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Fan Fiction

The Mars Annihilations by Janglurevil7

The Mars Annihilations
Date: 11 June 2003, 1:31 AM

The Mars Annihilations: Part 1
By Janglurevil7

Chapter 1:

The Pelican drop ship Convict 7-13 slowly turned into the view of the rear docking bay door opening. It hovered suspended by the air-foil. Its engines burst into action and it shot out from the hull of the UNSC Carrier Athena.
The largest ship in the UNSC forces. It had 6 meters of titanium A-plate armor. Almost fifty Archer missile pods lined the cruiser's honeycombed structure. The three MAC guns, were laid on the top, port, and starboard lay lines. Four point defense cannons stood at the front and back of the ship. Ten fighter bays we're strategically placed on the Athena. Two in back, four on starboard, and four on port.

The Pelican flew in the darkness of space...slowly moving towards it's objective. To get to Mars. The Pelican banked awkwardly to the port, and cut its engines. Convict 7-13 drifted momentarily in space to the right. An array of plasma nearly scraped along the Pelican's starboard hull. Convict 7-13 turned and opened fire at the offenders.
Bullets pinged helplessly off of the new Covenant drop-ships called Hellwakers. The shields slowly dripping on the Hellwaker, were deflecting most of the bullets. Then they gave out. A salvo of bullets impacted the plasma gun on the front of the Hellwaker's single holding cell. The plasma gun exploded, casting a fiery, hellish glow in front of it. The first two chambers of the holding cell were severed from the rest. The Covenant troops inside gasped for air, but simply froze.
The second plasma turret below the cockpit of the Hellwaker opened fire. Convict 7-13's hull reverberated once as a missile struck the Hellwaker squarely in the cockpit. It detonated in a fiery ember of orange and red.

Convict 7-13 made best speed to the atmosphere of Mars. When it arrived, it was ambushed from the groggy atmosphere by more Hellwakers.
"Master Chief, you have to jump!" The pilot yelled into the hatch of the Pelican. The doors opened, and the Master Chief leaped from the hatch, freefalling.

He landed on a passing Hellwaker, and punched a hole into the cockpit, tore out the Elite inside and took the controls. He opened the cell's holding chamber, jettisoning the Covenant forces inside. He turned to face the remaining Hellwakers...and opened fire with both plasma turrets.
Surrounded, the Master Chief started going backwards into the atmosphere of Mars, firing all the while. A shot from the other Hellwaker, listing badly, hit the engines of the Hellwaker. The Master Chief couldn't jump and live. He turned, and made fastest speed into the atmosphere.

The view of Nicollet, a urban center in Mars, from the atmosphere startled the Master Chief. The other Hellwakers hit a shot to the drop-ship again. The Master Chief's Hellwaker plummeted into a sky-scraper, igniting both the building and the Hellwaker in flames. The Master Chief clambered from the drop-ship, and got his MA5B assault rifle loaded. He looked out the window, and saw Covenant forces ravaging the streets below.

He jumped from the window, and landed with-in the force...made entirely of Hunters. He squatted, with his MA5B at the ready. His shields were depleted, and were slowly rising. He opened fire with his MA5B. Six of eight Hunters on the street turned and rushed the Master Chief.
Using a burst of adrenaline, the Master Chief jumped, and five Hunters collided with each other. The Master Chief landed on the sixth one, witch thrashed wildly. The Master Chief hanged on to the spines of the Hunter's armor.

The Master Chief was thrown from his ride on the Hunter as a fuel rod shot struck his back.
He was thrown nearly twelve meters in the air, before he landed with depleted shields. He backed himself against a wall, tasting the copper inside his mouth. He reloaded his spent MA5B rifle with armor piercing rounds.
He took out two pistols, and loaded them with explosive rounds.
The Master Chief was thrown through the wall he was covering behind when a Covenant Hellwaker fired a small plasma torpedo. The Master Chief's body was contorted in inhuman ways as he landed in a hill some thirty meters back.

A Covenant Whisper approached. The new airborne vehicle looked very much like the Ghost standard Covenant assault and reconnaissance vehicle. The Whisper had the same frame build up as the Ghost. Except that the Whisper had anti-grav pods similar to a Banshee implanted underneath the "wings". A mechanical tail-like plasma gun was mounted on the rear, like a scorpion tail. The two smaller plasma weapons on the cockpit sides were still there, and a fuel rod gun was also implanted just above an anti-grav pod below the center of the Whisper.

The Master Chief hopped to his feet. He searched for his MA5B, but could only find the two pistols. They had had the firing mechanism torn off. With no shields, the Master Chief was a sitting duck. He knelt on the ground, looking for the MA5B.
The Whisper was closer, he had no other options, and took off running. He looked behind them, and the Whisper was skimming the ground, less than a foot away. The Master Chief jumped, and a Pelican drop-ship crushed the Whisper, dwarfed by its size. Marines filed out, and the Master Chief got a sniper rifle from the ammo locker of the Pelican.
It was time to re-take Mars...

The Mars Annihilations Part 2
Date: 18 June 2003, 7:44 PM

The Mars Annihilations: Part 2
By Janglurevil7

Chapter 2:

The Master Chief, along with his squad of thirteen Marines, wandered down the abandoned streets of Nicollet. They reached a tall building, nearly two hundred and sixty stories tall. The Master Chief led the Marines nearer to the building. They looked inside a window on the first floor.
It was foggy, like looking through a sheet of ice. The Master Chief saw a shadow moving through the fog. He was puzzled.
A Banshee broke through the window, knocking the Master Chief over. The Marines opened fire. The Banshee turned and headed straight towards the Master Chief again. He crouched. As the Banshee flew over head, the Master Chief punched up through the 2 inch armor of the Banshee, and pulled out the pilot. The Banshee spun out of control and crashed into a field. The Master Chief and Marines entered the building via way of the smashed window.

There was no movement picked up by motion trackers. They made their way towards an elevator. They took up flanking positions when they heard the elevator coming back down. When it reached their level, it detonated, and two hunters came out, firing with fuel rod guns.
The Marines flew backwards, into the building wall behind them. The Master Chief holstered the sniper rifle he was carrying, and picked up a dropped a MA5B assault rifle on the floor.
He opened fire, and bullets pinged helplessly off of the Hunter's thick impenetrable armor. He looked at the ammo counter half gone. He rushed towards the elevators, and grabbed a pack from his grenade satchel. He pressed a button and jumped down the elevator shaft, holding onto the cable.
He slid down the cable, and felt a rush of heat and pressure pushing down on him as the proximity or a Lotus mine was breached.
The Master Chief was sliding into the basement of the building. On each floor he passed, blotches of red filled his HUD.
He finally landed on the bottom floor, and pried open the doors. He moved slowly, with deliberate pacing. The room was old, and filled form top to bottom with crates and boxes. The room was dark, and musky. Lights rowed the top of the ceiling. The Master Chief detected two red blips on his motion tracker, behind him, he swiveled around, and opened fire.
He saw nothing, but bullets pinged off of something, not a single bullet hit the wall. Like a Hunters armor, only with the camouflage of an Elite.
The Master Chief saw the blare of a Fuel Rod Gun blast over his head, and ducked. But instead of a green bolt flashing over head, he saw a continuous beam of blue light. Suddenly, two Hunters, in a silverfish gold colored armor, appeared.
Each Hunters armor gleamed in the light. Each had a reddish colored fuel rod gun attached to their arm. There were no sharp spines in the armor of these Hunters however. The large shield they carried was still there, integrated into their armor, but they each grasped in their hand a dual plasma sword.
The Master Chief charged at the new enemies.

The Hunters Swung at the same time, both swinging at the same entrance vector, the Master Chief's head. He jumped, and opened fire with the MA5B. The left Hunter smashed a crated with his shield and moved to the Master Chief's left flank. The Master Chief ducked and rolled to the position where the Hunter that had moved was originally.
He ran behind the right Hunter and fired a round into the Hunter's back, the other Hunter fired it's new fuel rod gun, and impacted the Hunter. The Master Chief watched as a gaping hole materialized in the Hunter's armor. The beam melted through both sets of the Hunters armor.
He didn't want to see what would happen if the beam hit him.
The Master Chief threw the dead Hunter aside and opened fire with the MA5B again. Bullets pinged helplessly on the gold plated Hunter armor.
The Master Chief saw no point's where he could kill the Hunter. He ran straight at the Hunter, and jumped.
The Hunter fired its fuel rod gun, and tracked the Master Chief up and over it's head, hitting the ceiling above rather than the Master Chief.

Across the room, the Master Chief saw another intact elevator shaft. He ran for it using his gene boosted skills. He hit the button up, and the elevator doors squealed open.
The ceiling was starting to collapse in, from the damage of the Hunter's fuel rod gun. He noticed a small glowing orb upon a platform, being scanned by a laser scanner. He took the orb and hopped in the elevator. The doors closed, and he hit the button for the ground floor.
The elevator went up, and the floor below collapsed by the destruction left in his wake.

The Mars Annihilations Part 3
Date: 23 September 2003, 2:14 AM

The Mars Annihilations: Chapter 3:
The Wake
By Janglurevil7

The Master Chief kicked open the elevator doors when it reached the ground floor. He opened fire with his MA5B, sweeping the destroyed ground floor clear of about twenty Grunts. He dropped the empty clip and searched for a new clip. None was found.
He dropped the MA5B and picked up a Covenant Plasma Assault Cannon. The
newest piece of Covenant infantry technology.

The cannon was shaped somewhat like the Fuel Rod Gun some of the black armored Special Operations Grunts toted with them. Unlike the Fuel Rod guns, these had a large battery where the fuel rods would have been stored. A small blade cut off small pieces of the battery which then dropped into a superheated chamber. It was then launched through a grater at the front of the gun which shredded the battery piece into small pieces which spread out like the human shot-gun. Anything impacted with the shards of battery from the cannon was melted through. Unlike the other plasma weapons that the Covenant used however, the battery could easily be replaced when it was gone.

The Master Chief punched out the front door of the building and waltzed out. He was immediately met with a brutal force of opposition. There were three equal rows of twenty Elites per row. The first row was made of blue armored Elites with Plasma Assault Cannons. The second was made up of the red armored Elites, wielding the Needlers. And the third was made of the black Special Ops Elites which had plasma rifles.
And at the very back, commanding all of them, was the golden Commander Elite. The golden Elite, which held both a dual plasma sword and an orange Jackal shield on each arm, raised his left arm, and brought it down swiftly.

The first row of Elites fired off their Plasma Assault Cannons until the batteries were empty. The Master Chief threw himself to the ground in front of him, narrowly missing the shards of plasma soaring overhead.
The first row dropped down to a crouching position and took out a new battery and started to reload. The second row of red armored Elites unleashed their Needlers. Thousands of plasma filled needles started to home in on the Master Chief. The Master Chief rolled to his left and grabbed a shield generator from the severed arm of a Jackal. He pressed the ON button and a brilliant blue-white shimmer appeared in-front of him as the needles homed in on him. The Master Chief watched in aw as the thousands of needles bounced harmlessly of his shield at oblique angles.
The second row was out of ammo for now. The first row was nearly done reloading their Assault Cannons. The Master Chief knew what was coming next. He knew that the shield wouldn't last one Plasma Rifle, what would twenty do to it. He also knew that he couldn't out run the fast firing plasma of the enemy.

The second row was dropping down. The Master Chief using the best instinct possible, tossed two fragmentation grenades into the thin area of space between the second and third row.
The Elites new that if they broke formation and ran, they would be killed by the superior with dual swords. They also realized that if they stood there, they would also be killed by the explosion from the fragmentation grenade.
Conflicted between a rock and a hard place, the Elites just fired away. Only nine percent of their batteries had been spent before the grenade detonated. The grenades sent all three rows flying through the air.

All that was left now was the golden Commander Elite that held two dual plasma swords and two orange Jackal shield generators.

The Master Chief had no idea what to do. The last Elite started to run towards him, and could sheer him in half with one blow. The Master Chief and no ammo and no grenades left. The Assault Cannon was empty and he had no time to reload it. The Elite would make it to him before he could find a new battery.
Then, before the Master Chief's eyes, the Elite was twisted in the most unnatural ways possible. The Elite's torso was separated from the waist. The left arm went flailing off and was also torn in half at the elbow. The left right thigh and kneecap were blown askew. The head was sheered from the base of its neck and went spinning to the ground.
The Master Chief looked to his left to see the two of the UNSC's reconnaissance and light assault vehicle known as the Warthog. Driver's already sat at the steering wheels. Both held passengers, and one had a third man gunning at M41-LAAG tri-barreled machine gun.
The Master Chief hopped onto the second LAAG gun on the other Warthog. The LAAG was an all around excellent gun. It had roles as anti-infantry, anti-aircraft, and anti-vehicular capabilities.

The two warthogs drove out of Nicollet and into the desert.
"Soldier, why are we leaving?" asked the Master Chief.
"Sir, there's a meeting in the capital Phillipe Massae. It's a long drive out there. We're bound to see Covenant crawling out of the wood-work."



After notes: The answers to the forerunner will finally be revealed in this story. Stay tuned to find out more!

Next Chapter: The Atrocities.

The Mars Annihilations Part 4
Date: 26 September 2003, 8:25 PM

The Mars Annihilations: Chapter 4:
The Atrocities
By Janglurevil7

The two Warthogs were traveling across the red deserted terrain of the Sakri'Harra Desert. The Warthogs started pulling into a pair of fishtails. The Warthog's stopped as the Convict 7-13 Pelican drop-ship was descending rapidly towards the ground below. From this distance, even the Master Chief couldn't even see why it was going down so fast.
From of in the distance, the Pelican fell into the ground and burst into flames. The Warthogs both floored out from their stall and headed straight towards the downed Pelican. Half-way there, the Master Chief spotted the source of the problem. A small force of Covenant vehicles had destroyed the Pelican's engines.

There were four Ghosts, a Wraith mortar tank, seven Banshees, a pair of Whispers, A Creep transport "bus", a pair of standard Covenant drop ships, and a single Hellwaker drop ship. There was no way in heaven or earth that they could use to defeat this threat. Then, the Master Chief saw the Wraith explode in a shower of sparks.

The Master Chief was able to observe a lone UNSC TM71-hL13 tank. Also known as the UNSC Dreadnought. The newest and finest of UNSC forces technology was the Dreadnought. It was twice as big as the Scorpion battle tank and was a fortress like no other.
The Dreadnought sported two of the Scorpion's main shell cannon. It had a large automated machine gun turret that had a three-hundred-and-sixty degree revolution. The Dreadnought also had the smallest Archer Missile launcher on the back. It had a small rocket pod that held two rockets in each of the ten "sections" of the pod.
The way it moved across terrain was even more remarkable. The people that designed the Dreadnought knew that they couldn't use wheels, treads, or any other available resource. Instead, they took anti-grav pods from disabled Banshees, Ghosts, and other Covenant vehicles that used the anti-grav pods and assembled them on the bottom of the Dreadnought. A large amount of grav pods were towards the back to support the heavy Archer Missile launcher.

The Hellwaker, and other Covenant drop-ships landed and started to unload their troops. The Dreadnought backed as far away as fast as possible, and launched its Archer Missile. The Dreadnought continued to back up as the missile fell and detonated in a brilliant flash of bright white.
When the blinding light cleared, the Creep, and all other Covenant vehicles were nowhere to be found. The Dreadnought, however, was sitting totaled just out of reach of the blast and the crater it left. The Pelican was nothing more than smoldering carcass of shrapnel and metal.

The two Warthogs drove at full speed towards the downed Dreadnought. Smoke bellowed from within the massive machine, and sparks periodically sprang from the cockpit. As the Warthogs came within one hundred yards of the Dreadnought, it exploded in a red and white flash that sent both the Warthogs flying backwards into the desert. When the dust settled, the Master Chief's shields were begging to recharge. His bio-meter was at half, and he tasted blood in his mouth.
The monitors inside his helmet started to turn back on. His vision returned and he surveyed the area. Both Warthogs were laying useless against a small butte, some forty yards away. The five Marines were scattered, motionless, around the side of the butte also.
The Master Chief wandered over to the Marines and Warthogs. He tried to wake the Marines, even though he knew they were dead. He picked up their grenades, and took one of their MA5B standard assault rifles. He took their ammo, and added a scope to the MA5B. He righted one of the Warthogs, but found that it had been totaled. He tried the other one, but to no avail.
He saw Nicollet city, but it was no more than a speck. The Master Chief started to jog towards the city and slung both guns over his back. He found a pistol laying on the ground. He picked it up, and put a clip in it. He holstered it and started to jog again.

The Master Chief was thrown a foot back as a purple beam came from the sky and landed in front of him. A small chip was there, and it was unmistakably made by the UNSC. He picked it up, and placed it in the chip placement drive by his ear on his helmet. He heard the cool voice of Cortana in his mind.
"Hello Master Chief, it's been some time."

The Mars Annihilations Part 5
Date: 21 April 2004, 8:45 PM

The Mars Annihilations:
Return Trip

"Cortana, how did you get here?" asked the Master Chief.
"The Athena was able to pinpoint your location, and used an advanced transport device to beam me down. Kind of like that old twentieth-century show."
"Where should we go? We're stranded down here in this desert. Last I heard there was a meeting in the capitol of Phillip Massae."
"The meeting was canceled. There is no more capitol. The Covenant glassed it. We are now to head to Caspian, where there will be a Pelican to pick us up. The walk is roughly 8.7 kilometers, I suggest we get moving."
The Master Chief and Cortana began moving in the direction of Caspian.

After about six and a half kilometers, they came in contact with a downed Banshee. They found a dead Marine located about fourteen meters away. The Master Chief opened the cockpit of the Banshee, when an Elite sprung up from behind it. It growled, and grasped the Plasma Rifle at its belt. The Master Chief un-shouldered the MA5B assault rifle on his back, and fired a round into the Elite's head.

The bullet ridden head fell and rolled off the right wing, and the body landed, spread eagle, across the top of the hatch. The Master Chief moved the body off the top, and got into the cockpit. He was taking off, when a pulsating stream of blue light passed by the left of the cockpit. He flew up high, and then swung around for a peek.
Below, a dozen of the silver-golden armored Hunters de-cloaked. They started firing at the Banshee. The Master Chief started flying towards Caspian again. The Banshee wouldn't be able to stand up to the Hunters fire-power. He flew in a zigzagging pattern in attempt to throw off the Hunters' aim. As he was almost out of range of their firings, a pulse stream struck the left anti-grav pod, shearing it from the wing. Sparks started to fly from the left wing, and the Banshee started to dip in that direction. The Master Chief tried to maintain the altitude, and had nearly stabilized when a second pulse stream struck the right wing, separating it completely from the Banshee.
The Banshee started to fall towards the Martian surface, and the Master Chief jumped out from the cockpit just as it crashed and exploded against the terrain, leaving a crater the size of a house.

The Master Chief started running towards Caspian, enhanced by his super-human augmentation. He looked over his shoulder, only to see the Hunters pursuing at almost equivalent speed. He was running when he came across a Warthog, with three dead Marines around it. He hopped in, and started driving. The Hunters disappeared into specks behind him, and he saw Caspian nearing.
As he approached, he came across a barricade of Covenant Jackals. He throttled the gas peddle, and drove directly through them. He drove down the first street, and pulled a hard right when he saw a group of Elite's armed with Needlers. He turned left and then another right, and came to an open field. The Pelican was there, under heavy fire from Covenant Elites. The Pelican started to thrust from the ground, and aimed for the heavens. The hatch was open, and two Marines called for the Master Chief. He jumped from the moving Warthog, and ran towards the Pelican. He leaped using the augmentations, and gripped the hatch door with his left hand, laying down covering fire with the MA5B. He pulled himself up into the hatch.
He looked down, and saw a Covenant Wraith pulling into position. The Master Chief ran up to the cockpit.
"Ensign, disengage the Warthog! There is a Wraith within firing range."
"But sir, I don't understand, how will th-" the ensign began.
"Just do it!" yelled the Master Chief.
He ran back to the hatch, and saw the locks on the Warthog disengage. It dropped, spinning vertically. The Wraith fired its plasma mortar. The Warthog and mortar collided, sending a debris of wreckage hurling downward. Bits and pieces of the Warthog sprinkled upon the terrain, burning holes through the surface.

The Pelican lifted high, and took off into space. It passed through the oxygen rich atmosphere, and eventually passing through the o-zone layer. It strayed left, just out of sonar range of a small invasion force of Hellwakers, and approached the Athena. The docking bay door was raised, and the Pelican landed safely within the Athena's hull.

Un-noticed by the scanners, a small battalion of Banshees with modified cloak modifications snuck in and landed in the dock with the Pelican.
