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Fan Fiction

The Raptros Saga by Raptros-v75

The Raptros Saga: Ch.1: Awakening
Date: 25 February 2004, 2:46 PM

(note: this takes place a time after halo. im not going to spoil the tale, but you will like it}

For no reason in particular, a heart started pulsing. Electrical energy started to flow through the cortex. Nerve endings started sending signals through the spinal cord. The creature was coming to life, with no stimulus, except a completely un-alive flood spore, even that was no real reason. Still, the creature awoke, as if it had been alive the entire time. Its eyes opened. It looked at one arm, with an entirely new type of weapon starting from the creatures elbow. The other arm was a large shield-like device, with weapons and a circular piece of energy attached. It stood, and its armor, weapons system, shields, and HUD booted up. It noticed a red blip right behind the central point.

John (The Master Chief) watched the strange creature come to life. It appeared to be a dark blue elite, with a Hunter's shield arm with a jackal shield and a plasma rifle and pistol attached. But the other arm had a very strange weapon, like a shrunken, upside-down fuel rod gun crossed with an assault rifle, with a tube connecting the front and back half. The weapon encased the right arm from elbow to hand, and extended another foot. He watched the creature stand up, and he raised his rocket launcher.

The creature turned around, and said "Don't shoot!"

The MC lowered his rocket launcher, but made sure he could whack this new creature if necessary. "Follow me," he said, "and don't try to run away."

The creature followed. He was lost in thought, and so had no intention of running away. He had just realized how to use his weapons. Since he had nowhere else to go, he didn't use them. He might even get some food. He thought Food? And he answered himself Yes, Food. Now.

John noticed that the creature was very silent. He wasn't worried, he was just aware of this. He wondered what this creature would be called when they got back to base. They had been on this new planet for a while now. They had discovered it a few months ago. It had been created when a Covenant cruiser had engine problems in slip-space, and had imploded. The energy had pulled a large dust cloud into a large rock, which started pulling other stuff in also. Life started very quickly there, and Humans and Covenant decided to investigate it. Unfortunately, the Flood were curious about it also. And so a large battle had begun, ending with the humans misfiring MAC guns, and the Covies misglassing it, which destabilized the surface, and made it poisonous to any life on the planet. The one good thing was that the flood were killed instantly by the toxins. Something had lived through these toxins. This creature he was leading back to base. John thought this last one lazily, and tried to continue, and suddenly took a double-take. He looked behind him, and saw that the creature was even more lost in thought than he had been. He decided to ask the creature what his name was.

The creature suddenly came out of his deep thought. He searched frantically through his mind, and said the first thing that came to him. "Raptros-v75."
John was confused by this. He had expected a covenant name, some weird, unpronounceable garbage. But this was some kind of dinosaur name, combined with a computer kind of thing. He looked around, and said "We're here," and brought him into the airlock chambers of the base.

Raptros-v75 looked around. He saw humans coming toward him, and bared his teeth, and growled "WORT! WORT! WORT!"

One of the humans said "That's a Covenant, they're not allowed in here, especially when they have weapons."

John replied "That's no Covenant, it was dead."
The marine was confused "Dead? It's alive. Creatures don't just come to life like that."
"This one did," John answered, "I found some dead covenant, and saw this creature in the pile of bodies. I don't know how it formed, but I watched it come to life."

Raptros-v75 was getting annoyed. "Well?" he demanded, "Are you going to stand around all day, or are you going to argue whether or not I'm alive, when I'm obviously speaking to you!"

"What is his name?" one of the marines asked.
"He said Raptros-v75," the master chief replied, "But I don't know where he could have gotten a name like that."

Cortana appeared. "Bring him to the lab for study," she said, and then disappeared.

John said "Come with me."

Raptros-v75 blinked as he entered the room. He saw people walking around, looking at computer screens, samples in tubes, and other stuff.

A technician walked up to him with a device with wires coming out. "Please step onto this platform," he said, "and attach this to your armor." He waited until Raptros-v75 had figured out how to do this, and said "Thank you."

He felt a slight jolt as he was inserted into the virtual training center.

(2 days later)

John couldn't find Raptros-v75 anywhere. He had looked in several rooms that Raptros-75 had access to, the mess hall, the lab, and every hallway. He decided to look in the weapon storage area.

Raptros-v75 was very pleased with himself. He had not only upgraded his first weapon to fire small plasma bursts, exploding darts, and a energy missile, he built an assault weapon that had 25 bullet tubes, a sling of self propelled miniature fragmentation missiles, and an sweep-spread electro-blaster, he made an energy sword with an exploding-dart gun at the base, a sniper rifle that fired silent bullets packed with explosives, energy beams that would cause enemies to explode like a potato in a microwave, and missiles that went up, and dropped bombes into groups of enemies. His favorite new weapon was a device that fired out long sweeps of fire, much like a hose with a nozzle sprays jets of water. It also fired out flaming bullets that would spread flames for a few feet in several directions, and fired canisters of the fuel, with a shock-head that would send the fire in many directions. He also devised a special rocket launcher, auto weapons that would sit on his shoulder, and special grenades.

When the Master chief saw this, he was surprised. When the captain found out, he was annoyed. When the marines found this out, they complained. When the technicians found out, they did some more tests.

( a few weeks later)

Everyone was happy. They were leaving. Everything had been packed up, and they were on a warship, headed for Reach, to prepare for the next mission.

Raptros-v75 had fought many battles on the planet they left. He had gained everyone's respect, especially after he had saved the day at a battle that determined if they could be taken off the planet. He was something of a hero, he was an excellent fighter, and he was ready for anything. And, for the first time in his life, he was happy. But he had no idea of what was in store for him...

(to be continued...)

The Raptros Saga: ch.2:
Date: 3 March 2004, 12:52 AM

( ok the first one may have been really boring, but this one should be better.... At least, I hope! This one is told mostly from the view of Raptros-v75)

The trip to Reach was uneventful: only 4 covenant cruisers destroyed.
"Did I mention that this ship is the most advanced type of battle craft in the UNSC?" the annoying tech guy said for the millionth time.
Yes, I thought, you said it at least 24 times after each kill.

So, I was relieved when we finally reached Reach. Of course, considering I was aboard, we had to wait 24 hours before I could get off. And I had been equipped with a locater beacon, and a neural paralyzer, which meant if I got in any trouble, a computer would KO me, and then the solders and tech guys would be there to bring me in.

Just before we went our ways, the Master Chief told me "Please don't get in any trouble, your too important to be killed by the people your supposed to protect."

I had never seen so many humans in one spot. I made a solemn promise to myself that I would never see that many again until they trusted me as much as they (foolishly) trust each other. That was after someone shouted for the 2545 time: "Kill the Covie scum!!" Yes, they hated me, and I had to make them understand that I was with their cause.

Of course, I did get in trouble. Not by my doing. I was just walking out of a shop, where I had bought a large bag of sweet tasting stuff that humans call "candy". I called it delicious. Just as I was walking out of the door, 30 men (20 others on rooftops nearby, I found out later) shot me with various weapons. Getting hit by a shell from a rocket launcher is extremely painful. The rest just bounced of my energy shield, allowing me to block the shots with my arm shield. I stuffed the bag of candy into my backpack, and as I didn't have any weapons, I used my radio, and called the scientists who were studying me throughout the voyage. While waiting for help to come, I got hit several more times with the missile launcher, and then something strange happened. One of them threw a blue ball, with a trail of energy, at me. It stuck to my face. I, thinking this was very impolite, tried to pull it off, but it stuck to my hand.
I called out "Hey, how do you get this off, anyway?" but they had run away already. Then there was a blue explosion, and I woke up in a lab, lying on a table.

The medics told me that I would recover, but my armor wouldn't. Fortunately, in my opinion, all my weapons, swarm bots, and candy had survived the blasts.

( the statistics show that he survived 10 missile launcher rounds, 10 fuel rod gun rounds, 50 entire clips from a needler, 10000 rounds from an assult rifle, 2000 rounds from a shotgun, 10023 rounds from a sniper rifle, 12436435 rounds from an assault pistol, 4520 entire plasma rifle batteries, 356 entire plasma pistols, 4 plasma grenades, and 8 frag. grenades, and was still thinking about candy. Of course, his armor was entirely destroyed)

A few weeks later, I was as good as new, which, in the eyes of ONI, (whatever that is), was a good thing, as we were leaving, with 10 Spartan IIs, including the master chief. It was up to us to destroy a large infestation of flood (I'm immune to their infectionous substances, as a already have the toxins in my system) on some such planet. I didn't really care. I was busy making sure my armor was made perfectly. I mean, what good is a three ton piece of metal good for if it doesn't fit right? Eventually, they got everything right, and I was able to relax, and wait to arrive at the destination.

Once we landed, we began setting up the mission guidelines. We left the marines outside of the place of infection, which was a large Forerunner structure, except covered in slime. We built large defensive walls around the structure, with special weapons to kill the flood if they got out. We were to place a detonation kit designed for this mission in the core of the infection. There, it would completely destroy the flood infection. The main point was that if the flood started escaping, or a mission abort was called from inside, the humans would be evacuated quickly. Even if we called abort, there would be no way out for us. Mission abort meant that the flood infection had already set up escape routes. Basically, if the flood could get out, we couldn't place the detonation kit in the core, or the flood posed some sort of unobvious danger to the humans, I was to call the abort. Then the humans would leave, giving us no way to really prevent the flood from escaping the blast that we were to set up in the core of the infection. Even if I called abort, I still had to get the blast set up as close to the core as possible. If we did get the kit in the core, and I hadn't called abort, then we would use a special med. Pack to KO us, but prevent the radiation blast from harming us.

And so we went in, with death before us, and no way out.

I was the obvious man out. I looked weird, I walked weird, I had no true military training, exept the skills in combat that I had, I had already wet myself, I was ready to run for my life, but I was the only hope in this battle. Only I understood the complex blast kit, only I could build a weapon that would be able to kill flood instantly. I, the 9.5 feet tall, weird, covenant-like mutant, would be the only hope on this battlefield.

The action began as soon as we were inside. I checked my weapon, a flamethrower, and rushed in, spraying a superheated stream of burning gases, plasmatic fluids, and molten metal. The Flood spores died right and left. I then switched to a large plasma gun that I had made, a modified dead hunter's gun, blasting huge bombs of energy right at the spore carrying forms, destroying them and their contents. As we ran towards the core, killing flood right an left, an icy fear gripped me. Once we got close, what I saw made me wet myself.

It was a giant pump like sac, filled with all kinds of weird fluids. It was up to me now. I stood back, shot a hole in it, and jumped right into the sac. It was nasty, but I was right. The core was inside it. I placed the kit in, set it to 10 minutes, and swam back out, to give the thumbs-up to the rest, just before I hit the "inject" switch. An hour later, I found myself in the disinfection chamber, cleaned off, and refreshed. Outside, I was welcomed as a hero. The flood had been destroyed. We were to return to Reach. But then, something happened that would change the course of the human-covenant war forever. We were attacked and captured by covenant forces.

We were flown back to their base, and I would meet someone who would change me forever.

The Raptros Saga: ch.3: truth
Date: 5 March 2004, 9:18 PM

(oh yeah this one is going to ROCK!! Matrix style stunts, nice suprise, plenty of it!!!! Ive got it all planned out!!! ENJOY!!) (from Raptros-v75 viewpoint)

We had been captured by the Covenant..... So? Many humans get captured these days. But this was different. The leader looked like me, the same bizarre mutation, except FEMALE!!!!!

I later found out her name: Aeliseis-v75

I woke up in a cell with a wall of energy. I tried to break it, but it didn't work. I tried again and again, and finally collapsed in exhaustion. I woke up, with several gaurds coming in to bring me too a torture chamber for questioning. I didn't reveal the location of Reach, I didn't know it. I was thrown back inside. As I was thrown in, I swore at and threatened the captain, the same one who had caught me, and she turned and mocked me. This happened, the same way for weeks on end, day in, day out, the same routine. As I slept, an insane plan started forming, one that could save me and the marines in nearby cells. It would take advantage of Aeliseis-v75's haughtiness.

One day, as they were coming to lead me off, I threatened her, just before they led me away. I said: "I could kill you any day. Just give me a needler, and come in to my cell."
She replied "After your session. How many minutes head start?" She sneered.
"Ten minutes preparation, and ten seconds head start!!" I said, and then cackled insanely. She must have thought I had lost my mind, because after the session, she said: "Here, still as brave as before?"
Again, I laughed insanely.

As soon as it was clear, I began to work. I took out a plasma pistol, and combined it with the needler. I made it so that all the rounds, and the entire battery, would be used in one shot. I inserted a special homing device to attract the energy to the generator for the prison. I then finished setting up the bed. I then waited

She came back in, and I was ready. I had ten seconds in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!
I jumped on to my bed, which broke off, and started spinning off, right into her face. Time seemed to slow as my senses sharpened. I slammed into the bed, jumped over it, and waited for it to slam me into the back wall. I fired right into a small ventilation hole 1020 nanometers wide. The shot streamed in, and went right to the generator. I fell slowly, along with the bed, and then kicked as hard as I could, smashing her right into the wall. Then I moved fast. I grabbed her unconscious body, ran into the place where all my equipment was held, put my kit on, pulled out my flamethrower, waited for the marines to get weapons, and then started looking for an exit. And ran into a Brute. I grabbed my heavy weapon, fired, and it died. I then pulled out my sniper, killed the hunters at each end of the hall, switched to my assault, killed the Grunts, Jackals and Elites, and kept on running. Until I entered a strange room, which, for some strange reason, the Marines couldn't enter.

Then I saw the prophet. He looked at me and spoke.

"I see you have met Aeliseis-v75. Maybe she will learn that I was right. I told her that someone would defeat her. I also told her that humans are not actually evil, and that the other prophets were wrong in calling humans 'scum', and calling a purge of humanity."
I didn't say anything, but looked around.
He continued "I can now tell her the whole truth, if you put her down."
I put her down gently, and waited for her to wake up.
When she did, the Prophet, Anisal 'Tathronottsa continued "The reason that humans are hunted is because of a mistake. One prophet was told by the gods to beware a race which would spread throughout the galaxy, if it wasn't stopped. The other Prophets, when we discovered humanity, thought that was what they meant. Then the flood came, and I realized the truth, and I am held captive here."
Aeliseis replied "I understand now. However, humans alone will not be enough to destroy the flood. Fortunately, the covenants in this base are loyal to me. We must begin the engine of creation."
I said, quite simply: "WORT?"
They explained that the engine of creation could build huge ships quickly.

As we exited, I explained to the men the current situation. They followed my command. The Covenant soldiers obeyed also. We got to work.

The ship would be quite simple. It would have a long center, and then two wings starting at the back, with a downward curve, and outward sticking prongs. It would be huge. It's tactics would to be: stop the flood carrier ship, get it into the cage made by the wings, and then fire an intense pulse of energy, which would vaporize the ship.

We were soon off this planet, and we were ready to go bring more covenants onto our side. We tested the new design out, and destroyed many flood ships, and we soon developed a type of tactic to defeat the flood space-spore. This was basically a cruiser sized cucumber thing that bended and twisted, shooting spore missiles out, which, if they hit the ship, and broke through the hull, would send a small force of flood infection and fighting forms into the ship. We soon fixed this by making the hull much thicker, and making disinfection waves that would vaporize any flood spores that hit the surface of the ship.

Aeliseis-v75 and I were very good friends by now, and we were the captains of the ship. We were now getting many more covenant soldiers on our side (humans were almost automatically on our side), and we were now on our way to a world completely taken over by the Flood. And, we were ready.

(yes, Raptros-v75 and Aeliseis-v75 fall in love. And if your wondering why my author name is Raptros-v75, I named the character after a username I made in a forum)
