don't question me again or your fate will be as bad, or worse, than any Heretics. Send Trakus. Now." He explained scathingly.
"Yes, Holiness."

Five minutes later, the silver-skin brute Trakus was getting his equipment on, and embarking on the Shrines elevator.
When he arrived at Lab Gamma, all he found was carnage, some foul smelling liquid, a knocked-out elite and an unconcious
grunt. "Ha, Trakus chuckeled, fools." *Hmmm...,he thought to himself, where are you?* He sniffed the air, and caught Jiralhanae and Lekgolo scent drifting down the hallway. "What did these fool scientists do?!" he thought out loud.
"Meh.This will be a good hunt",laughing to himself and loading his Brute Shot, he lumbered down the hall on all fours.

Xakak woke up, and sniffed the air. Yuck. Jiralhanae. *Well, I'm getting outta here*, he said to himself. *Should I wake Kighjee?*, pausing as he scampered out. *Nah*.
