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Fan Fiction

The ODSTs Story During Halo 2 by Recent Flood Victim

The ODSTs Story, Pt 1
Date: 12 December 2004, 12:18 AM

This is the story of First Lieutenant Matthew Lacert throughout the Halo 2 story line. It follows through each and every place where a Marine is in that game. Only the first of many.

(Mission Log: First Lieutenant Matthew Lancert. Sol system. Aboard Orbital MAC Gun Platform Cairo)
I awoke to a screaming siren. Having been up all that night working out strategy plans for boarders, I had been granted a little extra snooze time from the Admiral. But little bit of snooze time was not enough.
"Alert, Covenant boarding parties are inbound. All ODSTs to arms, repeat all ODSTs to arms." I jumped from my bunk, metal soles sounding out loudly as did the others. Everyone now fully awake was preparing to fight. I quickly put on my black jump suit. A flaming comet burned over the arm, and underneath wore the name "Helljumpers". I grabbed a matte black helmet and connected it to the rest of the suit. A hiss of atmosphere and a click signified that I was ready to go. The others in my Company were ready as well. Grabbing his BR55 Battle Rifle, and attaching two Sub Machine Guns to each thigh, I ran into the middle of the room.
"Listen up people. Old man says that the Covies don't like our pretty guns. Guess they aint' purple enough. Any ways, they're sending a few boarding parties to take us out. But is that gonna happen Marines?"
"Sir no sir!" Rang out from each soldier. I cocked my rifle in an antagonizing way.
"Then lets go greet em' with a lead shower." Flowing into their ranks, each soldier ran out the large metal doors, I quickly followed behind. "Platoon leaders I want your men at your designated stations. No falling asleep got that Record?"
"Yes sir." Record knew I was only joking but said it as serious as he could. I had always liked to keep humor among my troops, even while running head long into battle.
The ranks broke apart and a small group of five, including myself, made our way to the Bridge. The halls were a bustle of life. A heavy 50-caliber machine gun was at every staircase. And platoons of soldiers ran through out the enormous MAC station. We all piled into a tramcar and rode a steady speed towards the bridge. I looked out the glass panes at hundreds of Covenant boarding vessels as they sped through the darkness of space. One MAC station was covered but in an instant they all began to flee. A static filled voice came up over the SATCOM.
"I can't believe it their actually leaving." Something didn't fell right. The Covenant didn't just leave. And that pit at the bottom of my stomach soon filled.
Several small explosions peppered the hull, but soon the main explosion tore it to pieces.
"Holy shit!" The others yelled out. I only saw the image for a while before being covered by a dark tunnel. The tram soon stopped at a very heavily guarded entry. Two fifty cal's and fifteen black clad ODSTs stood ready for any sign of an alien. They nodded as we ran by into the large bridge.
Inside it was also a bustle. The high commander stood at the edge of the room scratching his baldhead. As we approached he returned his Navy Brass hat and turned with a grim look. I saluted, he returned the gesture.
"Lieutenant we have a problem. The Covenant want Earth, and I think we both know why." I nodded, as did the others in my party, "I want you with Commander Keyes, she and her crew are taking the fight to Earth. And that's where I want you and your company. So load up Marine." I saluted once more and ran out.
The tram felt more disturbing to ride as it made its way to the hanger. Something shook the hull violently. And violent shaking of a five million ton structure is never good.
"Cortana report." Lord Hood's voice came over the COM. A strange yet familiar voice sounded back.
"The explosion came from inside the Athens. Most likely a bomb."
"Then they brought one here. Chief find it, all other personnel prepare for evacuation." The COM died and I looked at my rifle and gripped a little tighter.
"Lets get into the Amber and protect what's left of us. I want all of these bastards blood on my rounds. I want it to stain my streets. I want it to stain my hands. What say you?" The atmosphere lightened up and they all nodded. "Then get on that Pelican, and lets go greet em on the ground. Zack, open up a link to the whole company, I want everyone on the Amber now." The one next to me saluted and began to tap on a wrist pad.
The tram came to a halt and opened up onto a violent firefight. I raised my rifle and pulled the trigger, releasing three rounds into a Grunt. It fell over as each one hit. Soon after more fell as the others in my party let loose with rifles and SMGs. Grunts, Jackals, and the occasional Elite toppled over from the overwhelming firepower from to stationed 50 cals and fifteen other ODSTs and various crewmembers. One corporal ran up to me and saluted.
"Sir, good to see you. I thought we were in deep shit until you flanked em."
"Where's the pilot for this bird?" He looked around at everyone then a smirk came over his face.
"Well sir I guess I am."
"You guess?" I asked, nervousness in my voice.
"Sir I am only a trainee, but I've had at least seventy hours behind the stick. No orbital burns, right sir?" I nodded, "Then I'm your man." Slowly I waved everyone into the bird.
I took my seat and strapped in quickly as the doors began to close.
"Main engines on line, after burners set, disengaging clamps," a reverberating echo sounded through the hull, "Hanger venting atmosphere, doors opening. Hang onto your asses boys."
