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Fan Fiction

The LIfe of an Elite by HK

The Life of an Elite: Arrival (Part 1)
Date: 23 September 2004, 4:41 AM

0600 Units, Ninth Age of Reclamation (Covenant Military Calendar)/
Covenant Battleship Holy Spirit, Threshold System, station-keeping near HALO Installation 04

Unlike warships constructed by humans, Covenant warships are constructed in a much in sensible way. In other words, instead of honeycombing their warships with small corridors, all Covenant ships have massive hangers and chambers constructed within them, connected by high-ceilinged corridors designed to accommodate all of their crews.
Inside one of the cavernous hangers, Etha `Fukamee, a Covenant Elite in cobalt-blue armor stood. `Fukamee was only a trooper within the ranks of his species. However, like all his kin, he was high above any other species in the Covenant military.
None of these things were at the forefront of `Fukamee's mind, however, as he stood in front of one of the battleship's view ports and stared deep into space; where a massive, beautiful, ring-shaped world spun serenely in the heavens. Magnificent. `Fukamee thought. It had been 70 units since he said good-bye to his loving mother and boarded the battleship heading to this remote location in space. I had promised her to come home alive, `Fukamee thought with a pang of sorrow.
Never mind those now, `Fukamee thought as his squad master, Soka `Betumee, walked in. Words had passed down from the Truth and Reconciliation, that a human warship had managed to crash land on HALO, and now there are filthy humans running amok on the ancient Forerunners' creation. `Fukamee, now fully alert, rushed to the armory to grab his plasma rifle, pistol, and grenades.
A moment later, thirty Phantom dropships left the Holy Spirit and rushed toward the surface of the ancient construct. There are humans to kill and `Fukamee is eager to obtain one of their skulls to start his own collection.

0655 Units, Ninth Age of Reclamation (Covenant Military Calendar)/
On board Covenant Phantom Dropship en route to HALO Installation 04

"Brace yourselves!" The Elite in the pilot's seat yelled, and `Fukamee felt the ship jolt, as it continued its descent into the ring-world's atmosphere. The Atmosphere inside the ship, however, is tense - thirty heavily armed Elites, Jackals, and Grunts were strapped into seats inside the passenger compartment. Two Hunters, who were also present on board the ship, were strapped into their own compartments. `Fukamee, who had found a seat in the rear end of the ship, felt excited. "How many humans are down on the surface, Excellency?" He inquired the squad master. The scarlet-armored soldier looked at the rookie, and said, "We have not had exact reports. But our ship master estimates that the enemy numbers at around five hundred."
`Fukamee was confused. He asked, "Excellency, with merely hundreds of humans, our troops on the construct should be able to annihilate them without any trouble. Why are we send in?" he finished with a puzzled look on his face. "Well, normally it would have been so. But the human ship carried special warriors that are superior to average humans. We are send in to destroy every single human on the ring to ensure that our operations go undisrupted." The squad master answered with a nod.
`Fukamee nodded in agreement. He had heard of such humans; he was eager to fight one in combat and claim his skull.

1230 Units, Ninth Age of Reclamation (Covenant Military Calendar)/Surface

"Fire! Fire!" The squad master, `Betumee was screaming. `Fukamee fired his plasma rifle over and over again; a sense of adrenaline-boosted battle frenzy had taken over him. Their landing had no gone too well. They managed to spot a total of three human lifeboats scattered around a large Forerunner installation of some sorts. The humans were already dug in when they arrived; `Betumee had ordered a charge. The charge was disastrous. The humans outnumbered them two-to-one, and they were well armed with all manners of human weaponries.
`Betumee's squad had been decimated. Eighteen of its members lay dead; slaughtered by the filthy humans from the roof of the installation. So now, the squad had established a LZ for more dropships to arrive. With more soldiers, they will overrun the human position.
`Fukamee grinned as three more Apparition dropships arrived, dropping an additional thirty Covenant soldiers, including a Shade energy cannon. With the humans pinned down by the Shade fire, `Fukamee and his fellow Elites hurled themselves headlong at the humans in a charge, closely followed by Grunts and Jackals. `Fukamee felt thrill as he used a plasma grenade to destroy a human fortification; he felt even more thrill as they charged up the ramps and sent the humans scattering. `Fukamee chased one down himself; bashing the human with his rifle until the thing's head resembled the mud on the ground.
With the battle over in this sector, the Covenant troops gathered their dead and wound; they loaded them into the dropships while `Fukamee and some other Elites wandered among the dead humans, looking for trophies.
Finally, `Fukamee jumped on a dropship and relaxed for a second. It had been a long but fun day.
