
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Flight To Reach by duckfoot

The Flight To Reach - part one : Takedown
Date: 27 June 2004, 7:20 PM

The master chief spun round and kicked another grunt into an air lock, before slamming his palm into a button, which then opened the airlock to the vacuum of space. He slowly breathed out, and his shoulders slumped. Ever since the covenant had attacked the first human colonies, they had been on the back foot. Ever retreating, ever losing. The covenant's superior technology wiped out world after world. Dagon IV had just fallen, and the Soldiers on board the integrity were repelling the covenant that had found their way onto the ship. They were heading back to reach for maintenance and orders.

Lieutenant first class Jacob Long was reaching towards the pad that would open the door to the cargo bay when there was a loud beep. His 10 man squad stiffened behind him as the doors began to open by themselves, and the Lieutenant himself raised his rifle. The doors hissed open fully to reveal... nothing. The dim lights of the cargo bay revealed rows of crates and supplies, but nothing more. Nervous marines muttered behind him, and as if by magic, twenty blue swords flashed into existence. There was a seconds pause, and then eleven rifles sounded their reports. Twelve of the swords danced away from the bullets, while eight seemed to fall to the ground by themselves, the elites holding them flickering in and out of view, and finally falling to the floor. Jacob fired another sustained burst into the area to the left of one of the swords and succeeded in bringing the elite holding it down. Just a the humans thought they were winning, a plasma grenade flew along the length of the corridor towards the marines. The grenade flew directly onto the barrel of an MA5 B, and promptly detonated, sending small parts of human flesh around the cramped walls.

"master chief?"

The bridge staff were anxious. Their guard had left to attend to an emergency on deck B, and each one of them was expecting a grunt to appear from an equipment locker near them. The staff that were armed felt their pistols anxiously, but they knew that if they drew them without reason, the captain would lose it. Captain Chris Yemen was sitting on his seat on the higher part of the bridge, his arms folded. He spoke again into the small microphone in his chair.

"master chief? Are you there?"

This time the master chief answered. The personnel stationed on the bridge breathed a sigh of relief. The captain was not one to be kept waiting, and it was beneficial to all that he was answered promptly.

"roger that captain. What do you want, sir?"the master chief replied.

"we need you to assist some marines on B-deck. The squad we sent to clear the cargo bay of hostiles hasn't reported in yet."

"roger that."

Jacob Long waited for the elites to pass, and them made a cough and moved his head slightly. One elite looked around, and then walked directly towards the burned marine. He began to gloat to his comrades, and began to raise his sword for the kill, when Jacob opened his hand wide, and revealed its contents. The priming lever of the M9 grenade sprang off with a clang. Jacob grinned his final smile as the elite realised what was about to happen, and began to scream.

The master chief ran along the narrow corridor, dodging round the group of personnel or marines that were patrolling the corridor, and then slammed himself into a cargo lift. There was a loud thump as somewhere nearby a grenade exploded, and he pressed the button inside the lift down. The Lift shuddered, and began to ascend. After a few seconds, the lift stopped, and allowed a heavily armed squad of marines to enter. They each met the master chief with a brief nod of respect, and then filed onto the lift platform.

"where are you heading?" the master chief enquired.

"up to cargo bay. Sounds like that's where all the covenant are holed up." the marine sergeant replied. He was fair skinned, with grey eyes, and a slight stubble, which hinted of little spare time recently. The master chief was surprised at his less than aggressive tone and lack cockiness that was the norm of ODST troopers. In fact, this guy was almost friendly. The chief dismissed his irrelevant thoughts, and checked over his rifle. The other marines checked over their weapons, and primed their grenades. Going by the noise, there was one hell of a fight ahead.

Tulumee Kantar watched the glowing human numbers morph slowly into double figures. He knew the lift was coming for them, but he had no idea what kind of force was preparing to meet them. Four elites, including him, six jackals, and a group of around twenty grunts were huddled around the lift entrance in defensive positions, preparing to kill any humans who entered the area. The lift counter stopped, and the doors slowly. A small, metal device slid across the floor, hit a table, and stopped. The golden-clad elite bent over to examine it. It did not look like one of the human explosive devices, but was around the same size. The elite was about to give orders when the device exploded in a flash of white light, and marines began to flood into the room...

^*.*^ hope you liked it - please give some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and/or compliments!

Check out www.akashicnetwork.co.uk - kinda empty at the moment, but its my friends website, and I feel obliged to ask you to see it.
