
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Last Castle by Fallen Angel

The Last Castle Part 1 Kiluth Under Siege
Date: 28 October 2004, 11:18 PM

Chapter 1
March 6, 2452
Aboard The UNSC Battlecruiser "Georgia"
Over the Epsilon Eridani System

Capain Stien's voice barked over the intercom,"ATTENTION ALL PERSONEL. THIS IS A CODE 5, GENERAL QUARTERS! GENERAL QUARTERS!" Like a buch of students rushing out of their classrooms, The crew of the Georgia piled out of their rooms to get ready for a routine skirmish as they thought was going on. Little did they know that this would be the battle of their lives. Within ten minutes the entire North Atlantic Fleet was battle ready. "Covenant Frigates and destroyers inbound at 3.89 degrees north" Lieutenant Kinsey exclaimed.

The shipboard A.I., Sparticus, after the great gladiator who almost overthrew the Roman Empire, said,"Correction, 3.90 dgrees northwest Miss Kinsey." A brilliant tactitian and a "Cocky Little Bastard" as Kinsey put it, was probably the best A.I. ever created to that time. Lt. Kinsey on the other hand, hated his cocky attitude. She is one of the best weapons speacialists in the fleet, hitting a Covie flagship with one shot tearing it to shreads from three million kilometers away. Normally, she is a nice woman to talk to, but on the battlefield, she is a firecracker.

"Berring 190 degrees. Awaiting orders sir." Ensign Himora said. This young Ensign is a crack shot and is one of the best pilots in the UNSC. He's flown the Georgia through hell and back without a scratch. Among the rest of the flight crew, Captain Stein was sitting above every one else fiddling with his medal that was awarded to him for shooting down eight frigates, 5 destroyers, 2 carriers, and 1 cruiser in the battle of New Haven. Brass had sent the North Atlantic fleet to the Epsilon Eridani System to stop the Covies from breaking through the inner colonies. Other than risking your fleet through the large astroid belt surrounding the inner colonies, the Eridani System was the gateway to earth.

With only one base to protect this small system, and the Covenant finding it's importance for their invasion, we had no choice but to put all efforts to this position. Instead, by a bold move Stein Volunteered to send his fleet, the best they had, to certain death. It seemed logical enough, no use spending billions of lives to protect 5 million square miles. "Standby." he said. It was beginning to look like a bad idea real quick. More and more ships were comming out of that gate.

"What should we do?" Himora said in disbilief. "That's too many ships! Even we can't fight all of that"."Not neccisarily." Sparticus said not even the least bit worry. "What are you talking about?!" Lt. Kinsey Screamed, "We're screwed!"

The captain just stood there staring at the gas giant and Kiluth's two moons pondering to himself. He finally made a sound, " Himora, take us around that gas giant. Kindsey tell the rest of the fleet to fall back to the planet." " What are you planning captain?" Sparticus said. "I plan to land on Kiluth, Destroy the gate letting all those ships in, and settle in for a long winter." Any other crew wouldn't have thought it impossible, but multitasking is what captain Stien the best at taking out multiple targets with one ship. " I hope this works" Sparticus said.

One by one, all personel left the ship until it was only the crew left in the flight deck. The ship seemed so quiet without all the crew and marines waiting to land on the ground, Almost an errie sense of being watched. "That's it. All personel and crew are off the ship." Sparticus said," What's next?". The captain took one last look around the deck. He wanted to look back on all his memories on this deck, all the battles he fought. Now he was just going to throw it all away to try and slow down the covanent armada from getting to earth.

He had grown a bond with this ship, but mabe it was time to move on. It was time to let go. " Okay, it's time to leave." Stien said, "Sparticus set the reactor for overload and arm every nuke, missle, and bomb we have on this ship. The rest of you pile into the escapepods, Sparticus and I will get on when preparations are complete." Then, there were two. Now it was time to say goodbye to an old friend. "Sparticus are preparations complete?" Captain said.
"Yes, I am copying myself to pilot the ship to the gate. Then, the ship will make a big boom 2 minutes after we leave." "Brilliant!" Captain exclaimed.They both left on a pelican with time to spare. As they reached the planet's atmosphere, they saw the gate implode. Then, they saw more ships, more slowly now, come through the belt. The 600 million men, women, and A.I. were now in for a very long winter of death, destruciton, and turmoil....

Let me know how this story is and I'll make more of this story.
