
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Sovereign by HaloFREAK

Chapters 1-2
Date: 15 April 2003, 6:33 PM

i'd love some feedback on this cuz this is my first time posting a story.. This is sort of a mix between Halo and Aliens, so dont critisize me for for stealing other peoples ideas, i get enough of that from my friend seth.

After the fall of Reach and the SPARTAN IIs, human forces begin to evacuate all non essential civilian colonies for use to the military. Then, on June 27 the colony TH-744, a highly valued arms producer, went silent without a word from the colonists or anybody. After many tries at communicating the colony, UNSC command sends a Hyperion II class cruiser, the CORUSCAN, with a complement of 60 marines to investigate.


MISSION UPDATE 7.13.2552 0600



APONE, SGT.B.................ON-LINE


The Bridge, 0600 hours

Captain William Robinson was at one of the large windows at the bridge,gazing out into space, wondering how long it would take for the Covenant to annihilate them all, and wondering if there was any chance of survival. " Sir, the marines and the rest of the crew are regaining conciousness now. Do you want me to brief them or not?" Ensign Needa said to the Captain. "No, no I'll do it. Remain at your station and see if any transmissions come from the colony." Robinson said, then strode over to the main command screen and flipped a switch for the PA. "Good morning marines, how does it feel coming out of your beauty sleep?" he asked. Most of the marines weren't pleased at his comment. Some were flying the bird at the cameras. He chuckled to himself, then said "Okay people, you know the drill, clear your trachias of bronchial surfactant then shower and report to the cafeteria in thirty minutes time for breakfast, then head to the armories by 0730 and stay on standby. All FireTeam Sergeants report to the bridge by 0700 for briefing. Robinson out."

"Alright ladies on your feet!" barked Sergeant Apone, who was already up with a cigar in his mouth "What are you waiting for, breakfast in bed? C'mon, move your asses! You are'nt in the damn Girl Scouts anymore." he yelled as his team lazily dragged themselves out of the cryo tubes. Apone is 42. He had come from a family that had been in the military for generations, and the Marine Corps. was his family, not because he had been there since he was 20, but because a Covenant cruiser glassed his home planet.
"Move it up! I want you in that cafeteria in twenty!" he turned and looked around in the foggy, dim lit room, then turned and saw Hawkins who was still sitting in his tube, hacking up the sufactant."Hawkins, suck it up and get at of that tube now goddamit!" Hawkins glared at Apone, and Apone glared back saying" Look into my eye. Fall in people, let's go!"
"Aw Christ, first we have to taste that cryo inhalant shit first thing in the morning, then we take freezing four minute shower, then we have to eat food that tastes like dog shit.Thank god I only have four more weeks here!"Thompson groaned.
"what do you want me to do soldier, get you a nice fat goose?"asked Apone.
"Gee would you sir? I'd LOVE that!"
"Don't give me any lip boy or you'll find yourself floating home."
CHAPTER 2-THE CAFETERIA 0623,cafeteria 04, the CORUSCAN
" What the hell is this supposed to be?" Thomson said, pulling his fork out of his 'Chef's Surprise' dinner, with something stringy attached.
"Dog myelda i think." said Mendoza to irritate the Sarge.
"See! I swear we're just eating dog shit!Why do you always defend this shit? Everybody knows its nasty!"
"Son, if you hate the food this much, why don't you go and eat one of those fuzzy blue bastards today?"said Apone.
"I will! Anything is better than this!"Thompson yeled back.
"So sarge, what exciting things are we gonna be doing today?" asked Vercetti.
"It's a rescue mission you'll love it. There's some covenant bastards that need to be rescued from their mortality." said Apone. Evrybody laughed. It was going to be a game day.
Mendoza, Thompson, and Vercetti all came from New Bronx on Mars. Mendoza had lived in the Ghetto before joining the marines when he was 17, the same year his brother had joined. He has been in the marines for three years and has seen action on Sigma Octanus IV and many other planets.His brothe was stationed at Reach the day it fell, and ever since Mendoza gets a bit nutty when fighting Covenant.
Thompson lived in the upper class areas of New Bronx and joined the marines for kicks. He has only four weeks left before he can get an honorable discharge.
Vercetti's father was boss of a very inspirational mafia family. A police raid later arrested all of the leadership and the family collapsed. Vercetti had two sentences, and one was marines.
As one big digital digital clock turned to 0715, Apone left to go to the bridge for the scheduled briefing with the captain, leaving his squad in the cafeteria.

Next chapters: Apone goes to the briefing with Robinson, the Cortana 1.5, and the landings on TH-744.

The Sovereign: Chapter 1
Date: 18 April 2003, 3:27 AM

June 23rd, 2552, UNSC ship CORUSCAN, 0549hours

Captain James E. Robinson was standing behind the two crewmen in charge of stearing the mighty Hyperion II class Battleship, the CORUSCAN, while gazing out at the planet 'Corusos', home of the colony TH-744.
"Lieutenant Wilks, scan the area in and around Corusos for Covenant forces." Robinson said.
"Aye sir." the officer acknowledged."Scanning...The place is dry sir. No Covenant forces detected."
'Very strange'Robinson thought to himself.
"Have you picked up any transmissions from the planet's surface?" Robinson asked.
"No sir, all quiet." Wilks replied.
'Very strange' Robinson thought.' It's like the planet was abandoned.'
20 days earlier, the colony TH-744 went silent. After many tries to contact the colony, nobody responded. The CORUSCAN, with it's complement of 60 marines, was sent to investigate because of the strange silence and because TH-744 was a valuable economic colony.
"Keep all active crew on high alert. A cloaked frigate or something jamming our systems may be out there." Robinson ordered." Ensign Carter, what is the status on our people in cryo?"
" Everybody's nice and cozy sir, all systems at optimum efficiency." The ensign replied.
"Good, it's time for our people to rise and shine Carter, get those codes ready."
"Yes sir!"

Private Connely was at his post, just about to drift off to sleep when Captain Robinson's booming voice woke him up and nearly knocked him out of his seat.
"This better not be a damn drill." he grumbled to himself.
"ALL CRYO PERSONELL, THIS IS ROBINSON, STAND-BY TO BEGIN THAWING OUT ALL FROZEN PERSONELL." Robinson's voice boomed. And with a yawn, Connely walked over to his right where he remebered his co-worker, Corporal Clark, went last.Connely then banged on a lavatory door yelling" Hey Clark hurry up, it's time to go to work!"
"Bloody hell, can't even take a sodding shit without being bothered!" Clark growled."Who's order is it anyway?"
"Robinson's man!"
"Can't you cover for me? You've done this plenty of times before!" Clark yelled out.
"Can't. Us rookies need the proper supervision from you officers." Connely yelled back, half laughing.
"Sonova bitch! I'll get you for this you bastard!" Clark yelled angrily.Then he wiped the feces from his rectum, pulled his pants back up, then went to wash his hands.
"Hey, hurry up. If we're late, the captain's gonna bust BOTH our asses!" Connely yelled. Clark then opened the door, which caused the toilet to automatically flush. They then walked back to their post.
"Route power to the heaters now." Clark ordered, which was met by Connely's furious typing. They then waited for the password from the bridge to arrive. After a few moments, a message appeared. It read:
'Carter must have wrote that code' Clark thought to himself, chuckling as he thought of his friend up above.' He's always thinking of these queer passwords'
"Inputting password now." Connely said. After he entered the code there was a little beep of clearence. The final security measure was all that was left. Clark and Connely took out their special security keys, walked to the opposite ends of the computer, where there were two key slots.
"On my mark. Three...two...one...mark!" as Clark said mark, they both twisted their keys simueotaneusly in the slots to disable the final security precaution.
"Initiating thaw out...done." Connely said. Now the two technicians would just have to wait, watch and regulate the temperatures of the cryotubes.
"So Jim, exactly how should I kick your ass now?" Clark said to his co-worker.

"Ensign Carter, status report on the personell being thawed out." Robinson ordered.
"All going well sir, no problems. Estimated time till they regain conciousness:2.3 minutes."
After 2.5 minutes, Captain Robinson walked over to the main command screen and pushed a button below to activate the PA.
"Good morning people, how does it feel coming out of your 13 days of beauty sleep?" Robinson asked his men. Though the crew just ignored it, the marines were anything but pleased about Robinson's comment. One New Yorker said" Just fine ya fuckin prick." another man flew the bird.
Robinson chuckled to himself, then said" All combat personell, you are ordered to be showered, fed, dressed, and on stan-by in the hangar bays by 0650. All combat sergeants are to be at the bridge by 0635 for briefing. All crew are ordered to be fed, dressed, showered and at your positions by 0650. That is all, carry on."

Staff Sergeant Alfred B Frost was already up, walking with a cigar in mouth, and yelling at his men by the time Robinson came on.
" All right ladies you know the man, now get your asses up! Time for another glorious day in the marine corps. A day in the marines corps. is like a day on a farm. A farmer always gets up quickly and efficieantly each day which is EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING NOW GODDAMMIT! I SWEAR IF YOU ALL AREN'T OUT OF THOSE TUBES IN THREE SECONDS I'LL KICK ALL YO MOTHERFUCKIN ASSES!" he yelled as he walked down the dim, misty cryo room of cryo bay 04. Although Corporal Mendoza, Thompson, Vercetti, Jenkins, Frydreich, Nyugen, Pendownski and Delgado had already heard this hundreds of times before,the replacements Pliskin, Adams, and Bishop thought that was exactly what Frost would do, so they quickly got out of their sticky tubes, regurgitated the bronchial surfactant, then quickly ran into the showers, while their veteran squadmates slowly dragged themselves out.
"You see those rookies their? That's what you should be doing right now, not taking your sweet ass time. Now get in there before i bust all yo heads open!" Frost barked.
"Yes, yes Sarge we already know that. You've said this hundreds of times before." Thompson groaned.
"Damn right, and I'm gonna keep doing it until you get your asses in line!" Frost said.
"You just had to get him started." Mendoza said as he walked by Thompson.
Yeah, what a way to start the day." Vercetti said, patting Thompson's shoulder.
"What? It sounds like you guys are surprised. You should know better. It's my job." Thompson said with a grin.

Cahpter 2: Gayap's Story
Date: 27 April 2003, 4:57 PM

June 23rd, 2552, UNSC Battleship CORUSCAN, 0607 hours

After being awoken from cryo-sleep, the marines of Fire Team November were given a freezing four minute shower, ten minutes to get dressed, and then breakfast, which consisted of something that looked like a Twinkie but was hard as rock and tasted like aspirin, a third of a tray of half liquefied mystery meat, another third of something that was claimed to be shredded spinach, and the rest being a mix of slimy potatoes and mashed peas. All referred to as being ''dog shit'' by Thompson.
" What the hell is this can of dog shit supposed to be?" Thompson asked, pulling his plastic fork out of the ''shredded spinach'' with something that looked like green hair attached.
" Diarrhea I think." Mendoza said.
"Eat it boy, it's good for you." Frost said. "You need to get big and strong so you can start beating on the little grunts."
" Shut up Sarge, at least I can take on one of those big blue bastards without taking cover." Said Thompson.
"That's because you're a damn retard. Nobody can take on those Elites alone, 'cept for the Master Chief. You lucky one of them hasn't blown your ass off yet."
Thompson continued to sit there, picking at his spinach while debating whether to eat it or not. After another 27 minutes of arguing, cracking, and remembering old battles, Sergeant Frost departed his squad to go to the bridge for briefing, but not before leaving a threat of " Don't you sorry sons of bitches cause any damn trouble or I'll kick all of your asses."

The black armored grunt, Gagap, sat hiding in one of the air ducts of what the scattered Covenant forces believed was to be the main complex of the large human installation. He sat there, flashing back on how the few remaining Covenant forces aboard the Flood infested Covenant capitol ship, the Sovereign, had arrived on the human world after the ring world of Halo was destroyed.

May 28th, 2552, Covenant cruiser The Sovereign, 0233

It had only been a day after the flood were released, and already there had been 27 lost outposts, 84 lost dropships, and an unknown number of Covenant Cruisers invaded.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Gayap screamed as he ran down the halls of the ravaged Sovereign. Battle was ensuing all around him, with Elites, Jackals and Grunts desperately trying to hold off a Flood attack while a group of technicians tried to overwrite a security system in order to close a large muster bay door, with the hopes of sealing the Flood off into an abandoned portion of the ship.
"INFERIOR, HOLD THE LINE!" Gayap's CO yelled at him. "HOLD THE" but the black Elite was unable to finish his sentence as a swarm of infection forms penetrated the soldier's shields, burying the elite under a living blanket of flood. His screams of agony were muffled by the horde of Flood mutilating his body. A blue Elite, named Urka 'Usanee, then discovered that a fallen Flood mutant had dropped a belt of fragmentation grenades. The glory hungry Elite then lit a plasma grenade, stuck it to his chest, and then ran into the mass of flood mutants, allowing the beasts to swarm over him only to be destroyed from the kamikaze's grenade. The blast then triggered a chain reaction from the combat form's belt of grenades, splattering tentacles, heads, arms, legs, and other body parts all over the pinkish blue floor, and killing roughly 80% of the flood attackers, and then allowing the remaining Covenant to successfully seal the huge door. Suddenly, an elite's voice came over the remaining soldiers' radios.
"All of my soldiers, this is Ship Master Sumee 'Uyamee. I praise you for your brave and noble efforts to cleanse this ship of alien filth. We have been able to make the necessary repairs to the engines because of your heroic actions, and we are now beginning to leave this ring of Flood evil. All forces are ordered to continue with your current objectives and await additional orders. Good luck, Ship Master out!"
The last red armored Elite, Lothar "Lensumee, then began to position his remaining forces around the gore ridden storage bay.
" Jackals, I want you to get on the platforms up above and keep an eye on the unsealable doors on the right and front, and to fire on anything that has more than four limbs. 'Kusanee, 'Nansee, stay here and make sure the Jackals hold their position. The rest of you follow me, we have to secure and seal the last door leading to the quarantine. Technicians, stay behind us until we get to the target."
A minor Jackal then began to protest against his superior's orders.
" Field Master, why not let the gas suckers guard this clearly secured area while allowing us to go with you to secure the next door. Surely we will be more reliable and effective then them."
" Do not question my orders inferior. Need I remind you that the "gas suckers" are all part of a noble Special Forces unit while you are a lowly army grunt?" the Elite responded confidently. After not receiving a reply from the jackal, the Elite turned and walked down toward the best route to their objective. Gayap, who had considered deserting his unit countless times since the ship was infested, got a boost of morale from the Elite's confidence and followed him and the his squad through a hall littered with dead flood and Covenant troops.
After making their way down the hall and through a few doors, they came across a large group of flood dragging bodies towards the quarantine zone. 'Lensumee had barely yelled "fire!" when eight plasma pistols, two needlers, three fuel rod guns, and three plasma rifles tore an Elite combat form in half. The Flood responded by their normal patterns of suicide attacks. Gayap then fired blindly into the crowd of advancing Flood along with the other Grunts and Elites. A blue Elite panicked as a mass of infection forms exploded out of a nearby vent. The Elite then held down the trigger of his plasma rifle firing at the mass of squid creatures. Soon after, his rifle overheated and was left temporarily unarmed. The Elite was then about to flee when a Grunt was smashed in the face by a metal pipe wielding combat form. The Grunt had a charged up plasma pistol which released its powerful bolt into the Elite's stomach and disabled his shields.
"NO!" he screamed as a carrier form fell right in front of him and blew up. The soldier was hurled through the air and smashed onto the ground headfirst. He died almost instantly.

Although the Flood outnumbered the Covenant team, the three fuel rod gunners were still intact and were in a great vantage point. In unison they fired into the Flood position and after what seemed like ages, the entire Flood force lay charred and disabled, along with three Grunts and a blue Elite. After waiting a few moments with weapons at the ready, the area was declared momentarily secured, and the troops got busy treating the wounded and setting up temporary defenses. After about 15 minutes the techs finished locking down the door. Then after a few moments of awkward silence, the Sovereign began to lift off surprisingly smoothly. When the artificial gravity units began working the soldiers cheered with joy, as they knew they had made it to space. The FTL engines were then heard revving up, but were then drowned out by a thunderous roar as the Pillar of Autumn's engines went critical and exploded. The blast knocked out the engines and sent the Sovereign helplessly gliding through space. Gayap did not know what happened next because another explosion rocked the ship, throwing the grunt into a wall and knocking him unconscious.
June 23rd, 2552, UNSC Battleship CORUSCAN, 0612

Sergeant Frost made his way to the outside of the bridge when he stopped to take the time to check his uniform. After everything was satisfactory, he continued into the bridge. The bridge was remarkably similar to those of the older Hayclon frigates were (which the Hyperion Is originated from) except that there was no wall between the main command screen and the weapons officer and ship control officer. As he walked in he saw the captain and 3 other sergeants. He was then sat down in one of the two vacant seats and waited for the last sergeant to make it to the bridge.
May 31st, 2552, Covenant Cruiser The Sovereign, Unknown Space
Gayap's vision was hazy when he saw an odd blue triangle moving back and forth in front of his face. He thought he had died and was then punished by the Gods, but then discarded the idea because this was too lenient for him. He thought he saw something black behind the haze as well, so blinked a few times and his vision cleared, revealing another black armored Grunt. He recognized the Grunt as his friend Nagad whom he thought was killed in the storage bay. The blue triangle was actually Nagad's finger.
"Gayap? Wake up. Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!" Nagad nagged, still moving his finger back and forth. Gayap pushed it away.
"What happened?" he asked.
"What happened? What happened was you went flying and smacked right into that wall back during the battle. It was pretty crazy!" Nagad said. " You've been out for about three days now."
Gayap then started to get up, but Nagad pushed him back down.
"The medic told me to keep everybody down. He said it could lead to some serious cerebral dysfunction or something." Nagad told him. Although he couldn't see much because of his angle, Gayap realized that he wasn't in the long hallway anymore.
" Anyway, the medic is gonna be over here in a while so you'll know what happened from him." Nagad said, then got up and walked into Gayap's field of vision. The grunt saw a jackal move then said.
"Hey, I'm in charge and medic says you aren't supposed to move." The jackal must have insulted Nagad because the grunt then looked around cautiously, then gave the Jackal a good kick in the side. He then scurried to his post. Gayap started to drift off to sleep with his last thoughts cursing himself for volunteering for the Holy Relic Archeological Expeditionary Force.
