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Fan Fiction

The Rise of a Hero by TearsOfElyssium

The Rise of a Hero -> Chapter One!
Date: 25 April 2004, 6:30 PM

The Rise of a Hero (Chapter 1)

The Elyssium's Barrack A, June 19th, 2560. 12:30

"Sarge! Watch out!" PFC Reid yelled.
"Wha-" Sgt. Erickson screamed before his face was melted by a burst of plasma from a Jackal.
      Paul replayed that moment again and again in his head, thinking why he didn't kill that Jackal when he had the chance. He got up, threw his chair into the wall, and stormed out of the room. He walked to the Cafeteria, where his friends were playing cards.
"Hey Reid, you up for a game?" PFC Johnson asked.
"Sure," he replied as he sat down.
Almost right after he sat down, the ship rocked, nearly throwing everybody in the Cafeteria off of their feat. Alarms started blaring, and Admiral Monty yelled "The Covenant! They're attack the ship! Defend The Elyssium At Al- Argh!"
      Paul could hear an Elite yelling to the troops in the background, as the microphone had not been switched off. He quickly ran to the Armory, oblivious to all the groans of dying Marines and the feverishly hot Plasma blazing around his head. He grabbed an MA5B Assault Rifle, 4 Frag Grenades, and a few extra clips. As he was running out of the armory, he found a fully loaded Pistol and a few clips on a dead Engineer. He closed the Engineers eyes, grabbed the pistol and the extra clips, and ran out of the Armory.

      He turned a corner, and he was suddenly face to face with a Golden Elite armed with a Plasma Sword. He turned the safety off on his MA5B, and unloaded a full clip into the Elite's stomach before he could activate his Plasma Sword. The Elite's shields flickered and died, and Reid took the chance to unload another half clip into the Elite, which collapsed into a pool of its own blood shortly after. He grabbed the Elite's belt of Plasma Grenades, and ran towards the Cafeteria, where he heard sounds of gunfire. While he was making his way towards the Cafeteria, he ran into small groups of Covenant Grunts, which he disposed of without much difficulty. When he got into the cafeteria, he saw that the Marines were about to give up all hope against the Covenant, as they were fighting against two Hunters and an Elite. Paul snuck up behind one of the Hunters, primed a Plasma Grenade, and stuck it right on the Orange spot of the Hunter. The Grenade detonated, leaving only the impenetrable shell of the Hunter. The other Hunter turned around, and charged at Paul. He primed his last Plasma Grenade, and with perfect precision, strafed to the right to dodge the Hunter's blow, and threw the Grenade right at its beck. The grenade detonated, leaving a headless Hunter lying on the ground. Paul was about to open fire on the remaining Elite, but was suddenly hit by a stray bullet in the arm. He immediately dropped his MA5B, and grabbed his arm, with an expression of pain in his face. In one last effort, he primed a Frag Grenade, and threw it at the Elite. The Elite didn't notice it hitting him, and continued opening fire on the Marines. As Paul was only a mere 5 feet from the Grenade, the blast was going to kill him. Paul heard the last beep, and everything went black.

The Elyssium's Hospital Ward, June 21st, 2560. 18:30

      When he woke up, he thought that he was dead. He looked around, and saw that he was in the Elyssium's Hospital Ward. He saw that his arm had been placed in a cast. He looked to his left, and said that his buddy, Johnson, was still alive. He lay back into his bed, and wondered what happened after he threw the Grenade at the Elite. He thought for a moment, but was interrupted by the sound of his friend, Johnson, waking up. He sat up, and looked around. When he saw Reid, a smile appeared on his face. "Hey Johnson, do you know what happened?"
"Well, I couldn't see much. But somebody picked you up, and got you out of the Grenade's Blast Radius. I think it was a Spartan, as a Marine could never move that fast,"
"A Spartan? But I thought they were all eliminated on Reach," he said.
"Well, I don't know. Maybe there were still a few that weren't on Reach. But I'm definitely sure that whoever rescued you wasn't a Marine,"
"Well, who cares? At least I'm still alive," he replied.
"Hey, since our Admiral was killed in the raid, do we have an Admiral right now?" Johnson asked.
"Does it look like I know?" he replied.
"Hey, I was just asking. You don't need to Spaz-Out at me," Johnson said.
Right after he finished talking, the most beautiful woman that Reid had ever seen walked in. She was wearing a MJOLNIR Battle Suit and was holding an MA2B Battle Rifle.
She walked over to Reid and Johnson and asked, "How do you boys feel about joining my squad. They were all eliminated during the Covenant raid, and I need a new squad for the next mission,"
"Sure," Reid replied.
"Well...alright," Johnson said.
"Good. You are to meet in the Admiral's office in 1 hour. Go get yourselves cleaned up," she said.
"Uh...I've got a cast on. Are you sure that you want me in your squad?" Reid asked.
"Your arm has healed. You've been asleep for nearly two days. I talked to the doctors. You can take it off if you want," she replied.
"Score!" he yelled.
Reid and Johnson went to the washrooms, and cleaned themselves up. They got their Helljumper suits on, and made their way to the Admiral's office. "I wonder what this mission is," Johnson muffled under under his breath.

******************** TO BE CONTINUED! ********************

Authors Note: Hey guys, this is my first Fan Fic on HBO, so give me a break is it's not up to the standards you want. Part 2 is coming soon! Please give some Constructive Criticism! Don't just say, "WTF is this?! It Sucks Monkey's Balls!" Etc.
