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Fan Fiction

The Norinthian: First Contact by Deathhead666

The Norinthian: First Contact
Date: 7 January 2004, 3:06 AM

my first fan fic....please be nice

The cruiser Norinthian screamed through the blackness of space along with the destroyers Dostov,Warbringer and Prince of Wales. the four U.N.S.C. ships were flying at top speed towards a Covenant battlegroup of 32 Covenant ships. They knew they had no chance of living, but they had to give the thousands of civilian and military evacuation ships enough time to get off of Clerinus III.

On the Norinthian's bridge Captain Beringer said, "Ensign Jones, get Lieutenant Jameson on the COM". "Yes sir!" said Ensign Jones, as he promptly located and linked the commander of the 200 ODST troopers onto the COM. Jones knew he wasnt coming out of this engagement alive but felt oddly calm, and he had no idea why. Jameson's voice came onto the COM,and Captain Beringer spoke "Jameson prepare your men to repel boarders, the Covenant may try to board us". "Yes sir" came the reply. "Jones enact the Cole Protocol."
Moments later battle was joined...

The Dostov fired its MAC gun and a huge cluster of Archer missiles at a Covenant destroyer. The improved higher velocity ferric projectile smashed the Covenant ship's shields and the missiles ripped through its violet hull. But at this point the Dostov didn't exist, having been atomized by so many plasma torpedoes Beringer couldn't tell which Covenant ship scored the kill. Warbringer fired her Shiva nuclear missiles into the Covenant formation in rapid succession. The first nuke's EMP wave knocked out 5 Covenant ships leaving them dead in space,the second vaporized those ships and left 4 more dead in space. The third nuke vaporized the 4 ships. The rest of the Covenant ships had gotten out of the EMP radius. Longswords and Seraphs dueled to the death in the icy vacuum and Archer missiles streaked towards the Covenant along with fiery MAC gun rounds. Warbringer was hit several times with pulse laser fire and her decks burned. A Covenant flagship emerged from the rest of the Covenant ships and shot a white hot beam into the Prince of Wales. In the chaos the remaining half of the Prince of Wales collided with the flagship and both ships simply vanished in a nuclear fireball. The Norinthian had fallen behind while engaging a frigate. The exchange of fire left the Norinthian damaged and the frigate a burning hulk. Warbringer was hit by 4 plasma torpedoes and disappeared in a fiery haze. Norinthian fired her specialized MAC gun which like the Pillar of Autumn's MAC gun fired 3 successive rounds. A trio of blazing hell smashed the destroyer that had hit the Warbringer into pieces. To Beringer's surprise Warbringer flew past Norinthian, she was on fire as the plasma ate through the Titanium A battleplate. She screamed into the Covenant fleet and self destructed. A Shiva nuclear missile had a 100 megaton yield. The Warbringer's reactor had twice that and the detonation simply annihilated 10 Covenant ships. Beringer prepared his ship for it's final run, against impossible odds. At the last possible moment, when the Norinthian was just about to hurl herself into certain oblivion, FLEETCOM came through with a message: "Beringer get your group outta there!! We're clear!" Beringer screamed to Navigation Officer Riley," GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! RANDOM JUMP NOW!!" The Covenant closed in, apparently intent on capturing the Norinthian as she sped towards them,but never got the chance. Space distorted, light engulfed her, and she was gone. Chagrined the Covenant turned towards Clerinus III and began the process of burning it to cinder.

The Norinthian flew through Slipspace for days to make sure that they had slipped through the Covenant net. The battered Marathon class cruiser's AI Zeus came online. "Captain Beringer the Norinthian sustained some damage during that fight. Decks E through F are breached. MAC gun is fully operational. Autocannon ammunition at 87% and Archer missile pods D6 through E3 are non functional."
"Good" replied the Captain "we got a lucky bre-" and was cut off by Riley. "Captain we've got a ship inbound!" Beringer turned to Zeus's hologram. "Zeus Covenant or human?" Zeus slowly looked up at Beringer. "Sir spectroscopic analysis does not match known Covenant material....or human..wait, human lifesigns detected sir!"
Beringer blinked slowly and spoke nervously "Zeus that ship can't have humans on it....it isnt U.N.S.C...it looks more advanced than a Covie ship, what the hell is going on here?" Zeus stared at the massive juggernaut that filled the viewscreen for a full minute, an eternity for an AI to process information and slowly turned,"Captain i have no idea". "Well then, said Beringer, I think we should give em a friendly greeting...Jones hail that ship."
